Piney Woods Justice

Crack ain't all it's cracked up to be! Chinta Spikes tells her story

Georgia Kimmey Season 1 Episode 10

An old soul who's seen it all, Chinta Spikes doesn't sugarcoat her tale of early childhood abuse from her mother, including beatings with an extension cord that made her bleed.  She went on to be involved in several marriages that only led to more abuse for her and her children.  A mixture of crack, alcohol and marijuana took her down a dead end path of lying, cheating and even stealing from her own children until one day, soaked in urine with a knife at her throat, she begged God to save her, show her a better life and put her in the company of those who could help her.  Amazingly it was in jail that she met her future mentor, Theresa Stribling, a kind hearted woman who held Bible Studies with incarcerated women.  Chinta told the Judge she wanted Drug Court, not residential treatment and not prison bars.  She admitted she needed help because her criminal actions were for one purpose only - to feed her and her husband's habits.  Freed from those chains of addiction, Chinta is now a happy wife and mother, attending college and giving the glory to God.  You'll be amazed at what she's endured and how she's come out the other side smiling!