Finish Strong With Fearless Faith

Rockstar Redeemed! with John Schlitt #96

Fearless Faith / John Schlitt Season 3 Episode 96

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John Schlitt always dreamed of being a rock star.  His dream came true with a band called Head East shortly after he graduated from college. However, the rock star lifestyle started taking its toll and John became addicted to cocaine.  His addiction reached a peak in 1980, when he was fired from the band.  John became so depressed in the months that followed that he planned to end his own life.  On the very day that he planned to do it, he met with his wife’s pastor.  God intervened in a miraculous way and turned his life around.

On this edition of Finish Strong, you will travel with John on his amazing journey from rockstar to cocaine addict to salvation and a career that was ultimately better than he could have ever dreamed.  You’ll be inspired to live for Jesus and Finish Strong after hearing the story of one of the most iconic singers in the history of Christian rock music!

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Dan Wheeler:

Well, we've all imagined what it would be like to be a rock star. But today and finish strong. Our guest is not only a rock star, he was named the best rock singer in Christian music history. We're going to introduce him in just a minute. I'm your host, Dan Wheeler along with Brian Rowland and Terry Steen. Now Brian, you and I were rockers we kind of still are we go way back. Do you still have your amazing album collection?

Brian Roland:

You know I have a little over 1300 albums and I was going through it when I heard we had John on today. And I had head east oh my goodness and I have hit ease Batra I'm a big fan, obviously. Yes. Yeah. I'm open gentle. Also tell the story maybe about Baxter how they got the name? Headies. Yeah. Funny.

Dan Wheeler:

Well, you know, Terry wanted to be a rocker. But Terry when you sing with PTL and you have a nice voice. The pink Tux didn't fit the rockin,

Terry Steen:

hey, oh, I would never wear a pink Tux it was it was salmon.

Dan Wheeler:

Well, guys, John schlitt has the ultimate rock voice. He always dreamed of being a rock singer and his dreams came true. He's earned multiple gold records Grammys and Dove Awards. He was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame as the lead singer of Petra. And as I mentioned earlier, he was named the best rock singer in Christian music history by gospel music Today, he's busier than ever, his voice is stronger than ever. Let's bring him on. And you can see how good this guy looks at the very tender age of John above 38 years old because you rock

John Schlitt:

and I've just staying there. I'm okay with that.

Dan Wheeler:

You're the perfect guest for a podcast named finish strong. That's our model. You know, as we get into our later years, then we all are in. This is not the time to retire to a golf course. It's the time to go stronger than ever for the Kingdom.

John Schlitt:

Absolutely. There is no such thing as retirement in the Word. walk, talk, do what we're still we are to spread the Gospel. And if it means we can do with our music, praise God, we can do great. That's exactly what we're supposed to do. And remember, with age comes wisdom.

Dan Wheeler:

Absolutely. You know, we're hoping for that. Yeah. I first met you, John, about five years ago when I was on J seculars. Show, a good friend and I heard you perform a jazz band. You guys were awesome. And I know you've got a lot of exciting stuff happening now we're gonna get taller. But But let's go back to the early days you graduated from University of Illinois to please your father with a degree in civil engineering and then you dove headfirst into a group called head east? I didn't even plan on that.

John Schlitt:

Yes, I did. I in fact, I wanted to quit school after just before my sophomore year to go in with the band. And my dad said, No, you aren't. You're going to get a degree and then you can do what you want. And my mom and dad have always were always amazing people and never asked me do too much except get a degree. So that's what I did. I told the band I had to quit. And they said, Well, we're gonna be big by that time. You know, I said, I want to join after I graduate and said, No, we'll be big. By that time. Well, it didn't quite happen. And it took my last final exam. I joined the band again, we went through some turmoil, and got the originals pretty much back together. And, and two years later, we did our own record. It exploded. It's become a classic forest. I shouldn't say for us because I left the band years and years and years ago, in a classic for the band. And it was part of what God had in store for me later on it. They spent seven major years and in front of 1000s and 1000s of people every night and why say every I mean, seven days a week. All year, do it 250 days a year, that year. So

Dan Wheeler:

you were living the dream right away. And you that was flat as a pancake right? And you guys kind of produce that on your own originally. Wow.

John Schlitt:

Over dinner for$13,000 including unbelievers that we that we had printed on our own label.

