The Quiet and Strong Podcast, Especially for Introverts

Ep 61 - The Introvert's Guide to the Workplace with Thea Orozco

March 14, 2022 David Hall, M.Ed.
Ep 61 - The Introvert's Guide to the Workplace with Thea Orozco
The Quiet and Strong Podcast, Especially for Introverts
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The Quiet and Strong Podcast, Especially for Introverts
Ep 61 - The Introvert's Guide to the Workplace with Thea Orozco
Mar 14, 2022
David Hall, M.Ed.

If you're an introvert, you may feel that it can be tough to find your voice in a world that seems designed for extroverts. Are you an introvert who's tired of feeling like you have to be someone you're not in order to be successful? 

Join me as I interview Thea Orozco, an author, MBTI consultant, and coach. It’s her life mission to help underrepresented voices be heard in a confident and authentic way. For the past eight years, Thea has been focusing on helping introverts who want to live life on their own terms. Thea is the author of The Introvert's Guide to the Workplace: Concrete Strategies for Bosses and Employees to Thrive and Succeed.

Guest: Thea Orozco

Contact Thea:
Facebook Group for Introverted Business Owners

Get Thea's book on Amazon -
The Introvert's Guide to the Workplace: Concrete Strategies for Bosses and Employees to Thrive and Succeed 

- - -

Contact the Host of the Quiet and Strong Podcast:

David Hall

Author, Speaker, Educator, Podcaster
david [at]

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Typefinder Personality Assessment

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Get David's book:
Minding Your Time: Time Management, Productivity, and Success, Especially for Introverts

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Quiet & Strong Merchandise

Show Notes Transcript

If you're an introvert, you may feel that it can be tough to find your voice in a world that seems designed for extroverts. Are you an introvert who's tired of feeling like you have to be someone you're not in order to be successful? 

Join me as I interview Thea Orozco, an author, MBTI consultant, and coach. It’s her life mission to help underrepresented voices be heard in a confident and authentic way. For the past eight years, Thea has been focusing on helping introverts who want to live life on their own terms. Thea is the author of The Introvert's Guide to the Workplace: Concrete Strategies for Bosses and Employees to Thrive and Succeed.

Guest: Thea Orozco

Contact Thea:
Facebook Group for Introverted Business Owners

Get Thea's book on Amazon -
The Introvert's Guide to the Workplace: Concrete Strategies for Bosses and Employees to Thrive and Succeed 

- - -

Contact the Host of the Quiet and Strong Podcast:

David Hall

Author, Speaker, Educator, Podcaster
david [at]

Take the FREE Personality Assessment:

Typefinder Personality Assessment

Follow David on your favorite social platform:

Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Youtube

Get David's book:
Minding Your Time: Time Management, Productivity, and Success, Especially for Introverts

You may also like:
Quiet & Strong Merchandise

Thea Orozco [00:00:00]:

What is your culture telling you about what you're doing right? What is your culture telling you about what you're doing wrong? And understanding that a culture is a set of rules and expectations, and that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the best way of viewing life. Basically, as we've been saying this whole podcast, you do you you understand your own strengths. I think that for me, that that's just come down to what makes me happy, is just accept myself and not letting culture dictate what I like about myself.

David Hall [00:00:38]:

Hello, and welcome to the Quiet and Strong Podcast, especially for introverts. I'm your host, David Hall, and the creator of This is a weekly podcast dedicated to understanding the strengths and needs of introverts. Introversion is not something to fix, but to be embraced normally. We'll air each episode on a Monday. Be sure to subscribe on your favorite platform, leave a review, tell a friend, help get the word out there. Thea Orozco is an author, MBTI consultant, and coach. It's her life mission to help underrepresented voices be heard in a confident and authentic way. For the past eight years, Thea has been focusing on helping introverts who want to live life on their own terms. Thea is the author of The Introverts Guide to the Workplace concrete Strategies for Bosses and Employees to Thrive and Succeed. All right. Hello, everybody, and I'm excited to have my guest, Thea Orozco. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the Quiet and Strong Podcast.

Thea Orozco [00:01:39]:

Hi. Thank you. Thank you for inviting.

David Hall [00:01:43]:

You know, we were talking before the show. We've interacted a lot over the years, but we've never actually met, so I'm really excited to get into the work that you've been doing, especially the book that you recently put out. And so we will get going. But first, tell us about yourself and your journey to understand that you are an introvert and how that led to the work you do with introverts now.

