Living the Reclaimed Life

Fifth Anniversary Episode ~ Your Reclaimed Story Team Pt.2 Ep. 119

Denisha Season 3 Episode 119

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We are celebrating our fifth anniversary as a ministry.  We thought it would be fun to introduce you to our team, many of whom serve behind the scenes.

In the last episode, you heard from Alicia and Nancy. Today, you'll hear from the rest of our team. They will share how they came to be a part of Reclaimed Story and their hearts for those on a healing journey. We hope that you will be personally encouraged as you hear from them. 

As a ministry, we are dedicated to seeing lives transformed. Over the past five years, we have witnessed the extraordinary power of Jesus and reclaiming hundreds of women's stories. Through Reclaimed Life Groups, one-on-one coaching, workshops, conferences, resources, podcasts, e-books, blogs, and stories of transformation, they have captured the attention and engagement of even more women on their healing journeys.

We believe that when one person finds hope and healing from their past, generations will be changed forever. We celebrate what the Lord has done over the past five years and look ahead to what he has yet to do. 

Here are two FREE Ebooks for you!
1. Shame Off You: 10 steps to shattering shame in your life,
2. ABC's:
CLICK HERE for a FREE E-book to help you combat lies and replace them with God's truth. For more encouragement, check out some of our offerings at

Did you know we have a jewelry line that speaks to your identity in Jesus?
CLICK HERE to shop. Every purchase helps support our mission to provide healing and hope to women worldwide.

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DONATE HERE. Living the Reclaimed Life is a Reclaimed Story, Inc. podcast, An Arizona non-profit corporation.

If you would like to connect with a safe group of women doing real-life together, join our private Facebook page,
“Living the Reclaimed Life” or on Facebook or Instagram

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[00:00:00] Denisha: This month, we are going to do something a little bit different in these episodes. [00:00:05] We are celebrating our fifth year anniversary as a ministry. Now [00:00:10] this podcast, Living the Reclaimed Life, is a ministry of reclaimed [00:00:15] story. So we thought it would be fun to introduce you to our team, many of which [00:00:20] serve behind the scenes.

So this is a fun opportunity for you to hear from them. [00:00:25] In the last episode, you heard from Alicia and Nancy. Well, today you're going to [00:00:30] hear from the rest of our team. They are going to share how they came to be a part of Reclaim Story, [00:00:35] what they do in their role, and their hearts for those on a healing journey.

We hope that you [00:00:40] will be personally encouraged as you hear from them. As a ministry, [00:00:45] we are dedicated to seeing lives transformed. Over the past five years, we have [00:00:50]had the privilege of witnessing the extraordinary power of Jesus and reclaiming [00:00:55] stories of hundreds of women. Through reclaimed life groups, one on one [00:01:00] coaching, workshops, conferences, resources, podcasts, e books, [00:01:05] blogs, and stories of transformation, they have captured the attention and the engagement [00:01:10] of even more women on their healing journeys.

And we believe that when [00:01:15] one person finds hope and healing from their past, that generations will be [00:01:20] changed forever. We celebrate what the Lord has done over the past five years [00:01:25] and look ahead to what he has yet to do. Valerie is [00:01:30] our Ministry and Content Coordinator, and she is going to kick off this episode [00:01:35] sharing how Facebook Marketplace, out of all the things, brought us [00:01:40] together in ministry.

Welcome to living the reclaim life podcast. [00:01:45] I'm Denisha. We're glad you're here for conversations that revive hope, [00:01:50] inspire healing, and encourage you to live a vibrant life with Christ. So grab [00:01:55] a cup of coffee as we chat with today's guest. [00:02:00] Facebook marketplace, Valerie. Yes. 

[00:02:03] Valerie: I think it's more than that [00:02:05] though.

I think it was seeing your name posting something and I was like, I know [00:02:10] her, but yes, you had posted on Facebook Marketplace that you [00:02:15] had a freshman biology book, something like that. And my [00:02:20] daughter was about to go to the school that needed it. And I was like, Denisha, I know her. I [00:02:25] haven't seen her around for a while.

And so, but it was 2020, [00:02:30] wasn't it? Yes. So we decided to meet at a [00:02:35] gas station parking lot. Wasn't that right? Yes. Yes. And I had [00:02:40] my kids in the car and they're like, Mom, where are we going? I'm like, we're just going to meet [00:02:45] a friend of mine to get a textbook. 

[00:02:48] Denisha: Buying some books [00:02:50] in the gas station parking 

[00:02:51] Valerie: lot.

Yeah. And so we started talking and [00:02:55] I think. I still thought you were a pastor at the church you were at. [00:03:00] And you said, well, actually, God's calling me to something else. And you started telling [00:03:05] me a little bit about it. And I think this was a month before I was [00:03:10]about to go into something God was calling me into, but the cool [00:03:15] thing was it both had to do with ministering to women.

