Charge My Core

(Interview) Are you curious about living with ADHD with Jak Levine-Pritzker

Susie Bell Episode 55

What’s all the fuss about ADHD? Do you have ADHD or suspect you might? Have you had a recent diagnosis and are looking for support? Are you searching for someone who just “gets it?”

 In episode 55,  I interview Jak Levine-Pritzker a fellow ADHDer and coach for other ADHDers. She is a law school graduate turned entrepreneur passionate about supporting folks in living a life that works for their brains! She is queer, an Enneagram 2 and into climbing. Jak has a background in social justice that influences how she runs her business and the questions she asks herself on the daily. 

 In this episode we discuss all things ADHD, what ADHD is, managing a personal brand and being an entrepreneur with it, self diagnosing, Jak's top coping mechanisms for her symptoms, the real meaning of neurodiversity and so much more. 

 I wanted Charge My Core to be a safe space for guests to get vulnerable about their journey of self discovery and for you to feel less alone navigating the modern digital world.  I want the interviews to be real people with real inspiring stories of self discovery.

 If you want to connect with Jak on social,  or work with her, you can find her on Instagram at here Or visit her website

 If you want to continue the discussions we had on the podcast and have more reminders in your digital world to be mindful, listen to yourself and bring some joy please follow the podcast's new Instagram by following this link!

So, if you're in the mood for a cup of tea, a hug and a kick in the butt all at once, you're in the right place! 

If you vibed with this episode, SUBSCRIBE! And share a screenshot on your Instagram stories and tag me @ensusiasm @chargemycore . If you vibed...I bet your friends will too! Together we can figure out how to charge up ourselves as much as our devices...Until next time focus on less scroll and more soul.