Show Vs. Business

SvB: Ep163 Gurus on Demand, AI is now hiring people, Status of the MCU now that X-Men is here

Theo Harvey | Mr Benja

This week at Show vs Business, @the_real_theo_harvey and @mrbenja will be talking about the importance of Gurus and you probably need one, AI is now hiring (Irony on this one), MCU with X-Men and more!

Grab some coffee, sit back, relax and tune-in, this gonn' be a good one!


Show vs. Business is your weekly take on Pop Culture from two very different perspectives. Your hosts Theo and  Mr. Benja provide all the relevant info to get your week started right.


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Theo Harvey: This is show versus business. Your pop culture meets pop money. Look, I messed it all up. It's okay guys because we're going to keep going where pop culture meets pop money with your host, the real Theo Harvey and Mr. Benja. Mr. Benja, are we going to keep moving forward or what? What's going on? We're going off the top.

We're going live. We're going off script. We're doing it. We're doing it. I don't care. We keep going, 

Mr.Benja: just bust it out. That's how we do it, man. Hey, man, things going good. Things going good. I like some of the things that's been happening this week. I think we got a few good ones to talk about. We got some, we always have a little guru stuff to talk about because these individuals are just fascinating.

Kylie Jenner is showing up in the mix of our talk today. So we're going to get a little bit to that. Some Russell Brunson and Nick Sengal. Not in a good way though. We got an AI watch. So there's some things happening with influencers and gurus and AI. We're going to talk about that a little bit.

This new thing called payman. It's not necessarily new, but it's just starting to get a little buzz. I think it may be starting to catch on. This thing pays humans to do work for it. So it's AI that pays humans. Interesting stuff we're getting into. Kupac has threatened to pay humans. Threatened the not Tupac himself.

The Tupac estate has threatened Drake more AI shenanigans going on. So we'll get into that a little bit. We may talk a little bit about the MCU because stuff's been happening. The Deadpool Wolverine trailer X Men 97 is still going on. They're doing tours in Atlanta for stuff. It's all crazy.

And and yeah, we just, you know how we do. We just talk general good stuff here on show versus business and Theo, how are you doing? 

Theo Harvey: Mr. Benjamin, I had a wonderful week. Last week, my wife was out of the country. So I was focused kid mode, doing mom and dad roles at the same time. So when she got back this week, I had a chance to get back on the road and Mr Benja, I don't tell her, but I think I enjoyed it.

And the fact that I had time to think and I just enjoy that. Sometimes you just want to go so much and just implement implementing, you set that low level, just working, right? Getting stuff out, doing things. But when you just have a day. So I had opportunity where I landed into the city I went to.

It's Atlanta. So From Tampa. So I go into the Delta Lounge and I just post up for a couple of hours, man. Just Oh, it's no rush. I don't have any, no meetings today, maybe a couple of meetings, online, but nothing serious. I just post up their free food, free drinks. And just got to thinking Mr.

Benja and man, I had so many wonderful ideas and went down some YouTube rabbit holes and just had all these wonderful ideas. Oh, I can do this in business. Oh, I can do this. And just, just really, you just have that day where you just go deep into your thoughts and just man, you emerge almost wow.

Like the scales have been lifted off my eyes and I can see a path forward. 

Mr.Benja: That's the exact, there's the word. It's it's that pathways thinking 

Theo Harvey: exactly. And so just love that man. And so I loved it so much that I think I did a little bit more today, this morning after my son's sports events, I just had some, another couple, deep dives on some gurus.

And so basically, I have some of the same go, go to gurus. I go to a lot of times, just open it up and expanding it. So I think I was looking at three big areas. One has been, Facebook ads for whatever reason, I'm just feel compelled to go deeper into that. So I have a coach, a shout out to her non.

He does scale driven. I give him a shout out. He's really good. He talks a lot about like how to, build out your Facebook ads. And so I'm just, using him as a coach to understand that it's just really insightful to see the thinking around the process of doing this.

So that's been helpful. I went in also with some go high level stuff. So I'm trying to learn some agency marketing stuff. So I've been going deep dive on that. So I got some gurus on that and then YouTube and just looking at YouTube channels growing steadily, personal brand. So I'm just like, is there other ways the team and I can, Do a little bit different, right?

To grow the brand. And so shot the guys that think media basically, just going in on some of their 

Mr.Benja: stuff. 

Theo Harvey: Yeah. Sean Cannell and then Omar what's his name? Captain Tori. I think that's how you say it. He is, doing his own thing now, they're like how to build a brand on YouTube and all that. And then finally the OG gurus, like the homosies and out and the Myron golden, just to get some, cause basically it's good to go back to this stuff. I've listened to him so much. I know the angles are going down.

So I'm okay. I know what he's going to say, but then you're like, Oh, you know what? I guess I didn't understand this little tweak. So let me apply that now. And so anyway, so that's been, really exciteful, exciting time. And really helping not just my business. Currently, even future businesses that I'm thinking about.

So yeah, shout out to the gurus, and just having time to think and how to apply it. And I was listening to this Myron today. He just said you think learning is just understanding and just Oh yeah, I get that. Oh yeah. Move on. No, he said, learning is mastery where basically you understand the principle behind the concept so well that you could execute if I've been thinking about it, tying your shoe.

And so that's when you really learned the concept. Yep. And so he said, learning is really mastery. And so when, and I just saw that, I listened to that. I heard that before from him, but when I really listened to again, it was funny. I had said the same thing to my son. I was like, he said, I told him something to do in basketball.

And I said, Hey, that's what, how you shoot better in basketball. He said I didn't learn anything today because you told me that same thing last week. I said obviously you didn't learn it because you didn't change your behavior based on what I told you. It's so we're gonna keep talking about until you have mastered it and learned it.

So when I saw that Myron go to the thing, it's just oh, that's what he's been talking about all this time

wasn't until I've taught my son, about mastery and learning. And I think Alex Hormozy talks about this to say, really look to learning is when your behavior has changed and and that's when you learn, lessons are going to come. Good. Continue to be repeated until you learn and really learned is basic behavior change.

