Everything is everywhere: How microbes move through a city
The Boma
The Boma
Everything is everywhere: How microbes move through a city
Apr 20, 2022 Season 2 Episode 4
International Livestock Research Institute

Little is known about how bacteria spread through different sections of a city. Now the most extensive study of its kind uncovers some critical answers of how bacteria move through Nairobi, lessons that could have implications for the wider world. After all, what is being seen in Nairobi today could easily be in New York or Paris by tomorrow morning.

Presenters Elliot Carleton and Brenda Coromina hear from ILRI scientists Dishon Muloi and Eric Fèvre as they find out how urbanisation could produce the next disease outbreak.

Read more:
A new model of pathogen transmission in developing urban landscapes

Music: Flute Song by Moby courtesy of mobygratis.com