Music Elixir

Music Elixir interview with Kim Hyun Joong

DJ Panic & Sarah

Panic and Sarah had an amazing opportunity to talk with Kim Hyun Joong while he was in New York City for his "The End of a Dream Tour" at the BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center.

Kim Hyun Joong info:
hyun-joong official

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*Translated answers for Kim Hyun Joong were provided by Henecia.

Hello, everybody. This is DJ Panic we have a special guest today we are on location in New York City some of you know that I have been hinting that we were coming to New York City but not saying exactly what we were doing so we have a big surprise for you guys. 

Hi, this is Sarah we're here interviewing Kim Hyun Joong, and he is currently on tour in the US and were excited to bring this to you, so let's start with the first question. 

DJ Panic - How do you choose your outfits for the concerts, and do you take suggestions from fans?

Kim Hyun Joong - I don’t really check what I wear I let my stylist do all the work regarding that so I can focus on the concert and music. I have prepared a lot of surprises for the fans in the upcoming concerts

Sarah - How did you get Gemini band together?

Kim Hyun Joong - I was not looking for someone specific. We gathered because we are almost the same age, maybe one or two years different. We all have dreams and purposes. It was destiny or an act of God in the beginning, how we got to know each other one by one and got together in this space.

DJ Panic - Kind of the similar situation with the both of us because we were friends coworkers first and because of music we bonded and thats how we started the podcast and we’re kinda like a band (laughter).

Kim Hyun Joong - The same for the band they didn’t have a specific kind of music they liked it was more of a general love of music that’s how they got together.

DJ Panic - You've written many songs, but is there something you have not yet been able to put into words and music?

Kim Hyun Joong - The older I get my songs are changing as my thoughts are changing, and arriving in New York made me have different sensations and feelings about the music I’m writing. Today I went to Brooklyn to see the Statue of Liberty and the Memorial Park, and New York at night is giving me a new kind of love and view of the music I’m doing. For example 3 years ago, because of the war and all the aggressive and negative feelings I was having, I wrote a song called “What Are You Fighting For” But right now, I have different feelings, and the moment I understand that people can have different opinions and the situation can be different at that moment, so I have been feeling those new emotions.

DJ Panic - One of the things that we strive for on the podcast is to keep things positive because there's not much… too much negativity, especially in the media so with the podcast we always like to bring a positive light on the radio show as well and also reinforce positivity and just to bring fun on the media because there's to much negativity spread out.

Kim Hyun Joong - I’m used to receiving this type of attention from the media, and whenever I received this kind of attention, I always try to really take it seriously but at the same time give my honest opinion on everything. I really enjoy what I do.

Sarah - We have seen your drawings for each completed concert. Is this a hobby, or would you see yourself creating an illustration book of your concert experiences?

Kim Hyun Joong - My drawings, in the beginning, was a simple way to express myself and show myself. I’m not a famous drawing artist or something, but I really enjoy this, and maybe in the future I want to do if possible, something more serious.

DJ Panic - I think it would be a good idea if you can make an illustration book even small maybe for children because they look fun I want to say congratulations on your new baby boy (he said thank you) it would be something cute too you know like hey your dad made this.

Sarah - Do you wish to collaborate with any other English-speaking artists? If yes, who is your dream collaboration?

Kim Hyun Joong - I grew up listening to a lot of artists from the states but the ones I like the most are Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Bon Jovi, Metallica too many can’t choose. I’m not sure what young people nowadays what they like The Weeknd? But for my dream collaboration, there are just too many. 

DJ Panic - What song do you have on repeat right now, and why?

Kim Hyun Joong - I’m listening to my new songs as I need to monitor them since they are coming out on November 23rd. 4 songs are coming out, and I keep listening to them to show a better performance for everyone that loves pets I dedicated this song because they live a shorter life than us and it expresses the sadness of losing their pets it’s called ‘Hello My Daddy’. When it comes out on YouTube, I hope you will listen to it.

DJ Panic - We definitely up our ally. [Sarah quietly say “I really like Superfire right now”]

Sarah - What do you do to relax? Do you have a routine?

Kim Hyun Joong - Routine? I always enjoy playing guitar and enjoying a little champagne or wine and playing golf. 

Sarah - I heard wine

DJ Panic - Heard golf. I do a lot of meditation and walk-in shopping malls

Kim Hyun Joong - I like to shop for guitars but not for clothes. 

DJ Panic - We know you have a lot of songs, and they are all special to you, but What song are you most proud of creating and why?

Kim Hyun Joong - So in the album I wrote, the songs came out in groups of four. Four songs will come out in November, and then next year in February, four more. So in this album that is coming, there is a song called “My Son,” and in this song, I want to express the importance of these 3 parts of my life which are my father, my son, and the fans.

Sarah - What three things are you grateful for today in this moment?

Kim Hyun Joong - What comes to mind right now are the fans that brought me to where I am, my family, of course, I love the most, and the staff that supports me for everything I do and is there for me.

DJ Panic - What has been the happiest day of your life?

Kim Hyun Joong - There are many days I remember as the best day of my life but I always try to focus on today all the pains or feelings I try to let go and focus on the days coming.

Sarah - What are you looking forward to doing or seeing in the US other than performing for Henecia?

Kim Hyun Joong - In my life, apart from acting or singing in the US there is nothing I can do because my talent is music and not something else I’m not good at computers or something related to electronics. My dream is to be on Billboards and win something at the Academy so that would be the best from now.

Kim Hyun Joong - [For my last words] I would like to say this to all the fans in the United States. It's not my first solo concert, but it's my first solo concert in the United States. This time I really would like to introduce my music and show all the passion I have for the band. There is a Korean saying “Do not get full on the first shot” so it is the first time, but I really want to show what Henecia has done until now and try to come more often to the United States and of course learn more English for the next time. I want to thank you and everyone, and I hope the fans can come to Las Vegas and LA.