The Mindpower Podcast with Stéph & Shay

4 Strategies To Finish 2023 Strong

November 15, 2023 Stéphane & Shalee Schafeitel
4 Strategies To Finish 2023 Strong
The Mindpower Podcast with Stéph & Shay
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The Mindpower Podcast with Stéph & Shay
4 Strategies To Finish 2023 Strong
Nov 15, 2023
Stéphane & Shalee Schafeitel

As we sail into the holiday season, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, right? Integrating work and festive fun can seem like a juggling act, but guess what? We've got your back! 

We're super excited to dive into 4 actionable strategies that'll help you sail through this season like a pro without skipping a beat and making sure you finish 2023 STRONG! 


Hey podcast listeners, Stéph & Shay here, inviting you to join us for a transformative adventure like no other. Mark your calendars for June 27-29, 2024, and meet us at the beautiful Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, for Mindpower Breakthrough Live.

This isn't just an event; it's a turning point in your life, a chance to break through the barriers holding you back and unlock your true potential.

Curious to learn more? Dive deeper into what this life-changing journey entails and secure your spot by clicking here. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your life. We're excited to embark on this journey with you.

Your future self will thank you for this! See you in Florida!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

As we sail into the holiday season, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, right? Integrating work and festive fun can seem like a juggling act, but guess what? We've got your back! 

We're super excited to dive into 4 actionable strategies that'll help you sail through this season like a pro without skipping a beat and making sure you finish 2023 STRONG! 


Hey podcast listeners, Stéph & Shay here, inviting you to join us for a transformative adventure like no other. Mark your calendars for June 27-29, 2024, and meet us at the beautiful Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, for Mindpower Breakthrough Live.

This isn't just an event; it's a turning point in your life, a chance to break through the barriers holding you back and unlock your true potential.

Curious to learn more? Dive deeper into what this life-changing journey entails and secure your spot by clicking here. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your life. We're excited to embark on this journey with you.

Your future self will thank you for this! See you in Florida!

Speaker 1:

We are at the tail end of the year. We are at the tail end of the year.

Speaker 2:

There are only 46 days left in 2023, can you believe it? Yes, 46.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, crazy.

Speaker 1:

I wish there were more.

Speaker 2:

I know Well, hey, guess what? The new year starts.

Speaker 1:

The new year does start. I always listen when football that's American football, not the football I grew up with, which in America they call soccer. When football season starts is where I start getting the EBGBs, because I can tell that the back end of the year is here and drives me crazy because I'm like no, I want some more time, I want some more months, I want some more weeks, I want some more days, but it's. We are basically a month and a half till the end of this race, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And then there's a new race, of course, next year. So if you've been in our community for some time, you know that around this time every year we're talking about how to finish strong right. And if you're new to our community, welcome and welcome to our finished strong mentality right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, welcome to the club.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, traditionally speaking, steph and I around this time of year, we don't let up. There's a lot of people out there that they take their foot off the gas pedal Once you know the seasons start to change and maybe the weather gets cooler, depending on where you're located, and the holidays start coming the holidays. And it literally becomes a holiday's D-A-Z-E right when people go into this trance and it's like the world around them stops and they stop getting things done right. And for us now don't think we're, you know we're not scrooges.

Speaker 2:

We're not you know the Grinch here.

Speaker 1:

I love the holidays.

Speaker 2:

It's not that we don't celebrate the holidays. Absolutely we do celebrate the holidays.

Speaker 1:

We celebrate the holidays on the holidays and we don't turn a holiday into a holiday week Right. And we definitely don't turn it into a holiday month, some people turn it into a holiday quarter Quarter and that's just plain stupid. And so listen, yes, celebrate, we love Thanksgiving and we love Thanksgiving weekend, and for us Thanksgiving weekend is four days off Four solid days right and it's four solid days, man long weekend.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of research that shows that even having just a long weekend once a quarter can be as effective for some business executives as a one to two week off vacation one time a year.

Speaker 2:

So we fully take it off we fully enjoy it. It's a time of gratitude, it's a time of appreciation, it's a time of thanks, it's a time to count your blessings and to spend time with family and friends and to eat good food, right, yep? Don't let it take us off track for the whole month, or even the whole quarter, same with Christmas.