Thea Orozco [00:02:04]:

Yeah, well, I'm not entirely sure when I first had the inkling I was an introvert. I'm guessing it was in college, probably read something somewhere, but I didn't really know what it meant. And then I took an online MBTI. I guess it was probably 16 personalities or something like that, one of the informal, non official ones. And I found out I was an INFJ. And that's when I really started looking into was just it was a revelation, really, understanding what introversion was. And it blew my mind that I wasn't broken, like, I was just an introvert. And then I was a few years ago, maybe. I think it was eight years ago. Right before susan Cain's. Ted Talk. No, wait, right after Susan Cain's Ted Talk, before her book came out, I was on Twitter marketing one of my businesses at that time. And in the span of two weeks, I saw two people describe something about their life, and it was clear to me that they were an introvert comparing themselves to extroverts, whereas they thought they were broken. So I told them both, from what you're describing, it sounds actually like you're an introvert. And at that time, it was 30% of the population, we thought. And I sent them a link to Susan Kane's Ted Talk, and they were just so surprised. They, like me, thought that there is something wrong with them, but really there wasn't. And then I thought, okay, more people need to be told that they aren't broken, that they're an introvert. We just live in an extroverted society that dictates what the norm should be versus, really anything based on reality. Right? Because I think the most recent percentage is 56.8, if I'm remembering correctly. US population are introverts, so technically, we're the majority. It's just that the culture has decided that we shall be extroverts. So, yeah, I tweeted the Susan Cade's Ted Talk to them, and then I thought, okay, more people clearly need to be told that they're not broken, they're just an introvert. So I set up a Facebook page and a Twitter account, just basically to spread that message, and then it kind of blew up the Facebook page, got 10,000 likes pretty quickly, and I thought, okay, well, what can I do with this? And I just kept tweeting, and I got a life coaching certificate, and here I am.

David Hall [00:04:49]:

All right. Yeah, it sounds like we started about the same time, probably. And that's it. So many people still think they're broken, and that's why we're doing this work, because you're not broken. It's just a natural way of being, and it's understanding, here's my strengths, here's my needs, and they're going to be different from somebody else. I like that statistic 56%, because I go with about half. 56%. That's even more. I go with about half. And people are surprised by that, but when they're surprised, it means they don't understand what introversion is. They really are still associating it with somebody that's shy, that type of thing, when it's really that we are deep thinkers. We spend a lot of time thinking and or feeling, and it's natural for us. It's not something that's going to change, but it's something if you understand you can really be your best self and not try to be like somebody else. And there's so many people that still think there's something wrong with them. I talked to plenty of people that always understood their introversion and always embraced it. But more of the people I talked to, they were a little bit older cases, similar to ours, so there's still a lot of work to do. What were some things that you embraced that you didn't understand before you took the MBTI and other things like that?

Thea Orozco [00:06:22]:

Well, I didn't have a huge group of friends, for one. I had some just very close friends. And even though some of my family were introverts, other members of my family criticized them for that. So like, my grandmother just had one friend and my father thought that was, oh, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the person, the family member who that was. It's okay, you can keep this in. It's fine. Mental note. Mental note. Don't use the person, the person's role. Anyway, my father, just because I've already said that, my father just didn't think that was right, he criticized that and I took that to heart and I thought that that was also a criticism to me. And just things like that, that subtle things either from family members or just general society because I didn't understand also that there was a difference between introversion and shyness. I had been told that I was shy from many people, but I definitely have this confident, anti, authoritative, authoritative streak to me that doesn't really blend with the idea of shy. So I have shy side too. I knew this society is very heavily anti shy. So the fact that I didn't understand really that difference between introvert and shy also really affected my view of myself. So it was just kind of amazing when I found out that I was an introvert and that I was an INFJ. And the difference between introversion and shy and that there's nothing wrong with us. We just need the room to be ourselves in the society.

David Hall [00:08:15]:

Yeah, absolutely. And it's like if you understand so definitely extroverts or introverts can be shy. And I always say to me, quiet isn't shy. It's that I'm thinking shyness is really where you're lacking confidence. And I think that that can be a major factor if someone wants to overcome shyness is really just understanding introversion and understanding what that means. And just for example, when I was getting certified in the Myers Briggs that you mentioned, the facilitator said introverts think and then speak. And that was a huge epiphany for me.

