My Daily Mindset

Dealing with Adversity: There are No Problems...Only Solutions!

Casey Moran Season 1 Episode 137

Adversity is a daily event, or events (depending on the day). Some days, it feels like life is one big adversity. Today, learn how to change your perspective and look at adversities as growing opportunities.

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Take that perspective. Look at it like that. There are no problems or only solutions, because it's when you can really adopt that mindset. I'm telling you right now, life gets a lot easier. Welcome to my daily mindset, where you get an inspirational, educational and motivational message each day to help you live your best life. How often is it that you wake up and things just start going wrong? Adversity starts to hit you right away as soon as you wake up, and it just keeps coming and coming and coming. This is what has happened to me this morning. And I just want to talk to you guys about how I deal with Adversity. And because it happens, right? Almost on a daily basis, something's not going to go the way you want it to go. And it could be small. It can be large. It could be multiple. Right. It's interesting how sometimes when things go sideways and Adversity hits you, it hits you the same. When it rains, it storms. Right? Like, that's what happens a lot of times. At least my perception. Right. And in my life now, with that said, you can go a couple of different ways on this. It can start hitting you, and you can let it just beat you down. And by the end of the day, you are just like, I'm over it. I'm done. I'm going to go hide in a corner, or you can look at it each thing face to face and go, Okay. And one of my mottos, there are no problems. There are only solutions. So look at each thing and go, Okay. This is what it is. Don't avoid it, right? You look at it. You go, Here it is. It's in front of me. How do I get around it over it or through it? What's the solution to this adversity or whatever it may be. So if that's happening to you or the next time it does start to happen to you, take that perspective. Look at it like that. There are no problems or only solutions, because it's when you can really adopt that mindset. I'm telling you right now, life gets a lot easier. And like I said this morning, I woke up and emails and texts and this thing started coming. And you're like, Really, but that's it. It's like, okay, challenge, challenge accepted. Let's do this. And the way I look at the universities is I kind of put them into a game format. I like to look at it like that. Okay. How is this? How do I win against this? I guess. Right. And so, again, if that starts happening to you, if it's happening to you right now and it doesn't just have to be in a day, it could be weeks and months. I mean, your whole life could be adversity the way you're looking at it, your perspective. But start looking at it the other way. Don't get beat down by them. But allow it to let you rise up and be a better you and overcome these adversities. And it's one adversity at a time. Don't try and take on the entire world. If you think everything's coming down on you, don't look at it in its totality. Start looking at it one by 1 and just chipping away at it, because that's how you're going to get into it. And that's how you're going to get over it and through it or around it. So whatever is happening to you this week, today, whatever, or the next time things start going sideways, look at as a challenge. And it's hard for me to even say this because most people are like, Wait, but enjoy it. Go. Okay, this is a challenge. I'm going to enjoy this. I'm going to make this fun. I'm going to get to go around this, over it or through it. So start looking at adversities. Not as such a negative thing, but because what happens is as you go through and get past these adversities, you or better you. So it's you growing. So look at it that way as well, right? If life was easy, you'd be stale. There'd be no growth. It would just be a cakewalk. I'm sorry, but that's not a fun life. You want to be a better you every single day. So start looking at these adversities as possibilities to grow and be able a better you. All right. Go ahead and have an amazing one. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Remember, this is your life. Live your way. I appreciate you listening today. And hopefully you found something useful in today's message. And if you did, and if you did find value, please comment. Also share it with somebody else that may benefit from this. And if you haven't already, please Subscribe so that you can get an inspirational educational and motivational message for me every single day.