Talking Trees with Davey Tree
Your trees and landscapes require year-round care, and The Davey Tree Expert Company is here to help provide you with expert advice. Join our professional Davey arborists and gardening-expert host Doug Oster to learn all about caring for your properties. We'll talk about introduced pests, seasonal tree care, tree diseases, arborists' favorite trees, how to help your trees thrive and everything in between. Tune in every Thursday because here at the Talking Trees Podcast, we know trees are the answer.
Talking Trees with Davey Tree
How to Plant Bare Root, B&B and Container Trees + Pros & Cons
Emily Mumford from Davey's South St. Paul office shares the scoop on bare root, balled and burlapped (B&B) and container trees, including the pros and cons of each and how to plant them effectively.
In this episode we cover:
- What are bare root trees? (:53)
- How to plant bare root trees (3:18) (4:42)
- What are container trees? (6:14)
- What to do if your container tree has girdling roots (7:21)
- Additional planting tips for container trees (11:10)
- Pros of B&B trees (12:54)
- Planting B&B trees (14:53) (15:31)
- How do you decide which of the three trees is best to plant? (16:06)
- Emily's career journey (17:42)
To find your local Davey office, check out our find a local office page to search by zip code.
To learn additional tree planting tips, read our blog, Tree Planting Guide: 3 Methods of Planting Trees or watch our two-part YouTube video series, How to Plant a Tree: Part 1 and How to Plant a Tree: Part 2.
Connect with Davey Tree on social media:
Twitter: @DaveyTree
Facebook: @DaveyTree
Instagram: @daveytree
YouTube: The Davey Tree Expert Company
LinkedIn: The Davey Tree Expert Company
Connect with Doug Oster at www.dougoster.com.
Have topics you'd like us to cover on the podcast? Email us at podcasts@davey.com. We want to hear from you!