Voice of Thunder

Should Christians Obey the OT Law? - EP2 Law & Gospel


Episode 2 - Law & Gospel
Why should Christian’s keep the 10 Commandments? 
Are we obligated to keep some of the OT Laws? 
Today we discuss the Preservationist position. 

We should presume that Old Testament standing laws continue to be morally binding in the New Testament, unless they are rescinded or modified by further revelation.
-Greg L. Bahnsen

“Moralist“ (my term): 
[insist] that the moral law (that is, the Ten Commandments) remains in force, while the ceremonial and civil laws of the old covenant are now obsolete along with that covenant itself.
-Michael Horton 

In the series 𝐋𝐚𝐰 & 𝐆𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥, we will discuss the different viewpoints of this topic and passages of scripture each use. After 3+ weeks, 167 passages, and 400 pages of reading; I am excited to share about this topic! The goal of this study is to understand WHY and HOW to please God. Not to promote lawlessness, immorality, or opportunity for the flesh. We should have a desire to know WHY we do certain things so we may have the proper motive to serve Him.