Show Vs. Business

SvB: Ep165 Tom Brady Roasted and Disney is making moves

Theo Harvey | Mr Benja

The guys, @mrbenja and @the_real_theo_harvey, discuss the latest update on Kendrick vs Drake and our insight on it, Tom Brady getting roasted, Disney's about to collaborate with other big streaming companies, and more!

Show vs. Business is your weekly take on Pop Culture from two very different perspectives. Your hosts Theo and  Mr. Benja provide all the relevant info to get your week started right.

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Theo: This is show versus business where pop culture meets pop money if you host the real deal Harvey and mr. Benja So mr. Benja, what's been going on, man? What's 

Mr.Benja: been going on? Lots been going on We are kicking it into the we're get towards the middle of 2024. It's it's coming up. So things are happening Spring is here, summer's coming, and we got some heat.

First of all, we're going to do a little bit of an update on the Rat Beef because I know you want to talk about that, Theo, and I got some people came to me about this, so I'm going to talk about that just a little bit. Tom Brady, there's a Tom Brady roast, I guess he needs to get roasted just to keep his name out there, I don't know what he's been doing lately.

Disney. Has been doing things, just making moves, being the big behemoth that they are. We got Disney plus in the mix. Marvel's in the mix. Star Wars is in the mix. Your wallet's in the mix. Everybody's in the mix. Then we also have some news about AI and the Met Gala, and this even connects to TikTok.

Interesting stuff happening in the world of AI. And it just keeps on slowly grabbing us and pulling us in. And I'm not sure we'll ever be able to get back out of this thing. But interesting stuff is happening. And yes, we always have to talk about Instagram, Facebook threads, the meta verse a little bit on that if we get to it, but yeah, man, a lot of stuff going on this week and speaking of weeks, how was yours?

Theo: Oh man. Marketing, man. It's damn. It's for those that don't know good times, shout out to good times. We were on the breakfast club this past week. So go check it out. But yeah I just, just learning, man, just trying to figure this whole thing out, man. I have my book funnel out there trying to get some things moving just really learning, understanding, like how to get the messaging right to get your audience then.

Marketing is such a kind of experimentation type of thing. It's it's always changing. Cause I was told one time it's targeting, you want to target initially and focus, but now if your pixel is too strong now, then you could probably just make it broad and then you'll attract your right audience over time.

And so I did that. So for a long time, for the first couple of weeks in May, I was frustrated because man, this is funnels. 

Mr.Benja: That's a long time. A few weeks. 

Theo: Yeah. For me, 

Mr.Benja: I got to 

Theo: get this thing rolling, man. 


Theo: love the timescale. Let's 

Mr.Benja: go. Let's 

Theo: go. Let's go. Let's I'm a, I'm putting some money in this thing, man.

This ain't some cheap money. This is some good money here. So I wasn't seeing the results I wanted to see. So I had two, not to get into the weeds with this. I do a YouTube on this, but I had two type of yeah. Ad sets set up that were a little bit different when it's targeting, the doctors and it was using some third party software to find them and what was just broad open.

So then I said what's going on? I'm not getting what I want. And so I looked at the numbers and the one that was tiring doctors was boo. It was just like, not what I wanted. It would give me like maybe two or three, hits over the last month, 30 days. Then I looked at the broad targeting.

Man, AI and mark and meta, they are all point is broad. Basically just targeting anybody that's associated with healthcare, right? Let's say you, you were intern for two days at the local hospital, right? They're going to target you. And that got the most hits. It got a lot of folks buying the book and all that stuff.

And I was like, you know what? Screw this other director. To doctor, that's my market direct to doctor target. Let me just make it broad. So I just doubled that ad set and basically now reaching more folks and then started to hit again this weekend. So I'm getting, people buying the book again, like I was used to.

So I would just say this is one of those things where marketing I'm learning is about the experimentation piece of it and understanding how you can maneuver. And also I did tweak a little bit on the headline. So I looked. Deeper into the ad set. And I saw, Hey, you know what headlines were targeting were actually hitting basically getting people to buy the book.

And I found like the right headline. So what I did, I just copied the same headlines and put it on my funnel of my photo landing page and it started to hit. So I'm just like, wait, is this all this is? It's just something experimentation. 

Mr.Benja: So is that what you were referring to when you said you were going to, at some point you said you were going to investigate the creative that was getting created for all these steps in the funnel.

And so this is part of that. 

Theo: Absolutely. I was looking at the I've been told, I did all the other stuff. I've been looking at the creative. So the ads are working. They're hitting about like 2%, roughly, click through rate and all that, which is on average, it is pretty good.

But our outbound click through rate, right? So they click on it and they typically go to our funnel, but they were just dying on the funnel on the landing page that they went to. Cool. I tweaked some things generically that got some hits, but we'll really move the needle, which Alice Omosi said this and other folks is the headline just changing the headline, making it simpler or, relating it back to what the ad was saying.

And so that was like the things that started to get things moving again. But to your point, yes, just really, to me, it was like, I'm such an engineer. I'm like, Oh this ain't working. I got to go from scratch. I go to ground zero, 


sometimes you got to put a new paint, a new On the car.

It's the same car. Just got to just, step green, painted pink. And so I think that's what I'm learning is just like marketing is let's just start with the easiest stuff first, which is in a lot of cases for landing pages, the headline, if they're not converting, change the headline a little bit better.

Yeah. So those are some of the things I've been learning and that's why I'm like marketing. 

Mr.Benja: It's funny that something like that hit me when I was watching kitchen nightmares, because I told you I used to watch, I still do sometimes. I used to watch kitchen nightmares because it reminded me of a bunch of game designers and never, everything is not going as you want.

And somebody has got to come in and just yell and you're like, Oh, okay. Yeah, you're right. I need to fix this. That was stupid. Why wasn't I looking at that? There's this one episode where. The guy, the chef, it's like a husband and wife team. He's like the chef and he's got everything in order. And he's like, all right, we're going to put a window here so we can serve up plates faster and dah.

And the lady was like, no, we're not putting a window there. That's stupid. And everything was telling me, was telling Ramsey, was telling the chef. Everything said, no, you just put a window there, otherwise they're going to be bumping into each other. They're going to have to bring the food all the way around.

