
35. Perimenopausen og menopausen - det skal du være forberedt på

Laura Grubb Episode 35

Er du mellem 35-55 år, og begynder du at mærke din krop forandrer sig? Så er du helt normal. Din krop begynder gradvist på en nedregulering af din cyklus fra 35-års alderen. Nogle mærker sjældent symptomer, mens andre kan blive overvældet af symptomer, der kommer ud af det blå. Løsningen er at være bevidst om, hvad der sker og hvad du kan gøre ved det, og det er formålet med den her episode.

Du bliver i dag taget med ind i min live masterclass med medlemmer fra min online platform. Du vil bl.a. lære om:

  • Hvad perimenopausen og menopausen er
  • Hvilke hormonubalancer du kan møde i hver overgang
  • Hvad du kan gøre for at reducere symptomerne i overgangsalderen
  • Hvad bioidentiske hormoner er og hvorfor de kan være relevante i overgangsalderen

Har du lyst til at være med til kommende masterclasses og få mulighed for at være med til meditationer og stille spørgsmål til mig og mine gæster, så kan du blive medlem lige her: www.lauragrubb.dk. 

Du kan se kalenderen for kommende events her: https://www.hormonyogaforkvinder.dk/kalender

Jeg viser nogle slides i denne episode. Ønsker du at se dem, kan du se episoden med video på min youtubekanal: https://youtu.be/iGAtZI0B28w

Ønsker du at lytte til min podcastepisode om sex efter 50, kan du finde den her: https://www.lauragrubb.dk/blog/44626-sexliv-efter-50-aar

Information i den her podcast har kun til formål at informere og oplyse. Indholdet er et resultat af Lauras egen research og erfaringer. Indholdet er ikke tænkt som en erstatning for rådgivning af en læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver eller anden information fundet på et produkt eller pakke. Brug ikke indholdet til at diagnosticere eller behandle et helbredsproblem eller sygdom, eller til at udskrive medicin eller anden behandling. Tal altid med din læge eller anden sundhedsrådgiver, før du tager nogen medicin, kosttilskud, urter eller foretager nogen behandling for et helbredsproblem. Hvis du har eller mistænker, at du har et medicinsk problem, kontakt din læge omgående. Afvis ikke lægelig rådgivning og afvent ikke at søge lægehjælp på grund af noget, du har lært via min hjemmeside og andre kanaler. Information og udtalelser vedrørende kosttilskud og præventionsmidler er ikke evalueret af Sundhedsstyrelsen og er ikke tiltænkt at diagnosticere, behandle eller eliminere nogen sygdom.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Kvine Liv, a podcast that helps you find more peace and surprise in your life. We have understood the Kvine Liv's cycle and how you can bring the hormones in balance with yoga food and lifestyle. My name is Laura and I'm looking forward to showing you how you get a fantastic Kvine Liv. Today's Kvine Liv brings you into the Masterclass of my food platform.

Speaker 3:

A MasterClass is a form of telling to a specialist about a certain urgent task, about the female and female break, but I have just put myself into it, so there could be something where I think there could be something new for you to learn if you are in this period of life between 35 to 55 years old.

Speaker 3:

And today I am both on my own journey and I have a very early female break and it is a research I have done and the insights I have received about this important time in women's lives.

Speaker 3:

So you are just joining in a live session where you hear the story of one of our live sessions, where I sit with my female members on Zoom and we are talking about I am telling you a few questions, where we are doing different meditations and reflections. I have talked a little bit about the essence so you get the most knowledge about some of the things I share, but if you want to get the meditations and hear all the questions that have been asked, you are welcome to watch the story on my online platform and here you can also join the upcoming masterclasses, yoga and women's circles we are holding about different subjects. And before I open up for the lecture, I have also decided to tell you about another new and quite big thing that will be going on here in my work life and in my business life I have written a book and it will be released very soon. It will be released in.

Speaker 3:

December and it is maybe not just for you, but also for you. I would like to tell you about this because it is about puberty, which is actually a kind of transition where the cycle starts when we meet the female and the male. And this time I think it is very important because this is the first time that we meet menstruation cycle, we meet our hormones and, if we are sure about it or not, then I start to get into our brains and change our bodies and it can be a really overwhelming time and I have myself experienced when I have updated the potential and power of menstruation cycle through the four phases of the intercontinental, when I have updated what I think I was 27 years old. I was really surprised when I was a child, but there were just not many who knew about this and it would not have been so easy to talk about menstruation cycle because it has been a long time since the transition and it is still there. And now I have taught the menstruation cycle in around a 78 years time, and I think it was in time that I also got a book about everything I have learned and it is called already to the fact that you have got menstruation and it is not really there where you are right now if you are with me on this episode, but maybe you have a daughter, a niece, a cousin or a mother in your life who has a young daughter who is standing. And we have entered into this time of a woman's life and, as I also tell you a little bit, the better you know the menstruation cycle, the better you are actually in a relationship with the men and the women, because you are all understood that a woman is a part of many changes and you are trained when you come to this age. So if it is a book that you could be interested in, it can both be for yourself. It is also open for you who just want to learn the cycle, or you have a daughter or another in your life who is in contact with young girls. It could be education or parents, so you are really welcome to take a look at it. I will put a link in the description so you can get it if you want. And with that said, I think we should start talking now about the menstruation cycle that women go through from about 35 to 35, namely the period of menstruation and the menstruation cycle. It was the menstruation cycle and the AH will have a bahamut. I'm very prepared for this. I've almost petite to say, but it is so important and many of you have grown up at the same time.

Speaker 3:

I I have been in the PM and the PM for many years, because I think I can't talk about it when I haven't tried it. But now I am officially in the PM and the PM for a few years and I also have a little knowledge of a few aspects of it, and I think it's important to make my ego stand in the way of it, and I think that what I hear in history is often a little more interesting or hears the theory. So I can start with a story, but I haven't been in the PM for many years. I am 37 years old now and when I get into it I can start it as often as possible, or early on, so that it's more than 35 years old, or I can start to notice some changes Not all, but some of us will be able to see that, and for me there is not much going on, but not so much. I have at least something to be aware of. For me it was more in my 36th year as a year, so I know more and more that I had a stress report at the beginning of the year which came back to me maybe also to me which I think also depends on the PM and the PM. And it actually helps me a lot to be aware of the PM and the PM, because what happened before I knew that I would get stressed, I had to lie down and just relax. It was when I started to notice some common changes. So that time, when I started my work with the education in the psychosom, I remember that I had another stress report which was about my 37th year.

