Come With Us Podcast

Age Gaps, Healthy Conversations, and the Bedroom: A Lively Chat

Beth Liebling Episode 154

Get ready to shatter some taboos! Together with Erin, we're diving headfirst into the rarely discussed territory of sexuality and aging. Shedding light on the common misconceptions, we hold a frank conversation on the importance and benefits of maintaining an active love life at any age. Spoiler alert - age is not just in the mind, but also in the body. You might find yourself chuckling or nodding along as we share personal anecdotes and the silly things we did when we thought we were invincible.

Are you ready to unlock the secret to brain health? Here's a hint: it involves the bedroom. Recent studies have unveiled a remarkable correlation between an active sex life and improved mental well-being. No matter the frequency or the quality of your intimate encounters, there's a good chance you are doing wonders for your brain health. With a light-hearted approach, we unpack these findings, while also sharing a personal journey to maintaining an active sex life at the age of 83 post-prostate surgery.

And, just when you thought things couldn't get more interesting, we venture into the realm of age gaps in relationships, the fine art of sexual communication, and the critical need for a positive discussion around sex as we advance in age. We also share our own experiences, like that one time at a blowjob class, and recount tales of navigating relationships with younger partners. So, buckle up for an enlightening ride, filled with laughter, grace, and a sprinkle of cheekiness. Let's talk openly about sex, aging, and everything in between!

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Speaker 1:

Are you saying you faked with me? Yeah, I just can't say oh, oh, oh, oh, I can't wrong now you're single.

Speaker 3:

What do you know about sexual relations? Is it true that if you don't use it, you use it?

Speaker 2:

I'm a little worried about being a slut. You're listening to the Come With Us podcast Talking the good, the kinky and the ugly. Here are your hosts, beth and Erin. Hello, hello, hello.

Speaker 3:

Are you sexy? Hold and hold. We're gonna talk about sex as you get older. Oh my God, for all you young folks out there, I can't believe I'm so fucking old. But yeah, I'm like 58 years old. That's fricking old. But God, sex is so good and here's the coolest thing we're gonna tell you why and how it's so fricking good for you.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, this is obviously a topic close to my heart, but also universally significant, and we'll talk about not only why having great sexy fun is important, even as you get older especially maybe when you get older but also how you can keep having great sexy fun at any age, despite whatever health things and things are going on. So fulfilling love life it's not just a luxury, it is essential. Anyway, I'm Beth Darling, so glad that you're here with us. You can find me. You can find my book, the Five Kinds of Intimacy, which will help you keep a good, happy, romantic, sexy love life going. It's called the Five Kinds of Intimacy how to Keep your Love Alive. You can find it on Amazon or on my website, bethdarlingcom, and I'm here with Erin who oh my God, you're so fucking young now.

Speaker 1:

I am not.

Speaker 3:

You are, you're in your 30s and something like I forget that there's this huge age gap between us. It's just sometimes it shocks me when I think about it, because I mean okay, my birth certificate says I'm in my 30s.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but if I were to die right this minute and be not modified but buried and then experts were to dig up my bones later, the bones would show that I am like 50 or something like that, because my knees are shit, my ankles are shit Like. I have lived a hard life of jumping bike ramps and being a dumb ass and moving cars and all kinds of dumb stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that is stupid.

Speaker 1:

And my body is paid for it. My body is now paying for it, when I thought I was invincible. Clearly, 19 year old Erin was fucking wrong.

Speaker 3:

Well, they say age is in the mind and I'm like, no, no, no, that's bullshit. Age is in the body, because my mind I'm still like 28 years old. In fact, sometimes I'll find myself I'll be running through an airport because I'm late or something, and I'm thinking I'm just this 28 year old running through an airport. And then I have this out of body experience and I go, oh shit, like other people see this old lady running through the airport. Why are you running through an airport? Because I was going to miss a flight and I had forgotten my iPad because I had forgotten my iPad why Las?

Speaker 3:

Vegas airport at the security and I had to run all the way fucking back and they had that pilot was nice and help the plane for me. But yeah, now it's sweating buckets and I was coughing like crazy because I get asthma with that, Anyway, so anyway. So we're not going to talk about bad health things just because I'm old. We're not going to talk about vitamins and shit.