And yeah, so those are some of the things I've been really excited about this week. And, we can talk more about a particular interview. We both listened to and got me hyped and I sent you some snippets from, but yeah, it was good, man. Good week. 

Mr.Benja: I I was listening to an audio book and I can't remember which one and it wasn't about.

Mastery and the like but it touched on it. I'll have to go back and find out which one it was. It was a woo kind of thing. 

Laugh: It 

Mr.Benja: may have been Alan Watts or something. Anyway we were, he was discussing being able to understand something like, Hey, you don't really understand it and you're not really at that master level until you can articulate it clearly to somebody else.

And it makes sense to them. Because while stuff may make sense to you, unless you can really articulate that, because he was saying people think they know something and then they go to try to teach somebody. And then they're just frustrated. Like, why don't they get it? It's because you don't have enough.

Insight to have the external, I forgot the word he used for outside, but it's like seeing outside of yourself. You don't have that level of seeing it, where some coaches can be like no. You're dropping your hand before you release the ball. Don't keep your hand up high while you're shooting.

And you're like, oh, I didn't realize I was doing that. So it was a, it was another thing about mastery where you get to this point where. You're so agile and flawless with whatever you're doing that you start to pick up on these details that you didn't even know existed before you were a master, 

Theo Harvey: and Myron brought this up.

He said, Bruce Lee said, and I'm not afraid of the man that can do 10, 000 punches. I'm afraid or 10, 000 kicks. I'm afraid of the man who can do one kick, but he's done over 10, 000 times. So he's mastered the exact pressure, how to hit you. And so it's just and I think to your point, it's like true mastery comes in where you, it's almost simple to you and you can take, you can come at it from so many different angles to explain it to someone that they'll finally get it.

And it's and Myron talked about that today too. I was listening to, he just said it's almost internal. It's you've understood the principle so much, you internalize it. So now it's like part of you, you and the principle are the same. So it's almost that's just how you live your life now.

And it's unconscious, like tying your shoes, like walking, I'm breathing. It's Oh this is how you make a million dollars. It's just simple to me. So that's something. Yeah. I love that concept. 

Mr.Benja: No, that's good stuff, man. And part of the reason I was thinking about a lot of this stuff and going in this direction for the past, since 2005, I believe almost 20 years, I've been, I haven't been pulled into jury duty.

And it just happened this time I sent in two excuses the first one was typed up the second one. I actually sent an actual letter, sometimes you send a letter. They're like, Oh, a letter. And they actually look at it instead of just hitting deny on the email. So I said to 

Theo Harvey: pro tip.

Mr.Benja: I didn't get my excuse accepted this time. And I'm like, man after 20 years, I have to actually go in and I called and they're like, oh, okay. You're Benjamin Johnson. I'm like yeah. Okay. And I hit the little phone buttons and I was waiting for the prompt to go talk to somebody.

She said, hold on. And all of a sudden you heard that little click, like you switched over to another service and the server said. Hello, Mr. Benjamin Johnson, you are expected to show up at, and I'm like, didn't even give me a chance to talk to somebody. So yeah, I went down there and said, Hey, listen, man, who do I talk to?

And they're like, Hey, the next person you talk to is the judge. So you're going to have to wait on him and actually stand here and do this. I'm like, all right, cool. It was a whole morning, right? And I won't get into the jury process, but I had a whole morning to sit down and think, and I'm just seeing all these different people.

And, it's a whole different world over in the courts. Yeah, I was just sitting around thinking, and we were talking about pathways and different ways to get to a solution. And I had thought about all of these different ways to get out of jury duty for 20 years. And finally, I'm there.

And the one thing I hadn't thought of was just accepting it. You know what, this is jury duty. I got a morning here. I can hang out, talk to some different people. They're stuck here in the room with me. So I turned around and was like, Hey, started a conversation though, with a bunch of people.

And it just became a thing. And I was doing my writing, right? So I have my little job book there and I'm thinking of things to add to the book or rearrange, remove, whatever on this book I'm working on. And once again, whenever you're doing something like this, something surprising comes up. I have these illustrations that are going in the book and I couldn't figure out how to make them work with my schedule, like what I'm trying to do.

And all of a sudden the solution of watercolors came up. I don't know. Where that came from. I do know where it came from, but it's I needed something that can, that I can do quickly. That doesn't take a lot of work. It's I don't have to prep canvas or anything. It's just like watercolor paper.

It's just like a pad of paper. It's simple. It's effective. It has a certain touchable look, that I wanted with the job book and all that. So long story short, basically it took me to some new place. In my thinking, just by sitting down and accepting, okay, I'm here at jury duty. I'm going to take things differently.

Maybe I can. And somehow watercolors came out of that whole thing. I haven't touched watercolors with any seriousness in my entire life. That's actually a gap in my artistic journey. It's just. I've tried them, but just never cared about them. So now, yeah pathways thinking, trying different grooves, just releasing yourself to grasp onto something different.

It's all connected and I love it. It 

Theo Harvey: is 

Mr.Benja: Mr. Benji. 

Theo Harvey: And Maybe we'll talk about it later, but one of the podcasts I shared with you Ryan Pineda had Russell Brunson on one of his podcasts. And I think that was the first podcast I've heard Russell go on in three years, he mentioned, cause I think it's just, Trying to get back out there again.

And it was an interesting concept because, let's be honest. I consider Russell Brunson like up there with, he's like that bridge between the old school guys who knew, like the Dan Kennedy's or the Sullivan's who like, knew how to market, we had infomercials and mail, direct mail, all that kind of stuff.

But to this internet age, I think Russell Brunson's like right up there. Cause you can directly trace. Myron Golden, Alex Hermosi, even Ryan Pineda, and other guys, from there from him. And he's been in the game for a while. He's coming back out, trying to see what he can do.

