Come With Us Podcast

Spirited Seduction: Unraveling the Relationship Between Booze and Bedroom Behavior

Beth Liebling Episode 159

Ever wondered if those 'beer goggles' are real or just a myth? Let me regale you with a tale from my own adventures in the land of libations and love interests. As we bid adieu to another stellar year of the Come With Us podcast, I go it alone, diving headfirst into the science and stories behind alcohol's notorious matchmaking skills. You'll hear how a study by the University of Portsmouth sheds light on the blurry line between buzzed affection and sober reality, and why you might just want to keep your wits about you during your next night out.

Strap in for a candid look at the impact of a good brew on your mojo—and not just your dance moves, but your testosterone levels too. I lay it all out there, discussing the tightrope walk between a confidence-boosting buzz and the dreaded 'whiskey dick,' with a personal anecdote that's sure to raise a chuckle (or an eyebrow). Remember, whether you're raising glasses or eyebrows, the goal is to make choices you'll toast to the next day, including that all-important safe ride home. So, grab your favorite drink, settle in, and let's send off this year with a clink and a wink, promising even more eye-opening discussions in the year to come.

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Speaker 1:

Are you saying? You faked with me yeah.

Speaker 2:

I just can't say it and it says I'm so cool, I'm not wrong.

Speaker 1:

Now you're single.

Speaker 2:

What do you know about sexual relations? Is it true that if you don't use it, you use it? I'm a little worried about being a slut. You're listening to the Come With Us podcast, talking the good, the kinky and the ugly. Here are your hosts, beth and Erin.

Speaker 1:

Hey there, all you holes and holes, and welcome to Come With Us. Podcast, the final episode of 2023. Yeah, we made it through yet another year. It's been what almost three years now, and thank you guys so much for sticking with us. For, from Beth, for myself, we want to thank you first and foremost for being here, for giving us a chance and sticking with us. We appreciate it. All the love, all the outpouring and support for Beth has been amazing. I am Erin again. No, beth, she is taking another week off through the new year. Hopefully we'll have her back early 2024.

Speaker 1:

But I felt like it was right for her to take as much time as she needs to mourn the loss of her daughter, kaya, and I hope you've been enjoying it so far. The last few episodes me trying to carry it by myself. We're going to talk a little bit more different. I'm going to give you a couple of stories at least one story about how it relates to the topic today, and then we'll talk a little bit about what 2024 hopefully has in store for us. No one knows exactly what's going to happen in the future. If they did, lottery tickets would never get sold, or they'd be sold so much everybody would split five cents every week, but just some stuff that hopefully we're going to get to in 2024. Hopefully you know personal stuff, podcast stuff. We'll find out.

Speaker 1:

So today I wanted to bring in a study that was recently released. It was the University of Portsmouth and researchers there kind of got it where they wanted to talk or wanted to learn more. So about beer goggles Everybody's heard the term when you drink enough, even a two becomes a 10 to you, and they wanted to find out. Is that true? Does enough alcohol make a two become a 10? Now any of you who drink or have had experiences with alcohol and maybe beer goggles yourself, will say yep, 100% or no, that's full of shit. Well, let's talk a little bit about what they got into, what they found. They actually realized some interesting stuff and we'll get into it as we go.

Speaker 1:

But the university, like I said, the University of Portsmouth wanted to look into it and there's been a lot of debate whether or not drinking and drinking in excess boosts the appeal of someone's facial features or what you find attractive in them. So Dr Alastair Harvey had said we don't deny the existence of the beer goggles effect but due to limited research on the topic. They ran a field experiment. They went and they talked to 99 individuals from ages 18 to 62 in a bar. They started showing them pictures of people's faces and as the night went on, as they were drinking, they would ask them to rate certain features of the pictures and determine their attractiveness and stuff like that. And they were looking at normal and enhanced symmetry of those pictures and they found out after a few rounds of doing this and a few rounds of people drinking that people had a hard time figuring out which faces had been enhanced. So it's not that it makes you look at somebody who's a 2 and go, oh damn, they're a 10. According to the research and the way that they're looking at it, the way they're wording it was, you're still gonna have a base level of attraction. You're still gonna see somebody and find them slightly attractive. Now is the alcohol going to enhance that attractiveness?