Thea Orozco [00:08:59]:

I'm like, yeah, that's true.

David Hall [00:09:01]:

And extroverts speak in order to think. And if you don't understand that and you're trying to think and then speak and someone else is talking kind of nonstop and they're also saying, why are you so quiet? Guess what can make you shy? That definitely can have an impact. And I guess I'm shy. But so if you can understand all that, that can change things for you and help you gain that confidence. We're definitely on the Quiet and Strong podcast, we talk about strengths and needs of introversion, strategies for success. And we also like to bust a myth or two. So what's an introversion myth or two that you would like to bust today?

Thea Orozco [00:09:45]:

Well, we already talked about shyness. I think that's a big one.

David Hall [00:09:49]:

Probably the biggest.

Thea Orozco [00:09:51]:

Yeah. I also think that there's a big myth that we can't be leaders. And I think that's fundamentally incorrect because there's different types of leadership, there's different types of interacting with the world and there's definitely a version of leadership that introverts can be excellent at. So I think a lot of people, including a family member, have told me that introverts can't be leaders because they have this thought of being kind of a very talkative, aggressive person as a leader. And introverts don't. The quiet type of introverts there's. Aggressive introverts do. But there's definitely a type of leadership that lends itself to how most introverts are comfortable being in the world, and that includes taking information, thinking and then speaking. I think a lot of introverts are great leaders, especially when it comes to bringing in the thoughts and the voices of other people and then synthesizing it and then letting everybody know what the decision is and what the way forward is versus just being acting like you're in charge and therefore everybody should listen to you. So I think that's a big myth that introverts can't be leaders, that we have to fit into this certain mold or else we always have to be in the background. And we definitely don't. Some introverts want to be in the leaders, some people don't. And that's all fine, but we all have our own way of being in this world, and I'm all for embracing our way.

David Hall [00:11:42]:

Yeah, so that's a big one. Introverts can't be great leaders or can't be this or can't be that. And with 56% of the population, as you said, of course introverts are great leaders, but it's going to look different, and they can bring a lot of strengths to that. So we were going to get into this anyway. Might as well. Now, you write in your book about leadership. So what are some strategies for the introverted leader?

Thea Orozco [00:12:13]:

Well, you can't be a leader without followers. So I think for me, the signs of a great leader is communication skills. And that can be different for introverts and extroverts. I think, again, as we spoke about, introverts tend to think and then speak. Extroverts tend to speak to think. And so I think if an introvert wants to be a leader, they need to really understand what their best way of interacting is, what they need to be a good leader, what they need to really listen to the people who are looking at them for leadership and communicate. Communicate in the best way for you and communicate in the best way for the people who are following you, because they might be introverts too, or they might be extroverts. So I think communication is definitely key. You need to understand your way of communicating but also understand that people are different and be able to meet the person halfway. And I think that's really just important overall.

David Hall [00:13:34]:

Absolutely. Let's go there. So your book is the introverts guide to the Workplace concrete strategies for bosses and employees to thrive and succeed. So we already mentioned that you talk about leadership in the book and you started to mention communication. That's a key point. I was telling you before we hit record that I really like that you put bosses and employees because I could understand myself as an introvert and understand what I need. But if my boss doesn't understand those needs, then that could really be a lot of conflict and not success for me. The other way around, if I'm supervising somebody, I need to know what their needs are, whether they're introvert or extrovert, what their communication styles are. So I like that you wrote both. So what caused you to write a book? You've done a lot of work in the introvert space. What caused you to write a book about the workplace?

Thea Orozco [00:14:39]:

To be totally honest, the publisher contacted me, okay, why not? And then it became one of the most stressful times of my life. But yes, I thought it was something that was needed. That's kind of one of the reasons why I said yes. I understood it would be very stressful. So I thought about I'm like, okay, is this a book that's needed? Is this the book I can write? And I thought there was a great need for a book about introversion that can speak to both bosses and the people themselves, the workers themselves. And really, one of the things I was trying to do with the book is really hit home about how so much of the concepts of introversion is based on culture and how much culture influences our concept of what makes a broken person right, and what is the right way of leadership. And really, I find it fascinating that culture dictates so much of our life and our way of showing up in life. And I wanted bosses and employees to understand that the person you're talking to is different from you, and that's okay. And the person you're talking to needs a certain communication style. They need a certain way of having their office set up or something like that in order to do their best work. So that's something that I'm very passionate about, is just the idea that we're all different and we need to be respected for that. There's no broken people, essentially. So workplace I've obviously been in the workplace for many years, and it's hard, often a very hard place to be. I was once working at the head office of a bank, and it was open office plan, and there was just torture, and there was just small things they could have done in the workplace to have made it more introvert friendly. But again, there's just this idea of, like, one size fits all when that's not at all true, and they weren't making it possible for me to do my best work.