It made so much sense to me, but she got really adamant on this one and was like, We're not exchanging a little bit of functionality for the amount of. Goodwill and love that we're going to get by leaving this closed and putting a sign and a little stand up there. Everybody was like losing their minds, right?

Turns out she was actually right in this case. Because when people came in, it was just like a little area where they could stop. Talk, and there was like a little stand there with some flowers and, special of the day, it was a redundant sign because they had special of the day by the actual entrance.

But after they went in, there's just like this little area and she was like, listen, that area, that little, two by four foot, whatever standing area, you can't put a window there to serve food out of. It has to be for the people. And when people came in. It's just like magic. They just stood there.

Oh, hey, how's it going? Yeah. I'm waiting on a friend. It was like inefficient because it actually slowed people up. People were bumping into each other. They came in, but it worked out great for the restaurant. And I had to step back and say, okay. That's a more marketing, social, emotional mind working in a way that sees something that I wouldn't have seen.

I'm thinking like seconds of getting the food out and bumping into people, efficiency redundancy, yes, it's it hit me back then and I started having to rethink that whole thing. 

Theo: No, you hit the nail on the head. I talked to my marketing person and, I said to her, I said marketing is you can get bogged down in the tactical.

Oh yeah. We gotta get, nurture campaigns and we have some emails out and all that, and you can get bogged down in the technical, oh wait, how do you automate this and how you get that out efficient and all that stuff. But that's it is that third level. That's the psychology of what's the messaging and is it resonating with your.

Correctly. And so you get, look at the data and all that and do all this stuff. But if you're not resonating with them and, to your point, changing the headlines a little bit and stuff like that, then it's not going to get them to move to do anything, no matter all the stuff you build.

And that's the frustrating part. So it's you have to always take a step back and say, okay what. Is my audience really want here and then figure that out over time. And then the more, the better you get at that, then other stuff is fine. You can always build that stuff, right?

But it's just that psych psychology is the hardest part. People don't realize, 'cause that's the part and all this other stuff is supposed to give you data to determine the psychology, but sometimes we just get bogged down and the data, I'm an engineer so I'm used to just being bogged down and just how does it get this, how to get this to work, how to get this to function, how to get this most efficient.

But it should be more around is this effective, right? Are we getting, the people to click on something to do something that we want them to do. And then now it's just almost like a, turnstile. Oh yeah. Just turn it up. Now we got it. We got it locked down. We got locked down. Don't mess with it.

So anyway, so that's been my learning experiences past week and just still learning, man, it never ends. And then, and there's, I'm constantly like. I learned, I got all this stuff from the gurus and how they do stuff. But my market is such a niche, right? It's if I could just figure it out, it's from a market.

I can figure out for just about any market, but that's the hard part. That's the hard part. You the domain expertise is the hard part to make this work. So that's the business stuff that I learned. And the other thing, last week I had a chance to go check out the fall guy in movies, I'm the movie guy here of the two of us.

So I try to check out. What the lazy greatest is man did not open. Great. Mr. Benja, the fall guy, the start of the summer movie session. It only made 28 million. You know how much guardian of the galaxies three made last year around the same time in the first weekend? 

Mr.Benja: How much was it? 

Theo: 118 million. Five times as much in the opening weekend.

It don't look good for this summer movies, man. I think the only thing people are really prepared for a hype about is maybe definitely Deadpool and Wolverine. But yeah, man, it's just, you don't have that anchor. And we've been, and I think someone did a comparison the last time we did not have a A superhero movie anchor.

The summer session was like, I think it was, or it was back in 2005 or something like that. It was ridiculous. Like I can't remember what the movie was, but it was like, we've always had a big movie splash as they're here in May. And so yeah, Mr. Bitch, I think summer season this year is not going to be great.

And that's just my two cents on 

it. And 

also the fall guy movie wasn't that good either. I hate to say it. Yeah, it wasn't that good. It was trying to do too much. 

Mr.Benja: You got to have a decent movie on top of on top of your hot take, which you put out last week, which I'll just recap really quickly, if there's no compelling reason to watch your movie for example, the MCU with their continuing stories or a big social media movement, such as Barbie Barbie Heimer, then your movie will die.

Yeah. So that still seems to be holding true 

Theo: and they tried so hard cause Ryan was in Barbie. Ryan Gosling was in Barbie and then what's her name? Emily Blunt was in Oppenheimer, but they weren't the reasons, people want to go see those movies. And and they didn't have a big social media following.

So beyond that, and there's, Are you going to watch a movie based on the 70s, 1970s TV show? I love the song. You remember the song back in the day, the fall guy, but anyway I'm done. No stuff, man. They make Eastwood look so fine, but yeah. Yeah, I know. That's a fire, man. We didn't do that, man. We need to do like good times.

We should do like a whole episode just fire theme songs for TV shows that we grew up on and cartoons. There's like at least what twenty to 100 of those out there. Yeah, the hot music, man. It's just the top, the top ten hot songs, intro songs, Gummy Bears. Don't get me started on that one.

I taped that when I was looking. 

Mr.Benja: You're Oh, it was wild. I'll have to, I'll have to link you up to it. 

Theo: All right, man. That's been my week, man. What about yours? 

Mr.Benja: Hey, week was going good, man. And it's a long convoluted thought process and I have to break it down later. But when I mentioned watercolors last week, like watercolors that changed my, my, my whole thing.

So I've had this thing about water and the flow and it's Hey man, if you're in your flow and you're doing the, Thing, you be water, my friend, there's a whole psychology behind it. Probably ended up writing a book about it but I'm sitting down and I'm working and I realized that I'm sitting, I'm like, okay, let me break out these watercolors, start painting a little bit.

And I'm like, how is this? Logically, this doesn't seem to be helping my situation. But after I finished the watercolor painting, I can just get back to work. And do my stuff and keep that energy flowing. There's something about creating and something I've realized about watercolors. Unlike most forms of media and painting, when you put down your watercolors, there's no going back.

It's like you lay it down, it dries a certain way and it's Hey, that's it, buddy. If you paint over this, you're going to see the previous layers of watercolor messing up your painting. It's not like oil or acrylic or gouache where you can come back and change it or paint over it. It's nah, buddy, you're done.