Speaker 1:

No, but you're forgetful at 20. You have the memory of a 90 year old.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I know it's ridiculous, it is insane.

Speaker 1:

It is insane you need an actual oompa loompa to follow you around. No, I just keep track of all your shit. Yes, I do, I need to.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. That is absolutely true Swallow, I know, to eat dinner, yes, something other than a milkshake, anyway. So All right, but anyway. So we're going to just, we're going to just myth bust here, which is the myth that intimacy, that sexy fun, diminishes as we get older and that it's not important and we can just let it go by the wayside because that's just bullshit. So, all right, you want to tell them about the article and the research that you that you found, Aaron, because I loved it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean. So researchers were looking at men and women in their what some people call golden years, 62 to 74. And those that actually describe two researchers their sex life as very pleasurable or enjoyable or whatever, saying that they enjoyed their sex life, had better brain, cognitive, like scores and like better brain activity, which now makes me realize every single person in Congress is not getting laid because they are all dumber than a brick. So good for them, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So now I'm thinking, oh, does my my bad memory these days? Does that mean I need to have more sex?

Speaker 1:

You probably should. Wow, I mean there was a whole. There was a whole Seinfeld episode about it. Elaine got dumber the more she didn't have sex. George got smarter the more he didn't have sex. Oh, I didn't know that. That's funny.

Speaker 3:

But I mean, but, but I like that. And then what also people should know, and I love this for people age 75 to 90, sex didn't even have to be that good. It just had to be frequent to have a beneficial effect on their brain health. Right, yeah, isn't that freaking awesome yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yes and no, because I hope you're still having good sex, like at least mediocre like. Oh, it's not about the quality, oh, I still hope quality is there.

Speaker 3:

Well, I don't enjoy it. But maybe people are saying they enjoy it, but it's not like maybe, because then maybe their mobility isn't that great, so maybe it's not the the wild sex that they you know, who knows? It didn't go into that sort of detail, but that's why you're young.

Speaker 1:

Young for the wild sex. When you're old, you're yeah, you're trying to break a hip. Yeah, there you go. Is it swinging from a freaking chandelier?

Speaker 3:

No, are you doing?

Speaker 1:

it no, but guess what? You're still getting it in. Have fun with that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, but I love that. So truly having good sex, Good sexy fun, helps improve your brain function. All right, do people, married couples. I think you need to write this down. This is why, right, wanting a good, sexy life is not Trivial, it is not meaningless. Even if you don't believe a word I talk about in my five kinds of intimacy, where I tell you that sexual intimacy is Just as important as emotional intimacy. If you don't believe me, at least believe the science, the research that shows it helps your brain stay healthy.

Speaker 1:

So I say I not to lose your shit Laughing at Thanksgiving dinner when your grandfather can't remember where his fork is, when it's sitting on his fucking plate.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so you should send him this article, because I already sent it to my dad, who's 83, and I sent it to my dad and his girlfriend. They're like we agree. In fact, we were just talking the other day. My dad was saying that his he said like he just is realizing his memory is not as good as it used to be and his memory used to be fantastic. So now his memory is still way better than mine, but it's not as good as it used to be.

Speaker 1:

It's not difficult right but.

Speaker 3:

But so now it's like, oh, maybe if he has more sex his memory will be better how old 83 he still works full-time. I mean, they travel all over. Yeah, they're, it's awesome, it's really it's wonderful to see. But and he had a prostate removed. Sorry, I'm just airing my dad's laundry. Yeah, I'm sure he loves this knowing that we do he does because he told me that.

Speaker 3:

Um that, because when I have clients that have had prostate cancer and stuff which is why my dad had his resume he's like no, make sure they know they can still orgasm. He's like a week after my surgery I could orgasm Okay.

Speaker 1:

I don't want you doing it that soon, but no, I don't think they want you doing erections and stuff, but that's harder.