So [00:03:20] God had, during COVID, when I was recovering from eye surgery, had [00:03:25]launched a ministry in my heart to minister to women with the truth of God's word and provide a [00:03:30] safe place for them to be real. And of all places on Facebook, which I [00:03:35] never thought he would have me do a ministry on Facebook, called Unveiled and free.

And I happened [00:03:40] to be on my way, I think, a month later after we met in the parking lot to [00:03:45] go be mentored by an author friend of mine of how to build your platform on [00:03:50]social media. And you're like, we need to talk when you get back. Is that how [00:03:55] it went? As you 

[00:03:55] Denisha: were learning all of those things for creating an online presence, [00:04:00] I remember you came back from that and taught me a lot of the tech.

Tech is not my gift. I mean, 

[00:04:04] Valerie: I [00:04:05] look at now what I do for Reclaim Story and I'm like, wow, I'm pretty impressed. I'm pretty impressed [00:04:10] with all the Tech, I do, but yeah, I learned how to do an email list, how to get [00:04:15] subscribers to an email list. And I think that's what you were like, okay, we need to learn this.

We need to [00:04:20] learn how to do this for reclaim story. And I was like, all right, I think we did it over zoom or [00:04:25] something like that. But yeah, I came back to kind of share with you about, you know, lead magnets and [00:04:30] email lists. And you started telling me more about Reclaim Story and I [00:04:35] think I was like the little kid on Christmas.

I was like, Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. When can I start? When can I [00:04:40] start? When can I jump in? Our 

[00:04:42] Denisha: hearts were so aligned with what God was leading us [00:04:45] to do. It was the perfect. intersection of Unveiled and Free and [00:04:50] Reclaimed Story, which I love collaboration. So that moment was fun. But [00:04:55] then I remember saying, I went to Nancy and I said, Nancy, I think we have our next team member, [00:05:00] but will you come and interview her with me?

So we went to coffee. Did you even know that [00:05:05] you were being interviewed? 

[00:05:06] Valerie: No, not at all. I'm serious. I think you're like, Hey, [00:05:10] let's get together and hear more of your story and more of your testimony. I think [00:05:15] you and I had met together first just to, you know, because we had known each other through our [00:05:20] kids, but we didn't really know each other.

And you told me your story. And I think you were like, well, [00:05:25] don't freak out. And I think you were quite encouraged that I just had a [00:05:30] heart for knowing women's stories and for knowing the truth and for really [00:05:35] building relationship on a deeper level. But yeah, when we met with Nancy, I [00:05:40] remember telling my story of some of the pain of my past and how God had [00:05:45] healed and got me through some of that.

And which is what led to my [00:05:50] heart for ministering to women. But no, I do not think it was an interview. I think I would have [00:05:55] been a lot. But I just thought, no, this is a great way of getting to know [00:06:00] these ladies in the ministry. 

[00:06:01] Denisha: Well, see, you started with me first. And then I went, [00:06:05] oh, there is something here.

And then I said, Nancy, we got to meet with Valerie. So we wanted you [00:06:10] natural. It was a social interview. Is that what they call it now? Social interview? I don't know. Probably. There you go. [00:06:15] There you go. Well, you passed. Yeah. Over the last couple of years. Oh my [00:06:20]goodness. There have been so many firsts and so many things that we've done numerous [00:06:25]times together.

We've done conferences, workshops, life groups, [00:06:30] podcasts, blogs. Out of all the things you do as the ministry and content [00:06:35] coordinator at Reclaim Story, what are your favorite things that you do? 

[00:06:39] Valerie: Oh, [00:06:40] that's a tough question. Well, I think I have to answer this with a little more [00:06:45] of a tell of how I got involved and what I got involved in is that I really [00:06:50] love everything that has to do with

I [00:06:55] think that's where I get to intersect my passions of [00:07:00] God's Word and teaching women God's Word, but also just being able to get to know women [00:07:05] on a deeper level. But I think I was one of the people that [00:07:10] kept asking from the beginning, Hey, when are we going to do in person stuff? When are we going to do in [00:07:15] person stuff?

And you were like, I don't know. in person, like this ministry, you thought, [00:07:20] okay, it's going to be online. It's going to blog and website and podcast. [00:07:25] But yeah, I think I was again, like, I think old commercial, the Mervyn's commercial where [00:07:30] the woman's tapping on the glass open, open, open, open, open. I was like, Danisha, when are we going to [00:07:35] do it in person, in person, in person?

But it was all part of God's plan and God's timing. That [00:07:40] is definitely one of the things I'm really passionate about. I love doing the coffee [00:07:45] chats or meeting one on one with women, mentoring, coaching, but especially the [00:07:50] life groups. I think that's where we've seen women really come [00:07:55] together and that heart of our ministry to build a safe community, a safe place where women can [00:08:00] heal.

