Black Opinionated Woman

S4E65 Caitlyn Clark 2 things can be true at the same time

June 25, 2024 Black Opinionated Woman Season 4 Episode 65
S4E65 Caitlyn Clark 2 things can be true at the same time
Black Opinionated Woman
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Black Opinionated Woman
S4E65 Caitlyn Clark 2 things can be true at the same time
Jun 25, 2024 Season 4 Episode 65
Black Opinionated Woman

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Speaker 1 (0s): All right, good morning, both in bow ties. I have my phone plugged in and hopefully this isn't messing with the sound because I did not really charge my phone last night. So I wanna talk about the Caitlyn Clark thing for a second. I, I titled this Two Things Can Be True or something like that. I don't know. I'll fix the title later. Put a thumbnail on it later. So listen, Caitlin Clark earlier, maybe like two weeks ago, a week ago, I don't remember when I said that favor isn't fair, right?

Caitlyn Clark did not ask to be thrust into the spotlight, right? She was basically a chosen entity. She was this, this is probably not gonna come off clean, but she was this very like non-descript woman who could play basketball from the middle of nowhere. My understanding I think she's from like Iowa at the end, but I don't know. I know she went to Iowa. It's, she comes from a place that doesn't get much recognition, right?

A place where most people aren't going to vacation, all these other things, right? And she represented Middle America, right? Just this plain Jane person. And when I say plain Jane, it's not a knock in terms of it, she's plain Jane, but she was like this average young woman who had this talent and she was able to go to a school that most people have no interest in going there unless you're maybe going for football or something, right?

And she was just given carte blanche to go and shoot as much as she wanted and hone that craft. Now with that being said, she is a wonderful basketball player, but what we have to be honest about, a couple things. One, that program, that coaching and everything allowed for her to be even more amazing, right?

It was the Caitlyn Clark show, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Number two, I know this is gonna seem like I'm knocking these young ladies from Iowa, and I have a point, so I want you guys to listen. Those young ladies were not probably all five star caliber players, right? So Caitlyn Clark's star shown even brighter. She was already this Middle America talent that shown brightly.

And that program, that point in time, this moment in time, allowed for her to just be Caitlyn Clark. And she is amazing. She also got to play in, in a league or whatever, that probably wasn't as strong, right? So she can just get off when you go and play at these other schools and the wear and tear of these other programs.

Not to say that Iowa doesn't have it, I wasn't there. So take this with a grain of salt. This is based off of my opinion, not facts. you know, these other ladies that are playing at your, your South Carolinas and your lsus and your Arizonas and Tennessee, stuff like that. They've got so much talent sitting on those benches, and those ladies who rose to the top literally had to rise to the top, right? Because they are playing against just like outrageous talent every single day.

So they, the ones that are like stars in these programs are flat out stars. With that being said, okay, Caitlyn Clark, based off what I saw, she didn't have that same crop of ladies she played with. So now, now when I want you to listen here, you, you, you get this woman who was a, and still is a good basketball player, she makes it to the big stage.

And I'm gonna be honest, I didn't know anything too much about Caitlyn Clark. I primarily focused on South Carolina a little bit on Angel Jewelries before, right? As the women's game started becoming more popular, a teeny bit on Hailey, Dan Li not, not really. I just thought she was just this pretty girl with the two braids. I was like, who's that girl? I never really paid attention to Caitlyn Clark not too much until the whole Angel Reese thing.

Now everyone will make it seem like Caitlyn Clark was this big star before. And then she literally was not like, I didn't pay attention to her. I was like, oh, who's that? And then I started watching her and I was like, this woman is fantastic, but I didn't care about her until I saw the whole Angel Reese thing, right? I was more concerned to see like, Hey, is South Carolina gonna get that ring? Now, I'm not talking about the one this year, I'm talking about the one yesterday year.

