Resume Storyteller with Virginia Franco

Job Search Takeaways from a Topsy Turvy Career

Virginia Franco

With summer around the corner, it felt like a great time to reflect on my career journey and path to accidental entrepreneurship -- and hopefully provide some solace, comfort and inspiration for those struggling with what feels like a non-linear path. 

In this week’s podcast, I walk through my career job-by-job . . .  how I got it, what worked and what didn’t, and strategies for explaining it all during job search. 


− Careers can be twisty and turny and that’s OK. 

− Don’t be afraid to make bold asks. They can say no but might say yes.

− It’s OK to take a job that meets a short-term goal. 

− Strive for roles that work in the moment, recognizing that as your life evolves so might your jobs.