But one of the things that kind of he mentioned was he's writing a book. And one of the things he came up with this concept was like, what makes a million dollar seller, a bestseller book. And he said, it's really about, keying in on a simple concept, but that's complex. And is, in his journey.

And so if you can come up with one thing, that's like simple. So for instance, he mentioned, how to win friends and influence people said that book has the test. That's the time because it's a simple concept. But complex in how you implement and how you think about it in deep in the details of what goes into that.

And he said, when you analyze all the different books that were bestsellers, that's the thing that they did. And he said, if you come up with that one concept, he said, basically, that's what you'll be known for. Probably, even after you die, if you can get to that next level. And me and you talked about it last time on the things that you're writing.

I was like, I think Mr. Benji, you might be onto something like that. And I had epiphany. Recently to the, I might have something like that as well. And so I'm working on, and that could be the thing that I hang, this, the life's work, that book that, whatever that thought, the idea that, you know, Hey.

This is it. This is what it all sums into this is what I'll be known for. And so I think that's what you need to get to in, in your entrepreneur journey, but just in your journey in life, if you can become known for that one thing that that, that submits you into the world, I think that's huge.

Mr.Benja: You could literally become the the guy that wrote the book on insert subject. 

Theo Harvey: Exactly. 

Mr.Benja: Exactly. That phrase that they say, Hey, he wrote the book on He wrote the book crushing it. He wrote the book on, a hundred million dollar offers. 

Theo Harvey: Yeah. If 

Mr.Benja: you think about it, who's making a hundred million dollar offers.

This guy wrote the book on it. Exactly. 

Theo Harvey: And that's the key. And that's the key. Yeah. Alison Mosey Gary Vee and Grant Cardone. But you're right. Those are the things that probably outlast them. And you're right. I think 10 X is also, it was such a simple concept. Yeah. Basically do more, you'll get more.

That's basically all Gary Cardozo was talking about, but the complexity of all that went into it and the detail, that's why it's going to stay in the test of time, how to win friends and influence people, right? It's just, so if you can come up with a simple concept, that's wait a minute, this is too simple.

That's all it takes. Yes. And you go into details and stories and levels to it. Then that's when you become known as. The guy. And so I think we hinted at what you're building. When I read your book, I immediately saw the implications of how it could be used. I'm using the, a part of it as well in the way I think.

So I think, there's something there and you can own that whole arena. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah. Real quick. Do you have any other examples of those that have stuck with you? For me when you started talking about that I jumped to a man, thank you. 

Theo Harvey: Yep. 

Mr.Benja: It was just like 

Theo Harvey: the greatest salesmen in the world, there's a simple concept for how you sell.

There's a million of them out there, Mr. Benja. So many, I'm just trying to think, heck, even the sports, I'm looking at this book right now, Kobe Bryant, he create the Mamba mentality. I told many people I'm a Laker fan. I used to, I love Kobe as a basketball player.

I guarantee that's the long forget about Kobe, who he was as a person, but they'll remember the Mamba mentality. 

Mr.Benja: Oh, you just saw 

Theo Harvey: the mamba mentality, year 2022, 24, and you'd be like, wait, we don't even know even now there's sayings that we say, we don't know where they came from. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah that's that is good stuff.

And I love it. And Jordan could have had that book, but he didn't. 

Theo Harvey: Yep. So it's just Kobe might be outlast Jordan. Yeah. Cause he basically was the baby, Kobe took the concepts and made it his own and he publicized it. And so now, cause there's a guy now in the NBA.

His name is Anthony Edwards. That's, he's got that mamba mentality. That to me, guys in NBA are like that. Aggressiveness and, very competitive guy, like even LeBron, he's not, he's never been like that, but but you can tell there's a there's going to be this this lineage, you're going to see in the NBA of these guys that have that mamba mentality and that's going to last the longterm and not just in sport.

I don't even think it's going to last an NBA. They'll probably take it to, other areas, and other sports and other. Business, things like that. So yeah, I think there's tons of a Mr Bidger, but I think that's the key in life. If you can get a concept that's so simple, but the way you think about it, where you thought about it, the details you go into in your book, that's how you become known as that guy.

And, you're good. You can go speaking about that for the rest of your life. Daniel Priestley, he created that concept key person of influence. And it's something that we all knew, you're the guy that everybody goes to, but he quantified it, wrote a book about it and detailed it.

And Brunson had an idea like that. It was called the attracting character. Basically, you be that guy that leads everyone, but it's one chapter. And his book about, click funnels. And so it's yeah, we get your point, but it wasn't deep enough to expand upon what it meant to be that attracting character.

Laugh: So it's 

Theo Harvey: not like these ideas. Yeah, exactly. You can talk about, there's tons of ideas we can talk about, but if you write a book about it, Mr. Benja, you the guy it's done. 

Mr.Benja: I love it. Yeah, man. So these gurus, man they're just tripping me out and I've come to the realization that I, As no matter what they're about, I always go to a guru, even if they're off their rocker and not quite right with all the facts and everything, I'll check them out.

And then when I check them out, I can start finding out, okay, if I don't want to listen to him, who do I get it from? Okay. He's got this concept because the one thing I found about all of them is. That they're on to something they've got something that they're so riled up about and people are going on about.

If anything, I'm like, okay, if I can learn something from this guy, at least let me learn who the, maybe the people behind the curtain or the better people are, sometimes I'll go to a guy's website and I'll look them up and say, oh, that's interesting. Then I find his reviews on YouTube or something and people will say, you could just read these five books from the actual masters.

And I'm like, boom that's all I needed. Okay. Now I can get rid of this guy and go to the actual source or whatever. But yeah, people who don't have gurus, man, I don't know what to say to them. Now. 

Theo Harvey: Like I said, I pulled a book with a couple of weeks ago back here. What's his name? Oh, was it always me?

What's Yeah he was saying things that they're talking about now, what they have to know and trust you. That was, he wrote that in the eighties. And I'm sure he got that from someone else. So it's not like these concepts are hidden because they're principles.