Dan Wheeler:

Wow. So there you are performing in front of 1000s Give us a glimpse into your life because you actually started become bored at one point. Yeah.

John Schlitt:

Well, it's amazing. You know, like you said, when you're touring in front of 1000s of people, that's really what a musician dreams about. It's it It's the dream and a dream came true for us. It really did a bunch of kids from Illinois, all sudden going from a sock hop band to a, to a college bar band to a touring band, in a very short period of time, with our own record that we produced ourselves. And it was, it really was a dream come true. But it's amazing how, after you do it over and over and over, I mean, every night the dream gets boring. So what do you do for that next exciting thing for that night number afraid that started out with with drinking and then that got boring and all sudden comes along with cocaine. And it pretty much took me over two years I was with with head east it was pretty much I was my day dependent on how much coke I had. And it seemed because the audiences were was sweetie pies. They were good people to us. I always wanted to make sure they had a great time. So on the stage was not the bad time. It was afterwards trying to trying to search for that next exciting moment.

Dan Wheeler:

And it got so bad that they eventually even though they were doing a lot of the same thing. They kicked you out of the band. Yeah, I'm

John Schlitt:

afraid I when I do some I do a pretty heavy duty.

Terry Steen:

So Brian, you should feel that bad about getting kicked out of college.

Brian Roland:

For playing rock music.

John Schlitt:

Gotta be a reason. That's good.

Brian Roland:

That's right, yeah, I got into bible school for a year.

John Schlitt:

But you know, I just looking back, and I thank God for it, of course. Because that sort of for it. It couldn't be in the stage where I had six feet six months of being on a bench about 24 hours a day, either drunk or coked up with an excuse, I was going to start my own band called The Johnny ban. Well, what it led to, was probably the enemy's plan of suicide for me and and the day after my, my anniversary, I woke up in the couch, realizing that I'd gotten so cloud that I miss our anniversary party. And make a long story short, short, a little voice said to me, You know what, you're worth more dead than alive. And I believed it on my chair from my kids, as I'm watching them play. Thinking about how I was going to do it, didn't want to use a gun to it and didn't want to leave a mess. So thinking of a combination of pills I could do to make it as quick and painless as possible. And my wife comes up and taps me on the shoulder says, you know, John, remember you promised to come and talk to my pastor tonight. She had become a Christian, the same six month period I was on a bench. She became a Christian. And trying to tell me about Jesus. I wouldn't listen, I was too cool for Jesus. And so she tapped me on the shoulder and says, You called us to come to talk I said when she says last night when you're really drunk. So as I'm sitting there thinking about what I was thinking about, I said, You know what, okay, I'll go with the attitude that I wanted her remembered that I tried. And then she could put on my tombstone he tried. Well, I went into that pastor's house that night with an attitude and walked out with the Holy Spirit. And my life, of course, has never been the same. And it was the beginning of a major adventure. You know, I had to give up music. I thought I'd never sing again. Because the temptations by that time the Johnny ban was playing. But as a Christian, oh my gosh, the temptations were way more than I can handle as a baby Christian. So I thought

Terry Steen:

it was just John, I was just going to ask you if it if after that meeting, when God delivered you, was there still a struggle? Or did you instantaneously become a saint? And was

John Schlitt:

listen, I was a baby Christian. I thought I knew it all. And so I was gonna go out and play, play music, but be a Christian. And yeah, it didn't work. And, you know, within him, he thought he had me already dead. And all sudden, I'm alive again. He's gonna do his best to make sure that that doesn't last very long. And I had a choice of again, either. Well, long story short, again, thanks to my wife had a major meeting with all the people involved with my music. And I said, I'm quitting and they say, oh, no, you can't can't and I was starting to sway a little bit. And my wife looked venzo or says, here's how it is. Music or me. It was easy then. So I just Okay, it's done. We're done.

Terry Steen:

Yeah. So what would you say to somebody who's listening? That is good. Ain't caught up in the pleasures of the world or maybe addictions, you've been through it. What do you have to tell them from your experience?

