Getting Gamers

15 - Marriage Through Gaming?!?!

Juke & Perf Season 1 Episode 15

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Find out how gaming can truly change your life! Get to learn about World of Warcraft as our guest Lobo talks about their experience finding love through gaming and getting married! 

Timecodes (free of sexual topics)
0 min to 15 minutes
41 minutes until the end

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@Juke_ish (Instagram, Twitch, Twitter)


Lobo: @damaged_medic (instagram) & @Syko514 (Twitter)

Art by Arielle:  

twitter @ProphetPossum

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Hey listeners, thank you so much for clicking on the episode. Just before we get started, I do have to give you guys a fair warning that there is quite a bit of sexual content in this episode. And we briefly do cover the topic of consent but very briefly, and if you do still want to listen to the episode, but you will like to skip the sexual content. There will be a time code for where you can click where there will no longer be any mentions of sex or anything. So without further ado, I will let you guys enjoy the episode. And whether you leave or stay please remember to go rate and review our podcast Thank you. Hello, Humans and welcome to getting gamers your guide to understanding the gamers in your life. I'm Juke, my pronouns are they them?


I am Pertf. My pronouns are he him.


And today we have a guest Lobo.


Hello, my name is Lobo and my pronouns are they them.


Yeah. First time having a fellow non binary on the podcast,


Oh snap, whoo!


This place has been a real sausage fest until you got here. So today's topic is going to be about finding love through gaming. But before we get into it every time we have a new guest, which has been not happening for a long time, but now we finally happen. We would like to know a little more about your gamer tag and your journey into finding it deciding why you want it and whatnot.


So Lobo is my gamer tag, it's actually pretty new. It's part of my chosen name, which is Rio Lobo, which Rio kind of sounds like it would be my first name and Lobo sounds like it might be my last name. But really, they're they're really interchangeable. And I have some friends who call me Rio and I have some friends who call me Lobo. And a lot of my friends that call me Lobo tends to be like the the gamers and the nerds because I always use Lobo as my characters when I'm playing games. And but yeah, so Lobo was given to me by by a friend of mine well a friend of ours. Yeah. And it means wolf in spanish because wolf was at that time my primary spirit totem. So so that's how, yeah, that's how I came up with with the name, Lobo.


Nice. Yeah, thank you for sharing.


Thank you for hearing.


And normally when we start episodes, we'd normally we generally talk more or less about the games we've been playing lately. For me, it's always and forever Hearthstone. It's the only game I play. There was another tournament going on. So I have not been playing anything else but Hearthstone, but Perf been playing like..


Wait wait wait, you won your last match. You can say that.


Okay, I won my last match, but I didn't win as much as last tournament. Last tournament, I won more, but I did win my last match.


Yeah, but in last tournament, it was your first so maybe beginner's luck, but I don't I don't think that's the case. Yes, you you're, well, a lot more involved in the last one then. In this one.


Yeah, I practiced a lot more and I have to be honest and saying that the meta right now everybody's bitching about the meta, and I wasn't as motivated to play as last time because last time I had two secret decks, and I really, I'm really a secret hoe when it comes to Hearthstone.


When you say secret do you mean like secret decks? As in like mage, like secret mage and secret Paladin?


Well, it was secret Rogue and secret Pal.


Okay, okay.


But really preferred secret Rogue because you can really do that Christmas tree of secrets there.


Right, like, with the legendary..


Overwhelmed the fuck out of people. That's what I like. .


Yeah, that's annoying to play against.


But the meta right now for like the people who know Hearthstone at home. Because it's the episodes always come out later. It's a lot of the quests just came out. So it's the quest lines, and then the nerfs and stuff are still happening. So people are not like a huge fan of the meta. Or like people either like it or dislike it and I'm not I didn't I wasn't as excited to play as last time. But I still I still enjoyed it. I'm, do the THC. And actually, the guys, because they always try to have like around 12 players and this time there was like maybe nine, they were starting to talk about who can be added. And they were like, Oh, what about Lobo? And Perf and I werw like, well, it's the whole French issue is why Lobo seemed to be like resistant to coming. And then all of a sudden there was like, Oh, we all speak English. Brah! this whole time the issue has been French.


You kinda stole my line there because I was about to talk about the fact that the guys in the THC tournament were actually talking about Lobo coming in. But you did it so it's all right.


Wow. Okay.


But yeah, because we we have talked to you about it a few times about joining.




But it mainly the French was the French issue.


Yeah and and I'm shy.


Yeah, but actually too, I just mute myself the whole time and the guys are really understanding like, the, yesterday I was doing my last game of this tournament and they're all kind of like, you know, trolly type, you know humor guys. So we name our decks like random, stupid stuff like my, mine is like Spa day bukkake and stuff. But the guy I was playing with he gave like the wrong names to his deck like proper deck names but the wrong ones to like, mess with people. And I was explained to him that before I do a tournament I always sit down with Perf to make sure I know properly who has what. And so he's like, oh what, so what do I have so I tell him, you know? And then he starts telling me no, no I have.. and he gives me the fake names. And then the other guy that's listening was like, Pepito don't do that, like giving you like this. He was like, Juke just told you that they're anxious about this don't go fucking with them, you know. So they still like as much as they can be trolls. They still like super sweet and chill people you know.


They're very respectful. And to my pleasant surprise, they're also using right off the bat the pronouns that you actually want them to use.


That's, that's nice.


Yeah, well, the last time I joined someone, like referred to me as she and it was a person I don't know. And I it was the first time ever that I corrected someone they said, oh actually they and they're like, oh okay, so Juke you're they and I was like yeah, and then they were just like, okay, and no problem. And then I kind of like alleviated the, you know, cuz sometimes I feel anxious about correcting people about my pronouns. So I kind of alleviate it and say oh, don't like don't be too stressed about it. I'm not mad sometimes I use the wrong pronouns and my own boyfriend has to correct my pronouns. So you know, I alleviated it and they were like, Haha and..


I can't say that everyone does it, but I know some of them do.


Yeah, they everyone does it or tries or, or wishes they were better at doing it. No one's disrespectful about my pronouns.


That's really nice.


And I put my pronouns in my nickname because you suggested that you told me I could do that on Discord. And then I found how to do it and they added it to my nickname and then under, you can add like a it's like a lighter tone thing you can add on Discord. And then and so it's like, Juke they them and then under it says Call me daddy.


That's amazing. Yeah, I really like that feature. Because it's like a it's like a very handy way to just like know from like, on the spot like, it's like a reminder to go ahead. This is their pronouns.


Yeah. No, it's nice. It's they're, they're chill. They're chill a group. And they were talking about having on.


I had no idea that they even knew I existed.


Of course they do. I mean.. At least Zik and Divi do.


Okay, yeah, I guess I do know.