Speaker 3:

When I travelled back to Bali I learned about the menstruation cycle and I had at that point in time, before I started learning how to balance hormones. I had a lot of PMs in a certain mental way, but also open breasts and generally these quite violent mood swings. And then I found a lot of reliefs that have affected me, like the hormonal deterioration, the cost of stabilizing blood sugar, all of these factors that I share with you. And this has really affected me, even though I was just getting stressed in January, and at that point, of course, I started to teach a part of the bioidentical hormones and I had always said okay, bioidentical hormones, that's something you first need.

Speaker 3:

In the menstruation and the period of period. I had to at least be able to handle my own natural moods until I was 35, and from then on, when I opened up, it could be that if I needed it, I wouldn't be afraid to be able to do it, because I know, or know all the factors that can be. And what's happening in January is that I feel that all of my tools are just being built without looking at how much I'm doing. And then I thought, okay, then I'll just throw my phone away. It was a bit like I had it. It was a bit of a shock for my ego because I felt a bit like, ah, that I'm not enough, but I don't see it anymore today. But at that point I thought, well, I would like to have it good. And then I was a bit curious what are these bioidentical hormones and how they feel? And we'll just ask what bioidentical hormones are. Super good question.

Speaker 3:

So most of us know, for example, about P-pills, hormone-symperal, which means that we carry out hormones from them. Most of us know that I'm not a big fan of them because they're artificial hormones or synthetic hormones. So in P-pills and in hormone-symperal, what is called the Schestogen, and it's a hormone that, as you can say, people have made but that can't be found in the body, but it can be found in receptors, ie cells. They have a you call it a lobe and then the hormones come and swim in the blood vessels and they can then be found in this receptor, in this cell, and, a little bit like a needle to a lobe, they can activate it and then they can get the cells to do it, and the Schestogen can be found in the progesterone receptors. The challenge with the Schestogen is just that it's not a progesterone, it's something else and it actually molecules more testosterone, and that's why you can get a lot of effects with P-pills. But there are also naturally or what can you say bio-identical hormones, and that means hormones that are completely identical to what we have in the body, and I'll come to that later with how you can use it. But it's something that you can use in the transgenic cells and it has these very serious effects. That can be a magister gene and it helped me during this period and I actually use it instead, and I have to come to that, why I have had reflections on why, why I have used it, but it helped me at least.

Speaker 3:

So then my interest in the P-pills and the pausing began to grow even more, because I thought, okay, if I notice it all already as 36 years old, I know there are others who are able to notice it, but I don't have that white white inside. I was never prepared to be cast over them and I was also surprised. It wasn't necessarily a real solution for everyone and there are a lot of other things you can do For me. I just had everything done and just there, in a week or two after I had the same thing with this person, I knew I had stress and then I was like, yeah, okay, so I got good feedback when I put so much pressure on my system, and it was in the past that it began to become even more sensitive, which is what is happening with the P-pills and pausing. But then my body needed a little extra. But that's my story, and there is just a recipe for Medeco and you know if it's ready to get, I just want to take it.

Speaker 3:

So the only thing you can get in Denmark, which I know, is in a tablet form. The problem is that when you take a tablet form, you need a very large dose because a lot of it is reduced. I think it can be at least a percentage of it is reduced in the liver, but you can get something out of it. This some air. It is often referred to in cases where natural hormone therapy works. It is usually gel, so it is said that when you rub on the skin which can be absorbed. I think it is a bit more argumentative. In other cases it can be very hard to see, but you can buy a pipette and you can actually see how much you should have. So it is difficult to get the one that is not in Denmark, so you should go to France to find it. I know that.

Speaker 3:

I should also underline that I am not a natural hormone therapist. So it is based on my own experience and my own research. And if you get out in the Diabiridynic months, I would like to do the same as I did, to use someone who is a therapist in this and who can do the dosage, because you can experience some effects. You can have Not the alvorgles we experience with the conventional hormone treatment, but it can be if you get too much. I had a terrible effect that my period had not been finished. I could get a resurgence if I came to overdose and it was like no, there are not some who get it. Often it is just a bit of a abuse or a disorder. So I know that when I have been a little too much. And the good thing about dosage is that it is after 24 hours, and then it is said that I should just let it be, put it on and wait, and then it goes on. But I remember she called it the progesterone for a balstyroic wild boar. You can put a little too much on and then you can really feel the effects. So it is a dance and it can take some time to learn to dance with it. But let's get back to treatment.

Speaker 3:

I think there are maybe some others who are now wondering what this is, this Pia, menopause, menopause actually. So we will just get the basics in place so you can say the whole Pia, menopause and menopause. Menopause is what we also call the transition alert in Danish. So we call it a alert period, which is actually quite well described, because it is a period in women's lives. The word menopause is actually a term that describes the day when you have not had menstruation in 12 months, so that can be said just a simple day, but the menopause is about 45-65 years old and then it is called the Pia menopause, which actually means around the menopause, but it is often described as the period up to the menopause, and that is how it can start from these 35 years, because we start to see the progesterone days and be up to these 45 years. So we are actually talking about a potential 20-year period of a women's life, which many go into without knowing exactly what is going on and often there are solutions.

Speaker 3:

I am involved in a forum where there are women who daily ask themselves what can be done and I experience this here and give them a red light and there are a lot of people who are hard to describe. I went to my doctor and he said you just have to get antidepressant or PEP pills when it just goes over. It's just like being a woman and I think we are back to all this with the cyclosis, which I have been very passionate about. That it is not necessarily the challenges women experience and that is why there are more and more people who are starting to cry out loud and say there is actually something we can do that does not need to come with these quite powerful effects. And you can say that this period it does not need to be 20 years and I can say that it is exciting. For some it can be longer or shorter.

Speaker 3:

I just heard a little story about one of my young teachers about hormones and she said often those who are quite well prepared for it will not experience so many challenges. We may not be able to handle them as quickly as we can. If we do not agree, then it can be a great challenge. But there is a kind of a kind of puberty. So when we were in puberty our hormones began to rise slowly and there were also some exceptions there. If we could go back to that time then it could also be quite chaotic. We are perhaps not as aware of what we are now. We need a little more adults, but it is actually the same thing that happens.