They just don't go away. It's just, but you own a concept that, you know, And so I think I have something too, but I have to develop it more. And once I have my I'll pull out my my chapter book, Mr. Benja and send it to you as well.

Mr.Benja: Definitely. All right. Now also in that YouTube the YouTube. Interview. I didn't know it was going to be so long. I didn't know you were into the long interviews because I was like 

Theo Harvey: I can't be like I said, when I got out, when I got time, I'll go in man, deep man, pause and stuff.

And I was on a plane, so that helped a lot. So yeah, it, you just got to get me at the right time when the, for the long interviews. But I knew it was going to be insightful because I haven't heard Russell been interviewed before, I always see him, Hey guys, buy my ClickFunnels, stuff like that.

But you were seeing him just sit down. And get interviewed by anyone, and so I that's why I wanted to look at that and see what that was about. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah. He was saying something about AI and you'd pointed that out, but what were you going on about the, his AI combo in there? 

Theo Harvey: Yeah. You know what?

I can't remember now, but I know Ryan Pineda, he had mentioned psych, okay. How. What's going to happen when I takes over and so what's going to keep people, because, I just automates everything right in a sense. And it can do all the back end stuff for you. It can, even create a I, we talked about this influencers.

And so I think they were discussing along the lines that the way you mitigate against is, Community, right? Building raving fans that will follow you anywhere. So yeah, there's a AI bot that can do everything you do, but they just know and trust you more because they rocked with you for so long.

And so that's one thing. And then I think Ryan Panetta put like events, creating experiences. That's why in person events are starting to take on more and more importance in the Google world. All of them have. Some kinda live event now. 'cause they know , they gotta get people in a room and see you and talk to you and know that you're a real person, not some, YouTube AI bot.

So I think Russell Brunson co-signed the whole having a community that, rocks with you over time. And so I think that's what he was hinting at, how you beat back the gu the gurus that will be coming that are AI. AI generated 

Mr.Benja: gurus. I do go to chat GPT and bar Jim and I was about to say barred and and being GPT over here, and even meta AI, I found myself on Instagram.

They had a little AI button. You can just hit. 

Laugh: Yeah, I found myself 

Mr.Benja: in there and instead of changing apps, I was just like. Let me ask right here. Boom. They got me. So yeah. Hold on. Let me see. I pulled it off a second ago. I want to see this. Yeah. So I asked what does Ryan Pineda have to say about growing your YouTube channel?

And it was just something I thought about. And I was like, huh, let me throw it out here right quick. And yeah, he just jumped into a bunch of his advice and linked to his YouTube page and some other topics. 

Theo Harvey: Oh, that's good. At least they gave him a comment. At least they went to his YouTube page. So that's good for him.

But was that in the Instagram AI bot or was that? Oh, no, 

Mr.Benja: That, that was not meta AI. That was actually being GPT. 

Theo Harvey: Oh, okay. But yeah but eventually guess what? You think they're going to be crediting these creators for the content? How do you grow on YouTube? They're going to say we say it's all the advice that Sean Cannell would get you right from Think Media.

You're like, Oh, no, 

Mr.Benja: Who really reads, who really looks into the footnotes and reads the bibliography? I didn't start, I didn't start looking into the bibliography till I was like 35.

Theo Harvey: I just need something now. I need something now. But I don't know. It's gonna be, it's gonna be interesting mister Benja cuz you know, I don't know how are you like, when I hear somebody say, okay, this is what you do. I'm like, first, I'm like, eh, whatever. Who are you? And then they go into their story.

I was just like you, my wife was on her deathbed, my house was being foreclosure. I had no money and I did this and he like, okay, so he got something, but who are you really? I worked with Grant Cardone and I worked with Gary V. Oh, okay. So they start putting all this social proof and transformations talk to you.

Then eventually I started to say, okay I started to trust him more as opposed, I know him, but I don't know him. But at least I've started to trust more because he's either getting the cloud from someone else, they're shining on him or he told a transformation, transformational story that he was just like me.

And so if I say, okay, he was just like, yeah. And he got there and all these other folks trust him. Then I guess I can give him some money to, or to help me with my thing. I don't know. Can chat GPT do that? That's the question. Or, the AI bots, AI influencers. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah. I'm, the thing is, and we talked about this a while back, where you can have two different.

Opinions or two different strategies that both work. Like we were talking about Apple uses, they had their executive meetings, don't have any notes in them. No one takes notes in their executive meetings. And Amazon does the exact opposite where to go to a meeting, you have to have the two page memo and everything thought out and printed up and sent out beforehand.

So it's you can have these two different strategies that work. And I could see something like chat GPT, just, Oh, this is a successful company. Let me see what they did. This is a successful company. See what they did. And then just give you all this information, but it may not necessarily work as a cohesive strategy.

It's just information going to you. So that's what I think a lot of these gurus provide. They're like cause I was actually talking to a guy who who went he was like, Hey, I'm just trying to get money from, doing music and doing YouTube and this and that here's how it became the number one, iTunes artists in France or whatever, and da.

And I was like, interesting, but he's got a very specific strategy. He's okay, if you're going to want to achieve this, don't do that. Don't do that. Cause it'll mess you up here and there do this, and then wait. And once you've reached this point, then do this. And. A guru or a specialist is somebody who can tell you those exact steps when in the, the right amounts.

You can tell you the recipe, not just the ingredient list. You know what I mean? I think, yeah, he 

Theo Harvey: was just 

Mr.Benja: an ingredient. Not 

Theo Harvey: only that yeah, they'll just give you ingredient list and then though, yeah, to your point. The guru can get that nuance that you need to take it to the next level.

Cause I actually, I think I told you, I put it on my YouTube just recently. So I was there with David Shands and Myron Golden and asked a question and I did, the question I asked was around that. It was like, how do you know you're not going the right direction or you need to pivot? And basically, Myron said in so many words that you need to have a coach that can listen in and give you feedback on how you're doing.