And Divi and Zik are the ones who run it. So if ever there is issues, the people who run it are the people you'll actually have met and know and who respect you so there should never be really any issues. Yeah, the biggest issues is like people not being available to play.


Right, right. Yeah.




If you're listening... I doubt it, but I'm aiming you, but yeah, you've been playing Perf.


Yeah, I've been playing a bit of Hearthstone. Of course, finished third at this tournament. Sadly, oh yeah, well, um, other than that, I've been playing Battlefield five with Zik and Divi and we are getting back into Ghost Recon Wildlands which is another third person shooter very tactical, and it's another pew pew game.


Both of them battlefield battlefield is also pew pew?


It is.




It's a first person..


A third person pew pew? FPS pew pew? okay.


Yeah exactly.


Every time like we're doing something in the living room and then I see him go to his office I'm like you're gonna

go pew pew? He's like :

yeah you know..


It's sounds funny because it sounds, it's like if you're saying like if you're gonna go to the bathroom are you gonna go pew pew, like a kid waiting to say are you're gonna take a shit?


Pretty much.


If you think about it. It's kind of a pew pew. Yeah, yeah. dropping those bombs.


Different kind of.. yeah exactly.


Different kind of pew pew.


And so Lobo Have you been playing any games lately?


Uh, so I very casually play Hearthstone so like as you're so like, it's funny that you you're talking about the meta because myself since the this new expansion came out. I've kind of been playing a lot less because I'm also not so happy with the meta and with the quests like the the quest Warlock and the quest mage haaa is just like it's just everywhere and just like the way that it plays. So like I've been playing a lot less lately, but I do still play from time to time Hearthstone.


Yeah, but that there's nerfs coming from what I heard they're gonna rebalance it a bit and stuff.


I think, I think the it already happened. I think.


For most of them. There's still some more coming for Warlock, I think.


Yeah could be. But like even because we like playing the other modes, sometimes like battlegrounds, and duels, arena,


Oh my god. whatever. And we were doing duels because it's kind of fun sometimes, like build the deck as you go type thing. But in duels, it does like special hero powers. And it's often the hero powers and everything else is a little more OP than in the g neral meta. But now not only t at, but there's the fucking q ests. So duels is broken.


Cuz there's a shaman in duels where your overload cards don't overload. And then with the overload quest..


Oh my god.


Forget it


Yes, like the quest is about overloading.. And oh my god.


It's OP as fuck and like, you just we tried a few times and no, we're like, okay, no we got to..


Dam. I didnt realise it was also affecting other modes of the game because I only play a standard.


Yeah. Because duels you like build a bit have like 25 cards or 16 cards. And then as you go, you keep building. So if you have the quest, you start off with it's ridiculous shit. Okay. Yeah. Well, all right. So the topic today like I said, it was finding love through gaming. And the reason we have Lobo on today's because you are in, you've been in the in this specific position of finding love through gaming.


We want to hear your story.


Yeah. All right. So I have a I have a couple stories. Would you like to hear the big one first, or would you like to hear like the small things first, and then the big one?


I think the small things first, just for the fun of it like to ramp up to it. Okay, but are they all in the same game?


All in the same game.


Okay, so oh my I knew this. It's Wow. Right?


Yeah. WoW


Okay. Because I remember telling Nailter a bit about how you have found love in the past through gaming, and he

immediately went :

on Wow?! And I was like, yeah, he's like, it's always WoW.


Yeah it is,it really is.


Just for people at home. Wow. Is for World of Warcraft.


Yeah. And that's RPG.




Oh, yeah. Wait, I remember me no, mix. No, no, I'm thinking mixed martial arts but that's MMA.


Do you want some tips?


Well RPG is role playing game but MMO is..




Massive multiplayer online game. Yeah.


That's right.




Oh, yeah. Okay. But and and is it also considered open world? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Okay.


It's probably the biggest open world, I'd say.


One of them for sure.


So, in open world, again, just mostly for me. But for the listeners too at home. Open World is mainly like, you can pretty much do anything. You can build stuff. You can kill stuff you can do anything is what open world means. Right?


Building.. not, always. But you can go everywhere you want.


Yeah, like wherever you can see in your screen. Like, like, if you see a mountain all the way in the distance. You can get to that mountain and climb that mountain. Okay. It's the entire world.


So if I think of like Borderlands, sometimes I can see on the horizon, but my map, the game will stop me.


There's some invisible walls and you can't reach it.


Okay. Okay. And then MMO is massive multiplayer online, which means it's online. And it's everyone is there. An RPG is a role playing game. And if listeners at home have listened to past episodes, this is the same game. This is the same game where Nailter was saying that some big player passed away and then a bunch of people reunited to like do a funeral in the game. Right? That's the game. Does this.


Yeah that's this one.


Yeah. Because that for me was like the most heartwarming thing I've ever heard. Yeah. So yeah, that's that game if anyone remembers that.


Yeah. Funerals has happened in that game. Weddings have happened in that game. Yeah, it's a whole world. It's a whole world. Yeah..


That's nuts. Okay, so give us some juicy stories.


Let's hear it.


It's just funny how like, I find myself in these situations. But hmm. So I'll start off with this one person. I can't remember her name, but it started with an N. We'll just call her Naruu. Okay, so, so Naruu was this person who, for some reason, had it in her head that I was so back then. My pronouns were he him. And so she had it in her head that I was I was her boyfriend. And I guess she got that impression because like we used to like, like, play together a lot. We do quests all the time. Like, we will be leveling up our characters, and you know, killing monsters and doing this and doing that. And so we were spending a lot of time together. We weren't on like Teamspeak or Ventrilo it was just like chatting like, like, like, yeah, like in the game. And it's funny because like, like me, I just want it because I never like at that time, I think I was like a lot more innocent than I am today. So like me, I just want to play the game and level up and you know, get better at the game. And she would always try to start, which I later learned is called the like cyberring like cyber sex. Yeah, that's a first even for me. Yeah, really? Oh my god. It's happened a couple of times. Yeah, well, so the thing is, like, so on my server. So my server was Shattered Hand. And on this server, and I hate to like..


Wait wait, so Shattered Hand is the name?


So Shattered Hand is the name of the server that I played on, in WoW. And on this server, I was like, I was well known. Because I was always like, on the forums, chatting. So like, so like, like, in the game, there's two factions, right? There's the Horde, and the Alliance. And when you're on on, like one faction, you can't talk to the other faction, like, it's not possible because those are like, you're supposed to be enemies.


So the game like just, blocks it?


It doesn't even allow you to talk to each other. Like if, like, if we're in the same, like, they even in same room, like let's say, I'm Horde and in you're Alliance. And if I type something, which is in English, like, like, Hey, how's it going? In your screen, you're gonna see Zugzug Chug, chug. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. But when you're talking on the forums, which is like, outside of the game, both like the Horde and the Alliance, can can interact. And I was always there because like, WoW was like my life. Like, I played that game for seven years. Like, that was like, my life. And so like, I was an I'm super friendly. And I'm really nice to people. And so yeah, so So I started to become like, well known. And I was, like, I was like, a celebrity. Like, I hate to be like, yeah, like this, this big hotshot. But I was kind of..


