Black Opinionated Woman

S4E70 The uncomfortable trend of men impersonating women for hee haws

July 03, 2024 Black Opinionated Woman Season 4 Episode 70
S4E70 The uncomfortable trend of men impersonating women for hee haws
Black Opinionated Woman
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Black Opinionated Woman
S4E70 The uncomfortable trend of men impersonating women for hee haws
Jul 03, 2024 Season 4 Episode 70
Black Opinionated Woman

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tiktok: @iamabowalways

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Regular episodes drops every Tuesday and when the spirit hits.

tiktok: @iamabowalways

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Speaker 1 (0s): Hi both and bow ties. Before I get into it, I just wanna say for the record, because I know everybody cares. My hair, it's like I have like a mushroom thing going, but I had to gel because I wanted my hair to like be more like firm, not firm, like, you know, stay in in some sort of style. but I feel like it's too much. It's almost too, too hard. I don't like it. I don't know, I don't know what's happening.

Anyway, I digress. So, you know, I was on the TikTok, and this isn't the first time I've noticed this, you know, there seems to be this growing trend of men who look like me dressing up or impersonating women who look like me for Hee Haws. And, and, and it's almost somebody I, let me just say this.

Years ago when I first said I'm gonna start a YouTube channel, like, was it three or four years ago? I remember, and I never did this full video, but I started to collect and put into like a presentation. All the different comedians who like to dress up and impersonate women. Oh, sorry, I gotta notice from Ticketmaster. Sorry. So anyway, and this was like several years ago, and I still have this same thing sitting on my computer, but I was, I was gonna do a video on, you know, the preponderance of men dressing up as women for Haws.

So I forgot what I called it, but basically they were using women who look like me for comedy. And so everyone will always say things like, things are off the table, don't be so sensitive or whatever like that. And I think that what happens is oftentimes, like the zeitgeist at the times I think there can be a blind spot, right? And yes, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do something.

And we're seeing is a lot of these men, when they're doing these things, they, when they dress up as women that look like me, they're, they're, they're, they're not even trying to feminize, right? They're dressing up as like the worst form, let me rephrase that. 'cause it is that the worst form, meaning they're, they're going outta the way to have floppy dress aesthetics or whatever, all that facial hair. 'cause the average woman does not have a full on mustache and beard.

They're just gonna call a thing, a thing. They do not. And so they think it's funny to dress up as a woman like that looks like me and have like weird wigs and floppy breasts and facial hair and everything is like this aggressive, I don't even know what it is. Like I, I, it's, it's like all of these negative tropes that they're feeding it to.

So anyway, I have this thing that my computer and I never did it, and I don't even know why, but you know, of course, I mean there's the easy ones to call out the, the Tyler Perry's, the Martin Lawrence, you know, that type of thing. You've got the Eddie Murphy from the Nutty Professor. You've got Jamie Fox and Wanda. Well, Martin Lawrence has done it in Big Mama, the Anine Nay. Now I will say this, I was guilty back in the nineties of laughing at some of it. But I was, you know, I was baby, little, little child.

So, you know, I was ignorant. But as I've gotten older, they say like, when you know better, you do better. And I know better, and I know many of these men know better. But what happens is we continue to do this to create these harmful images. And then they're the first ones saying like, oh, this is how people perceive you. I'm like, well, you're helping, you're helping this, this negative racist narrative trope of being this woman who looks like a dude.

They already tried to masculine masculinize, I don't even know how to say it. Like I just made up a word. They tried to assign masculine traits to women who look like me. Okay? So when, when they're doing that and you are dressing up like that, you're not helping. So anyway, getting back to TikTok, you have a bunch of no name dudes out here. And when I say no name, it's not even an insult. Like they, they don't have like this big name out. They're not like celebrity.

You have a bunch of dude who are out here getting out here and they're like, black moms be like, or whatever, you know, or imitating. But women who in the church imitating black women in the church, black women, black mothers, white, this, that and the other. And it's just, in my opinion, really harmful. And you're doing it for a laugh. Even the way they're laughing, they're like, they, they're wearing these ugly wigs.

These dudes are ugly anyway because they're trying to like be like this ugly woman. I don't know what they're doing, but you know, I'm like, they're already trying to make her features so much more harsh than what they are. I just, I just see this trend of these men putting on these wigs and these ugly outfits and impersonating women. And this is the thing. They're, they're thinking they're doing comedy, but I feel like it's a troll. I feel like what I am seeing is, is yeah, they're taking shots at women.