Speaker 1:

Maybe there's a couple other reasons that they looked at on why You're gonna alter your decision-making, I guess, or your standards, we'll call it when looking at somebody while sitting in a bar on your third or fourth or fifth. You know, if you get to that point, please don't drive. We'll get more on that later. But you know, and the interesting thing is they wanna look at why drunk people are people who engage in more alcohol activity, engage in more promiscuity or have more sexy fun, more one-night stands. You guys know I've never had a one-night stand, only had my wife. I'm okay with that. Don't feel like I missed out on much from the stories and relating to other people who have. It sounds awkward and annoying and maybe I'm missing out, but I hope I never have to find out. So anyways, reasons they looked at on why a drunk person might engage in a one-night stand or have more sexy encounters, so to speak, was alcohol lowers your inhibition and we've talked about that before.

Speaker 1:

You know, you go from being fairly charming to hey, I'm one smooth talking son of a bitch. It just depends. Alcohol definitely lowers your inhibitions, it definitely makes you. I mean, the layman's term is liquid courage and it exists. Now I will say that too much liquid courage gets you in a bit of a pickle or it can, and it also depends on what alcohol you're drinking.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's body and brain chemistry reacts different to different types of alcohol. You know, you got some people who, when they get tequila in their system, become very affectionate, very hands-on. You got some people when they drink whiskey they get very aggressive and wanna fight somebody. You got some people that when they drink vodka they get really depressed it just depends and they get really down in the dumps about stuff. Who knows? Everybody reacts differently and I will say one of those examples I gave relates to me. I'll let you figure it out or just kind of guess. Probably still won't tell you whether you're right or wrong.

Speaker 1:

So alcohol lowers your inhibition and also heightens your expectations. It also gives you an idea of you know, this night could be better than we ever thought, kind of thing. And with those heightened expectations you're more likely to, you know, jump in the sack with somebody as you go, especially if the night goes on and you haven't had any luck with somebody. Well, maybe you're gonna go and lower your standards a little bit. It might not be the alcohol itself lowering your standards, it might be the alcohol raising your expectations to where you lower your standards to go out and enjoy the night. Alcohol also enhances certain personality traits and, like I just said, you know, if you're an affectionate person and Tequila enhances that, well, that personality trait is gonna come out like a laser beam or like a spotlight on that part of your personality. So if you are an affectionate person and you find there's an alcohol that enhances that or brings it out even more, I'm gonna leave it up to you whether you're vibing it more or vibing it less. Just something to keep in mind.

Speaker 1:

The reason I wanted to talk about all this stuff, this being the last one of the year, we're what. Five days away from New Year's, a lot of people are gonna be going out and drinking, partying, ringing in the New Year with a bang pun intended, some of you are, some of you might not. If you are, I hope you are, I hope you're safe about it and I hope you don't do anything I wouldn't do or anything too crazy. But alcohol is really a common factor or a common element in the New Year's Eve game, in the New Year ringing in the New Year party. Now, if you don't drink, sorry, not sorry. I mean it's your choice. If you don't drink, it's completely cool. But alcohol is just part of the culture that we live in, especially here in the United States, and alcohol in New Year's go hand in hand, like Christmas and eggnog or Halloween and candy, or Halloween and dressing slutty or all kinds of stuff like that, or hallmark and made up holidays like Valentine's Day or whatever. Just kidding ladies, it's not a made up holiday. It's a great way to express to your loved one how much you love them, with the $30 dozen roses that you could have bought for $10 the week before Rant over. We'll go more on that one day in the future, but the alcohol that you do imbibe in during New Year's Eve, during New Year's Day, whatever, however you celebrate, some things you might wanna keep in mind.

