The Mystic Cave

Jules Howatt's Soulful Journey from Bruce to Julianna

Brian E Pearson Season 5 Episode 1

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Soul has only one agenda--that we live into who we really are and offer our unique gifts in service to the world. Soul is less concerned about the obstacles that that may plant in our path. So, for rugged mountain guide Bruce Howatt, the call to finally show up in the world--as Julianna--must have felt like the greatest, most intimidating climb of all. And yet, here she is, inspiring the rest of us to discover and to assume our own singular place in the Universe.

Jules' Website (as Bruce):
Jules' Soul Guide Bio:
The Animas Valley Institute:

Personal Links
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Series Music Credit
"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison, performed by Colin James, from the album, Limelight, 2005; licensed under SOCAN 2022