And then, so you can, change in real time. And I think that's really the benefit of having a coach or a live person is that they can give you those tweaks that you need, based on their experience. And so for instance, my coach and meta ads he was like, Oh yeah, we work with a lot of, so this is on average, you should be 1%, which I think, Any 1 percent ad should convert that you put out there.

And but then it's breaking on the creative side. And so here's some ideas on the creative side. He can't give you the exact rule, but based on his knowledge and insight. So basically you're trying to target doctors. So this is the kind of language you should use maybe move this. Psychology, maybe moving this button up a little bit higher.

So they have, quicker chance to respond instead of red, instead of orange, make it green means go. So it's just like the psychology and the art that goes into making people think a little bit differently. I don't know, chat GPT. Let's say never, man. Hey, I can get extremely quick, pretty fast, but 

Mr.Benja: I was about to say, yeah, the fact that they've what was I reading?

They've got a program. Somebody has got a program that's doing basically what Figma does. And, 

Figma is the software. It's like there's Photoshop illustrator and all those other ones premiere. They've got this thing called Figma and Figma is basically about the user experience buttons, where stuff goes on the page layouts and things like that.

It can try 17, it can AI generate 17 different Versions of something, throw them all out in the web and whichever one spikes first, start with that one. And then, it's basically AI ing all the button presses and everything like that. It's a very, it's deeper than it seems.

Being in video games, we would always wonder like, why the hell did that guy, Run through the trees and then go left. Why does everybody go left there? And, you start moving stuff around like the rocks and the visuals and everything, 

Theo Harvey: huh? 

Mr.Benja: Now they're 

Theo Harvey: going, they still want to go left.

They still want to go left. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah. It's just there's a certain weirdness about okay. There's a lot of randomness. But then there's something behind the psychology that's making people say no, I'm going to write 

Theo Harvey: a good point because he did mention in the my guru and meta, he did say really the height, the highest thing that converts people is the headline.

He said you can do split testing on your landing page, one headline versus the other, or. You can put like a bunch of headlines up on face or as a Facebook ad, it's 10 different headlines and see which gets the highest percentage. And so I was like, that's basically testing.

And to your point, that's what automation and AI can do extremely well. So anyway we digress, but it's going to be interesting to see, I think it's going to be a merge of the two of you can. And that's why I'm starting to learn more on the AI side. If you can in essence, be the front for all this AI automation, then, you can probably beat, any guru because you'll just have the data to justify everything you're saying to them, say, Oh yeah, this converts how, we did experiment for a million users and other million, this one got 10, 000, views, so this will work.

Oh, I don't know. Just try it, shut up and try it. They try it. Oh, it worked. Here's my money.

Mr.Benja: It's a that, that's great. And it takes me to this other this other article we had here about payment. So payment's been around. It's funny. I didn't think about this name, pay man, instead of PayPal, pay man comedy. Basically this company has developed an AI automated system that currently we have bots out there.

And it's you set up an AI system. That's I'm going to. I'm going to go download all of the news articles about such and such, come up with a summary, write it out, send it to such and such. And tomorrow I'm going to do the same thing, write up a summary about, whatever stock or stocks or the interest markets or whatever.

And that's it. You can have the A. I. Set up to do something, but then this system is an A. I. System that pays humans to do its work. So why would you ever want an A. I. System to pay humans? If the A. I. Ever get stuck there's a weird day in something. Something happens like a 9 11 happens or a, a natural disaster happens. Something happens and all of a sudden you can't trust the AI to do its normal predictions. You're like, okay, this is an abnormal day. The AI could be set up to automatically say, you know what, there are too many differing opinions on this. I can't figure it out. I the AI in going to contact somebody on Fiverr.

I'm going to contact somebody on, this job board. I'm, the AI is actually gonna go out. And pay a man to fill in this blank that it couldn't do. And then get back to me. So now I get to set up an AI and say, Hey, anything you're confused about, go hire somebody. So some dude in Ukraine, some dude in Pakistan somewhere, he gets an AI.

Hi, I'm pay man. I'd like you to do this task. Do you accept? Sure. Yeah. And all of a sudden AI is paying humans to fill in the blanks for all these tasks. Crazy. 

Theo Harvey: We are living in the future. Wasn't this a book by as a guy as a moth? One of the sci fi writers is, you wait for payment ink.

And so you never seen your boss, right? You just working and we all work for payment ink. We don't know who it is. And they walk in the room. It's just a computer box with a big old eye that flashes in the middle. No, the Twilight Zone, it's just what are we? What are we doing here, man?

We're all going to be, working for it. For the man who actually would be the machine. It's getting to that point. It's crazy. 

Mr.Benja: Dang. I'm trying to think of a movie. I know I've seen a movie where the guys are walking up and they're like getting their job orders and it's it's printed out and this, what they go do and yeah, it's that story is, yeah, 

Theo Harvey: There's a TV, there's a TV show right now called severance.

It's similar to that. Basically you create a version of yourself that it's That, that only works at night. And so you get extra money. So the night version of you doesn't know who you really are, but they just get their orders from a box. And so it's the rumor is that this could be an AI machine or something that's just guiding people's actions, but it's yeah it's, yeah.

So this is dystopian stuff we're entering. I don't know, man. It is what it is, man. Mr. Benjamin. I don't try to, I'm not a Luddite. I don't try to hold back the future, but it's this is, that's why I'm teaching my kids so many skills. I'm like, look, you don't know how to play basketball. You're going to dance.

You're going to sing. You're going to know how to write code. You're going to know how to this new society, man. If you just know. Based some skills you can dominate because a lot of these jokers are going to be working for the man will be a machine, to do stupid stuff 

Mr.Benja: to your point.

That's not a bad idea. That is a very good idea. To get. An appropriate skill stack where you can bounce between things like I don't even if I'm not the expert in, natural language processing. I know enough about it where I can jump in to get the software and okay, it's trying to do this and trying to do that.

I may not be the world's best video editor or whatever, but I know enough to no. You want to crossfade and do this and that basically it's getting to the point where once again, you have a director or whatever. The director may not be a musician, an actor, a set designer, cinematographer.