So, yeah. But I like it all. I really do. You talk about the podcast. I'll never [00:08:05] forget when you, I think you texted me or emailed me, said, Hey, do you have time to do a podcast today? [00:08:10]And that was our first podcast together. Today. 

[00:08:13] Denisha: That's how far ahead my [00:08:15] planning was. What are you doing 

[00:08:16] Valerie: today? And look at us now.

So [00:08:20] yeah. 

[00:08:20] Denisha: That's hilarious. Yeah. I do remember that. Now I just have to give a shout out to our [00:08:25] zoom life groups too. Yes. Now I love zoom life groups. I love the [00:08:30] intimacy we can put together on there. I love women coming together in their [00:08:35] pajama pants and I think that is awesome. We have come. Probably in [00:08:40] contact with hundreds of women over the last few years in a very intimate level, whether it [00:08:45] be life groups or whether it be mentoring, coaching, prayer time.

[00:08:50] It has been an incredible adventure with God, that's for sure. What [00:08:55] is your hope for women that come in contact with Reclaim Story? [00:09:00]

[00:09:00] Valerie: I think my hope for the women that come into our ministry would be that [00:09:05] they could take off whatever mask they're wearing. One [00:09:10] of my heart is to help women know the truth [00:09:15] that can set them free from the lies they may be believing.

And that's one of the reasons [00:09:20] why God gave me the name of my online ministry and my devotion ministry Unveiled and [00:09:25] Free. That is when we are truly transformed, is when we can [00:09:30] take off the mask and allow ourselves to be who God created us [00:09:35] to be. And so that is my hope, that as women come to this ministry, that [00:09:40] they can truly find freedom, grace, a safe [00:09:45] place to take off the mask and be who God's created them to be.

And [00:09:50] A lot of the reasons why we aren't able to be who we've been created to [00:09:55] be is because of lies we've been believing because we don't know our true identity in Christ. [00:10:00]And so, yeah, that is my heart is just to be able to come alongside [00:10:05] women and just be with them and encourage them and cheerlead [00:10:10] them to truly live how God created them to be.

And I know that. For me, [00:10:15] you know, I grew up in a Christian home. I'm so thankful for that foundation, but it's really [00:10:20] in my thirties and forties, which we've talked about a lot of women start to, you know, [00:10:25] trip over things that they have been believing that aren't true or pain or hurts [00:10:30] they haven't healed from.

So yeah, my hope is that women will come be able to take off the mask [00:10:35] and find freedom and be who God created them to be. 

[00:10:39] Denisha: And that is what [00:10:40] we get to do together. Valerie, thank you so much for your heart, your passion to [00:10:45] come alongside women and help them to see that freedom. It's really a privilege to do this with [00:10:50] you.

[00:10:50] Valerie: Thank you. It's such an honor to serve with you and the Reclaim Story team. [00:10:55]

[00:10:55] Denisha: Well now allow us to introduce you to Jenny Johnson, our customer [00:11:00]experience coordinator. Jenny, we worked together [00:11:05] for a long time prior to Reclaim Story. How long did we work together? [00:11:10]

[00:11:10] ??: Well, I think you were not pregnant with Matt yet when we started working [00:11:15]together, so at least 12 years ago, 12 plus years ago.


[00:11:18] Denisha: that's so true. That's [00:11:20] so true. Oh, wow. Time flies when you're having fun. It does. [00:11:25] Now, you have led a women's Bible study in your home for over [00:11:30] 20 years. I have always really admired that about you because the consistency, [00:11:35] and it's so easy to like stop for the holidays and then break for five years.

But you've been so [00:11:40] consistent. What do you love about that? 

[00:11:42] ??: I think just, The variety of [00:11:45] women I've met, we have, our group has morphed and changed over the last 20 years. [00:11:50] We have women from all different churches, different [00:11:55] denominations, different ages. We have 19 year olds and we have almost 70 year olds.

[00:12:00] So it's just been really neat to see how they come, how God brings [00:12:05] each woman and what she needs and comes for is obviously from God. [00:12:10] So it's just been really neat to meet. A lot of different women and some of them have been [00:12:15] there the whole time and we have some that just started a month ago, but it's really [00:12:20] brings joy to me.

It's kind of the highlight of my week. 

[00:12:23] Denisha: I love that. And [00:12:25] one of the most endearing qualities that I love about you is your servant's heart. And [00:12:30] so the fact that you can open up your home each week consistently provide food, I can [00:12:35] barely provide food for like my family and not. Either run out or have too [00:12:40] much, all of that, just your servant's heart to love on these women is beautiful.

[00:12:44] ??: I [00:12:45] actually facilitate food. I don't cook food. Costco and I [00:12:50]facilitate. I have like four things I can make. The rest of it I just [00:12:55] buy and put out and make it look like it was mine. 