David Hall [00:17:02]:

Yeah. And you're right. That can definitely apply to our physical environments, too. It's important to have a good physical environment, and it might just be a small change.

Thea Orozco [00:17:13]:


David Hall [00:17:14]:

And we need to understand what our strengths are, and other people need to understand what our strengths are, because I know for myself, I've spent plenty of time trying to be somebody I wasn't. And when I really got to know who I was and what I was good at and worked to focus there, it made the world a difference. So what would you say is your strength as an introvert? Sometimes we call them superpowers, and then what have you seen in others? Because, again, we're all different, so we're both introverts, but we're going to have some things in common, but we're going to have some different strengths as well.

Thea Orozco [00:17:52]:

Yeah, definitely. I think my biggest strength is problem solving. So I love to just look at the world around me and do some creative problem solving. Right now, I'm fostering a cat. I'm planning to be a foster parent for infants, and I just love the interaction between me and nonverbal creatures because there's problem solving there. Right. What do you need? And infants and cats are very they communicate. They communicate a lot, just not through words. And I love the problem solving of trying to meet their needs and trying to understand them and have this kind of spark of love and respect in a way that doesn't involve speaking, basically. So I think that's one of my strengths is problem solving. I love to do creative problem solving, and I think it really plays into my strength of listening, my strength of observing, because I'm naturally quiet, as you said. That doesn't mean I'm shy. It's quite as a strength, and I think that's how my favorite way of using that quiet strength.

David Hall [00:19:14]:

Yeah. And problem solving is so needed, and it's not equal. There's some people and that's one of my strengths, too, but there's some people that are good at something else, and let's let them do that. And if you're really good at problem solving, let's try to help you do more of that. And it's not quiet in your head, I promise. That right.

Thea Orozco [00:19:35]:

Yeah, exactly.

David Hall [00:19:36]:

You're quiet because you're thinking. To problem solve, it's a lot of thinking and a lot of letting ideas roll around in your head, and sometimes it takes some time, but that's a gift. What are some other introvert gifts that maybe you've seen others have?

Thea Orozco [00:19:52]:

Well, I'm a big picture person INFJ there's a lot of other introverts that are detail oriented, and that's not me. For the detail oriented introvert bookkeepers More Powers who you because that's not my thing. I see a lot of introverts who are just really good at details, who love to do that really fine work. I think there's some just great artists. I think introverts make great artists often because they can look at these details and incorporate what they've seen in the world into their art. Some of the other strengths superpowers I've seen in my fellow introvert is introspection. They tend to look at themselves a lot, try and find learn about themselves a lot. I think there is this kind of curiosity about their own mind that I've seen a lot. A lot of introverts are very interested in psychology. I found another superpower that I love is just the ability to listen. I really value in friendship someone who can listen and they aren't in the conversation in order to get energy from me. They're there to just be there for me and I'm there to be there for them. And I think there is just so much power in.

David Hall [00:21:23]:

Absolutely. And just thinking about you said you're a big picture person. I am too. Our Myers Briggs type is similar. Mine's an INTJ. So just a little difference with the thinking and the feeling. But it's so important and for some reason we're not all the same. We don't all have the same gifts and it works know, we compliment each other and we really need that detailed person, but they really need the big picture person too. So we need everybody. Introverts, extroverts. How would you classify a couple of the big needs that are different for introverts versus extroverts?

Thea Orozco [00:22:03]:

I think one is the amount of alone time. So extroverts, they often need to interact with people in order to feel the most like themselves. Extroverts also need alone time. Sometimes they just need to step back and be there by themselves. And likewise introverts, we're social beings still. But I think the main difference is the amount of time you spend, what makes you feel the most like yourself. So there was actually a two week period maybe where my significant other was out of town and I was like, oh, you know what? I'll do an experiment. I love experiments. Why don't I try and do something social each night over the next two weeks and see what happens? And I was just a wreck at the end of it. I didn't feel like myself. I wasn't actually stressed, but I just felt disconnected from my own self. And so we talk a lot about introversion energy and really I think it's both physical energy and also psychic energy. Like, how do you connect back with yourself? How do you feel the most like yourself? And I think for introverts, we often need that alone time to reconnect with our own thoughts, whereas I think extroverts often need that social energy in order to feel the most like themselves.