So it was forcing me to start into something and I can't sit and think about it for two hours. Cause oh crap. It's going to, it's going to dry and do its thing and whatever. It's no, you put a dab of something on the paper. You got 15 minutes, buddy. And I was like, all right, let's go. So yeah, it was a total keep my energy flowing, but it's not something serious.

I'm having fun with it. I'm like, okay, let me see how these colors blend and mix together. And 15 minutes later, I'm like, oh, that was cute. All right, back to work. So 

Theo: did you say you also like watercolor? Cause it's tactile too. It's it feels like it's 

Mr.Benja: Yeah. 

Theo: More, yeah, physical as opposed to other form of art.

Mr.Benja: Exactly. If I'm doing something else, like I have a little tablet, that I tape my watercolors onto it. I tape the paper down so I can draw on the paper without it sliding around or anything. But if I lift it up, it's water and it's going to drip a little. So it moves the paint just a little bit.

And it's you forget about that. You're like, Oh, I'm in the real world. I can't just. I'm on a tablet or something, I can lay on my bed, just draw like that, but I can't do that. It's no, it's the real world, buddy. Get with it. You got 15 minutes. Go keep your ass moving.

It just keeps me moving, but it changes my focus a little bit. So I don't have to think about like the work, the writing or whatever. But I can keep my flow going. Yeah. I love it. I love it, 

Theo: man. It's good. Good. Good. 

Mr.Benja: You ready to get into this? 

Theo: I guess, man, let's do it. 

Mr.Benja: All right, man. Oh, really quick. Somebody brought information about the rat beef to me.

I love when people say, he must be into hip hop or, smoking weed or whatever. Let me bring this to him. And I'm like, we've never talked about this. Why are you going to, anyway let's do it. No, a friend of mine has been like following the rap beef religiously, and I don't really think they're that into rap.

So I think it's like really new to them.

So they're like, okay, right after he released it, I downloaded it and compared notes with what was released last time. And then I got on X and found out what people were saying. So this means, and I'm like, all right so what do you think? I think Kendra is going to respond with another one before.

And I'm like, wow, this is fascinating. They're, it hit me with this and it got me thinking, is there a marketing angle that they're trying to leverage with this? That Kendrick or Drake are doing? I haven't even invested this much into the this current beat, but are they delivering it?

Theo: My wife and I, we discussed this exact same thing. It's just I think they even said one of Kendrick's diss records, they're playing on a record. I think it was the most streamed album, or yeah, record that just came out. In the last, months. And so they're definitely making money off of these.

Let's not get it twisted. And so there's the marketing angle. It's what was it? Ada, right? Tension, interest, desire, action. So people who never probably knew anything about rap. But the intrigue is there. What's this? The K dot and Drizzy are in a rap battle. I don't know who they are, but I'm going to find out.

And so now you're investigating, you've drawn that interest out, right? Just to see who these guys are, what they're about. Heck, I'm not, Totally into rap like that, Lisa knew a rap. And so I had to go do some digging and I got into it. Like we talked about last week. I was like, Ooh, this is interesting.

It's juicy. And I think, was it yeah, juicy. This juicy shout out to a long ago podcast. Go look it up guys. Yeah. So I thought it was fascinating. And especially was it last week when we I think after we, or that weekend that we record the pockets, they dropped three dis albums, Kendrick, then Drake and Kendrick did again.

It was just like crazy, man. They went like. But yeah, I don't know, man these internet sleuths are getting out there. I think that's what it is too. This is whole internet sleuth culture. That's just like dominating discourse. I think I've learned to shoot crime documentaries, podcasts because there's a, there's, did you hear about this show on Netflix called reindeer games?

What's it called? The, man, I can't remember what it's called. It's on Netflix. Now. It's been dominating the charts for it, just like what they always do. They made something that was never, that never should have been big become super big. Baby reindeer. Did you hear about that movie, that TV show?

Mr.Benja: No. 

Theo: Yeah. It blew up on Netflix. It was just like a random comedian slice of life, he's going to hit the trauma and his history. And when in, in the course of the TV show, not to spoil anything, but he has a stalker in the TV show and how he dealt with that is very controversial.

Guess what? Internet sleuths. The comedian, he said look, it's based on somebody, but whatever you guys in there find it, you found this person. And this person got interviewed by Piers Morgan. So it's just Oh my God. So are we just going to like anything that's a scent of Intrigue our internet sleuths is going to dig, dive and figure this out.

This is crazy. 

Mr.Benja: Master P was talking about this. He's you got to watch your not your like immediate team so much, but like the people who are right outside the inner circle, cause they want to get shine. And so they'll post up online. And I saw this happening on X to your point where people were like, nah, man, my boy got the security cam footage.

And this is what happened in the hotel. And I'm like, wait, what? 


It's these are people connected to the situation by yeah, I had to drive, Drake's entourage to the event. So I'm connected. I knew where they were when I found stuff happened. I went back and talked to the security cam footage guy.

I'm like, man, the. The ease at which information and your business can get out there is just it's really insane. And, people wonder why celebrities get paid a lot. I learned about this a long time ago. It's no, they get paid to be out there as your punching bag. It's that's part of the game.

It's Oh yeah, 

Theo: exactly. Look at TMZ. It's notoriously known that they pay for pictures from the LAPD. There's a open door policy, right? So anytime someone's passed away. Has that information. There was a controversial Pictures that were taken at the crash site of Kobe and his daughter, right in the helicopter that, that the sheriff's department had gotten.

So it's, yeah, these people are out there and they're willing to sell information for some of these outlets for celebrities that grabbed the attention. And so yeah, man, I think going back to the rap battle though, it's just, that's, what's drawing a lot of people in the interest and I guarantee Drake.

Or BBL Drizzy. I still haven't listened to that song. Have you? Have you listened to that song yet? 

Mr.Benja: I started into it and stopped.

Theo: Classic. I will stand by that. That thing is that's a bop, man. I don't care what you say. But BBL Drizzy and K Dot, Kendrick Lamar, they're gonna be fine. They're gonna make their money. They're gonna do well, but, it is getting a little spicy now. You heard about the latest that there was a shooting at one of Drake residences and all that kind of stuff.

I don't know, man. It's just, it's. It's all in fun, until someone gets hurt. So we'll see what they're going to do. But Drake is definitely, his legacy is definitely not the same anymore. He claimed himself as the, one of the best rappers around all that stuff.