Kind of a big hot shot!


Yeah. But it wasn't because like, it wasn't because I was badass or this and that was just like, I had, like, my reputation was that I was very honorable. But I was also very skilled. So when I would like, so like, like PvP was like my shits, like, I killed everybody. But I did it in a very honorable way. Like there's ways to like be like an asshole body. And like, there's corpse, camping and all that stuff, but me out. I was like, I would run up to the Alliance, I would bow to them. And then I'll take out my weapon to show that, hey, I'm about to fight you and kill you. So I'm giving them a chance and then I'll kill them. So and so because and I think there's like, I could go more into that, but going back to like, the whole love thing. So I got this kind of celebrity status. So I think that's why I attracted these personalities, things to be happening to me. So anyway, so yeah, so going back to Naruu we be you know, we just be playing shit doing quests. And and then like, she would start wanting to cyber. She's like, hey, like, you know, just saying like, very sexual stuff. Like, hey, like, like, like, what are you wearing right now? Like, I'm winging this.


How old were you?


I wasn't adult. Wait was I? Uh oh, I guess I was a teenager. I was 18 Okay, like 17 1819 above that age. Yes. I guess I was a teenager. But it wasn't like I was a kid. Yeah. Yeah. And and, and it happened like multiple times where she would try to initiate cyber sex with me. But I wasn't interested in that. I just wanted to game


Also there's websites for that like..


So so anyways, so because like we spent so much time together and and all this stuff in her head like it's not like she said, like, Hey, can we be a couple? Like online like in the game or whatever, like there was none of that. I know, ? like, I remember like talking in.. Are you familiar with the trade chat? Like have you played WoW?


Very briefly for like, one or two months. That's it. On an unofficial server so..


Ah okay okay, so so in wild the way it works is there's different kinds of chats. So there's the the chat where like, if you're in the vicinity, it's called the safe chat. Then you can you can talk to each other. Then there's a group chat where if like, if you're in the same party, only people in that party can can talk to each other and see that chat. But then there's general chats where so in the game there's like if you so they say like in real life, right? Like there's you have like, like The city, then you have the province. Then you have the country. So like depending like, like if you're in like, and it's been so long, I don't even remember what it's called. Like, is it called zones? Like Durotar. What does that called?


I know that word. Why do I know that word.


Isn't it the capital of the Horde.


Yeah. So So Orimar is the capital city of the Horde and Ogrimar was was in Durotar. So and Durotar I guess you would say is like the country or the province. I'm not sure what it's got.


If Nailter ever listens to this episode, he's gonna be like screaming at the screen. Yeah. He's been raised on like his parents play. Wow. Okay. He's played with his parents. Like he knows everything. I'm cringing so hard.


I'm sorry. Nailter, it's been like 10 years or something? Maybe? No, it's even been more since I played well, I'm sorry. I forget. But yeah. So anyway, so there's, there's general chats where everybody in like, in that zone, can chat. Like, it doesn't matter how far you are. You can you can talk. And and I So yeah. And so and so. And this would happen from time remember one day, I was talking to like, like one of my friends who happens to be a woman also. And how's it go? Hey, they go, what do you up to like, she's like, Oh, I'm doing this. And I was talking to her. And like, I like to flirt. Like, I'm a flirty person. And then Naruu, which I didn't even know she was in that zone was like, Hey, don't don't talk to him. So so my so my gamertag back then was a Syko, spelled S Y K O. An she's like, don't talk t Syko. That's my boyfriend. And was like, What the fuck is oing on? And then and then my riend like whispered to me, ike saying, like, what? Like, ho is that? Was she talking bout? I'm like, I'm like, she's friend. But like, and she's ike, like, you guys are dating r something? I'm like, No, I on't like no, like, I don't now what where this is coming rom. to time where she would like get jealous of me. Like doing a quest with another like woman gamer friend. Yeah, and..


Was she a teenager?


I have no idea.


Because it sounds like my bro went through that in high school where like, a girl decided that she was his girlfriend and he had to be like, dude, like, we never decided to date. You know? So to me, that sounds like a very high school thing. You know, but it could be. Some people are wild.


It could be I'm not sure. I never. Like I never saw pictures of her. Yeah. But possessive. It was yeah, she was very possessive. And at one point, like, like, I couldn't get her to stop being this way. Like, like I couldn't. Like I tried saying like, Hey, we're not in relationship that. Like I couldn't get it to stop. So the way that I ended it was, I told her one day I was a hate, because he just kept happening, right? The whole jealousy thing. So as a healer, we have to have a talk. So I think we went inside like a cave or like a hut or something. And then we sat down. And that was it. No, I was like, sit down, sit down, like in the game. And I was like, I gotta talk to you. It's just not working out.


So you have to break up!?


So I had, like, fake breakup with her. Because like, I didn't know how else to end it.


Having to break up with someone is a draining task. Even though even even if it was a real relationship, like break being the breaking up person doesn't mean it's not like energetically draining.


Yeah. Yeah. No, it's It's not easy. Sometimes it's easier to just be a shitty partner and have them break over to you.


But now you have to, like go through that. And you weren't even dating!


It wasn't even Yeah, we're not even dating. Yeah. Yeah. So that was the funny thing that happened. And I had like a couple of other things that have been really funny but really short. There is like somebody whose name start with a J. That was also always trying to cyber sex with me. Yeah, I don't know. And


Can't you tell them trying to kill thing?


But I mean, I don't know maybe this is what like celebrities go through like in real life, like like Hollywood movies stars, or singers. And..


I'm so in like psychology and like, because I studied a bit of criminal psychology. So there are certain delusions where I don't remember the name, but there are delusions where, like, let's say Celine Dion, like some some person will have gone to a concert of Celine Dion. And you know, sometimes artists will sing to the crowd and look in the crowd, you know, and just like motion or whatever, just because that's how you perform. And then that person has a delusion and says, Oh, she's in love with me. Celine Dion is in love with me. And but like, this girl doesn't know who you are, like, suddenly doesn't know who you are. But like then they're like, oh, like, they becoming infatuated. And they actually have a delusion where there's actually a word for it. I don't know. I don't remember it. cuz I did my exam and then I forgot about it. So, but like it could to a certain extent, probably be similar to that where I think people just idolize people that are better known and more famous than them, they can get the title.


Wow. Okay. And that's interesting. So yeah, so there's another thing that I remember where I remember being in this guild so like I played WoW for seven years. And I think in that time I was like maybe in like five guilds altogether. And I remember even being in..


So guild, there's many guilds in a server.