David Hall [00:23:31]:

Yeah, absolutely. And again, you got to get to know yourself and what you need. There's certain people that could energize me, but at the same time, there's certain things that really drain me and I have to get to know what those are. And the loan time, it's definitely about recharging, but it's also I need time to think, to plan out things, to dream or just to relax and have fun. Of course we all need connection. That's very important. And that's a big myth too. And I think a lot of that came out in the pandemic. It's like, oh yeah, introverts, they're having a great time. It's like, no, I still need people. I haven't seen this family member, that family member for a long time, and I do miss them and I want to get back together with them. But we definitely need some more alone time. But we need some people too, sometimes.

Thea Orozco [00:24:23]:

Yeah, definitely. I think that's, as you said, another myth. And I think it's really important also to understand what introversion is and don't let the label influence the way you see yourself in terms of trying to fit into this introvert label and more, use it as a way to understand yourself versus a way to dictate how you should live your life.

David Hall [00:24:47]:

Yeah, and I'm glad you brought that up because it's really a tool. I can learn a lot from you because we have a lot in common, but again, we still have plenty that differences, and so I can learn some things, but then who am I and what do I need and where does that differ? So I love that you said that, and one time on my podcast I said, describe what your strengths are and needs without using the word introvert. Be able to articulate, here's what I'm really good at, here's what I need each day, and don't tie it back into introversion. Although it's a tool, the Myers Briggs that we both use, it's a good tool to help us get to know ourselves, but it's not to box us in. It's really to say, here's some things to think about. Here's some strategies that other people like you have used. But in the end, you're an individual who makes all those decisions and you know what you like. No one else can tell you that, and you know what works for you.

Thea Orozco [00:25:56]:

Yeah. And I think that it also involves just trust in yourself too.

David Hall [00:26:02]:

Yeah. So what else do you want bosses and employees to know in the workplace? I know you mentioned communication or networking or public speaking. What are some things that maybe miss or maybe strategies for success?

Thea Orozco [00:26:20]:

Yeah, we've talked a lot about communication. I'm trying to think what else besides communication? That's a big thing for introverts, a lot of introverts. I hear talk about how hard networking is, and again, this comes back to what's your best way of doing things? So there's quite a few different ways of networking. There's networking events, there's online networking, there's reaching out to your existing network and using them for getting contacts. Also, I once had a client who a business owner who could get her own clients through random conversations, like at the supermarket or something like that. She was just great at sparking a conversation and bringing it back to what she's doing. And one of the reasons why she came to me was because she couldn't integrate that with her knowledge that she was an introvert. And basically she just wanted acknowledgment that it was okay for her to get clients that way. And my answer was like, yes, of course you do you. However you can reach success is, you know, I think in terms of know you do you. I do okay with networking events. I occasionally find them interesting, but I really love social media. Like, I love the interactions. David, you and I have interacted a lot over the years on social media, and I've gotten to know some just really interesting people that way, many of which I met in real life too. So that's one of my favorite ways of networking, is just interacting with people on social media. So again, you do you what's your way of networking? And I would just lean into that.

David Hall [00:28:33]:

I love the point that you just made because if you hear the word networking, that's what comes to most people's mind is that event where you're supposed to meet every single person and get their card and all that good stuff. And that approach really doesn't work that well for us, and that's what comes to mind. But really, what are you trying to accomplish with networking? And there's so many ways to do it. And if you do go to that event, what's your goal there, and how are you going to accomplish it? Mostly I'm probably going to try to have a couple of really good, deep conversations with somebody that maybe I know, maybe I don't know, but if I did need to meet certain people or a lot of people for some reason, I could do it, but I should do it. Figuring out my introverted way of doing that.

Thea Orozco [00:29:29]:

Yeah, I'm glad you brought up goals because that's really important. So that's something I've also noticed with a lot of clients is that they have this idea of, oh, I need to go to networking events. I need to, I don't know, start a blog or whatever, and they lose sight of the fact of the idea of why. I think the idea of why can really lead you to the best way of doing it yourself. So as you said, why do you want to go to a networking event? Is it just because everyone's saying you should go to a networking event? Really think about what's the way of reaching the goals that works best for me?

