Dawn Newton

Attorney Brad Edwards & His Take Down of Jeffrey Epstein

Dawn Newton

It’s been 4 years since I spoke with attorney Bradley J. Edwards, who has represented approximately 70 of Epstein’s victims, about his 10 year pursuit of Jeffrey Epstein as detailed in his book, Relentless Pursuit: My Fight For the Victims of Jeffrey Epstein.

It’s been 5 years since Epstein’s death in that jail cell while awaiting trial for sexually abusing dozens of underage girls; for rape and molestation of minors,  preying on girls that had difficult home lives, promising education, modeling and work opportunities. Epstein groomed these girls and trafficked them.

Will the many influential and powerful individuals that have been identified as frequent visitors to Epsteins private island, “Little St. James”,  ever be held accountable or brought to justice? Or does the power, corruption and our own government agencies continue to protect them as they protected Jeffrey Epstein and his associates for all those years.

 National Human Trafficking Hotline:   1-888-373-7888    |   Text*  233733

National Sexual Assault Hotline:   800-656-4673