So when all that was going down and women's basketball was becoming so interesting, at least it was for me, I was like, okay, so now Caitlyn Clark puts Iowa on the map, and all of a sudden it's like Caitlyn Clark, like Caitlyn Clark Clark. Do I think she's a fantastic shooter? Absolutely, I do. I also think she had the luxury of having multiple years getting some of those points, right?

She got to do it in like, was it five? No I know I. Maybe it was four years, I don't know. But if you are in a conference that doesn't, you know, have like, I just feel like there's certain things that were set for her to, the conditions were right for her to get all those points too. So now we're gonna move forward. You had the Angel Reese thing going on, and so they tried to villainize her when, actually, let's be honest here before I, I fast forward to the WNBA Caitlyn.

Clark is a flat out thug. Like all the rest of the women who are competing the best players that all these competitors And, they are thugged out. When I say thugged out, they are tough. They're tough, all of them. They're all mean. When I say mean, they compete hard. I always said to people, I said, I really believe that women are meaner. They compete harder, they're big competitors. The difference between men and women is purely just the bi, I shouldn't say purely.

Their biology is different, right? Like, my shoulders are not going to match the shoulders of a freaking LeBron James, right? Like there's, it's just not gonna happen. I'm five six. So now you've got these mean players, when I say mean, I'm just talking about their competitors who are playing. And what the, the media has not done was shown the full gambit of Caitlyn Clark too. So on the one hand, we get to see her amazingness, but we also don't get to, they don't showcase how she is a flat out thug like the rest of them now.

But this is the thing with Caitlyn Clark in college, she was able to get away with her thuggery in the conference that she played, right? Because she wasn't playing up against the likes of the lsus all the time. And here's South Carolinas and Tennessee all the time, and you're Yukons all the time. She'd get away with that. And she was representing middle America. She was becoming this darling, right? She's, she, she, I mean, that's what you, you think of middle America, you think of Caitlyn Clark, and I know you guys are gonna be mad, but if you think of just like Plain Jane, regular, just a regular woman, she's not ugly.

She's never, she's just a regular chick who's got all this talent, right? And now check this out. So now she gets put into this spotlight and she's like, whoa. See, they villainized Angel Reese, angel Reese was just doing Angel Reese types things. Camilla car, those are all of them. Look, that's, but suddenly Katelin is put into the spotlight and, and the media doesn't wanna show all of the nasty little things that she's done to people.

And so now with all these fans, and I still consider myself a new fan 'cause I've only been paying attention for the last two or three years. Now all of a sudden it's like, whoa, whoa. Now we're gonna talk about, fast forward to today. When I say today I am like, she's currently, like, they're trying to make her the face of the WNBA. What they didn't count on with Caitlyn. Clark is the one hand, she's got this offensive talent, but struggles on defense going right, et cetera, right?

What they didn't count on is that that intangible, while they chose her, you know, she was favored. you know, favor isn't fair. They didn't count on the fact that she doesn't know how to win over in mass. You have to have mass crossover peel. Right now she has mostly white middle America people. Now you'll find people on, on the outsets from the edges on the, on the coast and stuff like that. But when you think about your stars, when you think about your Tiger Wood, when you think about your LeBrons and you think about back then, I'm trying to think who, who do we have now?

Well, because Simon Simone bi, I just named a whole bunch of black, I'm trying to think what are the white sports stars right now? When you think about Luca and, and, and Luca, Dante, and, and I'm having a moment. 'cause like Luca likes to get fired up. When you think about these things, right? These athletes, they, they, they transcend their local area. They become more international.

Caitlyn, Clark hasn't figured out how to win over everybody. And of course you got everybody making this into a racial thing and some of it is racial, let's be clear. But she doesn't have that. She doesn't know how to, like Paige backers knows how to win over everybody. And Haley Van Lyft a can't Bri, right? Caitlyn, Clark doesn't, she doesn't have that personality. She's not a social person.