Speaker 3:

That's separate. Yeah, that's not funny, but anyway. So, um, so they're thinking that, um, let's see why. Why does sex help our brain? So what they said? They think that it's the stress relieving benefits, that those are good, as well as the release of the pleasure hormone, dopamine, which also, like, not only helps us, it helps us feel good and it helps keep our brains healthy because, like depression and stuff is, when you don't have a healthy brain and the more depressed and stressed you are than the more your body doesn't work as well. So, yeah, um, and then, okay, I also I didn't know this that stress prevents the formation of neurons in the hippocampus, an Area of the brain that's associated with memory.

Speaker 1:

No God, then I? How do I remember?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know, but I'm always stressed yeah, so that's part of how much better my memory would be.

Speaker 1:

I'd be like that dude in limitless. I'd remember everything, ever.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cuz you remember shit, tons of trivia and stuff already I know, yeah, and I'm stressed all the time, right, so yeah, you could be fucking brilliant.

Speaker 3:

I could be yeah, yeah that would be good, but um and Okay. So yeah, higher levels of dopamine is linked to improved memory in older adults. So sure it's older adults, but I gotta believe that's throughout lifetime. That a higher level of dopamine is Improves your memory. So maybe that means that before you had take a big test and stuff, or while you're studying, you know, and preparing for exams and stuff, you should be having lots of sex to get lots of dopamine. Because, you're stressed that yeah, so that's a.

Speaker 1:

What is sex? A stress reliever.

Speaker 3:

Yes, exactly. And now you can say but I need it, it's gonna help me do I don't know. I mean most of our.

Speaker 1:

I've seen the demographics most of our listeners are, unless they're doing like post grad or graduate work.

Speaker 3:

The bar exam. Yeah, CPA.

Speaker 1:

Past the test, the regular test taking thing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's true, and I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It will not help you pass that test if you're not past the test taking point. Well here, good luck on your next test. I don't know what it's about, but study hard and yeah.

Speaker 3:

I like that and okay, and also so people, 75 to 90, it's funny. I'd say, oh, I need to tell my dad to listen to this episode, but maybe he'd be annoyed at me talking about it, so I won't tell him. But 75 to 90. When I said the sex didn't have to be good, it just had to be frequent. You know what frequent is for 75 to 90 year olds.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna say once a month.

Speaker 3:

No, just once a week. Oh, oh, once a week. So people should be able to do it, and it doesn't necessarily steering wheels.

Speaker 1:

Right now there are guys in their 30s and 40s and 20s punching their fucking steering wheels Right.

Speaker 3:

I know, because they're not having it once week. But so also note that it doesn't have to be intercourse, it doesn't have to be penetration and it doesn't have to be orgasm. The orgasm certainly helps, because with orgasm we get more of these happy chemicals.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. As far as the you know being jealous that old people are getting on more than you guys, I will say this my wife and I have had this conversation of Like yes, we both want it more right now, but we also both work full-time jobs, we both live life and all that stuff. The reason you're gonna have more sex when you're old provided you and your partner are compatible and still doing it is because you're retired. You ain't got shit to do, you're watching TV, you're going taking your grandkids on a walk and then when they're gone, guess what? You look at each other and go knock it out Like that's another benefit of staying married for retirement and all that stuff. Yeah, but that couple who last from last week they've been married 43 years Right, right.

Speaker 1:

They're at the point I have. I hope they're at the point where they're both retired and especially now using your book to help with the intimacy thing. They look at each other every couple of days and they're like, fuck, what else we got to do? Right, right, let's get some time. We watched this episode of SVU so many times. Fuck it, no, let's fuck each other. Yes.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, and for those of you who didn't listen, one you should go back and listen to last week, because we talked about secrets behind couples and fantasies and things like that that they have even in the midst of sexy fun together. But it was a couple that the wife wrote to me and said that after 43 years of marriage with ups and downs, that her husband, she had already read my book and her husband wanted to read it because he liked that I talk about sexy fun and that sexy fun is important, so he's reading it. And she was like thank you, it's given us a new lease on our relationship.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, it was really good Enjoy your retirement, enjoy your time together, I mean you've only talked. Yeah, you've run out of things to say. You know each other, like once you get to like. This is the thing is that if you're married, like if you're getting married right before retirement, that's one thing, but if you're married 20, 30, 40 years and you retire together, guess what? You've heard every fucking story that the other person has.

