Piney Woods Justice

Erika Gordon, inmate at the county jail waiting to be transported to prison

Georgia Kimmey Season 1 Episode 5

21 years old and already lived more than enough for one lifetime.  Erika was no stranger to the criminal justice system having been first detained at age 15 in 9th grade for stealing her Uncle's car and totaling it on the way to her boyfriend's house late at night.  In and out of jail and rehabs, in-between Texas and Oregon from boyfriend to boyfriend, drug to drug, she managed to have a sweet baby girl of her own but couldn't hold on to her after being unsuccessfully discharged from the Angelina County Drug Court program and the Mantooth Womens Sober House in Lufkin, TX.  She tells her story with honesty, regrets and humor.

FYI:  Terms that she mentions, that you might not recognize.
"PO" is when she refers to her Probation Officer.
"VINES" is a nation-wide alert program for victims' information, notifying them when their perpetrator is released from prison and where, so the victims can prepare.  
"NORCOR"  is an adult and juvenile correction facility located in Oregon.
"Judge Paul White and Judge Bob Inselmann" are District Judges in Angelina County, Texas presiding over the 159th and 217th District Courts.  Each has their own Drug Court program for felony probationers.
"Bay Area" is a 90 day in-patient treatment center located near Galveston, TX.  It is not a lock down facility.