Speaker 3:

Our cycle should go slowly as it develops and that takes a period and the first thing that happens is that the progesterone begins to fall. So the permanent pause will often be the known sign of symptoms of lab progesterone. And if I say completely sometimes I have described the balance of hormones that we can have. Well, lab progesterone is something like, for example, open breasts, which I am proud of. It is PMS hormones swings, let's say I have. It can also be one of the menstruations that gets stronger, and it is not because, or you can say the menstruation is often related to estrogen. But if we have lab progesterone it will often be more estrogen and then we can experience these stronger or maybe more painful menstruations. Some experience hard-to-weight exercises. We suddenly we train in the same way but the weight does not regulate itself as much as earlier. Some experience more migraine, makes sex-sus muscle pain or it is difficult to get pregnant if you try it, and that does not sound very fun. And I will come to find myself some advantages with permanent pauses and pauses. But it is just to say that there are some who can experience, and it is very different how much you experience. Now there is one for me who experiences it very early, and it is not necessarily that it is a matter of you where you are in your life.

Speaker 3:

My own evidence is that it is connected with my sensitivity and it is maybe because I am a little overwhelmed. I saw in yesterday's documentary Sensitive, the Untold Story, which I just sat and thought all the way through because I felt that there was really a word on something that at least fits me With. That generally has always been a very sensitive and at the same time I also throw myself out in some things that have pressed me quite a lot. And as my therapist, who I have talked to with her, she said you just used your progesterone and now you should supplement it a little. And I said, well, okay, but that is also a great time and I have really tried a lot of fun things. So therefore, my, can you say, have I used to do a little extra? I have also put everything else at once. I will also share more about something, for example, that now I am completely of alcohol and caffeine and almost also sugar, and I have been doing a lot of exercise and really just started to take my help even more seriously.

Speaker 3:

And on the one hand, it is kind of annoying that we can no longer give the guest we only in the start 20s. On the other hand, this time is just extremely much called self-love and self-love and we begin to take self-divorce, and my proof is, above all, what I hear from the interviewers on that topic the more we take our body away and almost build a little nest and a hole for it. And if it does not give out in the evening, then let's be warm with that, or if it does not, if it does not sleep for a long time then we give it a chance to do that. When we begin to tune in and listen to it more, then I think that we can also get a lot of more travel through the organization and then not need to be so hard. It is like a strong wake-up call. The body says you can not drive me so hard as you did earlier. And we should not underestimate that. We live in a society that is extremely tough for the female body in relation to the expectations and the processions and everything we have to live up to. In any case, what we expect many of us to have.

Speaker 3:

So here, a little bit like what I see is the transition from the PMN and the break. It is the after-year of the life cycle. I also talk a lot about the cycle with the four years of time and with the menstruating opening, ovulating and nesting. Think of this time as a long nesting phase. And what does the nesting phase look like? What does it look like for me? It is more sleep, it is more relaxed, it is more calm, more yoga, more close to the food. That causes less stress for the pregnant woman. So that's what we have to do now and then it will be a better journey. So that was just the PMN and break. So that's the end of the story. Again, it's so individual.

Speaker 3:

You can't deny all these things. You can't really. I can't really tell you if you are a PMN and break. But you can, of course, tell me where you are in your allers period. But it will often be that we look at the symptoms. There are no tests that can say now you are in the PMN and break, but I would say you are not a 20 if you deny all these symptoms where it can be almost completely difficult to work, and you are looking for some solutions. So there is the menopause. So now we are over 45 to 55, through the little girl, the woman is probably over, or the menopause with altruism, but again it can also be exciting for some over the 55. And here are the changes in the symptoms a little.

Speaker 3:

So where we in the PMN and break were it much this falling progesterone we are talking about where estrogen makes you wait a little, then it begins to be known now estrogen enters and begins to form, and where progesterone takes a long time, as you can say, fall. The reason why the progesterone begins to fall is because we do not always have egg-solution each cyclone and we only have progesterone when we have egg-solution. So when we do not have this active egg-solution, then we are very much using progesterone and it can give these symptoms. Estrogen when it enters the back, then it will often take to swing a little more, so it goes up and down. I actually have. Let me see I can share a. I will just jump over here. I have taken a little picture with this one I think is best. Can you see it? There we go Good. So if we have an analog from Lara Brighton. It has been fantastic to talk about Hormonal Repair Manual. Can I really recommend it If I have children?

Speaker 3:

We have quite a few levels of austral diodes, our estrogen, that have been used in the cyclical years and it was here in the progesterone. But then when we start to go in the progesterone, the estrogen begins to rise and then after that the progesterone starts. So if the estrogen starts our menstruation cycle and then the progesterone begins and it goes up and down a lot of times. Every time it goes up it's a cycle where it has just sent the progesterone out and if the estrogen is so stable through the whole cycle, I remember the cycle through and through. And then there's the V-Rama here in the PM and the Parvus, and you can see that it first starts with being a progesterone. That just remains sometimes. So that means we have a little less of the progesterone to lose. And then the estrogen starts to move and these movements can give good, for example heat turns, because when you suddenly get a terrible estrogen it can change your body temperature quite quickly. So symptoms such as heat and sodium can, for example, rise here.

Speaker 3:

Estrogen is also what gives us the slim hands to produce our flow. When we can look at the estrogen it can be, we can get dry slim hands. So the more when I know it well, the better. The menopause here I say I actually don't have any other. Yes, I have this one here. It's also from Larry Brighton, who is clear that there are actually four phases. So now it's not too complicated.

Speaker 3:

Today I play the number just on two phases, but in any case there are some periods we go through where that, what was it? I just wanted to say about that. No, that's why we are a little more than that. That makes sense. In any case, my point is there are these shifts in the estrogen, at least together with the slow out there, and to take the last one with me, then another graph I have just written here. Then it is in the beginning, with the progesterone in the permenopause, and then it is later that the estrogen can start to affect us. I hope it's not a mistake, I'll stop here again.

Speaker 3:

So these two, the two phases. We look at other things we can experience where they have made estrogen, the estrogen also does its good humerus, if you remember the cyclone, so depression and anxiety can arise. Now the sleepiness, the swelling, the dry skin and the humerus swelling too. So these are some really secret symptoms for the quality of life and I see in this form that I also hear that there are a lot of women who go around and dream of these symptoms and don't know what to do with them and don't know if they can do anything with them and where we are used to see the answer. There is not so much of the holistic answer we get, it is more of the medicinal one, and that's really important because we can actually do this for a really good time. And before I talk a little bit about the positive now I want to talk a little bit about the negative. I'll just find out.