Yeah, so guilds are like, a you you like a family, I


Okay, like a team like the team just still like, let's the guess. I could say.. Horde and like, yeah, the good guys, the bad guys. I know. It's


Yeah, exactly, yeah, yeah, you have some people are solo, not exactly like that. But like, there's the good guys, the bad guys. And in each of those, there's a bunch of different families of bad guys and a bunch of different times. and some people are in guilds. It's very useful to be in Guild at least back then. Like, if you want to do raiding, or just you want it some kind of community. So I remember being in one guild. And each guild, we also have our own forums that we that that we used for chatting and whatever, whatever. And it's a great place to like post selfies, like, oh, yeah, so this is me, this is what I look like in real life. So you really get to like, know each other. Yeah, and you know, and bound in that way. And for some reason. My guild members, teammates. They put out a rumor that there is a secret so I was an officer in this this guild. And so there's an officer only forum that's locked and like regular members can't get into and and they put a rumor out there that I had a dick pic in there.




Yeah, like, psycho has a like there's ...... And yeah, yeah. And there is this woman who was in the guild and heard that rumor. And she would, she would message me saying, hey, like, Can Can Can you show me? Show me your your dick pic. I want to see like, yeah, funnily enough, I actually ended up meeting her like in real life, like much later much, much later. But yeah..


Did she ask for your di


Stuff happened. Yeah, there's, it was it was complicated, because like, she just got out of a relationship like her. And there's this other guy. Am I allowed to say names? Or like, should I keep that confidential?


I feel like yeah, we should avoid saying peoples names.


Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. So her and that guy broke up. And then she was kind of left stranded.


She was rebounding, like..


Well, so what so what happened was, so I was living in Georgia at the time. And she was living in Maryland. And she was like living like in the boolands, like, in the middle of nowhere. And, and like, two things happen at the same time, her and her boyfriend broke up. And her boyfriend was like, really like well off in terms of like, like, like, financially speaking. And her car broke down. So she couldn't, so she didn't have a way to get to work like to and from work. So now she has no income. And she also doesn't have a boyfriend that can help her out because they just broke up. And I mean, I was living in Georgia so I was living in a really country hillbilly town. And there's like nothing to do there's it's a town called Ludowici in Georgia


Little Wussy?


It's a it's it sounds like Little Wussy. Yeah. But it's spelled it's it's spelled like Lou dou wici. But when you say it fast it sounds like little wussy. Yeah, but this town is very small it has one traffic light there's like there's nothing to do there but drink beer and have bonfires there's not much going on. I used to just like I was still playing Wow back then to and it was either I'm playing WoW or I'm watching anime. I didn't really have much going on in my life. So anyways, as well, I was again like I got nothing else better to do Sure. I'll drive like 10 hours to pick you up. So so like Yeah.


No, Perf's face right now is like never I would do this for anyone.


Like, like, I don't know if anybody's familiar with like US, the geography of the US but Georgia and Maryland is really far. It's probably even further than 10 hours. I'm not really sure. But it was many hours.


More than Montreal Toronto?


For sure.


What? No way I would do that for some random chick online.


Like, you clearly know there was something at the end of this road trip!


No. Okay. So that's..


You knew she wanted that dick pick!


So that's the thing. Like, I think even she thought that but like, really for me, it wasn't like I just felt bad for it because it was a combination of like, I have nothing else happening in my life, but also a combination of that. And also, I just felt bad with her. Because like, she was literally stuck. And Florida is closer to Georgia? Like, she had no word like, she was just stuck. But she had some friends who were living in Florida. Were like, hey, like, if you can get here like we'll put you up. And, and you know, you can stay here for as long as you want until you get back on your feet, get a job and then. Yeah, so Florida is is south of Georgia. And then you know, Florida is like the very last state. And then Maryland is like, close to New York, so it's Yeah, so I'll be driving up and then I'm gonna go drive all the way down past my home. Oh my god. To Florida Yeah,


The americans at home we're like laughing at how little I know about the geography of thing.


Well, in all fairness, they don't know shit about Canada. So yeah.


That was to say that they're very known for???


No americans got it right, we all have mooses. And we all live in igloos and our igloos are connected.


And we're riding Caribous.


Americans got it right. We have monopoly money and we drink


Santa Clauses is from he North Pole. Exactly... out of


We are the North Pole as all americans know.


Canada is the North Pole.


Canada, America' hat.


Yeah. Yeah. So. So yeah, so I feel bad for so So I drove all the way up. Oh, and like something that I forgot to say before like this even happened is that so I had like, my first ever like, phone sex thing.


With her? Yeah and it was with her. Oh my god, no you knew exactly what you were doing!


I swear there is no intention, at least like, I don't know, okay. No, there wasn't like a job. But it's funny because like, I remember so like, like, so me and her. Like, we were talking on the phone from time to time. And then she was like, Oh, you have a really nice voice. And, and I remember, I was talking about something random. Like, it's, whatever the topic was, it was not sexy at all. Like, I'm just talking about, yeah, you know, I'm gonna go, this was happening, blah, blah, blah. And then all of a sudden, like, I hear like vmmmmmmmm, No way, but like, faint, it's like in the background. So I don't really think anything of it. And all of a sudden, she's she's like, she's moaning. And I was like, are you okay? Are you? Yeah, and and, yes, she was. Like, she took her electric toothbrush, and started playing with herself.


That's such a stereotype too. Yeah, but it's a real stereotype. The electric toothbrush is like, a stereotype of your first vibrator thing.


It makes sense. Like, like when you're like a young teen who doesn't have access to, you know, yeah,


It becomes a multi tool.


Yeah, exactly. You use one end for your teeth. The other end for you know, yeah. Yeah. So yeah. So then, so then after that, that happened, then we started doing like phone sex from time to time. So anyway, so so. So yeah, so I so this happens, I feel bad for I go pick her up. I drive her down. And we get to Georgia. And I'm like, that was a really like, I don't know how many hours I drew, like, drove like, from there and back. I was like, Can we like rest at my place for a little bit? Like a day or whatever, and then I'll drive you home or drive you to Florida. So we stay at my place. And we ended up staying for like a whole week just because of procrastination. And I remember like, cuddling, and we're doing like fondling and dry humping. But then she started crying. What I was like, Oh, shit, okay. Yeah.


The plot twists in the story are amazing. Yeah, I need another beer for that.


Yeah, um,


You want to go get your beer? Yeah, sure. One moment. Can you fill up my wine at the same time? Yeah. All right. So I glasses are all filled up.


More plot twists! More plot twists!


And I just want to say..


Please do!


Because, Because I swear that I didn't have intentions. Like when when this whole like us, fondling and cuddling and the sex was almost about to happen. That was on the very, very last day. And that's only because it was like we were procrastinating the whole time. And it was like, like, like today's the last day after this, we'll probably never see each other type of thing. Yeah. Because it was really not my intention to hook her.


