California Crime Stories
California Crime Stories
Episode 5: The Murder of Judy Williamson
On the morning of October 29, 1963, Judy Williamson left her home in Albany to walk to the bus stop where she would catch a bus to the UC Berkeley campus. Judy never made it to the bus stop, and she would never again be seen alive. Three years later, Judy Williamson’s remains would be found in a wooded canyon, around 100 miles from her home. Judy’s killer might never have been found if it weren’t for Erhard Seminars Training, or EST, a self-help course popularized in the 1970s.
Our recommendations for this episode:
-author Lucia Berlin https://luciaberlin.com
-the podcast "Doing Justice" https://apple.co/3qFMbbc
-AP, “Egenberger Friend Says He Was ‘Filled With Need To Kill.’” https://bit.ly/3aZkuU2
-AP, “Egenberger Indicted in Girl’s Murder.” https://bit.ly/2Z5AVIW
-AP, “Egenberger Trial Begins.” https://bit.ly/3jF7SFA
-Hubert J. Bernard, “She Just Vanished On the Way to Class.” https://bit.ly/3755CT3
-Mark Brewer, “We’re Gonna Tear You Down and Put You Back Together.” https://bit.ly/2MX3JB0
-Bob Calhoun, “Yesterday’s Crimes: The EST Confession.” https://bit.ly/3d44P8B
-Matthew Green, “How One Law Helped Pack California’s Prisons.” https://bit.ly/3qoJ9rP
-Peter Haldeman, “the Return of Werner Erhard, Father of Self-Help.” https://nyti.ms/2OyyuwJ
-Elinor Hayes, “Garage Blood Link to Judy?” https://bit.ly/2OyBgSF
-Eric Jaffe, “A Look at Four Psychology Fads." https://lat.ms/2Zc0o3z
-Ryan King, “Policies: How Policy Decisions Keep People In Prison.” https://urbn.is/3bfKECm
-Robert Kroll, “Egenberger Ruled Guilty.” https://bit.ly/3ab2arS
-Lynn Ludlow, “Her Slaying Hypnotized Bay Area.” https://bit.ly/2Z7jjMG
-Don Martinez,” Former Mayor’s Son Booked in Girl’s Death.” https://bit.ly/3qcrNy4
-Don Martinez, “Judy Killer’s Own Story.” https://bit.ly/3jFd2Bz
-Laura McClure, “The Landmark Forum: 42 Hours, $500, 65 Breakdowns." https://bit.ly/2MY43PV
-Lynn Neary, “Victim of Brock Turner Sexual Assault, Chanel Miller, Reveals Her Identity.” https://n.pr/2NebfXX
-Carol Pogash, “A Good Son, He Told His Mother First.” https://bit.ly/3qcrNy4
-Ron Reeves, “BC Skeleton Identified As That of Missing Coed.” https://bit.ly/3peABlV
-Peggy Rudnicki, “Coed Murder Suspect Would Plead Innocent.” https://bit.ly/373Rr0k
-“Surrender in a 1963 Coast Killing Came After a Year of Planning.” https://nyti.ms/2Ok3PTt
-Wallace Turner, “Murder Confession Presents an Enigma.” https://nyti.ms/3abYLco
-Wallace Turner, “Technician Charged in Coast Slaying 14 Years Ago.” https://nyti.ms/3pdOkJN
-UPI, “Leads Diminishing in Search for Coed.” https://bit.ly/2LJlZgH
-UPI, “New Evidence in Coed Case.” https://bit.ly/3a9MKnR
-UPI, “News in Brief.” https://bit.ly/3jL48Cr
-UPI, “Pool of Blood Spurs Missing Coed Search.” https://bit.ly/2NkNfSU
-1960 census data for Albany https://bit.ly/3aa