You're probably gonna be considered a, I think. I think, Kendrick's got him. You listen to all of them now, right? You have to speed on the, on their lyricist. Oh, you don't listen to him? 

Mr.Benja: Nah, nah, I told you. I wasn't like invested in this one, 

Theo: he's I'm not 

Mr.Benja: staying 

Theo: away from this drama.

You gotta listen, you gotta listen to Meet the Grams, man. When you listen to that, it's it's a wrap. It's a wrap. There's nothing else that, just, he basically Kendrick Lamar, the premise is he wrote a letter to each member of Drake's family and went in on why Drake is a horrible person.

In so many words, it is just like nasty. 

Mr.Benja: Quick little link up for you to check out later. I don't know if you've seen scandalous, the untold story of the national inquirer. 

Theo: No, I need to check that 

Mr.Benja: out. It's on Amazon prime video. And it's actually good. 

Theo: Is that like blacks and UFOs? The one you told me about?

Mr.Benja: No, that is, it is nowhere on the quality level of blacks and UFOs.

Scandalous untold story of National Enquirer. It lets, the depth they go to, the energy they put behind a lot of this stuff, the actual journalism they do and the BS journalism they do in comparison to like other studios and stuff. It's just fascinating. And hearing that stuff come out now, a lot of that information, cause it's a 2019 film, hearing it come out relatively recently, it makes you wonder what the TMZ story and the internet story is going to be.

In a couple of years from now. So interesting stuff. 

Theo: I love it. Mr. Benja. 

Mr.Benja: Not as interesting as a Tom Brady. I hear though. What's going on with that? You had a quick one on Tom Brady. 

Theo: Yeah. I know the Tom Brady roasts on Netflix. Mr. Benja. I know you probably didn't see it. I, that's just, you say we're offering that negativity, but be honest with you, I'm there for, I'm so there for, 

Mr.Benja: roast are not negative, but carry on.

Theo: Oh, this one got nasty. Look, I can't remember when the last good roast was. I think they did one with didn't they do one with Donald Trump one year? I think that was in like 26. There's been a minute since we had a big high profile roast like this. I would say at least 10 years, right?

So for whatever reason Tom Brady said, I'm going to do this and and made this huge number one, it was live. So that was hard. It's going to be three hours. So I think just the curiosity factor is, as this is a big comedy festival going on in LA, right? Donald. Or you are. And so they, Netflix is, obviously Ted Sarand is the big.

Comedy fans. So they had all these live specials. They had the cat Williams special, which was not good, but we'll talk about that later. So club shade, got his attention, got people's attention, but the interest and desire, I don't think cat did that on this one. But then they had some live things from John Maroney, he's doing some interesting things, but then this live roast.

And so I think that, Attention for me was just like, okay, I'll check it out. Tom Brady. He won my city, Tampa Bay Superbowl. Most people, other people hate him. Kudos to him. So I checked it out and saw, so I'm going to check this out and see what happens, man. I stayed up and watched the whole damn thing, man.

It was so intriguing. And so it was hosted by Kevin Hart. So number one, I just came in there and said, okay, this is going to roast Tom Brady. We're going to talk about some sports jokes and nothing. Man, Kevin Hart set that thing off. Number one, Kevin Hart was just cussing, dropping F bombs.

He doesn't do that as often anymore. And he was going nasty. He was going after the divorce. He was said, Tom Brady said, look, you should have known something. He said you had, she was taking eight classes a day and was still a white belt with her Brazilian. Jiu jitsu teacher who she ended up cheating on Tom Brady with say, you should have known better Tom.

I was like, Oh, they're going there. So anyway so that's when it got me. And then I started watching all the different things. Some were better than others, but it was just funny. They had the, the roster of comedians and sports folks, and they have other folks. I'm not going to go through the whole list.

But they had names on comedians like, Nikki Glaser, Sam J, Jeff Ross, the roast master. I guess that's his thing. Andrew Schultz and Will Ferrell who came out as Ron Burgundy. Very. If you look at that list, people said Nikki Glaser. She has the best hits of that list.

Mr. Benjamin of the, do you know who Tony Hinchcliffe does? Another comedian. Did you know some of these guys and did you like them or what are your thoughts on the comedian side? 

Mr.Benja: You I put him in the, I put him in the Joe Rogan fanboy camp where it's like he's not that good, but he's known because the podcast scene Jeff Ross is classic spin around.

Andrew Schultz definitely has his audience mixes it up with Charlamagne. He still stays out there. Will Ferrell obviously has transcended that whole scene. Still stays in it, which is cool. And yeah Sam J and Nikki glass are cool, but I'm not too, they're just like, they're around and yeah, these guys are all pretty good.

So it's a good selection. 

Theo: Okay. You know what, I'm looking at this order. I put it, I just put it in randomly. It's almost in the order of who did the best. I think yeah, Tony, I didn't know who he was from Adam. Cause he was sitting in the audience. He wasn't on the, what they call the dais.

Man, he came in hard. He came in so hard, Mr. Benja. It was using the F word. He was calling people gay. He was, and that to me was like, Oh is cancel culture done? 

Mr.Benja: So 

Theo: he, he just went 

Mr.Benja: hard. So he's part of this he's part of this, he's got a comedy thing called kill Tony, which is basically you get up there and You try to kill him with jokes or, talk bad about him.

He's you can't hurt my feelings. Don't come in here and try to get your feelings hurt. And it's a springboard for new comedians. So they'll take new comedians. And have them start telling jokes and have the toughest people in the world that's just like bombing on you hard, 

ooh, yeah. 

Cause there was this there's this large black guy, I forgot his name.

But a comedian came up and started trying to tell jokes and he jumped up like he was mad. Oh, that's funny. That's funny. And the comedian was like when the comedian broke down, it was like, Everybody just railed in. It's see big black man comes in. He's slightly concerned.

Now this is what happens. You're racist. Get off our stage. It's just the kind of stuff that Tony does. So he's got that lane. Yeah, he's a, he's definitely a, 

Theo: okay. I didn't know him Adam, like I said, but he came in hard. And I knew Sam J I saw some of her stuff. I saw her comedy special that I was actually the first one that was really good.