Yeah, from what I hear. It does sound like she had some form of attraction, you know?


Well, she's the one who asked for the dick pic. But that's yeah, that's the same person.


And like, it is a big deal like, masturbating? Like, it's like doing co masturbation without asking or just like.. Randomly poping out..


You know, I never thought about the ethics of that.


Yeah, like when I think of that. I'm like, oh, like, how ethical is it for her to just decide to implicate you into her sexual variation?


Yeah, you're, you're that's very true. I never, you know, I never thought about these these things in a very long time.


It's normal that at the time, you never thought about it. And it's also fine if it didn't bother. Like if it didn't bother you. It's not bad that it didn't bother. Yeah, yeah. Everybody has their own experience. So she's crying.


Yeah. So so like, we're dry humping, and rubbing. And then all of a sudden, she just starts crying. And I'm like, Whoa, okay. I'm stopping. I get up off the bed. And I sit down on my computer chair, which is like, right next to my bed, like where my computer was. And I'm like, you know, like, what's wrong? Like, did I do something wrong? You know, like, Oh, shit.


Well, yeah it'sa panicky situation.


Yeah. Because like, I don't want to hurt anybody. I don't want to know what I mean. And yeah, she was just like, she was just really, really, because like, the her like her breakup just happened. Like like that week or something. It was fresh, brand new. And, yeah, so she was crying because like, she's heartbroken. Yeah, you know, over this person that she she dated. They did it for like, years. You know, it was it was a really, it was a long term relationship. And then this thing was happening. So it was just like, it was just like, a lot of emotions and things were happening, and she just kind of got overwhelmed. Yeah. And side note, that was the worst case of blue balls I ever got in my life. Like, I know, like, people who don't own penises, something, that it's a myth that blue balls doesn't. But it's understandable because a lot of men do use it to manipulate women into having sex with them.


But I think from what I've heard of my experience of talking about blue balls with men is that like, some men really live it. And then some men are like, Nah, that's not a thing I've never liked. They don't experience that.


Well I envy those penis owners because I'm, like, I've gotten blue balls in, you know, in my life from time to time. But, but this was like the worst because I think like, it was like, a lot of buildup a lot of like, foreplay. And And was it edging edging? Yeah, it was like a lot, a lot, a lot of edging. And then it was just like, hold. Yeah, stop. And, and, and when I was sitting down and talking to her, and like, trying to, like, reassure her and give her space and all that stuff. And then after that, I want to get up to go to the bathroom. And when I stood up, because before I stood up, I didn't realize I had blue balls. But when I stood up, I really felt my fucking testicles slammed down. Like, boom, and I was like, oh, like, it was so painful it was so painful. And then I went into the bathroom and like I was like a little teary eyed because it was just like somebody. It was like a Johnny Cage upper cutted my fucking nuts you know how Johnny Cage splits. And like upper cuts you're nuts. Like it felt like that. Like I was a good Mortal Kombat and putting John Cage fucked my shit up. And and I was like, I was I was tearing I was tearing. And I was like, What do I do about this? So I was like, maybe if I masturbate, it'll go away.


No, that's what I've heard from guys were blue balls. Yeah, like they're like, Okay, we can stop but I have to go jizz.


Yeah, so I've heard that too. So I so now I'm in the bathroom, and I'm masturbating. And it was the most painful fucking orgasm. My experience. Like the orgasm was painful, but I think I think it helped. I'm not sure. Yeah, so, so yeah. So So that happened. And then I go back inside and I say, hey, like, we don't have to do anything. Like, you really don't have to do anything. Like it's fine.


I'm in too much pain anyways.


And I was okay, I'm gonna get you home. So then I drove to Florida, drop her off at the place, come back..


And like and also I... go ahead.


I was about to say that there was no road heads in all of this.


No. Rope, road. Road. Oh, road head. Oh, yeah, no. No, no.


But and also did like the speak of like I think it's fairly common in people that are like coming out of a fresh relationship and then they're like going for a rebound or you know, going for like a a moment and then they realize, Oh, I'm not ready and like, I don't know if it's just on TV that I've seen it a lot, but I feel like it's a fairly common like, moment people have where they think they're ready to get back into us sexual or romantic situation. And then they're like, Oh, actually, I'm not. Yeah, you know?


Yeah, I think. I think that's what happened or like, at least like, like, like the whole rebounding thing. Like maybe like, I was like, like the rebound. But like she just wasn't even ready for a rebound experience. So yeah.


And I'm sure also like this, this whole buildup where you guys she asked for this dick pic long ago online and like so in her mind, maybe there was this buildup, and she was like, if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen now and then realizing I'm not ready for this.


Right? Yeah. So that was something.


So you drove her home? And like, I'm guessing that was pretty much it.


That was pretty much it. I mean, we would chat from time to time. This was back on the MSN days. Yeah, and actually MSN is gonna come back into the story, because now I'm going to talk about.


Your wife.


My wife and how I got married. How I ended up in Canada.


Marriage guys and marriage through gaming. Dun dun dunnnn. Yeah. And this is real marriage. Not online.


Yeah, exactly. So yeah, this happened in real life. We got married. We were made for, I believe, yeah, we were married for seven years. So I'm from the US. And I moved up to Canada to be with my wife. So..


So this is now a completely different human that we're talking about. Yeah, like for the listeners at home. Y


Yeah, a whole nother human.


We can call her..




Naruu 2.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah. Okay, so. So remember, I said there's like the Horde and the Alliance faction. Yeah. Yeah. Well, so there is a guy who who stopped playing well. And he offered to give me his account. I was like, Yeah, sure.


People do that? So they gave you the login and change password?


Yeah. So I changed the passwords and stuff like that. So so now I have his account. I deleted all his characters because I wasn't interested in what I was interested in was it was actually being on the Alliance side.


Oh, cuz you used to be on the other side.


I was I was Horde. Yeah, for the Horde! So yeah, you and you know what's crazy. So going back to the whole celebrity thing. I didn't know just how like how known I was until I created my Alliance character. So back then, my gamertag was was Syko and all of my characters I named it Syko something so that people can know like, oh, that's me. No matter what alter character that I'm playing. My main character on the Horde side was Syko Shaman. But I had like Syko druid Syko made Syko this Syko that so when I went on the Alliance side, I made a Syko paly Okay, so I made a paladin. And usually I I make male characters because in real life, I present as male. And I like to, like when I'm gaming, I like to have like a projection of myself or like a fantasy version of myself in the game. But yeah, I wanted to make a woman character in the game. And she was my Barbie doll. Like, like, I really dressed her up I got there's like this palette and set. I think it was like tier one or tier two. And it was like all pink. Because like the color codes, I don't know if you're familiar Nailter would know. But there's like each class is color coded. So there's blue for shaman. I think warlock is purple. And for Paladin, it's pink. And they actually had a pink armor set for Paladins and so yeah, so like I gave her like a nice, like hairstyle. She was wearing like all pink armor like she was my Barbie doll like I dressed up and and there's like all kinds of funny things that happened on that palette and because like so that was like my first like woman character in the game. And in like even like with my male characters sometimes I would just like strip them naked and like just dance like in like the capital city and just like my loincloths, you know, and then it was I was doing that with with my paladin character in Iron forge so Iron forge was like the main Alliance city that everybody would be in. Ironforge Yeah..