David Hall [00:30:14]:

Yeah, so you do you I like that. That's a good way to put it and figure out it might not be an event, it might be social media, it might be reaching out in some other way that works for you. And that's the thing I've learned, is it has to work for you. Otherwise it's draining and not very effective.

Thea Orozco [00:30:38]:

No, it isn't, because you can't be effective if you're drained.

David Hall [00:30:43]:

No. Another need that's really big, that I know is important for me as an introvert, is just to prepare because we like to think about things. And often I know if I'm giving a speech or if I'm doing a presentation or even a meeting, I like to prepare it. I know you've written about this in your book, so talk about that, like the importance of preparation for introverts, especially in the workplace.

Thea Orozco [00:31:10]:

Yeah, again, this is different. Like some introverts, they like the spontaneousness. I have ADHD, so I love to prepare, but I have kind of a different relationship to preparing to many other introverts. But yeah, I think preparation is often very important for us and it does a few things. One, it builds confidence. I think it also lets us have some time to reorganize our thoughts and it's key for so many of us. So I've forgotten the question. I think maybe just mentioning ADHD made my brain just allow preparation. Yeah. So one of the things I talked about in the book, I think, was about the importance of if you're doing a presentation, I find it's really good to prepare. Don't just get up on stage with a new topic. And even if you know it very well, sometimes our brains just shut down. Right. I found with stress, particularly my brain will just shut down. So if I'm doing something stressful, especially for the first time, I try to really prepare. And if it's for a presentation or a speech or something like that, I like to rehearse it so often that I don't really have to think about it anymore. Because I've found that if I try to memorize it, then I sound robotic versus if I just really try to understand the material, then it's much easier to discuss. So I've been talking about introversion for quite a while, so by now I haven't had to prepare for podcast interviews like this quite as much as I did in the first place. So when I first did interviews, I really tried to prepare. I needed to really sit down with those questions. Now I can just kind of look through them and think about them and then I don't require the same level of preparation anymore. So I think that's also really important is to understand what level of preparation do you need and the realization that the preparation is fine. If you are bad at just getting up on stage and talking quickly about anything, then that's I do. I just had this memory of being in Toastmasters. I don't know if you've ever been in Toastmasters, david familiar.

David Hall [00:33:54]:

I haven't really done it, but I'm familiar with.

Thea Orozco [00:33:58]:

Things. I only went for maybe about a year and it wasn't for me. But one of the things in Toastmasters is that you get called or maybe you volunteer, I don't know. Anyway, one of the tasks during the meetings is getting up on the stage and speaking about a random topic for I think it's three minutes. And that's just so stressful. But I found that the more I did it, the easier it became. So I think that's another really interesting aspect of just human behavior in general is the more. You do it, the more comfortable you become. And yeah, that's all.

David Hall [00:34:42]:

Yeah, it's funny, while you were talking, I was thinking, you and I, we could talk about introversion all day long. It's just something that we're expert in, right? And we enjoy. So that's something to know. So if I'm getting up to speak about something that I know really well, yeah, the preparation is not going to be the same. I'm also not one to memorize. If that's what works for you, great, do that. But I'm not one to memorize. I'm one to really think about what I want to say. And it's funny too. It's like if you have to do something impromptu, can you do that? And sometimes it's going to work better than others. But I think another thing in my journey is just realizing, you know what, you're going to prepare the best you can. And then sometimes you need to say, hey, let me think about that, and not stress about if you don't know all the answers right off, and not stress if you have to think for a second, or if you don't know if you need to say, let me get back to you. But that's all part of this journey is getting to know yourself and just prepare, be your expert where you can and then relax. Sometimes that's easier said than done.