He may not know how to market the movie or build the posters, but he has this big vision where he can hire out all these people. And now if we get into this AI age, it's yeah. If I hyper niche focus, what happens if that gets derailed somehow where somebody else does it or too many other people are doing it, AI does it it just becomes irrelevant because of whatever other factor.

It's like I'm stuck, but if I have a skill stack, I can yes, a whole new world, man. 

Theo Harvey: You hit the nail on the head and that's along the lines of what I'm thinking about too. You want to be the director of the machines and that's where I'm getting at with some ideas I got.

I want to be a director of the machines. You want to write a book. I got you. You want to get more leads. I got you. You want to, build your LLC. I got you. You come to me now. Am I doing it? Who knows? Someone's doing it though. 

Mr.Benja: Oh no. I am the manager. 

Theo Harvey: Exactly. I'm the man. I'm the look at me.

Look at me. I'm the manager now. Yeah, that's how it's going to work. Mr Benji. What'd you call it? The manager of the machines. I love it.

Mr.Benja: What's up with the Tupac estate threatening Drake now over AI? 

Theo Harvey: He beat up BBL Drizzy. Did you ever listen to that song, man? Did you listen to it? 

Mr.Benja: I couldn't do it. Oh, that's hilarious, man. I got distracted listening to some mumble rappers instead. I wasn't about to listen. BBL 

Theo Harvey: Drizzy. Woo. You could just.

Yeah, it's a nice little vibe to it. But anyway yeah, man, I don't know. I think this is dying. I guess people are still talking about it because I think there was something happening recently. But these rappers, man, what do you think? I don't really have a comment one way or the other. I think it's just a way to keep things relevant.

But these folks, these rappers are almost getting almost laughing stocks a little bit, right? It's One time we all Oh, I could be a rapper, I'll do something, but now, you got rappers, selling insurance or, you got rappers, working with Martha Stewart, it's they're not like the top notch that, that skill set is not like it used to be because whenever they release a song, now you got the exact words and you see what they're saying.

So it's yeah. It used to be some kind of, it's still skill there. I don't know if it's as worthy of a profession that, when we growing up to aspire to 

Mr.Benja: the art of being a musician is marketing now. That's, 

Laugh: yeah, 

Mr.Benja: that's primarily what it is. Will I am shows up to do.

Music work with Dre and the whole beats foundation and all that. And he's invested in them. So that makes sense. But all of a sudden you see his name out there. I'm like, Oh, okay. Is he making some new music or what's he talking about? No, he's like pumping a new technology. So it gets out there.

So his investments can go up. Same thing with Nas. It's Hey, why is Nas on a song? Oh Nas is partnering with such and his name out there. It's oh, okay. So he's marketing this and that T pain, same thing. He's out here and we'll put together some songs. I'm going to be on Snoop and everything.

That's Oh, what else you doing? Actually, have you seen this? And he shows you the AI connection that he's doing with what group is that Sony he's doing stuff with Sony or somebody it's I don't know anybody who's doing music to be doing the music, maybe Beyonce. But she's at such a level where sure, she can do that.

She'll still get support, but anybody else? Come on 

Theo Harvey: real talk, man. So yeah, like I said I really have too much to comment on this. It just to keep them in the news. What what's it ADA, right? Attention, interest, desire, action. So attention that's number one in marketing and that's what they're doing, trying to draw attention to what they're doing so that Drake can say his next concert, he's probably gonna have an album coming out.

Guarantee. Guaranteed the next couple of a couple weeks a couple months surprise drop. I got an album all this battle rap Guess what? I got Rick Ross and Kendrick Lamar. We're all gonna do a collab album together 

Mr.Benja: Jcoe ever since The 80s, pretty much, the only way you really made money was on touring, the touring and the merch, that was the way you brought in the big bucks, but that was still directly connected to the music.

So now we're just getting even further removed. So very interesting stuff. But The Drake song has been pulled. I'll probably have to find some not so legal way to listen to it, but yeah, if I ever wanted to, I don't know. All right. So also I finally watched the Deadpool and Wolverine trailer.

Theo Harvey: Yeah. Good for you. So you, one of the 11 million that watched it. Congratulations. 

Mr.Benja: Million and one. Yes. That's me. Yeah. 

Theo Harvey: Yeah. Yeah. So you wanted a number, Mr. Benja. High level. What'd you think? Did you like it? Were you excited about it? The movie 

Mr.Benja: I wasn't really, okay, I like Deadpool.

I like Deadpool a lot. I actually like Rob Liefeld and the world he put together back in the day with X Force. Even though he 

Theo Harvey: can't draw feet? 

Mr.Benja: Exactly. Draw little triangles, right? Everybody's feet are triangles. No ankles, nothing, just 

Theo Harvey: Look it up, people. It's true. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah, I actually liked that whole vibe.

So when Deadpool came out, I enjoyed it. I wasn't like a super fan. It wasn't like, Oh my God, he did this. Cause I was like, yeah, I was expecting that. It's good. Don't get me wrong there. It's good. And I liked it. I think it's funny, fun, cool, and all that. But no, I wasn't one of these, Oh my gosh, this is mind blowing cinema.

And it's I get it. It's like, all right, man, calm down. But yeah, everybody's really excited about the new trailer they got. And it brings a level of. We can do whatever the hell we want with this multiverse thing now. And I think Deadpool is a great testing ground for that because breaking the fourth wall, doing all types of stuff.

The second trailer had a bunch of Easter eggs in it. We had stuff from the world war two, Captain America, Rob Liefeld, information about him was in the trailer, Moon Knight, Red Skull, Fantastic Four, Pyro, Toad, Sabretooth, Alioth from. The TV, a I mean from Loki and the whole TV, a drama that was on Disney plus the Chitauri from the alien race that attacked in the Avengers movies, secret wars stuff was in there and stuff from the Hulk.