John Schlitt:

What sometimes you got to remember sometimes addictions are the voti blessings that God wants to give you other words addiction, in my case, booze and Coke, there was a cert, you drink, I drink beer to get down, I do coke to get up. And there was a certain high in there that was really pleasant to me. I finally got cleaned up about a year and a half later, after I was, you know, become a Christian. I stopped doing all that. I realized it was sobriety. It was artificial sobriety. And we got to understand that, that the enemy's artificial pleasures are always phony, harmful, and will kill sooner, like I don't care. I don't care if you drink. If you smoke, for instance, I mean, don't get me wrong. You can be whatever, but smoking can kill you and kill you. It's, you know, it's just it's that simple. Do you want to kill yourself? Then go for it. If you don't, then follow the word. Find out your body is your temple, the temple? And it has it has a Holy Spirit. And it's it's a very important part of your existence. Your body. Tree, right? God let God guide you through as you walk in life. And yeah. I know it sounds it sounds like I'm trying to make it too simple. But it can be simple. You just don't let the world try to tie you up in in and unnatural stupidity. That's good.

Dan Wheeler:

Well, Brian, take my questions.

Brian Roland:

You will recall right through the whole progression they were what I was going to

Dan Wheeler:

ask him questions is a great, great testimony. Yeah.

Brian Roland:

But you, you then lift the band, and you put your engineering degree. That's work for you. Yes. What was the next step?

John Schlitt:

Well, aren't I glad I had a degree. Now, I will say that with a resume saying Rockstar, it wasn't that easy to get an engineering job. In fact, the first job I got was sweeping of floor and a tool and dye factory. And because I could, I could do drawings drafting. I was there floor sweeper, then I would go into the drafting room and, and draft up, you know, plans. And that was, that wasn't a big salary at the moment. But I praise God that finally someone trusted me that I could actually work a normal job. And that was the beginning. It lasted for about six months. And then I finally got an engineering degree or an engineering job developing a cold, cold mind, in my in my home area. And then being sort of the surface engineer for that cold mind development, which meant I jumped around different different companies, part time, I would finish one company get my pink slip, they will say here's a number this company wants you at it lat that lasted for about a year and a half. And it ended up with a company that took flew me out to know got me out to Vernal, Utah. And I was there for two years as a project engineer. And a surveyor three dimensional surveyor ended with that company and got promoted to the main office. Each step was one of those steps where it was totally a godly thing. Because each was a increase in salary, which I needed. It was I could spend months telling you how amazing God wasn't how it to the day, he would provide that next step that was needed for that day. And so it took up five years of my time, where I thought that's what I would do. In fact, at the end of that, I thought that actually sat down after finishing my first home. I'm adduce yourself or so every home I've ever lived in. I've rebuilt, just finished rebuilding my first home, had had this amazing job. I thought my kids were going to Christian School. We had a great church. So I'm sitting here thinking, Boy, this must be the American dream. This is this is what God must have for me and it was like God tapped me on the shoulder. It says this is lit. Yeah, this. Just understand. And I'm going. Now this is five years after I've got done singing, and

Dan Wheeler:

I'm old to be a rocker by that. And then and then a guy named Bob Hartman called right? Yes, he

John Schlitt:

did. Tell us about that. Bob. By this time, I'm a big petrol fan. Someone had handed me a record about two years on my walk and said, This sounds just like your old record. But Christian I got yet right. Listen to it, and they were right. And at that time I was going, Man, did I blow it? I could have been doing this with my voice. But no, I went to the secular system and totally messed it up. So there's no way God can ever use me. You know, typical baby Christian knowing what God's plan is. But Bob called me and by this time, I discovered that the blood of Christ is greater than any extent I could have ever done. All sudden, I had a relief of I can be used whatever God wants, whatever way. So Bob calls me up. I'm thinking well, great, must be have a throat problems. They want me to come in and finish the record. Praise. Todd,

Dan Wheeler:

you're referring to Greg voles former.

John Schlitt:

Is was and still is amazing singer. Yeah. Bob called me and said, John, do you know who I am? I said, Yeah, buddy. I'm a big fan of Petros. Yes, I know who you are. He says, Well, are you still a Christian? I say yes. I'm a heavy duty Christian. He goes, Well, he says, Greg is leaving and we want it. I would like to know if you'd be interested in singing for Petra. hunkler. You got to be kidding. I said, I said not remember, God had been conditioned me for this. So I was. I was surprised. But one quick hindsight I wasn't. So I said, Sure. Let's do it. He goes, he goes up. Don't you think? Should you pray about it?

