I’d like to begin this episode by acknowledging the land that I am learning and living on is the traditional un-ceded, un-surrendered territory of the Anishnaabeg Algonquin People.
In this episode, we’re talking with Lynn Power, the Co-Founder & CEO of MASAMI and the Co-Founder of Isle de Nature and we will be talking about how being an empathetic leader will help build more effective teams.
We’ll do this by clarifying the difference between being sympathetic and empathetic and how emerging leaders can check to see which version they lean towards. We’ll also discuss how empathy can make emerging leaders stronger team leaders and in turn, make their teams much more effective.
Lastly, we’ll offer some practical tools to help emerging leaders become more empathetic leaders.
Relevant Lins:
The Masami Website: https://www.lovemasami.com
Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front is humbled to have been listed in the Top 20 for Best Canadian Leadership-themed podcasts in 2021.
Leadership Without Passion Limits the Depth of Your Vision.
Connect to Trench Leadership:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYnaqOp1UvqTJhATzcizowA
Trench Leadership Website: www.trenchleadership.ca
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/trench-leadership-a-podcast-from-the-front/?viewAsMember=true
Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada Website: https://www.concussionfoundation.ca
Are you looking for a podcast editor/producer? Do you enjoy the quality of the show? The editor of Trench Leadership, Jennifer Lee, is taking new clients. Reach out at https://www.itsalegitbusiness.com
I’m excited to share that Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front is partnering with The Critical Thinking Institute, offering affordable courses to help leaders unlock the limitless potential that critically thinking gives all of us.
Head on over to CTinstitute.com and check out their courses. When you find a course that speaks to you, and trust me, you will, use discount code trenchleadership for a 20% discount and begin unlocking your full critical thinking potential!