They are just pulling all types of stuff. And 

Theo Harvey: and don't, like Mr. Ben, I've been trying to stay away from rumors and all that stuff. But it's hard. They're going to try and make this like a Spider Man no way home. It's just going to be like, everybody and mama's going to be on this thing.

So just be prepared for that. I hate to spoil it, but it's so obvious that they're going to just, Hey, will you X minute? Everyone, any one time did anything with X man come on board. So I'm trying to stay away, but it's so obvious that's what they're going to do. It's just, you that's why I stay away from the Spiderman.

I got glimpse or, her rumors about something, but it's just out there now. It's just man, you can't even, so is it really gonna be a surprise when we show people and people will really be, I think people were generally surprised because the way that Tobey Maguire with the Spider Man movies, Tobey Maguire and especially what's his name?

Who is the actor that played the other Spider Man? Yeah, Garfield. The way they played it was masterful. Yeah. Oh, Spider-Man. Who's his Spider-Man? I don't know. Who's his Spider-Man. And so when they showed up, I literally, I think I told you, I, I was in the movie theater, one guy with him. Oh my shit. He went, oh my God, what happened?

He was just like, he was having a, yeah, my kids with me. They were like, what is going on? I said, I don't even know. I was excited too, but I wasn't like this dude. You was like, oh, you could have thought he was, going through something. I don't know if people are going to be like that on this one.

I don't know, Mr. Benjo. What are your thoughts? 

Mr.Benja: No, I think that trick's already been pulled right now. I just think it's making it fun and interesting. 

Theo Harvey: Yeah, 

Mr.Benja: it's 

Theo Harvey: like when Beyonce did her surprise albums and now everybody does surprise albums like so it's yeah. Yeah, sure It's no big deal.

I will say this though. I saw the trailer too. I was gonna be a little bit more profane a cussing in it hardcore, it's just funny man. That but It does remind me a little bit of She Hulk, right? That whole kind of, we're going to talk about Feige in this, and we're going to, they already did this a little bit too, even in the TV show that everybody panned, but that's the angle they're going for.

Cause that's who Deadpool is. Cause I think She Hulk is also similar, right? She talks to the fourth wall. A lot in the comic books, so it's maybe because everybody likes Ryan Ryan Reynolds a little bit more, they'll give him a little pass, but it's we've done this before the little talking, about Feige and all that kind of stuff.

Mr.Benja: Yeah, and he is on a third movie. Without a major story arc, it's still just a gimmicky presentation. It's not you're waiting on his arch nemesis to show up. And finally, 

Theo Harvey: cause you're right. What was the premise of the first one? I can't even tell you. Do you remember? 

And second one, I just know cable was in it.

So you're right. There's no, I can't even fathom what they were about. Just him just tell the jokes, killing people kiki, and that's it. 

Mr.Benja: Yes, indeed. 

Theo Harvey: So yeah, so anyway, but people are excited. So kudos. I'll be in the number. I'll be, I'm sure I like it, but it'll be one of those. It's you eat something, and then an hour later, you're still hungry.

So it's I saw it, but I don't know if it's going to be the savior of the MCU. Is that, do you think that's what this is going to be? If nothing else, if they end it with the post credit scene with now here, the X Men movie coming out, X Men 97, the reboot 2027, then, maybe I might say, okay, that was worth watching, but.

I don't think they're going to do that. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah. As I said, I think it'll be entertaining, but there's nothing. Deadpool has never been important. He's been exciting. He's been funny. He's been able to move stories along, but as far as like important to the storylines and everything. 

Theo Harvey: Let me just say this, but I hate to interrupt you, but look, Rob, Robert Downey Jr is gone.

He is off. He Oscar land guys, Oscar. He's doing some old, he may come back, but who's the good second choice. That's very similar. As an actor, is Ryan Reynolds. They're both, they pretty much are the character they portrayed. You can tell the way they talk in real life is very similar to who they portray.

So Ryan Reynolds, why not? Why can't he be the central point of MCU going forward? That'd be interesting. 

Mr.Benja: Very interesting. Yeah, I don't know. What's the release date for that one? 

Theo Harvey: I have no idea, Mr. Benji. Don't get me in a line. Now we both gotta look it up. Yeah, 

Mr.Benja: I'm typing right now. Yes, we 

Theo Harvey: both do it.

July 26th. Got it before you. Yeah, I 

Mr.Benja: mean My search skills are weak. 

Theo Harvey: Yeah, it'll be it'd be here before we know it. But yeah, everybody's going to be in it. Like I said, literally don't, if you YouTube it, you'll they'll tell you all the secrets of who's going to show up and all that, which is fine.

So would you, the look, be honest with you not a Hugh Jackman's like standing next to him wearing that classic yellow outfit. He don't give me that Wolverine field though anymore. What do you think? Cause I'm so used to Wilford being a little shorter, a little bit stocky and with a yellow outfit on and you got, cool.

Hugh Jackman was always taller, right? We just never noticed it as much. Now they put him in his classic outfit. You're like, ooh. It takes you out a little bit. 

Mr.Benja: That didn't bother me so much, but the thing is, it felt cheap. Like the whole thing felt and I don't mind that for Deadpool, which is, yuck, yuck jokes and whatever, but now I'm thinking of the rest of the MCU and the TVA that has this epic feel to it.

This does not have an epic feel to it. This, okay. If you had a, if you had an old comic book, sometimes you used to roll up comic books because you just didn't care. You stuck it in your back pocket, rolled it up, whatever. You read it while you're on the toilet. Think of that versus an actual, a nicely.

Bound hardcover book with its own sleeve and zip up jacket. You're like, wow, this is a very nice book What are you reading? Oh, i've got deadpool Hold on, let me pull it out my back pocket because I just came out the bathroom from taking a number two And I read the last couple pages. Let me tell you I mean It doesn't matter how good 

Theo Harvey: it 

Mr.Benja: is You know, I love it But it just can't excel.

I think it has to springboard into something better for that character to keep being relevant. 