Speaker 1:

Beth has pointed out several times in the past and we've talked about how men, when alcohol drink, makes you feel really good. You start getting two, three, four. It starts lowering your testosterone output. So the lower your testosterone level, your estrogen stays the same. You start experiencing more of that than the testosterone boost. Now there's somebody out there listening to my voice right now going pfft, aaron, I got enough fucking testosterone. I can fill a whole fleet. I could supply enough fleet, the entire fleet, with enough testosterone to go storm and charge in a beach. Maybe you could, and if you do good for you, having a high testosterone level isn't a bad thing. Certain body chemicals do certain things. For a reason. We are made this way for a reason. So having a high testosterone level as long as it's not causing you to do anything crazy, like getting to random fights over a loaf of bread at the grocery store or anything like that, or a gas pump, cool. But more than one alcoholic drink does start to diminish your testosterone levels, which is where we get the term whiskey dick.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you've experienced it. Talk a little story, sure, I have A little bit too much, and you know your lady or your partner's sitting there waiting and going, come on, come on, get this thing going, get that blood flowing below the belt and too much in your system, and it doesn't happen and you have an issue with it. Well, that's part of the testosterone level being dropped due to the alcohol increase. Now I will say another intimate detail about my life, whether or not you wanted to know it. Well, if you don't mute it for about 30 seconds, I have noticed there is a specific window of inebriation, or not even complete inebriation, just a little buzz going. That you know it enhances my experience in that, still, everything works below the belt, but it works for a longer period of time, which isn't a bad thing Guys want to last a little bit longer. I am no stranger to that.

Speaker 1:

So every now and then, when you have a couple glasses of whiskey and she jumps your bones, it's good to know that you can just keep rocking it for a little bit longer than you normally could. But again, it's a slippery slope to play, with Something to keep in mind. So that's one thing is the more alcohol you drink, the harder it might be to get up, especially if you're gonna go out and find someone new to ring in the new year with between the sheets. Keep that in mind. You don't want to get so drunk that you can't get it up between the sheets or that you make a crazy decision and don't use protection or anything like that. The last thing you want to do is let alcohol brain take over and then be tied to somebody for 18 years of child support payments. So just some little fair warning. Or end up with something that a doctor needs to cure with a lot of penicillin shots.

Speaker 1:

Don't do anything so crazy that you have to go see a doctor one way or another afterwards. How does that sound? Be smart and be responsible with it. And if you're out there drinking or out there doing drugs or whatever to ring in the new year. I don't judge, do whatever you want. Have fun. Don't hurt anybody and don't put anybody in danger. If you are out there drinking or out there partying, whatever find a safe ride. Find a safe ride, walk, do something, but do not put others in jeopardy by getting behind the wheel. That is, you know, dad Aaron, talking. Don't do it. It seems like you're fine at the time and all it takes is one time for it to end your life or end somebody else's and ruin your life. So I'll get off my soapbox about drinking and driving, but just please, please, don't do it. It's a bad idea, it's not gonna lead to anything great and no woman or partner or whatever is going to judge you if you say, hey, I'm gonna call an Uber, let's go, though more likely be cool with it. So that's where we're at on New Year's Drink, have some fun and vibe ring in the new year, enjoy it. Don't drink too much that you get whiskey dick or do anything crazy. And remember, the beer goggles might not actually be beer goggles, it might be just that. Hey, well, you're feeling a little bit better, your ambitions are lowered, your expectations are raised, you decide I'm gonna go start talking to that girl.

Speaker 1:

And while I did promise a slightly intimate and embarrassing story, before I met my wife, when I was out living the single life, there was a night where I had quite a bit to drink with some buddies of mine out at a bar, ended up dancing with a girl hanging out with her. I'm not gonna blame it on the alcohol, I'm gonna blame it on the fact that it was pitch black in that club and we couldn't see anything Not pitch black, but it was really really dark. Then then, after seeing her again in the future, realize Maybe she's not my type. And no offense to her, you know, not trying to take a shot at her or say anything bad, but Definitely wasn't the the same spark or same attention I wanted to spend with her after being out Without alcohol in my system I'll say that. So there you go. There's, there's me bearing my soul for you. Now. Laugh at me all you want, you know. Email me saying you relate. It's happened to you. Come with us confessions at gmailcom, by the way. Come with us confessions With an s at gmailcom. Or find us on on social media At come with us podcast on Facebook, on on Instagram at come with us. Pod on Twitter. I more work with the Twitter stuff, trying to get more into the Facebook and Instagram realm of it. But yeah, if you're gonna send us a DM through there, I would recommend Twitter as being the best one. Or everybody has an email. Come with us confessions at gmailcom.