So she finds comfort in Kate Martin and that type, right? She hasn't figured out how to win over, not just the rest of the public based off of what I think. I see, I don't think she's won over the locker room. The only one that I think I see coming to her age really might be Aliyah Boston. She hasn't won over everyone. And so check this out. So now you've got stupid people like Charles Barkley and all them getting out there saying like, oh, they're coming so hard on Caly Clark.

This is what I think is happening. This is why I said two things could be true. Do I think they're playing her a little harder to sending her a message? Message? Yeah. Message number two, they're supposed to play her hard. Have you not looked at the WNBA? Have you not seen the squabbles that they have with each other? Caitlyn Clark is just getting some of the, the, the, the media attention. They fight with each other. They look, the WNBA is a whole soap opera. You got the girlfriends out there mad and people found that the girlfriend I can't even keep up with who's taking who and everything else.

They, the, the women in the WNBA, they play so freaking hard and they're so mean. They've always been that way. But because Caitlyn Clark is now feeling this physicality, people are like, oh my gosh, they're playing her so hard. Yes, yes. You want her to be a true star. Now, I don't think she's went over that locker room because when other people get bodied up on their teams, they've got people coming to their defense and to their rescue.

Look at Angel, when Kailyn gets bodied up, I just, I, I look and I'm like, she's kind of just out there except probably a boss. Maybe she's kind of like out there. I don't think that Caitlyn Clark will come to anybody else's aid. Caly has not won over her own locker room and she hasn't won over the rest of America. People would go hard for Kaitlyn, not just middle America, if she, she doesn't know how to, you know what it is when you see her, her interviews now, she looks defeated, she looks defeated, she doesn't look like she's having fun.

So these other rookies, I'm sure they're getting bodied up and I'm sure it's tough, but like you don't see, at least I haven't seen that same level of defeat. You got Caitlyn Clark who has one over middle America because it's like America, one of us. And lemme just say for the record, I wanna make it clear, this is gonna be a very racial thing where it's gonna seem like I'm pro white for a second. I'm just pro people. There's nothing wrong with Middle America wanting to see themselves represented.

And Calin Clark's a good player. There's nothing wrong with them saying, Hey, we've got a a, a young white woman playing. And I, I believe the league is dominated by black women.

Speaker 4 (15m 16s): Let's take a quick break. The heart behind the I'm Mom podcast is storytelling because every mom has a story to tell. I know that when I talk to my friends who are parenting and we share stories, we all end up feeling less alone and more capable of loving our kids. Well, you can find information everywhere on the internet. Some is bad parenting advice and some is pretty wise. We like to think there's a lot of wisdom on im And when you combine that signature wisdom with a great story, it brings parenting to life. We want a mom who's listening to see herself and her kids in these stories and rest in the confidence that she's the perfect mom for her kids.

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Speaker 1 (16m 3s): There's nothing wrong with that because when Tiger came out out, we were like Tiger, right? Right. Now look at, look at gymnastics. Black women, well, I would just say minorities, really? But black women have taken over gymnastics. They have, it was a hostile takeover. Hostile, hostile takeover. We were happy to see ourselves represented. And so now when Caitlyn Clark comes into the WNBA and you've got people from Iowa and Indiana and, and all the flyover states that no one wants to visit once they're going to like one of the national parks or something, beautiful country, you know, I mean like, you know, country center, but like nobody's trying to like go there like on purpose all the time, except for those wanna be out the wilderness or something.

I said, but I said like they see themselves represented and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Like since what is that wrong? I just think Caitlyn hasn't figured out how to win over America. She's got middle America, white people. She doesn't have America. She doesn't, and that's why it's becoming so racially divided. She doesn't know how, she doesn't have that swagger. She doesn't have it.

She has to figure it out and she needs to figure out her own locker room. You cannot tell me that she has run over the locker room. I'm like, because she is out there. That's why she looks so broke, busted, and disgusted. Every time she's given an interview, heads down she looks like she was crying, carrying on. Now look, you had stupid, IM Emmanuel Acho when people were coming for Angel Reese and he was getting on her for crying and being upset and it's tough, right? He's, don't get me started on Mario Acho. He just sounds like he's Mr.

