You drink - you learn.

#12. How to agilize an organisation with Anna Roizman from Porsche. 🇩🇪lg.

Dirk Schülgen Season 1 Episode 12

🎙️You drink you learn. Episode 12. (🇩🇪lg.

Todays guest Anna drives new work and fuels the culture of the Porsche organisation on a daily base as an agile coach. She loves to connect people, to create meaningful benefits for customers and consumers and embodies the agile spirit of commitment, respect, focus, openness and courage. I was super impressed by her amazing life story, leaving the Ukraine with eighteen to move to Germany, adjusting to the new culture, studying, starting a family and raising kids at the same time to then start an amazing career which just made her a finalist at the FTAfelicitas-Award in the field of #impacttogether.

Some take aways of todays session:

➡️ Build your own definition of what agile should mean to your organisation and have someone owning it.
➡️ Start small, with one team and task, define the right toolset and scale the success through the company.
➡️ Be bold when setting a vision, but pack the tasks to reach it in sizeable targets and review periodly. This way it is much easier to adjust when things might change on the way.
➡️ In whatever you do, drive improvements with your customer/consumer in mind. 
➡️ Look for people who have similar targets in life to support and learn from each other!

 ✍️ Enjoy todays episode, subscribe us, rate us and make sure to drink and learn with people around you.

Show notes:
2:02 Drink of choice.
4:40  My life path.
11:00 My definition of agile work.
18:18 Agile at Porsche.
46:00 My wish for an agile future.
50:00 How to start working agile.
53:44 WOL?
58:45 The network question.