Women Thriving in Business

How to Succeed in Self-Employment | Maggie Karshner

Nikki Rogers Season 7 Episode 2

Are you tired of working for an organization whose purpose, mission, and vision don’t align with yours? Do you envision running a business that is different and guided by your core values and goals? If that is your dream,  then creating your own business and being your own boss might be the thing for you.

However, entrepreneurship isn’t always easy and fun. It does have its challenges along the way and you have to ask yourself, are you willing to navigate through those bumps on the road to have the dream lifestyle you’ve always wanted?

Self-employment is a huge undertaking and a lot of uncertainty surrounds it. For example; How do you consistently pay yourself?  How do you find opportunities that align with your skills? How do you market your product or service to an ever-changing marketplace?

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In this episode, we are joined by, Maggie Karshner, a self-employment coach for small business owners. The driving force for Maggie to start her self-employment journey was a desire to help small business owners solve problems and to coach others on starting their entrepreneurial journey.

Maggie shares how she went from employed to self-employed and how she navigated through the ups and downs of her chosen career path. She also provides advice on how to start your own self-employment journey and practical tips for those already in business.

Listen to Episode 702 to learn more!

Other Resources Mentioned:

Thriving Points:

  • I do the stuff that my heart's really involved in and it gets you interacting with different people, you start seeing connections, you build these relationships. A relationship is not transactional. -Maggie Karshner
  • Test the advice against your own knowledge and experience, because what works for one person might not work for another. -Maggie Karshner
  • One size doesn't fit all. Because I think one of the things, if you have to, you do have to change, right? In some ways, you do have to try different things and, Be outside of your comfort zone and some air in some instances. But if it's something that's just so out of character, it's not going to work because you're not going to be able to sustain it. - Nikki Rogers
  • That's a great reminder. So if you think about a plow horse, he's plowing a field and at the end of the day, now you have this freshly plowed fill and, there's that sense of accomplishment. And if you're not doing that, then you don't have the ground to sow your seeds. -Nikki Rogers

About the Show:

     Women Thriving in Business features candid unscripted conversations with entrepreneurs, business experts, authors, and academics aimed at contributing to business success. This weekly show provides interviews with business leaders who have built, grown, and are thriving in business. Nikki A. Rogers, host of the show, also discusses achievements, lessons learned, and advice for aspiring business owners to develop the mindset, strategies, and connections necessary to thrive in business. Whether you are just starting or you have been in business for decades, WTiB offers inspiration, strategies, and resources to help you THRIVE in business.

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