Speaker 1:

Right, we and our company, what we always do is we make sure that it's a four day weekend, the way it falls Like, even if it means giving our team an extra day here or there or what have you. Again, because we're big proponents of having some long weekends a little bit spread out all throughout the year. Again, for some study show even more effective than long vacations, and so it just gives you a chance to have a nice reboot and a recharge. And so same thing around the Christmas holidays For us when we're on, we're on, when we're off, we're off. I love what the late Jim Rohn said. He said when you work, work, when you play, play. Don't mix the two. He says so many individuals that are in the office and they're thinking I wish I could be at the beach, at the beach, at the beach, at the beach, and he goes, and a lot of people they're also at the beach with their family and they're like I should be at the office, at the office, at the office, at the office.

Speaker 2:

So make your time count when you're working, make it count towards your work.

Speaker 1:

When you're vacationing.

Speaker 2:

Make it count. When you're with your family, make it count.

Speaker 1:

Do family. Don't try to be that person who's sitting there and you're with your family and on your phone at the same time. Not only are they not getting the attention that they deserve, but it's also just downright douchey Like it drives me nuts the amount of individuals out there that are running an online business from their phone while trying to play with their kids. Be with your kids.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just be a pressure and run your business.

Speaker 1:

Compartmentalize your schedule. All of you that have taken MindPower Breakthrough, known in Module 5, we talked about MindPower Planning and Productivity Compartmentalize it Fully focused, fully focused, so important.

Speaker 2:

So four key things to finish the year strong. So one is keep your momentum going. It's like a well. Think of the old wells that you had to pump. You literally had to pump. There's no water. Let's say it's dry, it's been sitting and there's no water coming out. What do you have to do? You pump.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, so finally water flows. Right, right, and then you get a bucket and you fill it up, so a lot of energy.

Speaker 2:

You get another bucket and fill it up, right, but it takes a lot of energy to get it from nothing to something. So you have the momentum you have this entire year. Whether it was good or whether it wasn't good, it doesn't matter. You have every single day to start fresh, right. So create that momentum, get that momentum going. If it's dry, if it's been a dry well or dry spell, then get the momentum going. If you've had that momentum, then keep it going. Right, keep pumping.

Speaker 1:

Pumping the well. Just keep a steady cadence. Just keep pumping the well so water keeps coming. Have somebody else pass you the buckets so that they can be filled up right. Somebody else filling the buckets. Metaphorically speaking, the same thing goes Like what most people do. Is they then stop the pumping around? Well, these days it's Halloween, oh my goodness.

Speaker 2:

Don't get me started. Halloween is the new Christmas.

Speaker 1:

Man, it used to be about carving a pumpkin and putting it out on the front and it was like one evening Now it's a major tailgate and I've seen individuals setting up their lights and everything for Halloween weeks in advance.

Speaker 1:

And I'm sorry, Like whatever, no judgment. I'm just saying, man, how do you have time to do all that? I mean, we're changing the world, making a lot of magic happen, Like we don't have time to spend two to three weeks on Halloween. So these days, most individuals it is what it is I'm just going to call a spade a spade by middle October. Now, thanks to this new, overly commercialized Halloween, Middle October all the way into middle January.

Speaker 2:

People are checking out.

Speaker 1:

Checked out. So let's do the math. Ok, let's just count October to November to December to January three months. I wasn't kidding when I said holocorder. These are individuals living a holocorder and they're broke. Most of them are broke.

Speaker 2:

And they wonder why. And then come middle of January, maybe even end of January, they're waking up out of the holiday fog. The holidays, and their business has dried up. The well is dried up. So now they've got to get that momentum going. Meanwhile, people who have been going at it, they're just passing them by and accomplishing their goals.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, so super important. Now back to the pump at the well. So most individuals, middle October they're already stopping the pump action. They're starting again from scratch in January. It takes all that energy again to get things going again, which is why most individuals don't even step into a macro flow state until maybe middle February, for some people early March, I kid you not.