Step fetch. Like, okay, but now you've got Caitlyn Clark out there and everybody's like, you gotta take it easy on her. I'm like, no, we don't. You don't have to take it easy on her. I don't like the cheat shots. And the girl didn't have to file it for no reason. Like why would you, like what is happening here? You don't have to take it easy on, on Caitlyn Clark. What is going on here? What is going on here? What is going, you hit me anyway. So I'm just kind of like, okay, we're not gonna take it easy on Caitlyn Clark, however we need to, she has to figure out how do I win over my locker room?

That's what she needs to do. Starts in the locker room. It starts with the rest of America. So when I was talking about the WNBA marketing, right? This is the thing, I'm gonna circle back to this for a second and I'm gonna wrap this up. They needed, and just stick with me for a second. Right now, while it's high, you need marketing from the WNBA. It needs to be in your face even down to the clothes, right? Like I, I made the comment in one of my videos. I don't want to be marketed to like I'm some dude, right?

Because they're, they're showing a lot of the women out there with very masculine characteristics, right? And I know people are gonna get mad at me for calling a thing a thing. The fact of the matter is, you wanna bring in new viewers and I don't wanna see people who are gonna act like dudes in the WNBA all the time. Like you, you wanna see them. but I wanna see the ones who are like the women too, right? I don't care who, who's doing who and who, who likes each other. I, I don't care. What I wanna see, and I'm gonna circle back to Caitlin, you need to market these young ladies, the old ones too.

And right now with this rookie class, you got Angel Reese who has done a fantastic job of dubbing herself to Barbie. And she has like a little walking Barbie. Bye you Barbie side Barbie. She's everything Barbie, there needs to be Barbies out. Barbies and when, and she and Barbie needs to have a contract with her, with the make sure that she has the font and everything, the Barbie font. Now check this out. You gotta market the Barbie, nest the skin stuff.

She's into all that girly stuff, right? You gotta have a skincare line, Barbie and cute clothes, bedazzled tank tops. And 'cause the little black girls are looking too, because I know my daughter would be like, I want one. I remember when we were talking about basketballs, didn didn't even know that Caitlyn Clark was gonna be rapping Wilson, but the Wilson basketballs, those should be readily available for these young ladies, right? And it shouldn't be like 50 bucks, right? You gotta get it in the hands of the people. Look, now you got Cam, cam.

I don't know why I call Cam, cam. Does anybody else call cam cam cam brink lives? Legs, legs all day. They need to be advertised in shorts or something that look, put it out there, put it out there. Now I know they're gonna be oversexualizing. I'm like, she's got these long, beautiful legs and she likes to glam it up. Give her something. Kaitlyn, somebody like you, Kaitlyn, what do you do for her? You tone her down. You give her a sports streak or something. You can give Angel all them sports drinks, give them Gatorade, Powerade, body armor, all that.

Whatever you need to give Caitlin something that can resonate across everybody. She's not gonna be glam. You. Remember, you wanna bring in new viewership, I. think most of the viewers are men for the WNBA, right? You wanna bring in new viewers. Women in general are not trying to watch two butch dudes do it out. The best thing they started doing was watching or showing the clips of these young WNBA players coming into their games trying to see what their fit looks like.

I'm sure some of them are not interested in participating, but that's what people wanna see. I know I do I do. They showed Caitlyn Clark coming in with a red outfit and heels on and she looks so uncomfortable, like she didn't even know how to hold the purse. That doesn't look like that's her. You can bring her in with some cute athletic gear. And what the point where I'm going with all that, with the marketing and everything else. Now we're gonna wrap this up. Caitlyn Clark did not ask to be the face of the WNBA.

She was chosen favor isn't fair, but there's a way to capitalize on it. She didn't know. She didn't, I don't know who her PR department is, but I'll tell you what, she hasn't figured out how to, to capitalize on it. She doesn't really know how to help grow it. She doesn't know how, she doesn't have the personality. She doesn't, you almost have to play on the fact that she doesn't have the personality. They used to do that with the guy from the Spurs. I'm having a brain dump, retired guy, big old, goofy looking.