Theo Harvey: Yeah, can it? I don't know. But if it does, then it wouldn't be Deadpool. So it's have to stay that raunchy little kind of off brand kind of thing. But it's weird because Marvel is so down now that they're gonna have to use it as something.

It's like when the Joker blew up for DC, the one that got a billion dollars, with Joaquin Phoenix. And it was like, you like, Oh, DC is man, this thing worked well. Do we go down that route? This is the art artistic, version of Batman.

Do we stay our choice? So they eventually decided to do both. Which is fine. But I don't think MCU has that option. It's they're trying to tell one cohesive story. So if everything is funneling to Deadpool now, then they may have to use them as a centralized look piece and pull this.

I guarantee they're going to introduce the X Men here, right? And these are going to be the X Men for the next movie. That's my prediction. But to your point, they introduced them with a Like you said, a character that's never been serious about introducing anything of consequence in the MCU. So it's going to be interesting to see how they play this one.

I don't know. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah. I can imagine a couple of movies down the line, Dr. Strange those that odd fellow in the red and black, who just wouldn't die. And he, he's turned into a footnote that, that launches like secret wars or zoom 

Theo Harvey: into the picture or 

Mr.Benja: something, you know? Yeah.


Theo Harvey: So anyway we'll see what happens so good luck MCU Do you want to go quick into x men 97 general talk? 

Mr.Benja: You know what? Dr. Chris was here. We talked about it with him a couple episodes back and you've got me, y'all have got me watching this thing now and man, 

Theo Harvey: just 

Mr.Benja: in general, why is it so dense with information and stuff happening?

It's just I don't know if this is the younger generation just needs stuff fast, or they really expect all the old heads to have watched it, or it's made for, it's just very interesting to me how they're playing the short story. 

Theo Harvey: Yeah it's a lot. Cause even the last episode spoiler alerts a little bit.

Yeah. Spoiler. So don't, if you haven't seen it, yeah, don't, don't listen. So suppose that yeah. So this one, they introduced Bastion, who's the super villains like half man, half Sentinel, and he can create Sentinels as well. So he's this XI kind of hybrid. He's been a central kind of figure of X Men lore for a while.

Which is fine. I've never been that deep into the X Men to really care who Bastion was, but the internet kind of freaked out again because, oh, this is exciting, but you're right. I was watching an episode of the last episode, Mr. Benja, and it was like, dude, I'm watching.

This is I was a lot of information. It's 15 minutes in. I was like, what? This is a lot of talking 35 minutes. So you're right. It's just yeah. And then they introduced cable again. It's like information that you thought, man, just a machine gun.

Just yeah. In two seconds, Cable shows up him and Cyclops see each other. Cyclops gets mad at him and then he realizes that's his son. And then Cyclops said, not time not time now, dad. And just what the hell was that within two seconds? It's so anyway it's. Yeah, it's a lot of information.

They're introducing pretty quickly what they had me cracking up. Mr. Bench. I don't know if you saw that one with Charles Xavier with the sitar. Was it the sitar or was in the she are, thank you. He was with the the Empress and he was sitting there, he had his vision about the X Men and he said, wait a minute, they were hanging out, drinking wine, making love.

Dude, what kind of show is this? 

Mr.Benja: Invading everybody's mutual 

Theo Harvey: space. Come on, man. So anyway, it's a lot, but I'm enjoying it. We'll see the how it's going to end, but I think it's got people excited again for the X Men. So I absolutely, I think Feige is probably making edits, even as we speak right now, trying to cram as many X Men into Deadpool because they're hot now.

Yeah, there it is. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah, basically. And Yeah, and even when Rogue, she that whole thing, with her and her emotions, how she was feeling Nightcrawler dropped a bomb ass speech in the eulogy, but it was Hello everybody, I am Nightcrawler. Sad speech. Alright, what's next?

Theo Harvey: Exactly. Oh no. He dropped. Yeah, you're my sister. I'm like, dang, they just dropped that. If you didn't know that mystique, has, they didn't say anything about mystique yet, but they're sisters. That's his sister. So it's wow, they're not dropping.

It's just boom. Yeah.

Mr.Benja: You know what I was saying about Rogue when when she switched to the dark side for a second and everybody gasped and was like All right, carry on. So it's just heavy stuff. But I think the show is to your point, serving a purpose of just throwing so much out there.

They see what sticks, what people like, what they didn't like, what works and what's not going to work. And then they can start to parlay this into whatever X drama comes in live action and what big movies they could do. I think they're being very careful with this and I'm actually excited about it.

That they're being so careful and okay, this is our next coming. 

Theo Harvey: Yeah they got it right. The X Men or the Avengers was like, the TV show you came to and watch the good guys whenever, so if you think about this is like the progression of the television channels, right?

So Avengers was about, What the, your favorite sitcom that you watch, the same characters in and out. Oh, yeah. I love them. Family drama. Ha. But guess what? The X Men is your soap opera. This is the stuff that you gotta get it. It's juicy. You got, yeah, Madeline Pryor having the family drama.

Or, they even, introduce Emma Frost, they showed her, she got the little diamond coming out now that, that's Genosa, and they just dropped that quick. Oh, she's got a secondary mutation. That was it, move on to the next story.

So anyway we haven't introduced, when Scott goes bad yet. So it's, Cyclops goes bad, which, spoiler happens in the comics. So I think yeah they, I think they're prepping everybody for some juicy stuff in the movies that could be more of a soap opera. If that's the case, then Feige may be able to produce more X Men movies.

If he really makes this like a soap opera, let's think about it. People want to see their soap operas a little bit more often. What do you think? 

Mr.Benja: I think you're onto something. It's going to be golden.

Theo Harvey: Mr. Benjamin, I love this stuff, man. We getting hype. We talked about AI MCU gurus, Mr. Benji, anything else going on this week for you? 

Mr.Benja: Nothing much, man. I just hit some watercolors after I get off this call. 

Theo Harvey: Yeah, I'm about to get back into that meta AI. Mr. Benji got me hype.

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