Amazing Greats
Interviews with well known actors, authors, artists, athletes, musicians, and business leaders. Authentic conversations about their lives, careers, and how their faith played an important part. Inspiring and uplifting stories of hope, transformation, and triumph. We dig deep for the powerful life stories from some very amazing guests...truly "souls on fire".
Amazing Greats
NBA star James Donaldson: from the brink of suicide
Our Amazing Greats host, Joe Micheals, really gets to the emotional heart of NBA star James Donaldson.
At 7’2 James played two decades in professional basketball, including the NBA's San Diego and Los Angeles Clippers, NY Knicks, Utah Jazz. Dallas Mavericks and the Seattle Super Sonics.
Prepare to be moved by James’ authentic story of depression and his being on the brink of suicide. Hear how God walks with him down his path of depression and how James came through it, committed to helping others deal with dark times. Plus he'll share his vision for Seattle as a mayor candidate and we'll ask him when the Super Sonics will be back to the city he loves.
"Amazing Greats" is a library of interviews with highly successful people who have amazing career and life stories and who share how God has impacted their journey. Hosted by broadcaster Ric Hansen & produced by Klem Daniels. Available on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Google and our YouTube Channel.
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