Speaker 3:

Right, so you need to do something fun.

Speaker 1:

So many times. Guess what gets different a little bit every time sex.

Speaker 2:

Well, and especially if you're willing to.

Speaker 3:

There's always a tiny bit different. Right and to get new, like you can get new vibrators. There are devices and products that are geared for people who are older. There are different loops that will help make things more pleasurable for the Volvo owners. There are all sorts of things.

Speaker 1:

I know that's the PC term, but anyway, we're not using that for the women.

Speaker 3:

Okay so, but or for people doing ass play right and maybe you've never done, and that's the thing. You can be a virgin, it's something at any age, but okay, wait. One more fact thing that I thought was really interesting is that the size, the effect of good sex later in life was comparable to the advantage that people got by a longer education. So in other words, people who who's like. If you go to college versus not finishing high school, your brain tends to be a little bit more developed and stuff, and so having good sexy can make up for that. So if you haven't gone to university, have lots of sex and help your brain get to the point of being like you had gone. It won't give you the particular information or knowledge, perhaps, but it'll make it strong if you will.

Speaker 1:

But I think it's kind of cool. Here's my fun side Ran. If you didn't go to college or whatever and you were turning a wrench at a car factory or you're an electrician or whatever, you went to the military. Guess what you probably had? Well, unless you were in the military. But you probably were less stressed in your career than the guy who had to handle 18 law cases at a time because he just kept going to school and ended up, you know, Drowning in books and paperwork and shit. At least I hope so.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

There's something cathartic to me when working with my hands and fixing stuff, so right, and that's the thing people I'm good with.

Speaker 3:

I think people should do whatever their passion is, and it doesn't necessarily have to be going to college, but you do want to keep your brain in the best shape possible, right?

Speaker 1:

We'll never stop learning. Yeah, we both agree. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I'm not trying to put anybody down, I'm just saying that's a good, good reason even more to say, hey, honey, I really I got to have more sex, just gotta have more sighting. So I think that's gonna be good so and Okay. So, and the way that you can do that is one you do want to kind of keep your body in somewhat decent shape. Some mobility is helpful, and so Any sort of cardio can help you improve your sexy Activity and your your pleasure in it. It's really hard to have a great orgasm. It's hard for you to breathe and some flexibility. You know, take up some yoga or something or just do some stretching and things like that. But partly because just getting cramps and everything and not being able to move is just decreases your own pleasure, that's all. It's not like you have to do the whole comma sutra, but you do want to be able to move and and Make room for somebody to get in between your legs Everybody's seen somebody doing the old man shuffle.

Speaker 1:

You don't want to do that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you want to In bending your joints as long as you can, and hopefully that's till the day that you know. So you, you get called home or whatever. So, yeah, stretching like I'm bad about it too, I try to. I know I had talked to somebody who works out a Fuck ton About being busy and not having time because I'm chubby. Now I've stopped working out and they were like dude, just get up the first three, five minutes there every morning. Stretch, if you're like, because I'm 35, I can still touch my toes. That's something stupid. I never thought. If you had asked again 19 year old erin, do you think you'll be able to do that? I would have been like you're out of your fucking mind If you think when I hit 35 I'll still be able to, like, touch my toes and do you know? Oh, wow, squat, thrust and all that stuff. But yeah, stretching is definitely a good thing. I need to be better about it and practice.

Speaker 3:

Practice your tongue exercises Right, keep that in shape, because oral, oral can still be so much fun, even if it's just laying on your side, right, if nobody can get on top of one another, lay on your side and just sit down and have a good, strong tongue. So, um, you know, can't you see lessons at the nursing homes and stuff? Okay, let's do our tongue stretches.

Speaker 1:

You found a new business or a new, uh, a new nonprofit thing to do.

Speaker 3:

I should do that. It would be so much fun.

Speaker 1:

Teaching old people to have sex?