Speaker 3:

I had some yes, I've heard two in YouTube, two YouTube videos a day from some intent-based advice, and then a Harvard letter talking about permanent pausing, inner pausing, and they both said the same word. That strikes me with purpose. So what is my goal in life? Because this organ phase, if we are at least to help to handle these symptoms, so we are not completely unaccompanied in our everyday life, then it can actually be a quite transforming time of our lives, just like the next phase in the cycle can also be.

Speaker 3:

At the beginning, when I dealt with all these symptoms, I thought the next phase was too much and really really hard to go through. But the more I found some tools to handle what happened, the more this became a more intuitive, almost spiritual phase, where I could feel my body, more I could feel what is actually going on, my instinct, where I was much more able to see through. I could see my own instinct and more be myself, and there are also some words that are put into this time. We get more at home by ourselves. But it also you can say these years a woman went through four archetypes. I'm taking my slide with me because I didn't get it right. It's the last one I think I'll see again. I've earned this from somewhere, from a place I haven't had my own yet. But just like the cyclists here who are four years old, there are also some who can work with three, but many work with four.

Speaker 3:

When we are young and we start our menstruation cycle we are in our four years in spring, and it is often characterized as the maiden, the home wife, that we start blooming, we start coming into this world and seeing everything that is happening and the whole thing starts. And then the mother archetype comes, and it has nothing to do with whether you are a biological mother or no, it's just a mother archetype where we are more focused on taking care of other people. We are in our summer period in the last ten years where we are more out there helping others. That's what I'm calling it and these changes that our cycle is making. We are going down to the whole thing and adapt. So we are becoming very lazy and we are, at that point, becoming a bit more like a lazy person.

Speaker 3:

And when we get into the transition, we are in our after-year phase, which is called the Creatrix, which is the creation, where we come to know what is the one thing I want to contribute to this world. What is my shape? What am I? Why am I here? What can be? There is a spiritual awakening. What can be? We start to ask ourselves what all that we have done. Maybe we live our whole life for other's sake and suddenly we ask ourselves what do I really want?

Speaker 3:

I don't really see myself as a type of person that I'm 35, even though it's quite clear that I'm in a life crisis. I'm in a life crisis and that was also a bit of a known sign all my knowledge about the PME. I didn't hurt my work in this way or my father's work. I said that I thought, okay, now I'm 35, we start my hormonal days. I really thought I would like to be a mother, I would like to have a family and I would like to be completely free and be like what am I doing now? And then I thought, okay, what if I completely let go of that dream, or they would say it wasn't what I thought. I completely gave up and broke into this delusionary hole and thought, okay, then it's just not what I want in my life. I might as well be a mother in a different way, or well, it wasn't my thing in life. Actually it's quite depressed. I think about 35, because it's not the end.

Speaker 3:

You can say I'm going to be pregnant after the film. But that was a bit like I thought I was sitting with many faculty professors on risk-paying and there was just sex. Or a lawyer came in and I was like I can't find that man I would like to have the child with. And then it became a sort of wake-up call where I just said, fine, what would I do in life? And then I thought I'd travel. And then a month later I met that man. I can be pregnant and I'm going to be pregnant. So that's it okay.

Speaker 3:

But I bring that story with me to say that there can be a change in the way of life and that I didn't go down with stress in my head and that in a new hormonal care I can't go as extreme as the first one, but still was a pretty big change. But it also became a spiritual change where I threw myself much more into the palm tree and opened up a new portal in myself and changed a lot of my lifestyle. So it's just a positive sound, because I don't think our body is starting to grow a little higher, because it can start to grow to our soul and they can feel it and the whole thing, after what it has to do with the form is to bring us into our winter the one called the Crohn and not what the other language itself is. But the way I see her is that she's a wise woman. She's a very wise woman who can help the whole society if they understand her and if they take her redness and guidance, and that's a whole new story. But that's a little problem we're living in today, where Nermis throws her aside instead of using all the wisdom she's got, and it wasn't once. She was almost the highest status in some societies. Maybe it changes. I hope so. It's at least the potential that lies here.

Speaker 3:

Before I get to what we can do with it, because I think it's taking some time, I'll just say something about why we have to talk about it, but also, some of you will experience some serious challenges and I'm not all the same, but it's very good to know that there can be some of your challenges. There are things called too early transition and that means that you go to the transition before you're born and we don't know why it's happening to some women or actually not to be born before. I think so it's too early transition, but it's actually a dysfunction in the egg cycle or the pre-deficient and if it happens, if you're in that situation, it's really important to get this hormone treatment and in your own body and it's about improving some of the healthy, challenging challenges that can happen on the long-term. So this transformation that we women go through in permenopause and menopause, it's also a reprogramming of our brains. If some of you are trying to be pregnant or pregnant or on the stage, for that reason we all have the same, but maybe that's what you remember the most. Maybe you remember your brain being changed or something like that. We call it the arm and the brain and the changes in the hormones are simply reprogramming our brains and there's also a reprogramming in our brains, and I heard one say it doesn't sound so good when she said it the female brain is in crisis, but it would say that we respond to each other, but we respond to each other in a different way. There are some things that change and that is why I also believe that it is a good idea that we help ourselves to have a good transition, because it is stressful for the body to die with all these symptoms. But I have a problem on a long journey. So this means that having a monthly cycle is completely exhausting this monthly dance of east, radial and progesterone To get rid of some symptoms or our brain health Symptoms like dementia or Alzheimer's, to have a regular cycle, a regular egg solution, and then the demon can be involved in developing these problems.

Speaker 3:

And that is why, if you go to early stages or to the surgery stages where you are far away not just the liver, but also the egg cells, which can be a reason for different views it is really important to get a treatment To prevent this lack of the hormones, so we prevent some of these problems on the long journey. It can also be heart disease, it can be bone disease. So for those who are either in early stages or, in a different way, at the beginning stages of the surgery, it is really important to get a treatment, because if you don't have one, it is a good idea to have a regular egg solution. Of course, the amount of gravity, but then we get a huge amount of hormones. So it is also a good investment on the hormone control On that plan.

Speaker 3:

But a regular egg solution, is there more and more people who are talking about the importance of it, and then you can say that it comes into the progesterone level In the P-pills or hormone prevention. Is it the same? Because it is not the same hormones. There will be something, but it is another story. So it was just for those two in place. So you are worried about getting a real help.

Speaker 3:

And apart from that, so there are also more and more people who say that the permenopause and the menopause is an insight into our health. So they here. They say that the brain is almost through a kind of trigalibration, just like in puberty, when gravity and amniage, and therefore a really good idea is to help the body as much as possible. So these are processes. They have changed. Try as best as possible. Our immune system, our nervous system, can also be on this time. Some will develop automorocytome, for example, hashimoto's, as a law of the law, if you have it already.