Speaker 2:

Because it could take weeks to get the pump flowing again. If you're in the sales world, you know what we mean by pipeline. So if you let that well dry up, you're not going to have a pipeline.

Speaker 2:

You're not going to be anyone to contact. You're not going to have any scheduled appointments in your calendar because you just let it dry up. Now you're going to have to work even harder to go out. Meanwhile the world is happening and has been happening and you're trying to catch up, and that's a horrible feeling to feel like you're behind going. What the heck just happened?

Speaker 1:

Again, we are not saying not to celebrate the holidays. Just understand where you are going to celebrate, calendar it and enjoy it fully. No work, we're actually giving you permission to fully disconnect on your holidays. Okay, make it count and all around that, work, because there's huge opportunity here. I am telling you that every year that we have been in business, our Q4 was our best quarter.

Speaker 2:

Because we followed these tips.

Speaker 1:

Every year since, literally, october was great, november was even better, december was even better than November, and then we take that momentum and go into January.

Speaker 2:

We'll see the new year.

Speaker 1:

And then that January is even bigger usually than just the previous month, december, and this is how we have had ongoing consistent growth in our company in terms of our impact, every single year since 2009, when we started our business Every year, every year, and this is also how we've also been a profitable business every single year since we started our business.

Speaker 2:

Now, if you're saying but that's not going to work for me, why? Not because my business shuts down at the holidays.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Why does it have to? Why?

Speaker 1:

does it have to?

Speaker 2:

Find out how it can work for you. Find out other ways to do. You know customer love you know to. This is the best time to reach out to your, to your clientele, and wish them happy holidays. It's a reason to contact them Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Our team is going to be working as hard as they can between now and the new year, contacting everybody within our tribe to say happy holidays. Whatever you celebrate, we're grateful for you. We'd like to help you with your 2024 growth plan and understand where we fit in so we can help you keep growing. This is one of the reasons why, traditionally speaking, this is where we grow our impact the most. Okay, so important. Listen, shay always says this. When we kick off a mind power breakthrough, she always says rather than say that won't work for me, she always says ask how will that work for me?

Speaker 1:

So she's always advising everybody going through the program anytime we teach, because that mind power breakthrough we teach over a hundred revolutionary mindset strategies and techniques and we always say just don't say I don't think that'll work for me, say how that'll work for me. She always advises, very sage advice that she always says to the mind power breakthrough members. I'm telling you right now try to figure out how this will work for you, like Jen Hansen. Jen Hansen is very successful individual in our tribe and literally her husband having a landscape. I always want to call it landscape architecture business, but that's a different business, is just a landscaping business.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, of course, in Idaho there's a lot of snow on the ground, there's not a lot of grass to cut and not a lot of bushes that need to be trimmed. But she heard this right, and Steven as well. Her husband heard this and they opened up a new arm to their business, which was doing snow removal, which did fantastic over the course of these next couple of months, of course, and last year was a big snow year, so that was important. So ask yourself how could this work for me? How will this work for me? Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

So important, absolutely. So that is key to helping keep your momentum going right. So, even if your network is tuning out, you're not. You've decided okay, I'm going to keep the momentum going, but your network, let's say they're in the holidays and they're enjoying more than say you are, and when you're still enjoying it, you're enjoying it to the most. You're just making it very scheduled and making it count, right. So let's just say that your network is checked out. So what we do is we make sure that we're scheduling, now for the beginning of the year, appointments and times to talk with people. If they're like I'm busy, I'm traveling or this or that or whatever In December, that's okay, just schedule them for the beginning of January. So then every time we get to January, our calendar is already blocked out, because we did it in Q4 of the previous year.

Speaker 1:

You all know we all throughout the year make sure that the next two weeks are scheduled out. Well, right now we're focused on making sure that we are scheduled out into January because most people they come from their holidays I like that, by the way. Never heard that one before they get out of their holiday.