Speaker 1:

So when you're going out ringing in the new year, have fun, be safe, don't do anything crazy. Let's talk a little bit about what the future lies in store for 2024, and I started the episode saying you know, hopefully Beth is back next week, hopefully she and I can get get it together again and, you know, hit the ground run in 2024. I know, prior to the passing of kaya May she rest in peace we did have a lot of plans that we were looking at in 2024. We were looking at things. You know what we want to do things. We want to experience places. We want to go together as a show, not in New Orleans, being one with a bullet, we went two years ago. I didn't get to go this year but Beth did.

Speaker 1:

But the goal, the number one place we want to go in 2024 is not in New Orleans. So if you're going. Hopefully you're able to see us out there. You can come, you know, hang out with us, have a drink, you know, have you know, party it up. Hopefully we'll be recording some episodes from there, maybe live in front of an audience I have to talk to tests and Bob out there and figure out, you know, what can be done, what can't be done. I want to get more involved with naughty in New Orleans.

Speaker 1:

As far as come with us podcast goes, there is the Splash takeovers, the hotel takeovers. We went and recorded a few at the one here in Houston last year, 2024. They have Atlanta, they have Houston, they have, I think, fort Lauderdale. Those are definitely a goal. I know, beth and I have we're talking about it at one point what it's gonna be Atlanta, whether it's gonna be Houston, fort Lauderdale, who knows? But that is another goal that we want to do. It's been brought up to us to go and check out Exotica and go meet with fans and meet with stars and get plenty of content and an episodes recorded there. Hopefully that happens. I don't know if they've even released dates for the Exotica. Chicago, new Jersey, I think, dc and Miami are the four cities that they do it in. But just something to keep in mind.

Speaker 1:

But we also want to hear from you. We want your feedback. What do you want us to talk about? What do you think we should be spending more time on? What questions do you have? What things do you just want to embarrassing stories? Do you want us to tell about you, about our lives? We'll do it. Hit us up, come with us confessions at gmailcom and hopefully we keep seeing more growth, like we have in the past.

Speaker 1:

In the first three years of this. Hopefully we get more listeners. Hopefully you can share us with a friend, a co-worker, if you're so bold a partner, an ex, whatever. If you're so bold, please Go ahead and share us with them. We'd like to see more and more people listen. We want to see more and more people that we can help find sexy, fun and more fun. Find sexy fun and relationship happiness and all that stuff and intimacy and the more listens we get, hopefully we can start reeling in some sponsors in 2024. I know that's a goal for me. We can get enough of you guys listening and interacting. Hopefully we can get a couple more sponsors on board that make things like naughty new orleans or splash takeovers or exotica Trips like that possible for us, and trips like that where we can get out in front of you guys, meet you, shake your hand, maybe record a live episode in front of you all that fun stuff. So just something to keep in mind. Um, I know there's plenty more we want to do in 2024. We'll get to that. You know we're crossing that bridge when we get there.

Speaker 1:

But from the bottom of my heart and for beth, I want to say thank you so much for listening to these episodes. Thank you so much for being with us, whether you've been with us from day one or you found us later on and went back and listened to old episodes. Whatever you've done, any interaction you've had with us, I wholeheartedly appreciated and I love you for it. I hope you have a safe new years. I hope you ring in 2024 with a bang, pun intended fireworks and in the bedroom Hopefully there's fireworks in the bedroom, but not the kind that actually explode Go, have fun. I will definitely see you in 2024. Beth will be back in 2024. God willing and We'll have all, we'll have a great year.

Speaker 1:

So check us out on social media come with us podcast for Facebook and Instagram at. Come with us pod on Twitter and then again come with us confessions at gmailcom. That's, come with us confessions at gmailcom. Everybody, have a great new year, be safe, don't do anything too crazy or anything that I wouldn't do, which I haven't done a lot. So I guess, do something a little bit more than I would do, but just be responsible. I believe in you guys. Go have fun. Happy new year, Love you.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for listening to the come with us podcast. Be sure to follow us on social media at come with us podcast and send in your questions, comments and confessions to come with us Confessions at gmailcom. Until next time, keep it fun, flirty and naughty.