Thea Orozco [00:35:51]:

Yeah, but yeah, I like what you said. If you need some time to think, I think it's really important. So if your boss asks you something in a meeting, try to establish a relationship beforehand where they're okay with you saying, you know, what, can I think about that and get back to you? Because if they're a good boss, they should be okay with that. They should be okay with you doing you needing to do the research or think about it further. Because we like to think first and then speak. So just in terms of while I'm speaking about meetings, while I was working at a nine to five, if there was a meeting coming up, I like to prepare. So I like looking at the memo, if there is a memo beforehand, if there was an agenda, if there wasn't, see if you can find one. See if whoever is running the meeting can tell you just a little bit about what's going on. And then try to gather my thoughts beforehand, not necessarily rehearse what I want to say. Because oftentimes I found in meetings, if I rehearse it, then I can't really be present. I'm just going through what I want to say over and over and I'm not really listening to what everyone else is saying. So I felt that that level of preparation during meetings was my sweet spot, just thinking about, okay, yeah, I want to say X, Y and Z. I want to talk about these topics in the next meeting versus memorizing. But yeah, I think that's key when you're working in a team. And when you're communicating a team, I think it really helps to prepare. And I kind of like this whole new switch to slack and things like that, where we can discuss things in a non instantaneous way so that we can have these moments to think.

David Hall [00:37:55]:

Yeah, absolutely. And a lot of times we do like to communicate in writing, and sometimes that's better, sometimes it's not, and we just have to know what that looks like.

Thea Orozco [00:38:08]:


David Hall [00:38:09]:

For meetings, I try to just make my own little agenda look ahead. And like you were saying, just kind of write down, okay, I need to make these points, and here's the questions that I have. And if I do that, then I'm ready. And just always keeping in mind you do want to give most of your responses during the meeting, but sometimes you may need to pull that. I just need a little time to think about that. And if people get to know you, and if you do come up with some good ideas, they'll start to respect that.

Thea Orozco [00:38:42]:

Yeah. They'll start to see that you actually come up with your best ideas when you have that moment to think. So, again, we're going back to respecting the person for who they are and not expecting them to be someone they're not. And I think respect it goes a long way to getting the best out of employees and bosses.

David Hall [00:39:07]:

That's it right there. It's like we do all want each other to do our best, and in order to do that, we have to understand our natural gifts and abilities and strengths. For sure. Is there anything else from the book that you wanted to bring up?

Thea Orozco [00:39:26]:

Yeah, good question. I can't really remember what I wrote in them.

David Hall [00:39:29]:


Thea Orozco [00:39:31]:

So long ago. Okay. Something I wrote in the book was just about how we're all looking at our culture. We're all looking at the world through cultural lenses. And I think that's again, I've already talked about this a little, but I think that's really important. What is your culture telling you about what you're doing right? What is your culture telling you about what you're doing wrong? And understanding that a culture is a set of rules and expectations, and that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the best way of viewing life. Basically, as we've been saying this whole podcast, you do you you understand your own strengths. I think that for me, that's just come down to what makes me happy, is just accepting myself and not letting culture dictate what I like about myself.

David Hall [00:40:26]:

Yeah, so you do you, but you also help other people around you be themselves too. That's the whole point of this book. And again, you've done a lot of other great work outside this book. You've done a lot of other courses and lots of different things related to introverts. You've been an introvert champion for a lot of years now. Is there anything else that we missed that you want folks to no.

Thea Orozco [00:40:58]:

Okay. Maybe I should have prepared a little better.

David Hall [00:41:01]:

David yeah, it's okay. You can have some time to think about.

Thea Orozco [00:41:08]:

I mean, I have some courses if anybody wants to do podcasts in order to widen their reach, whether you can do this as an employee, too, just podcasts just to kind of get it out there in the world. I have a course on podcasts and comfortable selling, too, because I'm big into being able to sell in a way that's comfortable for you. So I have those courses on You can find it there.

David Hall [00:41:42]:

Very good. Yeah. So sales, podcasting, it can all be done by the introvert. You just got to know the best way for you to do it. And so that's a lot of myths. All right. And people can find you at Introvertology.

Thea Orozco [00:41:59]:

Yes, And I'm on Facebook, Twitter. Oh, I just got on TikTok. I don't think I'm going to do anything there, but I haven't tried that yet, but I resisted for so long.

David Hall [00:42:17]:

All right, this has been a great conversation. Again, you've got a great book and a lot of great other resources for people to really embrace who they are. It's been great to meet you, and thanks again for being on the Quiet and Strong podcast.

Thea Orozco [00:42:33]:

Thanks for inviting me again, David.

David Hall [00:42:35]:

All right. Thank you so much for joining me today. I look forward to further connecting with you. Reach out at Check out the website I'll add social media channels for me and my guests to the show. Notes. Please comment on social media hosts. Send me topics or guests you'd like to see on the show. There's so many great things about being an introvert, and so we need those to be understood. Get to know your introverted strengths and needs and be strong.