Speaker 1:

I love it. They come out of their holidays in a days and literally they come out of the days and all of a sudden I got to get to work and at that point, trust me, you're not going to get into their schedule. Yeah, no way, not going to happen, because they have three months of catch up to do, probably mainly administrative. It's a whole another story for another day. It's definitely probably not income generating activities. Regardless, they're playing catch up and so, anyway, super important for you to just schedule it out. This is so important. Again, you're being intentional with your time. We said it before and I'm going to say it again we are not saying not to celebrate, celebrate, celebrate, intentionally.

Speaker 1:

Yes that's the key intentionally, and stop trying to do all of these things all the time. It's hogwash to think you can run your business from the beach. When people tell me that I'm like that's not something to be proud of. Be at the beach and when you're working, work right. Just just not our jam. You all know that Shay and I put 12 years of research into the mind and how the mind works, and understanding neuroscience and understanding productivity and understanding what it takes to optimize human performance. And let me tell you, compartmentalized scheduling is what works best, not trying to do a myriad of things all at the same time. It's called multitasking which doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

It's just switching. You're exhausting your brain, fatiguing your brain.

Speaker 2:

And so then you come back from that what was supposed to be a vacation, and you're supposed to feel refreshed and you're burned out because you're fried. Your brain is fizzled, frizzled, fuzzled, fried, all of those things. My brain is getting like that just thinking about it, because you didn't actually take time off and recharge and rest your brain, right.

Speaker 1:

So our mentor, jim Rohn, said it best he goes. I used to think about a business letter that I needed to write and I was doing. I was thinking about it while I was in the shower because I had time he goes. So I'm thinking about this business letter in the shower and he goes. It turned out when I read it when I was in the office, it turned out to be a very strange letter Because, well, no wonder I was in the shower Doing shower things.

Speaker 1:

Doing shower things Thinking about this letter, and he goes yeah, it turned out to be a strange letter. He goes I rewrote the letter in the office.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So maybe some of you that's funny. Maybe some of you are thinking you guys are crazy. Well, yes, we are.

Speaker 1:

We better be.

Speaker 2:

And maybe for you. You don't want to go harder, and we're not necessarily saying that you have to push the gas pedal farther than you currently are. You're doing it, but you don't have to.

Speaker 1:

No, at minimum, hold steady If this is the gas pedal right here. Here's the brake, here's the gas pedal. Most people are doing this. They're letting off on the gas pedal right. These are individuals that are drifting. We see it all around us. This is, right now, the thing that Shane and I are thinking about every single day, especially right now. How do we get our team to make sure that they're holding steady, because we can feel when they're starting to let off. We can see it when one person, even on our whole team, our global team of 12 plus people, literally when they start letting off just a little bit.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, at minimum you need to hold steady Because everybody else if this is everybody else they're letting off. If you watch, look up here, look up here for a moment. Some of you have seen this before. You need to see it again. Everyone else, if this is where everybody was at, even if you're neck and neck at the same acceleration and other people are easing off and you just hold steady, this right here, that delta equals massive growth in the next two months. That delta equals massive prosperity for you in the next two months. If you own a business, massive profitability in the next two months, because all you're doing is holding steady where you were before while everyone else is letting off. You don't even have to give increased effort, but it's gonna look like you did, but you didn't. You just held steady, yep, so at minimum, hold steady.

Speaker 1:

Now for the super achievers. You know who you are and that's probably most of you that are here, right, and we're trying to inspire it to be all of you here. If you can't tell, rather than just hold steady while everyone comes back, they kind of let off a little bit. Push forward just a tiny bit, even if it's just one percent. We're not saying to floor it. If had people take us to task on this and be like, oh, stop and shake, that's how you burn out. No, no, no, no, no. What burnout is are the individuals.

Speaker 1:

Listen, this is where the pedal can go. Look at my hand. Shay and I don't go all the way to where the pedal can go. We're always at, probably in terms of energy. Let's just say we're at 80% of where we know the pedal can go, so that if we ever did need to give a little more, we can, but we know to only do it in short bursts. So all we're saying is is increase just a little bit. Everyone else is letting off the gas pedal. If you can just increase just a little tiny bit, there's still a lot of room. You could go further, trust me, but you are gonna go leaps and bounds beyond other people in terms of performance and results 100%.

