Catholic Money Mastermind - Financial Planning conversations with Catholic CFP® Practitioners

How Catholics Can Bring Prayer to Their Finances | Charlie Horonzy

Ben Martinek, Charlie Horonzy Episode 30

Ben Martinek and Charlie Horonzy talk about how to bring prayer into your finances, the insecurity that's associated with it, and the specific methods that they use. Amidst uncertainty, prayer plays a crucial role in helping us stay grounded, seek guidance and find the strength to fulfill our responsibilities.

"I think God wants us to be saints.. and everything in our life is helping us to get to heaven."

- Charlie Horonzy

What You’ll Learn:

  • Lectio Davina prayer and other meditation exercises
  • Surrendering to God’s providence, especially in financial matters
  • Financial challenges and anxieties are present regardless of one's wealth
  • The struggles in life can be viewed as crosses that teach valuable lessons
  • Balancing ambition and gratitude
  • Faith can be a rollercoaster, but persistence is key


Teach Us How to Pray:

The Hallow App:

The Amen App:

More of Charlie:

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Catholic Money Mastermind Podcast is a personal podcast meant for educational and entertainment. It should not be taken as financial advice, and is not prescriptive of your financial situation.