Dan Wheeler:

Maybe? Yeah, I

John Schlitt:

guess it should. My wife is in the kitchen praising God jumping in. We knew we knew. But yeah, it took them several months to realize that yeah, this was a was a mining company able to go

Dan Wheeler:

on without you.

Terry Steen:

Over there. They didn't shut down.

John Schlitt:

You said that because they gave a concert. It really was going to promote me back into the field, which wasn't what I wanted to do.

Brian Roland:

Any received the Golden mic? Yeah.

John Schlitt:

I was going to end up being I was going to be touring out in, in project in the middle of nowhere, being a mining engineer. That wasn't my plan, you know, celebrate or project engineer. And so I went to the boss who was a great guy. And they said, I said, douses die come. I'm going to be a Christian rock singer. And you listen, because you're gonna be what I see is I'm going to, I'm going to go back into music. I'm going to I'm going to sing for the biggest Christian rock man in the world. And he goes, Oh, it looks almost like I didn't think I'd heard you right. But apparently I did. And I said, Yeah, I really believe this is what I'm supposed to do. He goes, Well, John, you know that. You've got a place here this company and we got plans for you. I know almost. Yeah, I know what I didn't want them. But I appreciate you to watch i did i Yeah. They were a great company. And I really appreciate them trusting me and working with me. But I knew for a fact that was it. This was it. Yeah. Only really kind they didn't throw me out of the office. So I gave them a you know, a month notice. So it I wanted to make sure they didn't feel like I'd you know, just walked in and walked out. So trying to be as as good as I could. And there was a lot of people whispering

Dan Wheeler:

all the way out the door. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, well, here's my 10 minute warning. We got a lot of ground to cover. Is it true? You You were so excited to be with Petra, you blew your voice out a couple of times.

John Schlitt:

You've been in too much homework. Yes, the first. The first tour we did was in Australia. And it was the first time I'd sang on stage sober in about seven years. And I was super excited. I mean, yeah. 6000 people Brisbane, Australia. It was super cool. Singing songs that were making a difference in life. So but I will say and I'm gonna use this part of excuse. The sound man was terrible. Oh.

Dan Wheeler:

Well, using a megaphone to six style Are

John Schlitt:

we actually shifting down and he was not my cup of tea, and I'm gonna stick with that story forever. I was rather excited. And the first three songs I just, I couldn't hear, right. So I just screamed my lungs out. The class on comes around one. Oh, I don't have a voice anymore. That That wasn't real good and God bless them they they stuck with me after I mean six days of listening to me try to sing. I think if it had been me, I would have had a meeting on the planes and just to figure out how to tell me I was fired. But what stuck with

Dan Wheeler:

me, you talk about that we say the rest is history. I mean, John, what a career with Petra 20 years. In your time as lead singer. They are in four Grammy Awards. 10 Dove Awards three are i a certified gold albums, became the first rock group to win the GMA Dove Award for group of the year. I mean, wow, you have a lot of great memories. Looking back, what are some of your best memories with Petra?

John Schlitt:

Oh, my gosh, I think probably the, the first Grammy and the first stuff. They were fun. But please understand, we never did it for those awards. I always saw the awards as more keys to open up doors that wouldn't have opened before. When we got when we got a Grammy. And then after four, nobody's gonna argue that we must be a pretty good band. It opened up a lot of secular doors, you know, in fact, after the first Grammy, we were in MTV of Canada, almost a month later, you were granted here in the US, we never made that because the the the guardians of, of music will not didn't like the idea of Christian musicians any right. Yes. And so. And that was I understood that to listen, been there, done that I was part of the secure system. I didn't care. I just wanted to make sure that we got in front of as many people as possible. And I saw the grammar and the does as options to legitimize us more to where we could talk a talk more about the gospel.

Brian Roland:

So John, over in quick, getting a little closer to timeline now. In 220. In February, you released your solo Well,

Dan Wheeler:

funny funny. Yeah.


What I said to 20

Dan Wheeler:

That's a long time. He's not dead.