Speaker 2:

Think of it as like cruise control on the freeway going 80, not on the on ramp speeding up to get in front of all of the traffic. Right, cruise control on the freeway at whatever speed you choose, just at a minimum. Keep it steady.

Speaker 1:

And when we're cruising in our vehicle and we're at 70 miles an hour and I wanted to increase it, let's just say, up to 75 miles an hour it doesn't take a lot of energy for the vehicle to just increase from 70 to 75. It won't take much, just like when a locomotive the most amount of fuel that it would burn literally back in the day I'm thinking about the old school locomotives with coal it was just in getting it moving from inertia into a stride. I mean they're having to constantly feed that engine with coal, that furnace with coal and a lot of coal and then if they just wanted to increase it by a few miles per hour, a couple of shovels would get them there. Super important. Same thing. Same thing's gonna happen here. It won't take too much. But key here is just gonna be to compartmentalize it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I said 80, I meant 70. Yeah, or 80, if you like.

Speaker 1:

Well in Utah. I know 80 is good 80 is good in Utah, but now here in Florida can't really do that anymore.

Speaker 2:

So People are probably like what.

Speaker 1:

Depends on where we're at right. So we'll go with the 80 when we're in Utah, 70 when we're in Florida. So anyway, super, super, super important Maintain at minimum. Everyone's pulling back. Yeah, we see it, all around us Everyone's pulling back. Maintain at minimum, you're gonna win. If you can accelerate a little more, you will win more.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Let me tell you this is not just one of the secrets to our success. This is one of the secrets to all of the super achievers' success that we studied during our 12-year research project. I mean, you have to think about the foremost achievers in the world. They compartmentalize their schedule micro level and macro level, and holidays they celebrate fully holidays and then in and around the holidays they are working hard and they are making magic happen while they know other people are gonna be letting off a little bit of the gas pedal. Yeah, super, super, super, super important.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Good good.

Speaker 1:

Super important.

Speaker 2:

So number two if you're taking notes, this is what we call the fastest lap.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness gracious.

Speaker 2:

One of our favorites.

Speaker 1:

This is so important. You have to understand something that, first of all, in racing like race car, you know driving there's an award, obviously, for who wins. There's also an award for who gets the fastest lap. Most of the time, the person who gets the fastest lap is the one that also wins the race most of the time. And then also, what you need to know is, most of the time, the fastest lap is the last lap, super, super, super important. This is where it's all out push right. And so you have to understand there's great momentum. There's great momentum in going for it. At the end, there's a lot of opportunity in pushing it. Like we said, at minimum maintain, but if you can accelerate a little bit, accelerate. This is now. We wanna try and inspire some of you to push a little bit more. Thank us later. It will set you up for having a great year and give you the momentum you need going into next year.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely think of a wave that's rising right. We're in this wave of momentum right, and then just ride that wave into the new year and take that momentum with you.

Speaker 1:

Super, super, super important. You wanna just understand this whole notion that the very end is the time to buckle down, to push harder, to make magic happen. Listen, this is super, super, super important. You can look at sports teams and many different sports and literally you will see the championship team is usually the one that pushed it all the way till the last second. We saw recently there was a great football game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Dallas Cowboys. I love or hate either one of them, doesn't matter, just understand this metaphor, okay.

Speaker 1:

So the reality was the Cowboys had a chance to win multiple times at the end and they call football American football. That is, a game of inches. It was literally a game of inches. There was one almost touchdown that didn't happen by less than a foot. There was one touchdown that didn't happen because the quarterback, dak Prescott, his toes barely touched the white line, making him out of bounds, literally. There was a play at the very end where there was an opportunity, feet from the end zone, just couldn't get in there and that's why the Philadelphia Eagles in that game showed themselves to be more elite and more of a championship team than the Dallas Cowboys in that game. By the way. They're a great team, they're phenomenal team. They crushed their opponent this past weekend.

Speaker 1:

But the reality is, to be truly elite you have to be willing to go all the way through to the end. In football it's 60 minutes, 58 won't get you there, 59 usually won't get you there. It literally can come down to the final seconds, and it does oftentimes with a game winning throw or a game winning field goal. And so you have to understand the elite of the elite in terms of their performance. They push all the way through to the end. In basketball it's four quarters. In hockey it's three periods. Again, american football it's four quarters. So in basketball, the fourth quarter is most often the most intense, productive and, I will say, entertaining period of the game Super important.

