Intentionally Ever After

with guest Tricia Brouk

Season 1 Episode 35

Tricia Brouk is an international award-winning director. She founded The Big Talk Academy and was the executive producer of TEDxLincolnSquare. She curates the Speaker Salon in NYC,  hosts The Big Talk an award-winning podcast and her book, The Influential Voice: Saying What You Mean For Lasting Legacy was #1 pre- order new release on Amazon.

Visit to download the chapter on Purpose, Values & Mission of Tricia's book, The Influential Voice: Saying What You Mean For Lasting Legacy.

Connect with Tricia Brouk on
- Instagram @tricia_brouk
- Facebook @tricia.brouk

If you would like to have your own intentional conversation with Joe, either on or off the air, visit

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Post production/editing services by Jupiter Productions

Joe Bukartek empowers people to live intentionally. As host of the podcast, Intentionally Ever After [], Joe is an ultramarathon runner and pickleball enthusiast, living at the beach with his family as part of his own curated intentional lifestyle.

As a board certified Intentional Lifestyle Coach, Joe helps individuals to have lives and careers that are wildly more fulfilling. Ready to curate a life of intention? Connect with Joe on his website [] or LinkedIn []

Joe also helps emerging adults build lifelong success beyond the nest in his specialized program, Intention to Launch. This results-driven partnership guides participants as they prepare to leave home and discover their ideal lives. Ready to launch? Check out []

If you would like to have your own intentional conversation with Joe, either on or off the air, visit

Check out more episodes at