I try to watch her show. It was okay. But and then she was part of this other TV show I used to watch, but 

Mr.Benja: J that's right. For some reason I was thinking of somebody else, but yeah, she 

Theo: was she was in set. She wrote for Saturday Night Live for many years. She was the one that came up with Black Jeopardy.

That's the rumor. So it was her. So she's funny as she has her moments, but if she was just okay Jeff Ross, I would put them below Andrew Schultz. Andrew Schultz came in hard. And it was like, you could tell the ones who wanted to make it like Tony, Nikki, Sam and Andrew, which, weren't well as well known.

I'm assuming they probably came in like hard. They like, look, this is, I'm going to be on live TV on Netflix. And it's a stadium of people and I'm in front of all these folks, rich folks and all this. I think they really they knew the assignment. They knew this is my moment to come up.

And I think Nikki definitely made her profile a lot better because even though Kevin Hart said her joke was she had the funniest set. So now she's got special. She probably had it, but now they're promoting it. It's so funny how this comedian stuff works, man. It's yeah, they do some all the time.

We know, they're always doing jokes. They're always traveling, but then like when they get some heat, all of a sudden they got like a special coming out, 

Mr.Benja: they're like, what?

Theo: It's whatever and then it's not good and did you see the Chris Rock special after the slap? No, it wasn't good. It's because the problem is there we want to hear about the slap We want to hear 60 minutes of the slap. They don't have material for 60 minutes for the slap They have probably maybe five or ten that they workshop the rest of stuff They've been doing for the last two years And so it's never good and same thing with cat maybe talked about shay for two years Two minutes of this, what?

60 minutes special. It wasn't good. It's like we came here to see you talk about a thing, but you're not talking about the thing because you already know what works. So you're going to just do what works. 

Yeah. Yeah. 

So I don't know if this is working well, so we'll see how Nikki does on her special.

So anyway, and then just moving along sports, you had Tom Brady. He was okay. He just. The rebuttal piece, right? So he went hard. Peyton Manning, he's pretty good. He kept it clean. That's just Peyton Manning, just kept in America. Gronk, man, that dude, that 

dude was just, 

Kevin Hart said, he said, what is it with white guys and just telling jokes about penises?

It's just, he was so right. It was like, that's all he did. It's just what are you doing? As someone, I played a little sports being in the locker room and that's just, this is what they do, man. It's just like, why? So anyway what did, and then him and so if you don't know, Gronk played with Tom Brady Randy Moss.

Wait, why is 

Mr.Benja: Randy 

Theo: Moss 

Mr.Benja: on 

Theo: the 

Mr.Benja: list? 

Theo: He played with Tom Brady for a couple of years in the, with the Patriots. Yeah. Yeah. So for a couple of years, but they, he was the worst. He, I don't know, he didn't have a good joke writer and then he dressed like a old preacher daddy. So everybody ragged him on that.

So he was not good. And it was like, I thought you were gonna be funny, man, but. He's just country. Julian Edelman, he was a teammate of Tom Brady. And then Drew Bledsoe, if you didn't know, he was the one that played for the Patriots, got hurt. And Tom Brady took his starting position and Drew Bledsoe never recovered.

He started again with Buffalo, but he, he never, matched Tom Brady's career. And so he was funny. I was surprised how funny he was. But the guest of the night was coach Belichick, who Couldn't find a job after he got fired from the Patriots last year, he was actually surprisingly funny.

So it's funny. These guys who were like, so stoic when you watch football, we didn't want to play, we didn't do this. He's coming out with jokes and having fun. I was like, it's all a game, man. It's all a game. And then last but not least, he had other people like Ben Affleck.

He wasn't good. He was just kissing Tom Brady's butt. Kim Kardashian, man, they booed her. That rumor I saw it live and I saw the booze, but Netflix, we talked about this, Mr. Benjamin, Netflix goes back and edits these live things. Yeah, they do. And we talked about that too. They even go back to even stuff they put out there and that people had issues with and they edit it later.

So we, I think we had a discussion about this, how streaming services, are they going back and changing things that are not acceptable, lengthening, 

Mr.Benja: shortening, removing, adding all the 

Theo: above. So it's almost like revisionist history where they're just like changing how we perceive things, which I don't like.

Cause we don't own the libraries to this. But anyway, Kim Kardashian got booed and, she was okay. I don't even know why she was up there. Be honest with you.

Mr.Benja: She knows some sports people from the past, 

Theo: but I think she was, yeah she knows him intimately. I we've heard I can't drag her, she's trying to be a lawyer now. No, that's not drag. Just say it. That's 

Mr.Benja: Where she was backs, 

Theo: but then they didn't do a roast of her. I think they did a roast of her a couple of years ago.

Robert craft. He was a billionaire owner. So the funny is you probably saw this. Did you see this? Where Tom Brady told Jeff frosty? cut that, excuse my language, but cut that shit out. Did you hear him? You hear that room? Did you hear that? That permeate? Yeah. So that was the only thing that Tom Brady had issues with.

Jeff Ross went into, if you didn't know, Robert Kraft got had issues with a massage parlor where he was caught in a compromising position. And so basically that was the joke that Jeff Ross came with. He said, Hey, this is being in a massage parlor, getting rubbed down or something like that.

And then when Tom Brady did not like that, he stood up and said to Jeff Ross and his whispers here, he said, Hey, don't say that shit again. So that went viral because of that one joke. Yeah, I know. It's come on, man. Just let it go. When you 

Mr.Benja: do that, that draws more attention to it. 

Theo: Exactly. You gotta let everything go.

But dude, I'm telling you, Tom Brady, he ragged on his hair, the fact that he may be gay, the fact that, his wife cheated on him, the fact that, he lied about the footballs but that was the one thing you didn't want people to talk about. Oh, come on, man, get out of here.

And then Dana, why, I don't know why he was up there. I don't know, Mr. Benji, I guess he's just trying to, be up there. But they ragged on him too. So anyway, so I thought it was interesting, fascinating, a sense that, you know, and I think a lot of millennials and the Gen Zers who saw this is Ooh, this is, they probably were shocked a little bit how raw this got.