Ironforge? I thought it was Stormwind.


You would think, so the devs wanted Stormwind to be the main hub maybe it is today but they wanted it to be the main hub because like that was the human capital city right? But because of like how the game was back then and how like the location of Iron forge versus like all the other zones that you go to..


The location and design of the city I guess made it so.


It.. everybody gravitated towards Iron Forge. Yeah, so I so I went to Iron Forge and I got into like, I'll just wear like my like a bra and panties. And I'll dancing naked. And and I didn't know that stuff like this happen. But like, guys, well, I'm assuming they were guys came up to me male looking


Male looking characters.


Male looking characters gave me gold as if I was a stripper Yeah. Me like some crazy shilling. Yeah, baby. Shake that ass.


They're jsut fully assuming that there's a woman behind this woman character.


Yeah, yeah. And like yo, these are pixels granted like pixels are hot but but yeah. Yeah, give me like shit. Like I could just do this whenever and get like if I ever need gold. I could just strip in and make golden iron forge I had no idea that was the thing but it's a freaking thing.


So after your day shift, you went it logged in and went for your night shift and go strip in Iron forge.


Yeah, that was my my night job. Just just stripping in iron Forge. Anyways, so when I first came to iron forge Alliance


So you would duel and They would wait their turn. characters, so this is like not the sexual break, but like I was wearing my armor. Alliance characters will come up to me and be like, Syko as in Syko Sha an? Are you Syko Shaman? And u, again, and they're like, oh my god, I freaking love you. You k lled me when I was level 14 in the Elven forest. And I was l ke, what? I was like, No way. nd they and the other peopl like people started actua ly like coming up to me and s rrounding me and like, oh my go, like your fucking like, Yo, l ke, you were like the bane of my existence. You killed me so ma y times bah, bah, bah, bah, ah. Yeah. And like I reali ed then the Holy shit like I'm a tually like, no, fucking known this the server like a lot. And the thing is, is because ike, like on my my Horde ch racter. I would actually like come to iron forge was just like death to most people. Like, like because because iron forge like the zone that iron forge is an lliance zone. So like, as a hord person, you can't even attack Alliance person unless they b come like attackable. And they b come attackable by either typing in like, there's there's a comm nd for it, but I forget what it is. Or by attacking me first. kay. So like, they get the opt on in that. So yeah, in that zo e, because you have like horde z nes, you have Alliance zones, hen you have neutral zones, hich are, I was on a PvP server. So the neutral zones where a ybody is like, it's a free fo all. But when you're in the opp site factions zone, they have th options. So like, I'm very vu nerable there. But like, I used o go there. And like, wave fr m like a distance, and say lik gestured for them to follow e. And then we would go down to so there was like, so Ironfor e is like is on a mountai. It's a it's a dwarven capital city, so it's in a mountai. And and then you go down, t ere's like this like, really arrow, like kind of a road th t comes down in order to run and there was like a frozen lake. S I would just do them to come do n. And we would actually have li e honorable duels where it wasn t like where they were just ga ging me up and killing me. Lik they knew who I was. .


Yeah. Yeah. And they would and we would take turns like having one on one fights. And then when like somebody random who doesn't know me would come and like start attacking me. Like the Alliance people would be like, Hey, Stop, don't do that. Like he like, you know, he's a good guy, you know? And they'll be like, what are we talking about again? Oh, he's like that. He's good. So yeah, so then so and this was before like, I made the the Alliance character. But like, I didn't realize Just how much until I actually started talking to them and everybody like everybody had memories. Like I didn't remember like, Oh, you don't remember everyone you kill. Yeah, exactly. But yeah, they had all these like fond memories of me killing them, which is kind of funny, right? Like, that's the funny thing.


But to be fair, like when there's a good fight when it's satisfying, even if you lost sometimes you're like, Oh, that was a nice fight. Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, yeah. It's also pretty memorable when like, you play the game for the first time. And you get killed for the first time. That's also pretty because like, the guy was like, I think Luke 14 or whatever. Like that one, that one guy. I remember my first time encountering, like, a human player, like on the opposite faction. So yeah, so So now I'm a paladin on the Alliance. side. And I joined a guild. And in this guild, we PvP and PvE dungeons and stuff of that raiding. And one day, somebody joins the guild. And I got this, I think this is from Jim Carrey. I forget what movie it's from. So I saw like, she she joins the guild and I'm like, hey, it's you. And she's like, Hey, Hi. How's it going? I'm like, Oh, my God. It's you like pretending like I know this person. Because like, like, in like, sometimes I still do that, even to this day, where I like, I just see, like, I'm just bummed, like, just like somebody random that coming in and Hey it's you! And, and because like, that was like my way of like, Oh, welcome to our guild like, I want to, like, befriend you. And, you know, let you feel welcome. And like you're wanting to hear like, that was like my way of like doing that. And so we what did we called her again? Meg, Meg. So me and Meg, we didn't talk too much in the game, because, so Meg is a francophone. And so she tended to chill with the francophones. Yeah. Like in the guild. So we didn't, we didn't do like, she was very shy. But we must have, like, had some talks here or there. Because I had her on MSN. Okay, somehow. So, so yeah, so I don't remember much of what happened between me and her like in the game besides like our first meeting. But I do remember that. I don't know how long after I had stopped playing WoW , maybe a year or two after I stopped playing WoW, and she logs on to MSN. And I was like, Huh. I remember this person. Yeah. So I sent her a message like, hey, like, how's it going? Like, long time no see. Things are good. You know, how are you Baba? So we, you know, we did a little bit of catching up. And, yeah, we just started talking. And like I said, I'm living in Hill, you know, hick Berry. Yeah. middle of nowhere, little wussy. So I have nothing going on for me. So like, I'm just always, if I'm not working, I'm at home on my computer.


But there's this language barrier. There's too, right?


Well, when she, uh, at this time, no, like, she she she, like, she could speak English. Like her English wasn't the best, but like, she could speak English. I think like back, like, like, like, in the guild, like, like, you know, whatnot. Like back in WoW. Like, I think she was just, like, shy to like..


So she was shy because of the being new and being French.


Yeah. But then, you know, like on MSN, you know, it's just one on one. Yeah, we're just there. So yeah, so yeah, and I had nothing to do. I'm just at home, but nothing to do. So I'm just like, oh my god.