Brian Roland:

Anyways, you released your solo album, go, and you call it and thicken your word, sanctified rock and roll. What is the message that you were trying to give with this

John Schlitt:

the message very simply, it's actually it. I think the title song of the album, says it all it says go. And as I've, you know, seeing the Christian music scene, the Christian music church, I mean, the Christian church, we Christians as a whole. Here in America, especially, we've got it really good. And it's really easy for us to go into these beautiful buildings called church, close the doors and feel safe and stay there. But to me, a church is really more of a bootcamp to teach the the army, how to face the world and be victorious. So as we go into that boot camp, and we get, we get filled with the Holy Spirit we get, we get teaching, and we get strength through Christ. We open up those doors and we start making a difference and doing that and do the commission that the only thing God's ever asked us to do was tell the world about me. Don't sit in the church and be comfortable. Go go. And and as you as you listen to each one of the songs, it really sort of lends that in that direction. Again, like I said, especially titled cut.

Brian Roland:

Yeah, where your voice sounds better than ever. And I know that we used to drink hot tea and honey and lemon gargle with golden seal and that they tried to get the try to keep the pipes but what is your key to your ageless voice?

John Schlitt:

What's my secret? Diet right Kala and ice cubes? Terrible. And I'm not kidding. When I was in Europe, I finally realized how important ice is. Because in Europe, you asked for an ice cube. It's like going yeah, you're gonna put ice in that. I actually asked for a big tub of ice, which makes me even weird. But what was cool was I was having problems in Europe. Always. It was like my throat was all because it felt like I was dry. It didn't matter how much I drank water, soda, whatever it was, it just was always dry. I finally said hope. What's the difference between your ice? So I got ice in my cup great big cup with soda. And that night I could sing forever. And I said, Okay, that's the secret plan. It's what I do. Well, I don't want to turn it but cope without any kind of I like to get caffeine free diet, something I will sell for diet. And then a lot of ice. Alright,

Brian Roland:

peeps, inflammation. Oh, that's good. A lot of material.

Dan Wheeler:

So we're gonna keep it moving here. Just well

Brian Roland:

say on the album. You co wrote some with some famous guys but also your son in law. David Needham. Danny who's married. Yeah, you know, but then dandy, but I know you work closely with him. And he's married to your only daughter, Carrie. How was that the work with him?

John Schlitt:

A great. It's Dan is. He's my son. Hello. I love him. He's He's a great father. He's great, great husband. But he's also good friend. And he's he's not an easy producer ease. Oh, really? It's on my case. Yeah. Which was father

Dan Wheeler:

in law. Yeah.

John Schlitt:

When I'm in the booth, I'm not bothered anymore. I'm sure he has to make sound good. So yeah, he's okay. Yeah. Yeah, Dan, Dan, and I have gone through, oh, shoot for records. This last one. He only did six songs because he was so busy. That I was just blessed to get him for that many. Uh, but it also opened up the avenue for me to use Mark Townson and John Lowry, as producers. And they're, they're two of my best buds with the Jay Sekulow band. And both have credentials out, you know, just unbelievable. And so, to be able to use three different camps on that record was really exciting, and a new experience. And I think it gave us a fresh a real fresh feel for that record. It was different enough that although it flowed with the other records, which I wanted, it had a fresh spark to it that I loved.

Terry Steen:

Well, John, tell us about that. I think the last cut on that is not dead yet. And then has to tie into our finished strong, doesn't it? How did that come about?

John Schlitt:

You know? It says it all, you know, I'm just not gonna lay around and okay, I'm, you know, 110 five, I can still see. And I'm gonna sing until God takes me if he takes my voice, whatever, you know, if I can't, okay, great, then he'll ask me to do something else. So which, you know, with my ministry, I do other stuff besides sing, too. Because God's opened up that door. So I'm really excited about the fact that he's allowed me even at my age to still do what I love to do. And, again, I'm going to be doing this as long as he allows me so I'm not dead yet.

Terry Steen:

Yeah. And the diversity of what you're doing. It seems it back in 19. There's that movie, the rocket that came out? And didn't you have a couple songs that were actually on the movie? What was that? Like?

John Schlitt:

It was yes. But yeah, listen, and, you know, it's fun. I love it. The fact that I can watch a movie and and hear my voice on it. That's pretty classic. Pretty cool. It

Terry Steen:

is. And then, and of course, you mentioned to us earlier, you're traveling with Petra again and the 50th anniversary tour and then you didn't you form a group the union of sinners and saints. Are you still doing anything with that? I mean, you're quitting Aria?

