Root For Each Other: A Branches Podcast

NVR in WV: The Future of Domestic Violence Prevention in the Mountain State

Branches Domestic Violence Shelter

Domestic Violence prevention can sometimes seem like a far-fetched concept, no matter how much we dream of a world without violence. How do we eradicate a crime that is often unacknowledged, generational, and perpetrated behind closed doors? The answer is to be very creative and exceptionally smart, so we contacted one of the most brilliant and innovative advocates we know, Jessica Bender, of the WV Coalition Against Domestic Violence, to talk about the future of DV prevention in West Virginia.

Join us as we discuss the challenges and reward of prevention work and learn more about the Coalition's new project NVR in WV. For more info on the project, you can reach Jessica at 

Branches Domestic Violence Shelter has been providing services to. victims of domestic violence in the Appalachian communities of Cabell, Lincoln, Mason, Putnam, and Wayne counties in West Virginia.

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