Piney Woods Justice

From Darkness into Sunshine, Kayla May's story

Georgia Kimmey Season 1 Episode 12

Through childhood sexual abuse to a step-dad who suffered a broken back working offshore and then dying of brain cancer, Kayla May has lived through seemingly unsurmountable tragedies.  By escaping through drugs and older men, she found herself once  again the victim of domestic violence and facing felony criminal charges.  Kayla May discovered her peace, sobriety and a renewed faith in her Savior, in the sweet mentoring ladies of the Christian Women's Job Core Mosaic Program, and Judge White's Drug Court.  Now you'll find her living her dream life in the countryside with horses, chickens, and even a pet pig.  She enjoys her children and the love of her life who is also winning the battle against mental illness and drug addiction.  If you think there's no hope, listen to what Kayla May has accomplished!  You'll be amazed.