I feel like they are, their impersonation is more like, like, I'm trying to think, think of a word. They're not trying to bring comedy I think they're bringing harm to be honest. And when I say harm, it's, it's not physical harm. I don't like it. I don't, I just don't like it. You don't see a bunch of women who look like me getting out there trying to impersonate men or feminize the men.

You don't see it happening. I'll put it to you like this. I haven't seen it. I don't see it in comedy. I don't see it on big stage. The small stage, the small, the small screen or whatever you call it. I don't see that. I'm sure there's some one off somewhere, but I see men in mass, like large scale, like at least ones that are like me going out there. They're the, the most masculine looking dudes. But trying to impersonate a woman, and even Kevin Hart did it on his SNL one time.

It was just like, what are you utility? It's gross. So nevertheless, I'm just saying I'm seeing this trend. I mean, I know they have been doing it, but I'm seeing it more in terms of in that bite size consumable content, like on TikTok or whatever we're now, it's so much easier to put together these, these small pieces of content and you're poking and you're laughing at black women. That is what I'm seeing. It's disgusting.

And I feel like the people who are causing the most harm are the men who look like me. I, I'm just like, I don't know what is wrong with these dudes on so many levels. Now, usually I like to pop off with the blacked out weirdo women too, who are just being real psycho. But we kind of call it like a thing. The men are psycho, the whole community is jacked up. It's so jacked up. Like this is some messed up people got the women out here losing their freaking mind and arguing with men. They're going on these whacked out weirdo men's podcasts and sitting there.

I don't even pay attention to that content anymore. But that's the kind of stuff they're doing. And they're sitting there arguing with people who like, I feel like, like these are brain cells that they're not gonna get back. Like dedicating cycles to the shenanigans. And, and so you got these low self-esteem women walking around proclaiming to the world, like, which I don't understand why you have to tell everybody like, I'm single, I'm single, no kids, I don't like men, I'm not dealing with men. I'm divesting I'm this, I'm like, well then do it.

Like why are you pointing to the world? But then you got the blacked out weirdo dudes who are literally out there making fun of these very women. It's sick. The whole community just needs to go on an island and just work it out. They need to have just like some therapists and, and I don't know, but there has to be a come to Jesus movement because I feel like the level of the shenanigan ring, I just made up a word. It's ing critical mass.

You have a group of people are just literally suffering. I don't know, mentally just out there. You've got men who would literally sell their women up a river for a click, a view, a keyhole, And. they don't care. And, they will find a way to rationalize it. It's really the only culture I know that does that. It's, it's awful.

I, but like I said, maybe I'm, I'm, maybe it's just me, maybe I'm getting old. but I, it's just, it's just, I just feel like when I see things like that, it's so fringe worthy. It's, it's, it's giving secondhand embarrassment. I'm like, what is happening right now? So anyway, back to my hair, I'm just like, I'm just going on over there. Anyway, I, I am just, that's just where I'm at with it.

I try to swipe past when I'm on TikTok as much as I can, like, because these men are probably funny, but I don't want to continue to support that kind of content. They're gonna have to find a way to be funny without denigrating people who look like me. Now, let me just say this. I'm not gonna go home and cry about it. I'm saying, this is what I'm saying. I don't want my children to see stuff like that.

Okay, you guys know what needs to happen. Let me tell you something. Supporting this channel is actually really cool. Let me something I don't qualify for. I actually looked it up yesterday. Don't laugh. I looked it up. I don't qualify for monetization because I don't have enough viewership. That's totally fine. but I just like to just run my mouth and I think more people wanna hear me run my mouth. So you gotta make sure you actually like this video.

You gotta do things like share it out, comment, subscribe, like say something, you know, all those things. Watch all of my videos all the way through, you know, because I'm amazing and everybody could do no wrong. So those are the kinds of things that you need to do if you want or if you wanna support the channel. If you want people to actually more people see it, I would love for people to see it. I doubt they're gonna really support the channel anyway, because let me put you like this. I'm still gonna do me regardless.

I'm gonna run my mouth and, and, and that's pretty much what I'm gonna do. but nevertheless, if you would like to support, you know, the kind of of things you need to do. all right? That's pretty much it. To all the fellows out there. Stop putting on these wigs and these ugly dresses with the floppy dress. Stop. Find a new way to get your little hee-haw. If you wanted, if you're a true comedian, you can get your hee haws some other ways without trying to harm the community.

You don't have to sell out all the time because you think it's an easy, quick laugh. That means you're not that brilliant. You literally are not that good. You're not that brilliant. Okay? all right.