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, how to have really good sex these days? Yes, absolutely so, um, and Recognize again, loop is so huge because menopause is one of the things that it affects women, as some women so powerfully right. Whether it's just being miserable from hot flashes, whether it's just being so dry, whatever fear our bodies change and then we're unhappy with it. So, whatever those issues are, just recognize, like, stop trying to compare yourself to what you were when you were 19 or 20 or 30 and just again. I just always think about my old cottage. You know, my shop, darling Way, was in a cottage that was over 100 years old and there were holes in the floor and the windows wouldn't open. It was the air conditioning didn't work well, but it had so much warmth and so much goodness and everybody loved being in there. So your pussy might be dry, your cock might not get as hard as it as it really was, but, good God, it can still have warmth, you can still have power and pleasure and enjoy.

Speaker 1:

Did you just compare a postman apostle's woman veg to a 100 year old cottage in the Houston Heights?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah. Actually I think if we all looked at our bodies, like some people really like the woods, now see if you did that and it's okay, I do that, and oh fuck, aaron's an asshole for saying that. No, I'm just saying that we should appreciate right people like the antiques and stuff. There is value to being old.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, hey, it's, yeah, you're right, it's a good thing, guys guys, do not say you love your wife's pussy at 65 years old because you love antiques. Dear God, for your sake, for mine, so she doesn't fucking kill you. Do not compare your wife's pussy to an antique.

Speaker 3:

That's probably in this stuff.

Speaker 1:

And if you do that was best fault Beth at darlingwaycom or Beth Darling.

Speaker 3:

Beth Darlingcom.

Speaker 1:

Send your emails to her, not to me, not to come with us. Confessions at gmailcom.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I did not say that you should be calling your wife's badge an antique. Don't ever call anything on your wife an antique. I don't care how antique she is.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, I love. It. All right, I really did.

Speaker 1:

I totally correct myself Somebody's gonna get shot in our audience 68-year-old woman two 72-year-old husband over calling her an antique when asking for sex, the story coming up at 10.

Speaker 3:

Right, I'm gonna have clients that are gonna now rag on me forever and calling me an antique. I know it, I deserve it, I get it. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I hope that your 88-year-old client from Loveick or whatever. Oh yeah, you gotta be what? 90 something by now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I gotta reach out to Helen. Helen, if you are out there listening to me, please let us know how you're doing.

Speaker 1:

She did not call you an antique, Helen. You're not an antique.

Speaker 3:

No, you're freaking awesome. Oh, my God, I'll never forget when she came into my shop and all of her energy and telling me about her, her boyfriend and her great sexy life at 85 and she took my blowjob class. Yes, she is still my role model.

Speaker 1:

That is who I want to be like, so, yeah, Also be careful not that I've done this, luckily, because I have my filter sometimes works between my brain and my tongue Don't, no matter what age, call your wife a cougar. I know somebody who did and his wife was not happy with it and he was like, well, like we're at that age range, like that. She was like I don't give a shit, you don't call me a cougar Like wait.

Speaker 3:

Why was she Trump? Because he was younger than she.

Speaker 1:

No, just in general, like saying, like, saying, like I know friends who have had a kid and now he calls his wife a milf.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, there's another older couple that I know. When he called her a cougar one time and she was like I'm not a fucking cougar, oh, and he's like, and she, she basically took it as he was calling her old, oh, okay, okay. So like she understood that he was calling her sexy but also at the same time, was like yeah, I'm not fucking old, don't call me a cougar, because that means I'm old.

Speaker 3:

Oh see, because when I was dating younger guys, I got well that's the definition of.

Speaker 1:

That's the definition of a cougar.

Speaker 3:

I just didn't like that because I was like I'm not, I'm not looking for younger, it's just that I happen to be like to me, a Looking for youngers, and I just fell into it. If you will, I got, but you enjoyed it, oh hell yeah. But young and dumb they just. You know, it wasn't the best sex, don't get me wrong, but I mean it was fun, it was flattering and and it was interesting. But no, they're, they don't know Again. Nothing personal, but if you've learned everything you possibly can, but you're only 24 years old, then somebody who's 48 years old, who's learned everything possible, is gonna have had 24 years to learn more. So and if they haven't taken advantage of that, then they're just foolish. So you know, don't let that happen.

Speaker 1:

So young and dumb.

Speaker 3:

It's not a judgment, it's just a statement.

Speaker 1:

Just doesn't matter, You're never gonna learn everything, right?