The the light-skinned guy. What the heck is his name? Famous guy. Big guy for, he was like the center or something for the Spurs. No personality, no facial movement. You would think he was like shot out with a bunch of Botox or something. The heck is his name. Tim Duncan. There we go. Caitlyn Clark doesn't have the personality to win over and be the darling. She doesn't know how to be, she doesn't know how to be a true villain. She doesn't know, doesn't know how to be the superstar, right? She doesn't know how. Right? Right now she's trying to, she's fighting for her life trying to figure out how am I not gonna get fouled and how can I be more of a contributor besides just getting up and going left to hit a three?

Because she sure isn't brought there for her defense. And not everybody's gonna be a great defensive player. She's not there for her defense. She's not gonna go right. I don't think she's there for her teammates there at all there. And you got Aaliyah there for her. She's not giving team player. She, when she was at Iowa, she was the main thing. So everybody catered to her. But now she's showing up to a place where everybody can play. Now she's gotta really learn how to be a teammate.

Because see, when she was at Iowa, it was convenient. Everybody was rooting for Kaitlyn. It was the Kaitlyn show. They're trying to make it to Kaitlyn show out there at the Fever and in the WNBA and, but you got a whole bunch of really good women who are like, no ma'am, no ma'am. Because you, when you got that level, that caliber of talent, you know, everybody's got an ego. I know I would have an ego. I'd be like, okay, well you know, I'm just saying.

I'm like, well look, I'm gonna play defense on you so, and I'm gonna shoot this in your face. You know what I mean? Like I would be just, I do think they take some cheap shots at her, but I think they all take cheap shots at each other. I gave a talk about how to be a teammate, went over her locker room, it starts there. They don't look like they have any chemistry at all.

At all. They look a mess. They do. For what little I've seen, you know, I mean I try to catch the clips and stuff like that when I can't. But you know, I'm too busy raising my own kids and having a life to care that much about the WBA. but I would love to be able to see more of it for sure. But the way they're marketing this, they're trying to make her the darling and she doesn't know how to be in that role. What she's showing is that she's trying to act like she's this damn so in distress that's not gonna work because they've already made this a racial thing and there and some of it's not bad racism stuff.

I don't think there's wrong with being a white person wanting to see white middle America represented like it. There really isn't. Like, I don't even care. I don't even care. Do I?

Okay, sorry, this is acting up. I don't know what's going on. But. anyway, that's what, those are my thoughts on Caitlyn. Clark. People don't have to agree. I don't care. These are my thoughts. you know, I'm always gonna give my thoughts. I welcome to hear what you have to say about it. It's not disrespectful, but I, you know, just don't be disrespectful. Caitlyn. Clark has to, they have to figure out how they're gonna market her. They don't know how to market her. The WNBA is like, they should have seen this coming and this was a disaster.

Even the way they had Angel Reese come out for the Chicago sky. That's the one thing that Indiana did, right? They made it a big deal when Kaitlyn showed up to Indiana and, and you can't be mad. You cannot be mad. But freaking Chicago was tacky. They were tacky. Angels should have had like a whole, they should have been really hype of all those rookies. Cam, cam, I don't know. Did, did they show Cam and Brinks? you know, all of them, all of those young ladies.

Anyway, I said what? I said, y'all just let me know what you think and yeah, they need to get some Barbies out there for, for Angel Reese, regardless of what you think about Barbie, she has done a great job of branding herself. So she needs to have some form of Barbie. She needs to have access to the Barbie bee, that font, they need to find a way to, to capitalize on. Like she needs to actually have a set, like it's like a collection.

Baltimore Barbie shy, time shy. Shy town Barbie, Bayou Barbie it. They don't look, Barbie needs to let me go, let go.


(Cont.) S4E65 Caitlyn Clark 2 things can be true at the same time