Speaker 3:

So do what we can, and of course, we can't do it perfectly. I know that on the one hand, I am not perfect and I also deal with a lot of things Still not but we can do the best we can and meet our own feelings, and just being here today is a really good sign, in any case, to be aware of what is happening. Some of you might be thinking what about earlier, where you didn't find the bioidentical hormones or all the costs you should have today? How did earlier women experience this transition, and there are different theories about it. What you mean by the fact that we have more problems today in the transition is one of the so-called toxic overload. We are generally exposed to more of these homophobic stuff, and it is also the one that can cause fatigue and that can also cause the transition. For example, something like blue. It will cause our knots and when we go in with some pauses, the body begins to lower our knots slowly and then some of these freezes will give rise to our system and it can give some of these symptoms, among other things. It's just one example Life-threatening problems.

Speaker 3:

Something that is so important is to respect the circadian rhythm. We stand up with the sun and go to bed when it's dark but light and in certain ways is light from phones and screens, and now I know that we are sitting here and have a lot of information about it, black pictures and so on. It's a really good idea, but we can understand our circadian rhythm and get less sleep, less restitution. And then there is this with many children later in life, and that means that we are perhaps standing with children in the middle of the pyramid and pausing the frames, or if we are standing with teenage children when we are at this time, and that can also be challenging, and often our career is just around the corner. And what can you say? That we put extra pressure on ourselves, which of course we would like to, but it can also put extra pressure on our immune system. So we just have to balance it with even more sleep. So that's some of the things that can be played in.

Speaker 3:

I would just like to get a little closer to how you made me come up with a coffee and sugar alcohol. I know that I would like to be with my mother-in-law. I think that's very important. I understand that you are asking a lot of questions, but it's not that bad. I would like to get a little closer to the treatment and what you can do. I think we should drop the tankers perfectly. I am completely alone. I drink cold water at the same time as I drink tea. Super.

Speaker 3:

I was at a yoga team. I went to the yoga team at my fitness center here in Spansk for a learning spanish and the good thing is that I am a yoga teacher. I can really feel that. But there was a teacher who had a t-shirt on where she stood on English Forget Perfection. I loved wearing a t-shirt. I love people wearing t-shirts with a message I go. It's not that much in itself, but I love it.

Speaker 3:

There are many things I can say about the perspective. I think we should jump a little over to what you can do. I know what you are thinking about. Many are newbies. I hope that some of you are using it. I hope that it doesn't get too boring.

Speaker 3:

Many people know my 5S model with the 5S for hormone imbalance. It is just as current in the development of the hormone imbalance. 5s reduces stress, balances blood sugar, improves hormone control in the body, improves the body and boosts the sensitivity. I will come to why these 5S are so good, but if you are curious where you should start, you should know that these 5S are good and why we started with a grounding. We started with a connecting group. It's about this comfortable nervous system, because my own story was about the stress I had in the past year that led me to choose the one I am now used to. I am more sensitive to people. It's about the labor of the brain. When we have more stress in the world as I had at that time and I know you are in it you can write it down, you can laugh at it. When there is more of that, the brain is more stable. I have explained it before when we talked about PMS in other videos and places that cortisol stress hormones are our survival and it's just about the real stress in our survival. If we lose it, the body will do everything it can to make more coordination and it will start with where it can be lost and there can be other losses that the hormone is under control.

Speaker 3:

That is the progesterone. It's a really narrow way to take a little extra and when we have made the progesterone, we have made this lovely, fantastic hormone that makes us feel at ease. It creates peace in the mind. Progesterone is an anti-depressive. Instead of taking anti-depressive as a whole, we can actually have our own anti-depressive when we take progesterone. Every time we have a solution. So what we are going to do in the next phase is this lovely calm feeling that I just want to chat.

Speaker 3:

But many times we go against the instinctive protection of our own body, and that is to take progesterone to the school. And then, in the sense that the brain and the body are not completely automatic, it's not a hormonal imbalance. The body is sometimes pushed down from the hormones. That's the way we all need to be. So are we more sensitive to stress? We don't have this very much, this very relaxing hormone that we had before. So now we need to find some tools that can help us, for example, hormone yoga, meditation, going to the nature, spending time with friends. It gives oxygen.

Speaker 3:

Oxygen balances cortisol, so gram berating, sex all of this can get a lot of oxytocin in the body is really good for calming the nervous system, and the same with estrogen. It can also, as I mentioned before, destabilize the brain a little. So that means that we don't have to regulate our HPA axis, as it's called, that regulates our stress and I mentioned it before it has a circadian rhythm, so get up when the sun is up, when it's dark, so get a little more relaxed. And that means that I'm quite relaxed myself. I was a party animal. I was a party animal in my 20s and I have really, really, really enjoyed it. And I enjoy being so relaxed right now or that means that I'm not really relaxed. So it feels really good to spend a lot of time with myself.

Speaker 3:

I want to meditate here, and sometimes I sit in a comfortable room talking to someone I'm not really connected with. So I want to have a deep talk that gives me a lot of oxygen, that relaxes me. So there are also limits and a little more. What do I need? What is it that gives me the most energy and relaxes me? So maybe just now I have talked about it I'll just take a deep breath. The brain is in a deep, maybe a breath of air and a slow, slow and some doof, and then you can do it again. That's the way of the world. And while I'm talking about this, I want to tell you that, in order to make the track really deep, do you have any world-train techniques that you use yourself. We have worked with one yesterday on our LiveJugatine 4.78 world track. You can use that one. You can't just drag it deep, or that's where you want to use the NERV system. That's the fastest way. So that's one thing and that fits in with the 5S model that we're talking about.

Speaker 3:

Stress Another thing that can help reduce the symptoms is reducing inflammation. So there are a lot of ways to reduce inflammation in our lives. I have myself and I also die with inflammation. I have, for example, one in between with stress and that's what I'm connected to with my body. I have asthma. I have chronic inflammation. Again, I also have these challenges. I go to the doctor and I really start taking it more seriously. I haven't had a lot of breaks, but now I'm like okay, now it's time to stop and tell me about it. But reducing inflammation, because more inflammation can also activate the sympathetic nervous system. That can give them more heat and more symptoms. So we would like to create a role in this change and reduce inflammation in our lives.