Except to burn shit and drink beer.


Yeah, that's it. So. So yeah, so we ended up like just talking like, everyday, everyday, everyday every day. And like, as time went on, and we and now we're like, it's like months now. It's like months, like we're talking like pretty much almost every day. And the more I talk to her, the more I'm like, learning about her. And the more I'm like, Oh,


She's cool.


Like, I'm really like liking this person. I'm really like, like, liking make what I'm learning about this person. Yeah. But you know, I never really thought that anything. Like I really never thought too much about it in terms of like, oh, maybe this could be a thing like that just was in my head because, you know, he's she's in a whole other country. And yeah, but one day, so like now it's been months of us talking like pretty much every day. So her and her friend goes out clubbing in Montreal. And her friend is like, it's like really wild. And she's like the type like jump on to like, like the bar or a table and start dancing. And, and then she because of this she won tickets to Daytona Beach, kind of like, you know, kind of like like, like a spring break type of thing where they go to Daytona Beach and it's like spring break and whoooo drinking, you know.


Daytona Beach is in the US.


Yeah. It's in, in Florida. Yeah. And, and so, so yeah. So they got tickets.


And Florida is already better than where that other person was Florida's a little closer to Georgia.


Yeah, yeah. It's it's the border. It's like one of the bordering states of it's really close. In fact, Daytona to Little Wici was like a one and a half hour drive. Or maybe two hour drive. Very close drive. Yeah. A lot closer than Maryland for sure. Yeah. So so yeah. So then, so then I'm like, all these shit like, so you're going to Daytona that's like really close. Like, we can actually like meet. Yeah. Holy shit. So so so that was the plan. So so the way it worked was. So this group, it was like, it was like four buses. And they they had rented out like, like a whole part of the beach just for them. And it was like, private, like nobody else outside of that group was allowed to get onto that part of the beach. So I think it lasted like a week, maybe that they were down there. So after that week, so the plan was like, she will go down with the with the group in the buses. And then, you know, party with them for a week. And then after that, I'll come pick her up. And then she would just fly back to Canada. on her own. Yeah. So yeah, so So I drive down there. And I see her for the first time in real life. And even though this is like, like, if the first time we're meeting, it was as if, like, we have always known each other, which, in a way, it's true, because like we've known each other for years now because of you know, through Wow. And we've gotten to know each other, like talking on MSN for all those months. And you know, we send each other pictures and we also webcam like we're like on webcam a lot together. And so when so when we saw each other, like we it was a it was just so nice. It felt so natural. We clicked and we kiss for the first time.


Yeah. And at this point, you you guys are both adults, right?


Yeah, I was like maybe 21 or 22, maybe 23. And she was like 20-21


Somebody this and none of the other girls from the internet. Like whispered you like, Oh, no. Why are you talking?


Well, thankfully, this happened. All of this was like outside of WoW. So there was like no, like, wow, like women like Yeah. Yeah, oh man it's so funny. So yeah, so we clicked. And yeah, like, we're like, then we're in the beach. And we're swimming and we're just like, always in each other's arms. Yeah. And so, so I'm thinking like, you know, like, God, like, this is the thing. And like, another thing that you should know about me is that Georgia, especially Little Wici there was not a lot of people. So I was like, I was single for three years. Single for three years. Didn't have sex for three years. And, and I remember when me and her had sex for the first time. Yo, my penis was so sensitive. When he when it like first made like the the entrance, you know, like I my bot, I started convulsing, cuz I was like yeah, I was so sensitive. Yeah, so like, so that was cool. And oh, yeah. Yeah. And so she ended up staying with me for like, I think, like a week. And then she flew back to Canada. And then we continued chatting, chatting and stuff like this. And then it became a long distance relationship. And every three to six months, we would see each other so. Yeah, exactly. It was mostly her flying down. I'm not sure why that was, I think. I think because of my job. I couldn't really take as many vacations as I would have wanted to. But I did. I remember coming up to Montreal, when in fact so. So yeah, so So she came down I think twice in that year, and then the following year, I came up to No. Okay. So when she came down at one of the points when she came down to Georgia, we were trying to figure out ways of like, how to be together. Like permanently. Yeah. Because, you know, we're two people in two different countries. How do we do this? So we started doing our research. There's work visas, there's student visas, and there's marriage sponsoring and other stuff. And everything seems so because they would like work visas, you need to, like, get a job that's, that's, like needed in that country. You know? Like, so you need like a certain set of skills and certifications, blah, blah, blah, blah.


And often you have to have found the job first to get the visa.


Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. So it's like so even before, so yeah, so the even before getting, like, getting the job is like, okay, like, I need these certifications. What career? You know what I mean? Yeah. And then you have to find your job. And I'm like, fuck this, you know. And then the student visa thing. Like, I was like, I'm not really interested in going to school just yet. Anyways, it everything just seemed complicated the thing, Bo, and we both were like, man, it just seems so much easier to get married. And then we both got really quiet. And then we kind of like looked at each other. And we were like, Should we do it? Don't know, should we?, and I was like, I don't know. And then we were like, fuck it. Let's fucking do it. So the next year, the next summer, I come up to Montreal. And I wanted to do like a very romantic. So like, I proposed to her. And I wanted to do something very romantic. Like, you know, like, buy like, like, a water fountain. Like, you know, it was big, like water fountain thingies. But like, I don't know, Montreal. I've never been to Montreal before. So like, I wasn't able to plan anything. So I kind of just like, proposed to her in her living room. But you know, I got like, and back then I used to wear caps all the time. You know, I took off my cap. Chest got down to one knee. And I learned this so like I don't like back then I zero French. I think I knew how to say oui see I like I didn't even know what C'est la vie meant. Back then. Like the zero french. But I learned how to say let me say like, so, remember it. L'amour de ma vie. And then whatever. Will you marry me is in French. I forgot how you say that.


Okay. Veux tu me marier.


Yeah, that so I learned how to say that phrase so that I could propose to her like in her language.


Oh, so for the Anglophones. He just said that love of my life, will you marry me.


Yeah. Yeah. So that's. So that's how we got engaged.


So you got engaged here. Did you get married here?


No. So we got engaged here in Montreal. And then after that, we did more visiting back and forth a couple times. And then the, and then there was like a, I think, I think we did a test where we did a test where she came down for because like with the with just a passport, you can be in another country for a max of three months. Yeah. So we did a test of her living with me for three months to see like, Is this possible? Like will this work? And she was down there for the three months and it went very well. And so really, yeah, like, we can do And yeah, so he was my witness and Meg's mom flew down. this. So so the year after getting engaged, is when we got married. We couldn't do like a very nice wedding. You know, because like, all the family is in one country or the families and other country. Oh, yeah. M family. I have family in Pue to Rico, some in New York, exas, Guam. Okay, yeah. So so she was there. Yeah. So, so yeah. So we got married in Florida. And then, and then the year after that, is when I moved up to Canada.


