My Daily Mindset

New Month, New Week, New Day...How to Make it Count!

Casey Moran Season 1 Episode 150

We love to start things at certain week is nice, new month is pretty big and of year, new me.  We are starting a new month (August) and It's a Monday, so why don't you start something you've been wanting to. I'll show you how.

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Just do small things every day and it will accumulate. And by the end of the month, you will be surprised at where you are. Welcome to my daily mindset, where you get an inspirational, educational and motivational message each day to help you live your best life. It is August, a brand new month. It is Monday, a brand new week. You know what that means? It's a perfect time for you to start doing something you've been wanting to do. It's much easier for us. It just is if it's a Monday, it's a brand new month. Obviously, brand new year is a big one. So what do you want to do? What is something that you've been wanting to do is to eat better, to be healthier, to exercise, work on your relationship, finances, whatever it may be, it doesn't matter. Pick something and work on it this month. Now, don't think of it like, Oh my gosh, I got to work it all month long. Think of it like I'm starting today. And how do you start it right today? It's Monday. So do something small, maybe just write it down. Whatever it is that you want to do, that's the first thing I tell everybody to do anyway. Just write it down. What is it that you want to do? So today, write it down. Then for tomorrow, what's the first thing that you can do? First? Small action step. It doesn't have to be big. It doesn't have to be Grand. But this is how you get things done, be consistent and do it every single day. And it doesn't have to be. Like I said, big. Just do small things every day and it will accumulate. And by the end of the month, you will be surprised at where you are right now. Think about something that you want to do. Write it down and then write down what you're going to do tomorrow to help you start that goal, to get that thing going and then next day, do the same thing right now, what you're going to do the next day and the next day and the next day. I'm telling you, the end of the month, the end of August, you will be surprised at where you're at. All right. Go out and do it. Like I said, be like Nike, just do it. Have an amazing one. I'll talk to you tomorrow. And remember, this is your life. Live your wife. I appreciate you listening today. And hopefully you found something useful in today's message. And if you did and if you did, find value, please comment. Also, share it with somebody else that may benefit from this. And if you haven't already, please Subscribe so that you can get an inspirational, educational and motivational message for me every single day.