Dec. 19, 2020 – Dr. Michael Osterholm, Ross Levin, life of a high school senior
River Radio
River Radio
Dec. 19, 2020 – Dr. Michael Osterholm, Ross Levin, life of a high school senior
Jan 28, 2021 Season 2 Episode 8
Jim & Gayle

River Radio, from Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota with hosts Jim Maher and Gayle Knutson. This episode features a discussion of COVID-19 vaccines, testing and outlook with Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota (2:15); a discussion about financial matters with Ross Levin, CEO of Accredited Investors Wealth Management and columnist for the Star Tribune of Minneapolis (26:31); and life as a high school senior in the time of COVID-19 with Stillwater (MN) Area Sr. High School student Max Smitten (47:51). Also featured are updates on local news for Marine on St. Croix, Scandia and May Township with Gayle (23:30 and 42:57).

Show page with links mentioned in the program: