Beyond Your Past Radio

Childhood Trauma, Addiction, and the Hope of Recovery, with Tricia Moceo

September 23, 2019 Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP & Joanne Cipressi, CHt, CNLP

Tricia Moceo advocates long term sobriety by providing resources to recovering addicts and shedding light on the disease of addiction. Tricia is a mother of two, actively involved in her local recovery community, and is passionate about helping other women find hope in seemingly hopeless situations. She is also an Outreach Specialist for Recovery Local, a local addiction/recovery based marketing company. She advocates long term sobriety by writing for many addiction recovery outlets online. 

During our talk, Tricia shares more of her personal survivor story, which included being molested by a family member starting at 5 years, and then her attempt at reaching out for help during a school seminar, which would ultimately pushed into decades of staying silent, internalizing the shame, and trying to deal with it on her own.

The lack of support and understanding of just how much her past was affecting her as she grew up, lead to experimenting with alcohol late in high school, and then more heavily in college, eventually leading to her dropping out because the numbing and avoiding that had taken over through addiction.

When her stepmom passed away of a heart attack, she was left to try and hold the family together, while still taking care of her young son, resulting in a turn to drugs to help cope. The perfect storm of losing one of her only support outlets, combined with her existing struggles with alcohol,  and running the family business virtually on her own, caused her to spiral into drug addiction, unhealthy relationships, co-dependency, other unhealthy coping skills which eventually found her in the midst of a Child Protective Services case and the reality that she may lose her son.

Tricia talks about the rock bottom moment of sitting in a jail cell, detoxing on a cold cement floor and realizing something had to change. Through the help of her caseworkers at CPS, she checked herself into a rehabilitation facility and began the process of healing. It was during that healing process that she finally found a healthy support system, including a therapist that she felt safe enough with to finally talk about the childhood trauma she experienced and the resulting CPTSD symptoms that she had battled her whole life.

If you'd like more information on Patricia Moceo, just simply Google her name, and you'll find her story on countless rehabilitation and mental health-related websites. You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.

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