Early Childhood Ireland's Podcast
Early Childhood is the leading national children’s advocacy and membership organisation. We work in partnership with Early Years, School Age Care and Childminding settings to ensure that every child is thriving and learning. We advocate for an effective and inclusive system which values, supports and invests in childhood, children and services.
Our Vision is that every child is thriving and learning in quality Early Years and School Age Care in centre-based and Childminding settings.
Our Mission is to champion quality for children in Early Years, School Age Care and Childminding settings, through our work with our members and on the system.
Early Childhood Ireland's Podcast
From Mutilingulaism to Plurilingualism, with Liz Kerrins and Dr Francesca La Morgia
Our World of Languages: Episode three
In this episode Liz Kerrins, from Early Childhood Ireland and Dr Francesca La Morgia, from Mother Tongues discuss the changing terminology around languages and why the term plurilingualism is more inclusive and respectful. They refer to the OWL provocations pack, which you can check out at https://www.earlychildhoodireland.ie/learning/owl-project/