Speaker 3:

Information can also be linked to insulin resistance. It's about blood sugar. It's another S-sugar, something that can be lost here in time. Up to the transition period. It can be difficult to establish our blood sugar so we need to do an extra effort. So the hormone and the energy are also painful with stress. I'll ask them, I'll take them back afterwards, then we'll have to get through it. So it's something else to stabilize the blood sugar and it can be a few tips on how to do it.

Speaker 3:

Protein for morning food is less sugar, less high cholesterol, less work in general. So choose a diet that you can see and find in nature, especially if you have a lot of words about what it means you don't understand. I think I'll go through it. I have a lot of information about it, but to work on it I'll see blood sugar. So the Döresen, a lot of our serotonin which gives us a good feeling before it gets in our blood sugar. So if you're playing good bacteria, if you have a lot of antibiotic treatments, for example, I have had problems with the back-winding blood sugar and it's the first time I've heard a day where I'm just like whoa, maybe that's it. So now I'll start with the probiotic again and really take care of my blood sugar system, because it's very similar to immune systems, as I said before, in the organ cell. We are more sensitive to developing automotor symptoms. So our body attacks itself and you see that women 80% of automotor symptoms have women in relation to men. So that means really a good idea to keep our immune system, and that's mixed with our time. I have a hormone yoga video against the immune system in the platform.

Speaker 3:

So the hormone-based stuff, you see, we're going to see the third one, which is the first of all sugar stress, sugar food system stuff. It can also be inflammation, so it's like pesticides, for example, bpa, salates and PFOAs. It's been up here for a while now where I was just like, finally in Denmark, when I started to go to the forest and stay away from all things. It's the same way over time because I couldn't use it from our body, but it can also be. Is it a mistake to actually move the menopause for a while? It's actually quite stuck, often at the same time as our mother, but it's possible that we can move, just like we see on the TV, which is actually also stuck. It's moving to younger and younger times and that means that I have hormone-based stuff. So help us to eliminate them with focus on living and focus on stopping the intake of all these stuff and finding where they are. So I have a lot of that on the platform to come up more soon.

Speaker 3:

And then there's alcohol. There's obviously just a question whether it's coffee but alcohol. It was really hard for me to get rid of it. In any case, I was in Denmark. Here it's much easier because it's not just a big part of the culture. But keep it up. I have known it in all of the years. It's just not good for anything. It's a gift stuff. So we'd like to have hormone-based stuff, because alcohol is a hormone-based stuff. It can do heat-saving, it can do sleep-saving, it can affect the intestines, it can affect muscle building, it can affect our organs. To get rid of hormone-based stuff.

Speaker 3:

Estrogen it's just a really stupid idea and it's good to say that our 20s and our 30s have taken a little bit of it. It made me at least. But when we get home and take a break, so just on time, can I reduce it. And I'm not the one who says I should never drink alcohol again, because I love good-class red wine, but it's minimized to a maximum of one glass, like a glass of wine for me, or maybe not once, and I really enjoy it and it's good to be someone who thinks what. There's no one who thinks it's the hammering in the air and there's everything that's different. But I just want to emphasize that it's not a good idea for this time of our lives. It's hard, it's not good, but if you have so many problems and you think, well, it's fine, maybe your metabolism is really good, but the one that I who is on the front line, have a few challenges. There's just not a good idea.

Speaker 3:

Okay, a little bit about food. What can you do with it? Now we're talking about harmonio, we're talking about all kinds of things, and I miss the last sense of taste. Generally, we've used more protein in the digestive system, so it can be a good idea to use it, but I'm not going to go down again because it makes the work more complicated. I know it takes more time, but you don't get the relief of all the smart solutions we have in Denmark, but that's because you can see where it comes from Even better. I'd like to have an ecological, in any case the dirty dust that they've covered the most, because the basic side is a homogenous stock With green tea. I've also talked about how to balance the stuff that's being used in the digestive system. I'd like to thank the Cosblom family for helping us. They're helping us to bridge the overflowing estrogen, the extra estrogen that's starting to be on the ground in the Pemelobarga.

Speaker 3:

And then there's a little bit about the plant estrogen. Whether it's good or bad, plant estrogen is something that might be about the plant's soil, but it's also found in the plants. It's actually found in many places. It's a natural estrogen that is coming in. What I've learned is that they actually can be a help because they can go both ways. That means they can both have an anti-strogen effect, which can be really good in the Pemelobarga and that means they can actually block our own estrogen, so it doesn't come in and the plant estrogen has a much, much more positive effect than our own estrogen, which actually works quite strongly. So in that way it can have a similar effect. Where in the way we are in the Pemelobarga, it can actually be a help because we don't have enough estrogen and then these plant estrogen comes in and sets itself up and that boosts it.

Speaker 3:

So there are many who say it's a really good idea to eat more of that. There's a little work to be done and there's a little discussion with the soil, because if you take a lot of soil milk and the soil yogurt, which is quite concentrated, it can actually stop the whole production of the soil. So in moderation and in terms of something like miso, tempia, tofu, I would say in moderation and if you have a estrogen that can be used, then just because it's safe, you get the whole thing for sure. Then there's something like Kosseskud, which I myself am a fan of and which you might also use for your diet, and that's because D-marnation has this effect on the nervous system. It helps the sleep, it's very good for the focuser, it also affects a lot of others, over 300 functions in the body, but a lot of people miss it. You can say Kosseskud is important or you just buy it and I would say I don't think you should buy too much Kosseskud, but I would say minerals in the food we eat because we have a lot of uterus. So there is.

Speaker 3:

I have noticed directly on my own body. The effect is getting in. It's not safe that you miss magnesium. I gave it, for example, to my girlfriend and he got bad with it. He had really bad magnesium. He should not have more. So that's why you can notice if you get bad with it, then you don't need more of it. My body, up to just I can say quite a lot because my nervous system and my sensitivity makes me use a lot of magnesium. It's because of my over-examination.

Speaker 3:

And there is also then choose a little bit of a different form Because I am happy for magnesium bisglycinate which is put together with glycine and it's really good for the eyes when insulin sensitivity. So there are some who are happy because it's called MACA, and there is Roomy Anne who is also with us on some of our lives. She is in Peru right now and I see her sharing stories with how they break the MACA. So it's like we take no color or go in my way. It's a red that has some health effects and you think it helps boost estrogen and prokostorone and actually also increases testosterone, so it can also be good if you, for example, use sexless.

