90. Walking Together for Truth and Reconciliation. Robin Marshall. Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 08/22/22🍁

Dave and Robin Season 3 Episode 26

Robin and Dave transcend time and space to discuss the Pope's, Walking Together, visit to Canada and apology for residential schools.  The Hillside Music Festival brought Robin and Dave together on Sunday, July 24.  The first day of the Papal visit.  The Pope's apology means different things to different people.  The apology wasn't for everyone. But it's important symbolic significance is. With less than a quarter of the recommendations completed from the Truth and Reconciliation Report (2015), hold ups in the establishment of Healing Funds, and documents still not turned over the work continues.  Robin and Dave discuss the Pope's apology for the physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children at residential schools.

Papal Visit

Truth and Reconciliation Report, 2015

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