Speaker 2:

That's just where they're like all out, giving it everything they've got.

Speaker 1:

It's all out Like the sweat is pouring even harder. You can tell their hearts are pounding, they're breathing hard. Listen, they will make strategic decisions and literally give their all in the final quarter. This is super important. Oftentimes, this is where, in basketball, the winner of the game is decided based on what happens in the fourth quarter. Listen, the clock becomes a factor. Well, what a great metaphor for life. In teams, they may need to make quick decisions, like, for instance, take more three point shots right, which they're not thinking about in the first or the second. It's just how can we run up the points and, based on flow, now it's like we got to make three point shots.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and they've exerted their energy throughout the game. So now it's about how to be calculated, how to be strategic with the time that they do have and the energy that they do have, right? Hmm, sounds like a metaphor for life and how to utilize your time and energy wisely.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they'll maybe play more aggressively, for instance, you know, at the very end, because it's coming down to the wire, because they have to either catch up or maybe they have to maintain the lead, right. And then there's American football, right, right.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, which is all about the fourth quarter.

Speaker 1:

It's so critical right.

Speaker 2:

And especially in those close contested games right. So teams will often make their final push in the last quarter, trying to score touchdowns and field goals to secure a win or tie the game so they can get more time right. And so it's all down to the last quarter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and there's a well-known drill known as the two-minute drill. Some teams even have a one-minute drill. This is a strategy, literally when they're trailing and they need to move quickly down the field to score, sometimes multiple times. And ice hockey the third period, which, for those of you that don't know hockey, that's the last period, the final period yep, it's the final period Usually also is crucial. Teams often play conservatively in early periods, but as the game progresses they become more aggressive Again, the pace of the game increases, more game-winning goals, dramatic comebacks, oftentimes occur in that third period. It's a critical part of ice hockey matches. So this is an all sports. That very last period is oftentimes where the most action happens and it's usually the most exciting. It's the most, I will say, decisive. In most sports.

Speaker 1:

There's this pressure to perform and there's also a limited time on the clock. You want to look at it like there's a limited time on the clock just for this game. Now you got infinite games out in front of you. Of course, right, if you get the metaphor. But in this game the clock is ticking and it's ticking closer and closer and closer to zero. You want to experience a little bit of that pressure. Listen, understand this. A little bit of stress is healthy. Ooh, did you catch that? A little bit of stress from pressure is healthy.

Speaker 1:

So here's one of the issues that Shae and I have with the New Age movement. The New Age movement put all of these individuals into some state of ethereal bliss and they're kind of floating around in life and a little bit of pressure happens and they abreact. A little bit of pressure happens and they'll oh, they'll just quit or quiet quit. Or a little bit of pressure happens and they'll cancel you right With all the new cancel culture in this side or the other.

Speaker 1:

The reality is, a little bit of pressure is actually healthy, a little bit of stress is actually healthy, and I love this quote from Samuel Johnson, literary genius. He said if a man is to be hung on the Fortnite, it focuses his mind wonderfully. Think about that for a moment. Somebody has 14 days to live. You're darn right. He's gonna do whatever it takes to make sure that he lives to his utmost potential in those 14 days, right, right. This is why it's important to actually embrace the pressure and appreciate the pressure. Love a little bit of the pressure. Now we're not saying, take it to distress, distress.

Speaker 2:

That's different, right right, this is what happens. We're not saying to burn yourself out no. You need a spatula to pick yourself up off of the ground.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, not at all.

Speaker 2:

But know yourself, be self-aware, know what your limits are and push yourself to the limit with healthy stress, healthy pressure, with intention, and also be able to enjoy the holidays intentionally.

Speaker 1:

So important and be careful too. I'll tell you what a lot of individuals will do is they'll get a little bit of success around this time period when they do the finish strong philosophy and then they slip right back into old behaviors and they let off and that literally will be their demise on the back end of the year and the beginning of next year. You have to maintain you're gonna get some success. Mark my word Success does not mean let off.