And I was like, Hey, this is what you and I remember. So it was fine, but I was like, even I was like looking at the eyes of what we, how comedy can be sanitized. Now it's this is definitely a different style that I don't think, and no one's careers is going to get hurt from this. And so we'll see if Kameen is going to be a little bit more bolder and what they say on stage and not be worried about.

The, the anti, whatever police, 

Mr.Benja: that's a whole discussion. We'll get to that one day. 

Theo: All right. That's all I got. 

Mr.Benja: All right. But so you got Disney's got a lot going on. A lot, so the big behemoth known as the Disney corporation, really quick, high level.

So Disney has basically created cable TV in one, Area where they've now they've got Hulu. They've got Disney plus national geographic star wars, Marvel, Pixar as part of their whole Disney plus Hulu thing now. And now they're bringing in discovery and max to their fold. So now it's okay, if you're a streaming network.

Aside from Netflix, what are you even doing now going up against Disney plus in this big behemoth and We'll start there. I won't even mention the other ones till we get there But did you expect this move because I wasn't watching out and all of a sudden boom 

Theo: man sounds about right I think they basically created cable That's what I put to you.

It's just there was rumors that they were eventually going to get to this point. They look, Netflix is winning Netflix. We talked about Netflix, one of the streaming wars, they can make anything. I hit, we just, I just talked about that baby reindeer show. That's a hit now they can take and and then anything that the streamer anyone sells to Netflix, they can make a hit, look at the resident TV show or suits, right?

So it's that's the guy, that's the deaf star for all the other entertainment players and they're like, look, we got to form our own rebel alliance. We got to get together with, max, we got to put the stuff together and have our own conglomerate, which is essence is cable. Bundle.

So that's what I think they're doing. And then there's rumors, Netflix is I saw this recently before we got on this pod, Netflix is bidding for NFL now there's rumors. That's going to get the two NFL Christmas games. So Netflix is going hard in a pain as it should, they're winning comedy.

They're winning sports. They're winning, random ass TV shows about baby reindeer. So it's like, how are you going to compete against them? No way you compete against them is to get bigger. And so Disney. Is it though everybody getting better? 

Mr.Benja: Is it about getting bigger? Because it seems they have enough franchises.

Theo: Who's that? 

Mr.Benja: Disney with Hulu and Hulu now in the mix. It's what do you need from, come on, they've got Marvel. Do you really need the DC franchise under your roof too? I 

Theo: know. Isn't that crazy? It's gonna be like a cable bundle that's gonna have DC and MCU. So that's going to be interesting.

Mr.Benja: No, that's going to be garbage. That's F that. See, any, anytime you have two, something that's supposed to be competing and you put them under the same roof Def Jam had this problem with music and they've never been able to figure it out with the music company. It's like when you have a music company and there are two competing labels, like cash money and no limit or Island Def Jam.

And. Rap a lot or whoever Def Jam South. It's like when you have these two things under one roof, all of a sudden the competition just goes away. The music doesn't become as good. It stops being edgy. And it's because as you're trying to release this stuff, as you're trying to create, as you're trying to compete, the system is designed to maximize for the system, not the individuals in it.

So the individuals stop pushing as hard. Stop giving the. Overriding system that much headache and then all of a sudden it's no, everything's cool. It's cool. Guys, it's cool. 

Theo: Spoken, spoken like a true capitalist. I love it. There's no competition. There's no growth. No, no competition, no growth.

I get it. You gotta look at let's be honest David Zaslav and the whole. Discovery time Warner folks over there, whatever. I forgot what they're called over there. Anyway, Warner brothers, they're going to be sold. Let's be honest in the next couple of years. And so I think he's just trying to find any play that's going to legitimize.

He's got all his days got pay off. He's already, let's be honest, he's already licensed tons of dc if you go to Netflix now, Aquaman there, you see all these other shows. Sex in the City. You see the, I'm surprised the wire's not on there on Netflix. So they're already, and they've already licensed some of that to Amazon too.

So it's like they're just trying to find ways to stay, relevant until this thing is sold off to another player anyway. And this may be a test balloon to see if Disney. It can stomach owning them. So maybe that day, I never thought about that, but what if Disney owns Marvel and DCU under the same banner that could happen, 

Mr.Benja: I would have meet me like I'm a big media executive.

I would have cozied up to Amazon hardcore because I think Amazon just has the vibe that says reality, the reality tv slash shopping angle. To me, that's tight. That's good. That's like really good. And then the edgy stuff with the D. C. Comics and the boys and all that, that just seems like an even better match there.

So I'm sure this discussion came up somewhere. It just didn't happen. 

Theo: Yeah, good point. Yeah, I just think, but then Amazon doesn't really have a lot of IP, right? And so the goal is to have gear up with IP and Disney has the most IP, probably the most IP, right? Let's be honest, even more so than Netflix.

And then warner has a lot of IP. So let's just put all our IP stuff on the table and just go after Netflix and see what we can do, but that's intriguing. I'll be curious to see, cause right now, what's going on right now, Mr. Benjamin Paramount is basically is gone.

It's going to be so eventually they can't sell to like Peacock, NBC, cause you can't have CBS and NBC, unfortunately, in America come together, so they're going to be sold by somebody else. Or sold to someone else, but that's gonna be interesting. I think there's there's a play here Disney's trying to figure this out.

Yeah. Anyway, this is cable, man I mean look people don't realize this is thing We had back in the day where you could watch all these channels at the same time pay one monthly fee And that's what we're going back to . 

Mr.Benja: And does does the money work out, do you think? 

Theo: I don't know, Mr.

Bitch. I don't even know what, I didn't see what they were pricing this one on. I don't think there is. It's just rumors. But they already have that Disney, remember they're gonna have a sports funnel. We talked about that a couple weeks ago. They're gonna have a sports bundle. I think discovery was in that too.

Yeah, I think they were charging something like 50 or something like that for sports bundle. So this is just, I think they're just, be honest with you. This is what it sounds like. It sounds like you're just throwing out stuff to see what sticks. Okay. See if the mar if they put something out there, did the stock price go up or go down?

right. The stock price went up. This may be something, okay, because this, it doesn't seem like this stock brought into this. 

Mr.Benja: I was about to ask if it was a or a starvation play or you can only get your food from me kind of situation where it's like, Hey, we've got all these shows and you might as well buy us and okay, I might as well get Disney Plus.