John Schlitt:

Oh, no, no, no, I've got the unit unit sinners and saints I got Petter. I would love to go out with my solo band and feature go a little bit more. But I don't have time. So but I got the J secular band, which is always fun. So you know, God is open and doors and login as long as they open the doors. I walk through them and it's amazing. When you're available. What every situation will be different. Yeah. But there's situations are there opportunities. So it's,

Terry Steen:

so it's not, it's not wearing you down? You're energized by it. Is

John Schlitt:

that all true? Absolutely. Yeah. If you're doing what you love, you know, now you get tired. I mean, after I'm done on stage, I can hardly walk but that's you

Dan Wheeler:

know, I mentioned that I mentioned Jay earlier. We've been trying to book him on this podcast. said Yeah, yeah, I want to do you know how he is 30 texts back and forth. So tell him get a good experience, please. But John, yeah, we're getting near the end. But when you look back on all your triumphs and your failures, what's the most important lesson you think that God has taught you? I know that's a big question

John Schlitt:

is, you know, do what you love. And you'll never you'll never work a day in life that that you've heard that before. But also, Jesus Christ is real. He has a plan for each one of us. Amen. In the ups and downs, he's always still there. Yeah, well, he will strengthen you. He will guide you, He will comfort you. And what better way to live?

Brian Roland:

Yeah. John, I know you have a nonprofit called Build It. BLD dash it, follow the ministries. And I know this is important to you, but what are the most important goals at this point in your life?

John Schlitt:

I want to take the opportunities and the skills that God will open up for me to use it to help I want I want to be able to make a difference in this world, a positive difference. And the best way I know how is to take the skills he's given me take the opportunities you given me and the to, to do the best I can to help the best I can. And that that covers everything,

Brian Roland:

everything. Well, I just want to remind the people to pick up John's music, his petrol albums, no doubt, beyond belief, petrol, praise, Wake Up Calls to name a few. Definitely get the greater cause and go, we gotta get go in the union of senators and saints. With one more shot. I think that's the one

Dan Wheeler:

you got. And you can and you can go to John W., right to keep up with you and all that you've got going on. In January. Everybody can't be a rock singer. But everybody can do something for the kingdom. If we give him if we open up our hand and say, Lord, what I have is yours.

John Schlitt:

Amen. Yeah, amen. He's designed each one of us for purpose. Let's find out what that is. And all you got to do is to God, what is it? It's surprising how you go and you if you're available, he will, he will open up the doors for you. Wow.

Dan Wheeler:

Hey, John, what a great time. We so appreciate you being with finished strong and you're the perfect guest for this podcast. Thank you so much.

John Schlitt:

Thank you guys. It's it really has been a pleasure. I've been looking forward to this. I'm glad we're able to finally get together and, and just share what's on our mind. Praise God.

Dan Wheeler:

It's been great. We'll keep rockin for Jesus. Tell Jaden to get back to me to get a time. Yeah, thank you so much, John. What a blast. It was.


For my friends, yeah.

Dan Wheeler:

So hang out backstage for a second. We're gonna wrap things up. John schlitt. Everybody what a great guest guys in so much. The guy is busier than ever. A voice sounds greater than ever. But how God worked in his life is really amazing.

Terry Steen:

Yeah, he's like a fire hydrant that you couldn't shut off in a good way. He just had so much that yeah, share in the excitement of what he's doing in life. And that's the way it ought to be at this age. Still, shouldn't it? Yeah, that's

Brian Roland:

what we talked about God's working behind the scenes. You heard what he said five years. He was out there seven years. Yeah. And God was doing all this behind the scenes is going to put him back on stage where his love was at where he wanted to be.

Dan Wheeler:

I mean, he was actually pushing a broom at one time at the mining company, never thinking he'd sing rock again. And look what God did. So God can do everything. I want to say a quick prayer. Lord, for everyone listening for those people that are wondering if you are working behind the scenes if you do have a greater plan for them. Lord, please reveal your plan to them. Speak to them and draw us all closer to you because we know you're coming as soon and we want to keep busy until the day you you come for your church. We ask at nine name Amen. Wow, nice job guys. What a great addition and finish strong and we hope you'll join us next time. God bless everyone.

John Matarazzo:

Thank you for listening to finish strong. For more information about finish strong and fearless faith. Check out their website F Make sure that you rate and review this podcast to help more people accomplish their God given purpose so that together we can finish strong

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