Speaker 2:

Success is a super achievers downfall. Really it is, and I know that sounds crazy because we all strive for success. But what can happen is, once we get to that success that we were striving so hard for, we go. I made it, and then complacency sets in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, super important Comfortableness sets in Well and, if you understand my body connection, if you've been to our Mindpart Coach Academy Masters program, what'll happen to a lot of individuals? They go a little bit of success and then they get sick because the body goes through a healing crisis. Right, this is why it's a real deal and the struggle is real. There's a lot of individuals. They go into a vacation. They did not give themselves time to turn it off a little bit here and there, with long weekends over the course of a year, and unfortunately their body's gotta go through a major healing and they catch a cold or a flu or something over their vacation.

Speaker 1:

You're all free from that, of course, but just make sure you are scheduling your time off and when you work, work. When you play, play. Don't mix the two. We've seen so many individuals out there running online businesses, especially network marketing businesses, and this, that and the other, and literally there's unfortunately never any gap in their schedule that they're fully disconnected, and that's a travesty. By the way, let me tell you something individuals that are the top of the top of the top of those network marketing companies, they do the best job taking time off and fully stepping away. So you can learn from the individuals that have created massive amounts of success and you can model that so important. So understand that now is this opportunity to take all this momentum that you have and to have your fastest lap, metaphorically speaking, and if you're not happy with how things have gone, I also want you to know there's been I mean too many to count situations where somebody had come from behind victories.

Speaker 1:

It's a big deal in most sports.

Speaker 2:

There's always a chance. There's always a chance.

Speaker 1:

There's always a chance. Always a chance, so know that you can have a come from behind victory yourself 100%.

Speaker 2:

And those are the sweetest right, those because you know the trials and tribulations that you went through and how hard you had to work for it, and so those successes make it even better.

Speaker 1:

You have an opportunity right now to make this November and December literally the November to remember and the December to remember 100%. You have that opportunity.

Speaker 2:

Right now.

Speaker 1:

You have to make the decision right now that you're going for it, that you're going for it. What if that extra push ended up helping you get another bonus, that then you can not only enjoy all of your holidays you're coming up over the next couple of months and, on top of it, take a long weekend or a vacation with your family. Because of how you pushed it, you got to find out what's your, why, right, right, you got to find out what's your why?

Speaker 2:

What if your extra energy and your extra motivation inspired somebody around you, and your family and your friends and your network, to do better themselves? Right, so you never know. Everybody is watching. People are always watching you and especially if you have family and kids, they are especially watching you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they're watching. 98% of our behaviors are learned from watching somebody else, so 98% of your kids behaviors are, from, most likely, watching you, right? So you are the pace setter. You are the pace setter. You are the one that individuals around you are modeling. So you have to decide right now what kind of individual are you? Are you this person that is pulling back?

Speaker 1:

and coasting and coasting and slowing down. Are you the individual that's holding steady at minimum or even accelerating a little bit more? Yep, we think that you're, because you're here, and those of you that are still here with us, literally after 50 minutes of us pouring into you this whole finished strong concept, literally, we think you're the individuals that are the super achievers. You're the crazy ones, you're the ones that literally want to go out and change the world and put a dent in the universe.

Speaker 1:

You're the ones that do you are the ones that do yes, right? So super, super, super important.

Speaker 2:

So that was number two fastest lap. So number three is to stay focused on your top three wants. Yep, right. So you know from if you've taken my power breakthrough, we do the hundred wants, which is, you know you all the things that you want in life and Then you narrow it down to your top ten wants that you want to achieve over the next twelve months, and then you narrow that down to the top three wants that I want to accomplish in the next 30 days 30 to 45, right, we're right in that window. So reevaluate your list and Really hone in on those top three that you're gonna go for for the rest of the year keeps you focused.

Speaker 2:

It absolutely keeps you focused.

Speaker 1:

This, this is about what I was talking about with find your why I mean you've got, you've got why. Which is your internal, why which is what's important to you? Which are these top three wants? That's super, super, super important.

