Simplify Your Healing
Simplify Your Healing
#12: 3 Missing Pieces to Your Healing (that you must know!)
Got your list for healing?
- Gluten free foods, check!
- Juicer, check!
- Supplements, check!
- Colon cleanse, check!
- DIY brain retraining program, check!
- Air purifier, check!
- Essential oils, check!
- Affirmations, check!
- EMF protector, Check!
You got it all covered, right?
What if I told you none of these are really essential for your healing? That what you have been told that you need to heal has been all wrong. I’m here to tell you that despite all of these things on your list that you think are crucial pieces to your healing, you are most likely still missing 3 very important pieces.
In today’s episode I will reveal to you the 3 pieces to healing that everyone that comes to me is always missing. Once you know these 3 missing pieces, your healing arsenal will be complete!
Your symptoms aren’t the problem—your body is speaking to you.
Learn how to understand its messages and unlock healing.
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Thanks for listening!