And then you've got so many shows, so many things. And then over time. When everybody else dies out and it's there's Netflix and this, once you've gotten to that situation, it's okay now we start to add, put it in our ad supported tier. Now we start to put in, Hey if you're going to get these shows, it's going to move into our little bundle over here.

And you have to pay a little extra to get this. You have to pay a little extra to get that. And it really starts to get into the cable bundling ideology. I'm just wondering if there. Trying to either starve the people or starve these other companies of anything, of any other options before really turning the screws and getting money out of them.

Theo: Yeah, I'm looking at this. So yeah, back in February, they had announced a sports bundle between ESPN, Warner Brothers and Fox. So that's already, So like I said it's like weird. What's the strategy here? You already have a sports bundle. You can have this other separate bundle. You just bundled Hulu plus right or Hulu into what you're doing.

And then they're talking about so it also says February Disney revealed that service had lost 1. 3 million subscribers. Max lost 2. 5 million subscribers. Yeah, it's I think it's just thought balloons out there because they know everyone knows netflix is winning the game and I think they had a phenomenal quarter.

Obviously the biggest and the amazing thing to me, they stay in the, they stay netflix that stays in the public discourse. There's always some show that comes out of nowhere that just wins the, and they don't even have their big show out yet. Stranger things. So this is just blowing my mind and the show could even be a show.

They just put sex in the city on there. It's staying in the top 10. So it's just amazing to me how Netflix is staying. They figured it out, man. And they were already profitable and they just staying more profitable. So 

Mr.Benja: it Disney could learn something or they won't. But now it's yeah, even if they can't get you on all these bundles, they're going to get you with fortnight and other properties like this, because I don't know if you know the fortnight video game, that's becoming this meta game, this everything kind of game situation, Disney put 1.

5 billion into them. We mentioned them a little while ago before, but. They've, they're already testing their massive Disney update. So what this means now is all these fortnight nerds who've been running around with all their skins and all the purchases they've done. They, all the fortnight concerts they've been going to with Ariana Grande, Travis Scott, suddenly their connection to stuff like star Wars is going to get a lot bigger.

It's not going to be these little one offs. It's going to be like, Hey, there may be a star Wars land that, Open up fortnight and it's all your options, boom, star Wars land. There may be a whole thing that just does that. A Marvel land, or maybe there's some sort of connection between them that reminds people of the old Disney infinite game that Disney fumbled the ball on.

This is big stuff. If you're moving into gaming and interactivity, smart move on Disney's part, business wise can they execute? Not so sure. 

Theo: Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I'm just looking at some of the notes here from the article you put out here. Yeah, Billie Eilish. I think she's joining for season three.

So yeah. Yeah they never been successful with game systems, right? Or game stories. I read, I saw this article to Mr. I can't remember the name, but Microsoft was selling off a lot of their game studios. So just curious to see, where Disney's think they're going. The game studio, mechanics are going to go.

So they have a lot of IP, could they invest more into that with their IP into these games? That's going to be an interesting thing to see. 

Mr.Benja: The interesting thing that's been happening with games is there, there's been less variety and more concentration in one or two games that can last you a decade, game used to last six months and we'd all talk about it and have fun.

And then we'd be talking about the next version that's going to come out. Now with like GTA, it's taken over a decade to get to GTA six and in the meantime. People have been actively playing GTA five. So that's a better model where it's if we can basically get them to replay the same game for all these years, let's do that instead.

So that makes sense. That's what it is. It's the 

Theo: IP game in the game system. Look at fallout. We talked about fallout. There's been around since the nineties and it's, we just had a TV show and they're constantly putting new updates out there that people can play until the next version of fallout comes out 

Mr.Benja: and it's not, and it's on top of that.

It's not even. All of the IP itself, it's the, I don't know what you call this, the interactive property rights, because you're so used to the way that Fortnite works or the way that GTA works or the way that, certain game mechanics work. It's if I ask somebody who plays GTA all day to go play Fortnite, they're gonna be like, wait a minute, the controls work this way.

I have to click here. Wait, what does this mean? I'm loading in. Why? Why doesn't this work like GTA? It's a whole language that you have to train people on. And this is why fortnight has been, branching out like it does. That's why GTA has been branching out like it does, because why leave a game and have to start basically from zero in another game, it's like a movie or a TV show or whatever.

It's ah, okay, I'll sit down and watch another series. That's not difficult to do since I'm just watching, but playing. 

Theo: Yeah. We should write down all the different, game franchises, there are out there, right? God of war, obviously Sonic, obviously Mario, but it's so many, but I guarantee that's probably accounting for what, 90 percent of all the games that we're playing heavily.

So it's like, where's the new stuff coming from, man. It's like these off indie brands, right? That maybe what sell maybe 10, 000 copies and disappear. I don't know. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah, pretty much 

Theo: very similar. 

Mr.Benja: But yeah, Disney's also got issues. With the streaming, we talked a little bit about the movies and there's no big movie coming out except Deadpool Wolverine from Disney.

But Iger is actually announcing that he's stepping in the mix to come in there and mess up Feige's potato salad, sprinkle some raisins in it or whatever you plan on doing to Feige's potato salad. 

Theo: Don't do that. That's going to mess everything up, man. Look, man, this is my only take on this one.

It's What is going on here? So we got dead pill pool and Wolverine coming out. We have X Men 97 hot property, at least in my household. And Mr. and Dr. Jackson's household. I don't know. Mr. Benji's also Dr. Chris. But yeah, man, it's a hot property. So X Men are hot, man. So it's but. Are they still going forward with all this other crap that they're talking about?

Like armor wars, Deadpool, dead devil, excuse me, Captain America. We'll talk about that in a second. What Agnes Harkness, continuation of a Wanda vision blade, fantastic four, which, I think they have to do, but it's the tea leaves are saying maybe it's time, do you need to get some wins?

Yes. Deadpool will rain high property, The rumor is, it's going to be the introduction of the X Men in this. Now, what does that mean? What's that next story? Should that next story be a continuation of Deadpool? And Wolverine about X Men, but it sounds like it's not, it's still going to be this hodgepodge of different things.

And I don't know that's a good strategy for MCU who is down and out right now. That's just my take on it. Now, the rumor is they're going to reduce the number of output, maybe down to two stories and three moves a year. That's still quite a bit Mr. Benja when I don't know if that's the right move. What are your thoughts?

