Wellness Myths

Hormone + Gut Health Coaching Group

Season 4 Episode 1

Wellness Myths is BACK y’all!!! Vanessa and Emily are so beyond excited to hang out with everyone each week again but FIRST here’s an episode of what they’ve been up to on the summer hiatus….. The Harmony Program! This is a group coaching program filled with information about gut health, hormone balance, ACTUAL stress management tools, and intuitive eating. The program will meet each week starting October 11th for live sessions, yoga classes, and other interactive activities. You’ll have access to not only TWO dietitians, our lovely hosts, throughout the program but also discounted 1:1 counseling rates post-program as well.

If you’re interested in applying for the Harmony Program, please visit www.nutritionforgals.com/theharmonyprogram

Reviews in the podcast directory of your choice are greatly appreciated!

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You can find a computer generated show transcript at https://wellnessmyths.com


Hey everybody. Welcome to wellness. Miss the podcast where we take a hard look at the nutrition and wellness industry through a no bullshit lens. My name is, and I'm an anti-intuitive eating ed diet and yoga.


And my name's Vanessa. I am also a registered dietician and I specialize in hormone. Emily. And I met back in college when we were studying to be dieticians and we basically never left each other's side. Since the moment we met and post grad, we haven't really left each other's side either we live across the country from each other, but that hasn't stopped us from being business partners and talking almost every minute of every day.


This is all very true. And Vanessa and I decided that we wanted share some of these conversations with everyone. So with that, let's get into this week's


all right. So welcome back to us. I guess it's been what feels like a very long time since we've recorded a podcast episode, we have been on a bit of a hiatus, but it's been for a very, very good reason. Emily and I have both been very, very busy and that's mostly attributed. Attributed to launching our first group program. So we launched our first ever group coaching program in the summer, and we had an amazing time doing it. It was a lot of work getting it off the ground. But once we had it going, we kind of just ran with it and we plan on launching again and again, and just keeping on. Building the program and bettering the program for anyone who's interested.


Totally. It's been so fun. I really missed recording honestly. Especially when we like got back on today and I was like, okay, this, this feels good. So we're definitely gonna be back with more episodes next week. But first we kind of wanted to drop in and just let everybody know about the program. I think most of our listeners know that Vanessa and I both take private clients. We're both in private practice. And so we kind of thought that it would be a cool idea to bring more of a group, community environment, to learning some of the information that we work on with our one on one clients. And so we'll kind of just give you a little bit of a rundown of what it looks like. Before we get into the outline of the program this program might be a good fit for you. If you are a person who menstruate all gender identities are welcome in our program. If you're looking to deepen your understanding of your period and cyclical changes, if you're struggling with your relationship to food or body image, if you have any digestive concerns, if you're struggling with energy levels throughout the day, And also we're gonna touch on stress levels as well. We to keep broad, but also tuned and.


And what we kind of did too, as we built this is we took Emily and I's specialties and really tried to mesh them. So while one of us may be leading a certain week, the other one is always chiming in with their specialty. So it's really like this perfect marriage of a hormone dietician in an intuitive eating dietician, putting all of our knowledge out there. And that's really why we wanted to call it the harmony program, because we're looking to support your whole body in kind of every way. So for that reason, we start with stress. So our first week is talking all about stress and nutrition. And this is huge. I would say personally, I don't know what you think, Emily, but I think it's the most important.


Yeah, a hundred percent. I think also too, like just based off the feedback from our last round that people got kind of a lot of really tangible activities that they could do to reduce stress. And I think. A really important piece. And what I want people to take away from this episode is that there's gonna be like very direct things that you can do rather than just sort ofso


So week one is really the foundation. We cannot access deeper parts of your health journey without laying down the foundation. So we start with practical solutions for reducing stress, getting better sleep and understanding your cycle. So in week one, we do a live Q and a style lecture about cortisol sleep and cycle tracking alongside meditation and Y yoga. So you're gonna learn how to calm your cortisol response with lifestyle changes and nutrition practices through. The lens of holistic health,


And then week two, we have healing food and body relationships. The connection between mind and body is so key in healing, our relationship with food. And this week we'll learn about hunger and cues. You'll learn mindful eating, how to gain more satisfaction out of what you eat, emotional eating strategies, and much more. Some of the week's offerings will include group mindful eating activities, meditation strategies to bring awareness to body and just lot of interactives to.


