Women in Sugar Herbert (WISH)

Jason Wolfgram Season 4 Episode 4

Learn more about Women in Sugar Herbert (WISH), a group of like-minded women who meet to share knowledge and gain updates on industry matters. Jason Wolfgram speaks to Zenan Reinaudo and Leah Russo about the group and the upcoming annual conference to be held in Ingham.

Zenan Reinaudo
Zenan was the first woman on the CANEGROWERS Herbert River board in 2021 and has a Bachelor of Social Work previously working in aged care.  Zenan’s family have been farming in the Herbert region for over 100 years with numerous family members having previously served on the CANEGROWERS Board. In the past few years, Zenan has changed directions and is now looking after the business/administration side of RFC Agri freeing up family members to have a greater focus on production. Zenan is also secretary of Women in Sugar Herbert.

Leah Russo
Leah is a Grower Director on the CANEGROWERS Herbert River board joining in 2022.  Leah and her husband Santo farm approximately 140 Hectares of sugarcane land on the southern side of the Herbert River District.  The farm has been in the family for 3 generations. Leah is the President of the Women in Sugar Herbert branch and also Grower Delegate for Sugar Research Australia.

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