Speaker 2:

And then driving you all along the way to, of course, is your purpose and your passion for sure, right now, if you look at your top three wants and if they are not big enough to drive you with Momentum and energy into the end of the year, fully engaged and focused, then you need to rewrite them. They are not big enough.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They are not big enough. You need to make them bigger to be able to get you if you're sitting in inertia. You need to make them so big that you can get out of inertia and into Momentum and into movement. Now, if you look at them and you go these are big, these, these, these are really big, then cool, keep going for them, keep working towards them every single day. Make that your focus to achieve those by the end of the year super important 46 days left 46, tomorrow is 45. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, make it count absolutely Make it count and that's not even working days. You're gonna have to back out of that how many days that you are gonna be celebrating the holidays and and that's what you have in terms of working days.

Speaker 2:

So sure working days toward your, whatever your, your Three. You know your big f-ing goals are whatever your three wants are, whether it's in business, or health, or wealth, or family, spirituality, personal development, whatever they are. Yeah, work out the days that you're gonna be totally off celebrating the holidays and then, you know, find out how many days. So most likely it's gonna be less than the 4645 right.

Speaker 1:

So and it's still upside, totally all upside, because I promise you the next 46 days are checked out for At least 80% of the population. I'm probably gonna venture to say 90%. Probably 90% of the population are gonna be fully checked out the next 46 days. There's gonna be 10%, they're gonna be pushing and, by the way, where these statistics come from, traditionally Speaking, as you all have heard us talk about before, 90% of people struggle, 10% succeed, and that's in general, life in general. And then, if we go even in terms of a certain microcosm of, like, an economic downturn, traditionally speaking, here comes the percentages again, not a coincidence, by the way. 90% of people struggle during a recession, 10% thrive and build a lot of wealth during a recession.

Speaker 1:

Right and it's, it's, it's all mind power. You know Sam Walton said it best in 1991, during the recession. He was interviewed and they asked him they said hey, so what? What do you think about the recession? He said I thought about it and I'm choosing not to participate, which is all mindset, right, that's talking about somebody who is walking mind power. Sam Walton built literally generational wealth with Walmart. They even say that the Walmart stock is like a recession proof stock, and so fact of the matter is this this type of thinking is the type of thinking that you want to make sure that you have, and you just want to do whatever it takes to, to keep pushing. Yes, keep pushing. Don't.

Speaker 2:

Don't just unplug, like 90% of the population is gonna do for the next 46 days be part of the 10% that pushes the worst thing you could do is say this year was crap. I'm just gonna throw in the towel. Whatever. 46 days doesn't matter, it's not gonna do anything. That is a lot of time. Oh my god, that's a lot of time and if you want to know how much time that is, just ask somebody who's on their deathbed how much time that is. That's a lot of time. You can do a lot of living in that time, so go make it happen.

Speaker 1:

So important, so important. Listen you, you got to know this. So many Championships have been decided literally not only in the very last minute, but where major come from behind victories. We've even had some business years where literally the first 10 months were literally it's like a dumpster fire.

Speaker 1:

I'm not kidding you in terms of business growth and then, and then Might as well just flush it down the I mean, if we were like anyone within the 90% would have just like, hopped on a plane and gone to Costa Rica for 46 days and said I'll wait till January 1st and start over again.

Speaker 1:

We have never, ever, ever done that, never. Which is why anyone who knows this knows we always, traditionally speaking, don't take a huge International vacation around the holidays or the new year, because we're pushing all the way till the end. For us, it's taking time off, predominantly in the new year for us, or potentially in the summer months, and so, yeah, man, I'm telling you dumpster fire. And then, all of a sudden, we, we followed every single one of these principles within the finish strong strategy and mindset and literally made it at a phenomenal year and literally the last 46 days or so give or take. We've experienced that before in the past. It is not over, it ain't over, as they say, until the fat lady sings, and she has not sung yet, and that's not until midnight on December 31st.

Holiday Season Work-Life Balance Management
Maximizing Momentum and Productivity in Q4
Maintaining Momentum for Success
The Importance of the Final Quarter/Period
The Importance of Finishing Strong