Speaker 3:

The last MACA could be really good and also really important, but now there are. It helps to reduce the amount of cortisol, reduce inflammation. It's best to get from food. It's something like gaskets when you're eating oysters, when you can take it with your hands. And then there are some who are struggling with gynecine. I haven't tried it yet maybe I've tried some other things. And Vitex Agnus Castus I've been hanging in a part part of the year. It helps to boost the prokostorone but again, it's not for everyone, but it helps for me.

Speaker 3:

And training I think it's really important. I actually had a lot of time today. I actually didn't mean to talk about myself today. I actually had to find a guest to teach but they could not. So I thought, well then I was on it. I actually thought about a physical test that could make training really good for the beginners. But just to sum up what it is, you need to get the first thing to train. It's so important now.

Speaker 3:

I started training before. I've always been really happy to strengthen training. I'm a yoga, a yoga piper much more flexible and more flexible and more. But now I've been thinking I should start building muscles, because it's so important, because we're getting worse and worse to build muscle mass, so that's why we should train more to keep that in mind. So strengthening training with some heavy weights is a really good idea, of course, slowly. Have you ever trained strength training before? I did it myself? I slowly, slowly and listened to my body and weight. It's good for insulin sensitivity and it's good for your body.

Speaker 3:

And the last thing I wanted to say about the holistic it was a little inspired by this tantric subject I heard today. It's a bit about the sexuality, because I actually had a podcast episode that came out yesterday with a gynecologist about sexuality after 50. So it really is a light for the context of what we can see in the future, because there are scary hormonal changes and they can affect the human body and the human body. It can give some pain to the sex and our sex is also affected by testosterone and stela. So what can we do about that? And it was actually a shock for the tantric subject. I think I have found a tantric subject now because these changes in the body have made me have a longer life, a deeper life, and it's actually our sex life and our need for intimacy and it changes. We go from this very reproductive, spontaneous sex to a longer life and where men they also go in the process and it's a much, much longer than the degree of stela, stela and testosterone. Sometimes it can give some feedback in the parable when we want to transform it, but my own experience has been tantric. It can be really good for the body under direct consistency. That's why I would like to bring it on the road. So that's why there is the last masterclass with introduction to tantric. That would be a good place to start, where we work with circulating energy and then we work with our womb and the beginning of circulating this energy Energy is still it could be our China in the egg-stock and beginning to fall, but we have instead the sexual energy with us on the other side of the transition. We don't lose it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, there was just that with coffee. The question is, I was at the beauty disco in Hormona with how it is to be there and yes, it is. That was my first speech. That was ten years ago. My stress was gone it's not a good idea to drink coffee. And I was like, okay, and now I'm done with it. And then I felt a clear effect on it, what I was saying. I was sick for a year. I only had a year without having had coffee, and I'm not going to call it after. And then I can remember the first cup of coffee I had after this long period without. I mean, I felt like I was being eaten Again. I'm under stress, I'm very sensitive, so I don't have to worry about it because I feel something and that was pretty awesome. And then I was like okay, coffee, I'm very sick of it and that's also a bit of a relief to have coffee or to have coffee.

Speaker 3:

But it's about one's ability to have a low-fat, to have a lot of of people who have low-fat coffee, and it can be that you're good at it. So I'm not the one who says you should live completely askew and drink all the coffee and alcohol. That's what works for me, because my body doesn't like coffee. But I like to say if one body has it nice with coffee or coffee, then bring it, because it's often found in other places. Then maybe I should go down and drink one or two cups a day and enjoy them and choose a good quality coffee, then I don't see any problem with it. If it's all about how your body reacts to it and of course, some things we don't see before. We've had a period without them then you can try it out Some for the headache some times when you take coffee away and get it really hard, but that's also what you have to be fine with. So I think alcohol is a bit more we all know that well, or I can say it's at least 100% that it's a gift. Covina is a bit more about the discussed. Then it also comes up, but then it's good for it and then it's bad for it. So that's what I'm a little less strict with, regardless of my own body, which just doesn't work well on it. So in the meantime I take a coffee-free cup if I can find a place that does it without a lot of chemicals and if I really have it good and on vacation I just super chill and then drink a cup of coffee and then I don't get it because I'm super chill. So it's a little bit of that.

Speaker 3:

Oh yes, another name of Sikoria coffee. I actually just bought it. I don't know if you know it. It's actually quite an alternative. Sikoria is a just like milky red. It's red from a plant and the thing that's crazy about it is that when it gets roasted and I don't know what it's called not a mousse but made into powder it almost hurts like coffee. And actually during the World War II you mixed real coffee with Sikoria coffee so that it could last longer, because it was cheaper. And what's so interesting about Sikoria coffee is that it's completely healthy. It's really good. It must be down to the liver. So if you want it alternatively, it's good, and I actually just bought something of it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and you can also get caffeine from Sikoria coffee, and it's just a little bit of a surprise to see if they have used it with water or a lot of chemicals, because I haven't been drinking so much, with people saying that it's not so healthy for the body either. Personally, my body also reacts to caffeine-free Sikoria coffee. My stomach is just completely out of control and that's because I react to the acid in the coffee. So for me it doesn't work. But if it does, it works. But it reduces caffeine. There's still a little caffeine there. Yes, kombucha is a good alternative and there are also a lot of good probiotics for our stomach.

Speaker 3:

When the time is 10 years and I also want to do some little meditation, I'll just tell you a little bit about the biodegradable chemicals that I started with, because it can be that some people do all these things I have explained. It can also be that there are some new things that you think, okay, that's it, I could just try that out. And there are also some people who are in the sense that it's not enough, which is a little bit for me where there are more to it or there's also a little bit okay. It's also a way to not overdo things, all those things away and live like on a stone and say I'd like to have some help from you and I'm no shame here, because I think it's better if we have it well and there are these opportunities that don't have these regular effects that can help us. So I think it's better to go through the break with joy, with peace, with good life, compared to life for so many years. So I think it's better. At least that's how I've decided. It's better for me. So I'm no different.

Speaker 3:

But the biodegradable chemicals and maybe you have a thought about yeah, but the hormone therapy is dangerous and that is, can you say? I can understand why you're thinking about it, because in 2002, a study came up which examined hormone treatment with bioidentical austratio that is, our estrogen, and gistage, the synthetic progesterone, and it showed that this combination had some, some, some minor changes, that it increased the risk a little bit for breast cancer and that made half of the salt of all these hormone treatments dropped and many were scared to use it. So in 2009, oprah had bioidentical hormones on the program and then it increased the salt a lot as she started saying it's not so dangerous. She started focusing on the fact that it's as dangerous as we think and it showed that this study from 2002, which was just with gistagen and not bioidentical progesterone, but at the same time was affected by a lot of mistakes and it was very much criticized. Since then, research has been carried out on bioidentical progesterone. Not so much, but there was a study of 8,000 women in France which dealt with bioidentical progesterone which showed that it was far, far better. In relation to that, it didn't have the same effect as gistagen and therefore you can get bioidentical progesterone for all the apoptages in France without a prescription, because they have done this research and they believe in it, and that's why we have to travel to France or Spain to get it.