Speaker 3:

But I mean it's just you can only learn so much in 24 years. Oh yeah 48 years, you can learn more. So it's that's what I'm saying. It's not judgment to be.

Speaker 1:

This is why, and and don't make me go down the the path that there should be an age maximum on presidency. But there's also an age minimum on the presidency and the reason that was put there was because at 28 years old you don't know shit. You don't need to be in charge of the most powerful country in the world at 28,. Right, I agree, that's seven years ago for me, and I was dumber than shit. I was married, I had a house. I was still dumber than shit.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god, I had like four kids at 28 or something. Yeah, you know, I had my fifth kid at 31.

Speaker 1:

I'm still young enough that I look back and I'm like dude. That was only seven years ago, but I was still stupid. I wouldn't trust myself to run the entire world at 28 years old.

Speaker 3:

I know I remember thinking like that. I was so mad at my mother that she couldn't. She got mad at me every time I was pregnant and I was like, oh, but I know everything right. So for 10 years, from 21 to 31, god I did. I thought I knew every fucking thing and I was so stupid, so stupid. So now my kids are older than you know. Then I was when I had my first three kids and I'm like all right, I'm really sorry mom, I actually I am sorry. I Get it. I would be upset if my kids had had five kids by now. So anyway, so Okay, well, I think we should probably go, because I think we're both getting a little slap happy. Yeah, I don't want to insult anybody else here.

Speaker 1:

Ladies, you're not Antiques, your badges aren't antiques. And what else did you call them, good Lord?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know, but cottages and. Um, to be fair, this it is my birthday, so age is like on my mind today.

Speaker 1:

Wait what.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, today's my birthday.

Speaker 1:

Oh, happy birthday. I'm the biggest dick of a co-host ever.

Speaker 3:

No, don't know. No, no, no, I didn't want to tell you because I knew we just had to record today because it's just Life is busy, so but I think that's part of why I'm like all about this age. It's like, oh my god, I can't believe I've been around this long. It's crazy, it is fucking crazy.

Speaker 1:

Well, go get laid and get your plane activity working.

Speaker 3:

Okay, okay, I'll just call up one of my stable of studs.

Speaker 2:

There you go.

Speaker 3:

That's it. Yes, I will do so and I'll just say hey, I need some brain power.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yes okay, or call up one and then, when he's done, you go oh, I didn't get enough brain power and call up another one.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that would be, I was just talking to somebody about that plus one room.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That's what I need tonight.

Speaker 1:

We were just talking about my birthday.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah, well, and I told somebody I have another friend. I was like you would really like that. Oh, and for listeners Sorry, if you don't know what we're talking about, you need to go back. I forgot the name of the episode or when it was, but it was TJ from the good fellows and it was the plus one room in naughty New Orleans. So let's go listen to that, because it still gives me, still makes me hot just thinking about it. There you go. So Anyway, if TJ was local, I'd be calling him up tonight.

Speaker 1:

I bet you would yeah.

Speaker 3:

Bring some friends, let's have a birthday party, I'm sure he knows somebody here. It's good that my dad isn't going to listen to this episode. Okay, again, slap happy. So I know I've not been drinking. By the way, people tend to think that, nope, this is me sober Anyway all right If you're older, have lots of sex. Yes, that's it, that's right, yes brain power brain better.

Speaker 3:

That's right. Instead of weedies, we just need fucking. Okay, all right, this is Beth Darling signing off. Sorry, oh, my god, I'm laughing too much, so thank you. Thank you, thank you for joining us, for come with this podcast where you get the bare naked truth about love, sex and relationships, and, of course, you get even more sexy, fun, tips, tricks, by following us on Instagram, facebook, and don't wait, follow us, go follow us. We can't wait to see you online. Again. If you don't have my book, you're crazy. Go get my book the five kinds of intimacy how to keep your love alive, and then let me know what it does for your relationship. Because I'm excited. I love getting these emails. So, all right, big hugs and love from Aaron and I were so glad to be on this sexy journey with you. See you next week.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for listening to the come with us podcast. Be sure to follow us on social media at come with us podcast and send in your questions, comments and confessions to come with us. Confessions at gmailcom. Until next time, keep it fun, flirty and naughty.