Mr.Benja: You don't have to home run everyone. Don't foul out. Don't don't accidentally fling the bat and knock out the first baseman and get put on TMZ. You know what I mean? Just don't just make your simple, if you make the people are forgiving. For a basic movie doesn't have to be great.

It's Hey, did you see this movie? No, I didn't see it. I heard it was pretty good though. I heard it was decent if you can do that. I think you're fine. But if you start doing stuff like proclaiming, dude, the marvels is going to be great. And this and that, And then people are like why is there a musical number in this?

And why did you tell me that this was going to wait? Do you mean I have to go watch the Marvels TV show? We went over that how it was almost set up to fail, even though it was 

Theo: Oh boy. Look, Mr. Benja. I high tech, man. They trained us to do be expecting everything to make to relate and make sense.

Everything. And so when you don't continue that and you're just canceling that, and now we, we're still gonna feel like we have to watch Harkness to see how it connects to the X men. And so that's my point is it's Then why even do these shows if they're going to have some tangential, look at a Ms.

Marvel. They had that. Oh, we're X Men now. Forget the Targaryen, Miss skin, the humans, it's like now, everything's related to X Men and they, this is the bed that they made. So yes, they're going to create all these other shows, but it's like, what's it? We're going to ask, how does it relate to X Men?

Don't read the X Men. I'm not watching it. 

Mr.Benja: So if, so X Men could come out and stand on its own and just if they wanted to do that, if they wanted to just say X Men comes out and stand on its own, they could have done that, but then they already threw the Marvels into that. They connected that in the end scene of the last one.

So it's eh, now you can't do that anymore. If you just pulled a random character and said, This is going to exist by itself. There's a case that it could be, Oh, a breath of fresh air coming out of Marvel, but they seem stuck in between, like you said, this rock and this hard place where it's it's got to connect to something.

Okay. If it connects, are we going to go all the way? Not really. It's But then 

Theo: That's dipping into the quality. Then now we're like, why didn't watch this in the first place? This is like TV did for TV sake. 

Mr.Benja: Right. 

Theo: So it's eh, that was the exciting part of watching.

It was like, Oh, this all could be connected and they tried to do it, but just didn't work out. So I would just say scrap all this two, three, Just say, you know what, we're just going to release stuff, maybe one movie, maybe one TV show a year and it's going to be good. And that's all you have to say.

And then we'll get back to the quality. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah. If you can do that, like drop down one movie and really. Not even knock it out the park, but make a triple, not even make a triple or a double not have to do a home run and be like, okay, I wasn't mad. That was good. 

Theo: Yeah, they have, and I know we want to talk, but I just want to reiterate this.

They have to, they, the momentum is dead right now. They have to get the momentum going again. And if they. Just released the MC, the X Men, everybody's excited about it. And the next thing is Agnes Harkness and her covenant of witches. 

Mr.Benja: I'm like, what do you think Fantastic Four is going to heavily connect?

Theo: I don't know, Mr. Benji that's, that would have for the first family, first thing they put out there, has fantastic forever really resonated, at a high level, that's the thing. And and someone made a good point and I'll let you go. And there's another podcast shout out to the midnight boys at the ringer.

Pew, pew. They had said that 2025 is going to be big year. The classic superhero Superman will be released by DCU and fantastic four. If both of those fail, that's probably the death kneel for superhero movies. As we know it. So that's just a hot take. 

Mr.Benja: Yeah. You gotta come correct with these last couple, as you mentioned They have the ability to do all the options that we said with these remaining, well at least Blade, Fantastic Four, and X Men.

They could go either way with any of the strategies that we've mentioned. I'm just wondering what they're going to do. And I guess the last thing is they're already about to take another interesting step with Captain America, Black Falcon Winter. Ex soldier on your left sidekick. Just the new Captain America movie title.

I think that's one of their titles anyway. Real quick news. They're releasing this with this character Sabra or Sabra. I'm not sure how it's pronounced. She's the controversial Israeli version of Captain America. When they started this story, I'm sure they didn't expect a war to start up with Israel and Hamas, but it's happened.

And now people are wondering, wait a minute, this character that's supposed to be controversial is about to be part of this story could ruin the entire film. Release. Really quick. Any thoughts on that? No, not really. 

Theo: I just, I don't know if that's a smart move, but it sounds like this Captain America fought winter soldier Falcon on the left side.

It sounds like this movie is done. So it's they can't change it now because of this conflict. 

Mr.Benja: Hey, they've got AI and In editing rooms, I don't know what they can do. Really quick, in here's what Newsweek said about Sabra. In her first appearance, Sabra attacks the Hulk, whom she believes is assisting an Arabic militant group.

When a Palestinian boy is caught up in the battle between Sabra the Hulk and the terrorist and dies, the Hulk declares, Boy died because boy's people and yours both want to own land. Boy dies because you wouldn't share. That's Yeah. If you've got the Hulk saying that in a major movie or something like that, even hinting at that, you've got problems.

So I don't know. 

Theo: I'm looking at the character design. She got the star David right there on the chest, man. So there's no, and on the forehead. So there's no denying what she's about. You could just, maybe they'll probably, tone that down a little bit and just say she's a miserable and that's it.

Mr.Benja: Man is touchy now. Cause you're going to get There are going to be protests all in these theaters, any way she comes across, I guarantee you. TMZ, where you at? That's all I got to say. 

Theo: No, you don't. You got something else to say, man. What you got on your rack? I'm gonna 

Mr.Benja: hold off on that. I'm gonna hold off on this cause I can't, I'm not in the right mood.

Theo: Gotcha. He ain't in the right mood. So no rants today, this week guys, but that's okay. Mr. Benja. So look, we're at the end of time guys, but look, this is always fun. As always, we've enjoyed it with you guys. So look, check us out, please. Like subscribe, comment at show versus business on. X YouTube and Instagram, let's does a Spotify iTunes or wherever you listen to podcast.

Go visit us on our website show versus business. Hey, if you want to know what we're doing with this podcast, go check that out as well and sign up for our email list. But Mr Benja, I want you to have a great week. 

Mr.Benja: Hey, you too, my friend.