Speaker 3:

So there are several ways to do it. What can I say? Hormone treatment, and again I would say that you are a doubtful person to a single hormone therapy, so you are sure you are too much of a hand in your situation and also in relation to there can be some unique things for you. It can be that you have had or have in any form for estrogen-free as cancer. So it's really important that you get the right way. It can be something your family always a good idea for a year, but I would like to tell you about it. It has been overlooked if you go into a talk about it.

Speaker 3:

So you can do it in four different ways and that's the one thing you deal with with estrogen. It's often been estrogen. You put it on with a small, small oxygen-free. There is a small risk of breast cancer, but you can't say more than if we take PPL, for example. And then you can also get vaginal estrogen, and that is often the form that has estrogen, the second type of estrogen that is not dangerous and it has no side effects. So vaginal estrogen is very safe to use.

Speaker 3:

Again, in the same way you deal with it. So you often get the chance for estrogen and estrogen. Often you give them together, but it's hard always today, often estrogen with G-stagen, so women are added. And then there is the progesterone alone, without estrogen. And what should you use? And then you can also get testosterone, but it's quite new and we don't know enough about it and it can also have some side effects that you don't always want. And what should you use.

Speaker 3:

Well, the thing is a little bit about where you are and who you are. You can say have you had any form of cancer? Then it's not necessary to use it because we don't know enough about the bio-dendroids. It's still something that will be researched in and generally you always go with the smallest and start slowly. Do you have any heart disease or liver disease or any form of blood poisoning? Again, then it can be a good thing to avoid estrogen therapy, or with hysteria and blood tests. It can also be a risk for blood tests, just like we know it with P-pills. But it can also be possible to do blood tests with the progesterone alone.

Speaker 3:

So, are you in the pyramid of the paucine, just like me? Then it shows that it is often enough to only go with the progesterone, the bio-dendroids alone. And this is the form of this cream you are trying to do, because you often try to get the inside of the arms or the breasts, and it's often the furthest from the breast and so on Because the progesterone can only work if there is a little estrogen in place. And remember, in the pyramid of the paucine there is already a lot of estrogen, and maybe more than we usually see and it goes up and down. So we often don't need to use more estrogen when we are there. But when we then go into the minopause, in minopausal, it can be relevant to some estrogen and maybe it's enough just with a little vaginal estrogen, just a little bit of it and progesterone, and you can do it through this without needing any of the forms that can increase the risk of cancer or anything.

Speaker 3:

So it is possible to use homoentropic drugs without these alveolar drugs. You just need to know what it is for someone you are going to use. So I would say that it is very convenient to use these if you have symptoms, if you can live with these symptoms. You have yoga, lifestyle and food, and go into that first, start, start, start there. If you can't do it and you don't feel like you are being trained, then do it. There is no reason to put extra hormones on, and it can also be your body, or you feel like, no, I'm not going to put hormones on, go with it, stand on your body, but are you very afraid of many genes and do you think it is almost impossible to be in your body? So keep on having these possibilities. It's just what I have to say that's it In any case. I have more, but we can go through that at the same time, so I will open up for the first time that I have stood up.

Speaker 3:

The thing is I write here I need to write really quickly that I am not afraid to go to school. I have it warm for a while, so I will come forward on a meeting where I have a short message. I have been there to help me concentrate on what is happening, to try to go to school before it gets very hot. It's actually really, really nice you hear that, that I didn't get anything to say. It is stigma and it is scant. That is about the transition which is so honest that there is, so that it is something that a lot of women go alone or feel that we have to go like an instruction cycle, we have to go where we are, or that we already have an instruction cycle. But it is a natural process that all women should go through and was it nice that you do it here down? There are also some whips that are also on the spans, that are standing down. Put the other tip and the band is moving, or the women are sitting down whips with them. It is actually very satisfying to say yes, and what I am going to move and it is like that. So really good idea.

Speaker 3:

I want to just end this introduction session just to to like to hit a bell on all that.

Speaker 3:

Now I am sitting and talking with him, but I invite you to like one thing I am listening with and you are welcome to again listen to everything I have said, because I know there is a lot of it and it can be you only hear 10% or something like that, but I hope because I am going to maybe to give you a little bit of your and to show you around PR, menopause, menopause.

Speaker 3:

Maybe in the open the perspective is small or whatever. It is something else that you can use, but I am going to think about, to invite you to just take a look, and we are going to take a look at the silence, to reflect over three things you can do that will help your PR, menopause or menopause and, on the other hand, three things you can do after that. And I am going to start there where it is easy it can be, you take some of the advice I have said today. It can also be to write down your symptoms. It can be to call the ambulance one another. So just take a look to see if you can do. Three things that you can do after a day.

Speaker 3:

Welcome back after this live event, you have just been with me before my medley and I am grabbing you right now because I am sleeping there at a time when I after that go home and start asking questions from my medley and we also do a ground meditation that integrates all of this that we have just been through and, if you could think that is probably I also hear my session that I have actually done before the self-review here, so you are welcome to do that. You can always find this one and my other masterclasses in my platform.

Speaker 3:

And then I hope that it has been interesting for you to listen with me and you will hope that I have been a little bit on what the peer-review and the peer-review is. This is just a little, a little project. I had a lot of notes to this point that I am not really about. So there is really much more to say and my best advice to you here from is to put yourself in it and to as early as possible, as early as possible into the years where the peer-review starts, because the better the, the better the, the less, the more, the more we know what it is to, not only through this part of your life, but instead can can relive all the prejudices, all the tense when points and wake-up calls, and the transformation that this time is a living thing, so that my hope and that you counse are a hope of that. This can be a fantastic time of a woman's life, as the next phase of menstruation can be, but that could also be as if we don't know what the future holds.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to KineLean. If you are new to the channel, try to learn more about your cyclos and hormones. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook under the name wwwsnapple-a-laugherupdk, or visit me on my website, wwwlaugherupdk. We see you in this thousand.