Soul Yes Podcast with Alexandria Maria

How To Build REAL Wealth

Season 2 Episode 27

I'm back with another solo episode on how to build REAL wealth! 

We are going to be diving into how to create a wealthy life.  When we say wealth, normally we go straight to money but what I really wanna talk about in this episode is if you are defining wealth as money, you are living a very narrow description of wealth, and you're not really truly allowing yourself to tap into what a truly wealthy life can be and just how abundant and how rich and how incredible that can feel despite or regardless of your bank balance.

I'm gonna talk about some of the other elements I consider that bring you wealth, Freedom, Time, Health, Connections & Joy. 

I hope you love this episode, leave a review below or DM me on instagram @iamalexandriamaria to let me know your favourite takeaways. 

Alex xox  

Connect with Alexandria:


IG: @iamalexandriamaria

Wealth Calibration London Event LIVE:

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Thank you for listening.

Love & Light,

Alexandria xx