Venturous Session: Comprehensive Supply Chain Collaboration - China's Leading Enterprise Service Cloud Platform
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Venturous Group
Venturous Session: Comprehensive Supply Chain Collaboration - China's Leading Enterprise Service Cloud Platform
Feb 16, 2023

Ms. Lan Luo, Chief Investment and Financing Officer of Linxforce, delivered a presentation at a Venturous Session on 15 February 2023. Linxforce, which was established in 2015, is a third-party supply chain collaboration service provider for enterprises. The company offers a B2B invoice management system, known as "fapiao" in China, to more than 200 Fortune/Forbes 500 companies.

Fapiao is not only a legal receipt that serves as evidence of the purchase of goods and services but also a critical component of China's tax law and business compliance. Furthermore, since Linxforce is a recognized fapiao service provider across 36 provincial tax bureaus in China, its clients can enjoy a more streamlined process with banks for financial loans due to their revenue transparency.

When asked if Linxforce could expand its services outside of China, given that the fapiao invoice system is unique to China, Ms. Lan Luo responded that their services remain relevant to other global tax systems because the fundamental need for a comprehensive supply chain collaboration service provider persists.