I mean, your family is all over the place. Oh, so you guys were marri d long distance for a year?


Like they're everywhere. Yeah. So we ended up just doing like a like a court, a court room wedding in Florida. And my dad lives in Florida. So like, my dad was there.


He was your witness I guess?


Yep. For a year. Long distance married.


So you guys were together for at least like two three years before you moved?


Right, Yeah. Yeah. I think the amount like in Canada, we were together for five years. Yeah, Canada. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So so that's how gaming changed my life. Yeah, I'm in a whole other country.


And how did your parents feel about the wedding? cuz you guys had been dating for a while?


Yeah, they're they were super supportive and very happy for me. And her and her parents. Well, her parents loved me like, because they, you know, they met me like before we got engaged, right, because I was coming up here. And they like, um, I tried to be like, as respectful and polite as possible. I mean, yeah, I mean, that's just who I am. And they really they really love me and, yeah, so they're really happy. They're very supportive. I know my mom. My sister. I think they were like, kind of sad that they missed. They couldn't be at the wedding.


It is a big thing to miss your brother's wedding, your son's wedding. You do.. It's understandable.


Yeah. So that was, you know, a little unfortunate. But yeah.


Still, it's crazy. And then to this day, which for me was surprising. You kind of fell in love with Montreal after that?


Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah. Montreal. Like I did so the plan was get married. Because like we're both wanting to live in Florida. more me than her but like I convinced her because Florida's fucking beautiful like it was it was always supposed to be my final destination cuz I love the weather. There's perfect tropical weather. But she was in university. Yeah, and school in the US is way more expensive than it is up here in Canada, like way more expensive. So are they okay, well, you know what? Like, if you're gonna sacrifice all of your like your friends and your family and your whole life up here to live with me in the US. What's a couple years of me coming up here so you could finish school? So that's actually how like what the decision to move to Montreal happened. And, and yeah, like, so So Montreal was supposed to just be like a two year thing. Yeah. But yeah, I fell in love with the city. Like the people that I met here were just amazing. The vibe of the place is amazing. I got introduced to so many cultures and foods from so many cultures like I never had Greek food before I moved up here in never had Portuguese food before I moved, Lebanese like so many things. It's very diverse. And I love that diversity and I love and then I discovered Tams Tams. Yeah. Oh my god. Yeah.


Sometimes for non Montreal people. We have a main mountain in Montreal. And every Sunday lot of people go with their little Tams Tams which are little drums for those who don't know, and it's just a bunch of people with their their small drums and people dancing. And it's this whole like, it's like a festival vibe. Every sunday.


Yeah, yeah. And we so there's actually like a couple parts of tam tam. So like, that's the main part of tam times. Where's like the drumming and the dancing. And then you have like people who are larping Yeah, in one section. So there's people with swords and shields and you know, going and having battles. So that's a whole other section. Then you have like an entirely other section where people are like they're from, like Cirque du Soleil. Because they're like, juggling and doing like line roping and doing like these twirl things up into the trees. It's a very like when I like when my friend like I was living in Montreal for like, maybe three years. And then I met somebody who would frequent Tams Tams and he showed me Tams Tams, and it was like the most magical thing I've ever experienced in my life.


And to be fair, like, you didn't live in many places who have winters that are as bad as ours.


I lived a lot of my life in Connecticut, actually. Only a five hour drive from here. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so I've experienced winter in fact, because of climate change. I've experienced winters worse in Connecticut than my me living in Montreal


It's true because the winters have gotten progressively better here. Yeah,


I remember hearing all these horror stories like when I first moved up here, everybody was like, whoof Tropical Island. Do you like the widgets? Here are roughly Yeah, no gets up to here. The temperatures get down to negative 30 Sometimes, and they were telling me all these horror stories scaring the hell out of me. Yeah. But then like when I lived the winters like Yeah, I hate the cold and I hate winters. But I was like, I've experienced worse than this. Like, what are you guys talking about, but climate change.


Yeah, especially last winter. Last winter was short. Like, we we didn't even have a snowstorm where people abandon their cars, which is like weird because like, normally, like, at least once a winter we'll have a snowstorm or a few people have to just abandon their cars and come back for it three days later. Something..


That's crazy. I've never seen that since moving to Montreal. Yeah


That's true. I went to I've been getting not too bad.


Yeah. Which is, in some ways nice. But in other ways kind of scary. Yeah. For what's


It's bad but for us Canadians I think is we're kind of benefiting from it. So it's Yeah, I mean, there's a getting easier to do to live with.


Yeah, my theory is that like progressively with global right because like right now like the places like you know, California is like the place to be the palm trees, blah, blah, blah, but like global warming, California is burning down. And slowly, slowly. We're going to be the place where California. Yeah, the ideal place it is slowly going to become Canada because like, we're not going to be on fire as much as they are and stuff. But yeah. So that's that's the story how you how Lobo found love through gaming and how gaming can can really truly deeply change your life. Yeah.


Yeah, it can surprise you in many, many ways.


Absolutely. Yeah. Thank you for telling us your wonderful journey and all the twists and turns.


Thanks for sharing all this plot to us. That was amazing.


Yeah, well, thank you for having me on the show. I really enjoyed being on here. I am a fan. I was I've listened to all your episodes. So it's an honor for me to be on your show. Like, thank you so much for having me.


And I have to say, of all my friends, I think you're the person that like consistently will be like, Oh, I just listened to this episode. You mentioned this thing and blah, blah and stuff like that. Yeah. Okay. It's fine to have like a like we had do have friends, some friends who we find out listen to the podcast, but they don't really talk to us about it. But like, it's fun that like, I get feedback from you from like, oh, you said this. I was thinking about this. Oh, yeah. We were talking about juke that the word the term juke a few episodes ago. Yeah. And you mentioned that in..


Basketball. Yeah. Like as a kid, juked and juking is a term that was that's used in basketball for when you're like you have the basketball and you want to like..


That's exactly what it is in gaming too. Yeah. Yeah.


So I was in the episode I said, I think it's soccer. They might might use that term, but I didn't know but by Rio said that, that they they've used it in basketball as well.


So that's a term that I heard even before I started gaming.


Yeah, yeah. Which is cool. It's fun. Anyways, thank you for all this GG,




Just before you go editing Juke back here, because we were having such a good time a Lobo that We completely forgot to plug our socials. So you can find our podcast at getting gamers on Twitter and on Facebook. You can find us on Instagram at getting underscore gamers. You can find me at Juke underscore ish on Twitter and Instagram. You could find her at and you can find Lobo on Instagram as damaged underscore medic and on Twitter as at Syko 514. All of these will be linked in the description down below. And please do please don't forget to rate and review our podcasts. And once again, GG


Job's done