So week one and two, we really dive into more of the broader topics on how to eat, how to take care of your body. And we really don't dive into what to eat more specifics on how to actually fuel your body until we get to week three. And that's when we talk about restoring your energy. So if you have ever hit an afternoon slump, if you struggle with brain fog, if you feel like you're getting enough sleep and you still don't have. Enough energy week three is going to be something you'll love. So we talk a lot about blood sugar here. And we, you know, weave in those principles that we learned in week one and week two


Yeah, Vanessa and I really created this with With the idea that we want to focus first on kind of how our body's baseline functioning and our relationship to food. And those things are really important to do before we even get into the nutrition and all of the deeper, more sciencey aspects of everything. So it's created super intentionally that way. And we'll talk all about blood sugar balance, practical, hunger, how to eat for energy and a lot of other topic.


So in week four, we talk about gut health. So your gut has so much influence on your hormones and intuitive eating habits. So in this final week, we'll bring all the tools you've learned so far into culmination to discuss the microbiome digestion and how to support gut health. Just to hint, we're gonna go way far, BA beyond just taking a probiotic at random and calling it a day. Each week's gonna build on the other one. And by the end, I mean, Emily and I, we're not trying to put ourselves out of a job, but you know, the whole idea of this is we're not just like giving you a meal plan because once you finish a meal plan, you have to come back to us. We want you to have the tools so you can make those decisions without us.


Definitely. I think both of us really have not only like an additive view to nutrition, which our listeners will be like, yeah, we know rather than subtractive or restriction, but also really empowering as well. Like you wanna be able to kind of take all that information that your body's providing you, the information that you're gonna learn this program and make whatever choice is gonna feel best for you. And the format for the group, it's gonna be one hour weekly live coaching sessions. There's gonna be a couple of the live yoga classes that Vanessa mentioned taught by myself. You'll have interactive activities in order to deepen your knowledge in our private group. You'll get support from two registered dieticians and weekly check-ins. You can also add one on one support too. We'll just figure that out separately. But basically our next round starts October 11th. So if you're looking for more information about the harmony program, we're gonna drop the link in the show notes. It's nutrition for gals.com/the harmony program. And you can fill out our form submission and let us know who you are, what you're looking for. And we will hop on a call with you and see if you might be a good fit for the program.


Yeah, we had so, so much fun with the last one and we absolutely can't wait for this one. I think being in a group setting there's a lot of benefits to that and just hearing other people's questions and it's kind of fun. Like we all get to go through those breakthroughs together. Like we get to watch people have breakthroughs and talk through that. And I think it's kind of exhilarating.


Yeah, it, it was really fun and like kind of busting the myth. Like we had a lot of talk about white and brown rice, white and sweet potatoes. Like it, it was just, it was really interesting to kind of see like what the wellness industry in general has done to people. And I think like, Weeding through all of the rumors and all of the generalized advice that doesn't apply to you and really getting more personalized care, even in a group setting and support from two trusted providers like myself and Vanessa that can be really life changing in the way that you approach your health. And that's kind of like the that's kinda the feedback that we had gotten from our previous. Participants in the group. We had a lot of people claiming that they already had more energy and that they were able to find more enjoyment of how to eat and how to balance their plate. All of the sessions, two are recorded. So you'll be able to go back and, and listen to them. If you able to attend. We had a couple people who were already like, I just went back and rewatch them. So you'll access to the recording. You need on the information as well.


Something we're actually adding this round as well is we're calling them. Coffee chats. So if you have a quick question, that's individualized to you and you want to talk to Emily or myself or both of us, we can just jump on a quick call altogether and talk about what might be going on individually with you. Cause most topics we can talk about you know, as a group, but some things we can't necessarily answer if it's like very individual towards you, just for HIPAA reason.


Totally. And even, so if you finish the program and you're looking for a little bit more support, Vanessa and I.


So even if you're listening to this and you're kind of interested, but you're not sure. Just reach out. We're happy to chat more with you. Answer any questions that you might have and hopefully get you signed up for the fall round. Of the harmony group coaching program. We can't wait to have you.


Yes, we would love to chat with you more and figure out if we're a good fit for you. I think that's it for the program, but next week, we're going to be back with one of our regular episodes. We're gonna look at drum roll. I, I feel like we, I wish our editor could add in a little drum role here.


Matt add a


we'll see. Yeah. We're talking about F factor F factor is a diet that has gotten a lot of press. You might have heard of a factor, the diet from a podcast called fed up. We're gonna give you the dietician's take on this diet and all of the juicy details because there's a lot, so we will see all next week.