[00:12:57] Denisha: But it looks so good. You've had salad bars, [00:13:00] potato bars. I just love that. You've done that so many times for Reclaim Story too.[00:13:05]

Offices are about 700 square feet. We have a 400 square foot office [00:13:10] and a 300 square foot office. And let's just say not a whole lot of women fit in here. So we [00:13:15] go to Jenny's house because she definitely has a beautiful home and the space [00:13:20] and the ability to put out amazing food. You and Costco do well.

Facilitate. Well, your heart for women, [00:13:25] Jenny, is so evident. And your role with Reclaim Story has definitely expanded over the [00:13:30] years. Tell us a little bit about what you do at Reclaim Story. Well, 

[00:13:33] ??: I'd say my biggest [00:13:35] job is just keeping track of all the jewelry, the sales, the displays, [00:13:40] inventory, pricing, that kind of thing.

But I do pretty much anything [00:13:45] that's needed. I'll clean up the office or run errands or [00:13:50] Just a 

[00:13:50] Nancy: little bit of everything. You 

[00:13:52] Denisha: do, you really do. Speaking of [00:13:55] displays, we had my daughter when she was about 10, 11 years old started a little [00:14:00] jewelry business. You guys, I'm telling you all I know is jewelry and Jesus.

That's what I've got in life, and I [00:14:05] think that's pretty good. Yeah, but Bethany started a jewelry business when she was about [00:14:10] 11, 10, 11 years old. 

[00:14:11] ??: I remember her having Shows and going to those I've bought jewelry [00:14:15] from 

[00:14:15] Denisha: her. Yeah, she had really cute stuff And she used these black velvet displays [00:14:20] that I think we got for five dollars at a garage sale and guys We have been using [00:14:25]those displays for the last four years now since we've had jewelry Well, we had jewelry the first year so [00:14:30] almost going on five years and we've been using these black velvet displays So tell us [00:14:35] about our new ones because I was pretty excited about those Yes, 

[00:14:38] ??: we sat down you and Nancy and I sat [00:14:40] down and we ordered Some beautiful wood displays, bowls, [00:14:45] trays.

So our jewelry is looking quite spiffy right now. So we're pretty excited [00:14:50] about it. 

[00:14:51] Denisha: We've graduated from the black velvet. Yes. 

[00:14:53] ??: It looks so nice. And I [00:14:55] think it'll be easier to travel with it. So yes, that's 

[00:14:57] Denisha: a good thing. For sure. What's your [00:15:00] favorite thing about leading the jewelry ministry here? I 

[00:15:03] ??: think going to [00:15:05] events and meeting all the women that come to the events, just getting a chance, it's amazing what [00:15:10] women all share.

Just standing there talking about jewelry and. You [00:15:15] know, perhaps why they're buying a certain piece or bought a piece for somebody else or just what's [00:15:20] going on in their life. And that's my favorite part. I'm a people person. So I love [00:15:25] talking to women and meeting new women. And that's probably my favorite part.[00:15:30]

[00:15:30] Denisha: Those events are really fun. We've had a lot of fun. Yes. Yes. So [00:15:35] when it comes to women and ministry to women, what are you most passionate about, Jenny? [00:15:40]

[00:15:40] ??: I think seeing women find freedom from Shame and guilt [00:15:45] knowing they're not alone and what they're struggling with that There's other women [00:15:50] out there who are struggling with the same thing.

I think One of the most powerful things I ever [00:15:55] saw that Reclaim Story was involved in was that scene known loved When [00:16:00] at the end they had women stand up not speaking at all but just stand up and [00:16:05] acknowledge that they were struggling with a certain issue or problem in their life and [00:16:10] In a room full of 250 women, they felt safe enough to stand up and say they were [00:16:15] struggling with alcohol or they were struggling with, you know, marriage [00:16:20]issues or anything like that and just to have them feel safe enough.

I think we [00:16:25] offer a place where women can feel safe and share. what's going [00:16:30] on and start their healing and that's amazing to 

[00:16:33] Nancy: me. 

[00:16:34] Denisha: I [00:16:35] think that's one of my favorite things too. We have these serious parts of the ministry where we get [00:16:40] to sit in the pit with women. We get to meet them where they are like you mentioned.

That was I think [00:16:45] one of my favorite moments too at Seeing Known Loved. In our offices [00:16:50] there is a game that you play. There is. There is. Would you say it's more [00:16:55] like Tetris or Jenga? 

[00:16:56] ??: Well, I've never played Tetris, but I hear people say that all the time. [00:17:00] Finding places for things in our office is exciting, to say the least.[00:17:05]

We have a small space and lots of stuff. 

[00:17:08] Denisha: So. Yes, we do. We [00:17:10] have. Four desks, four people who work out of a 400 square foot office [00:17:15] and included in that is an international jewelry ministry that [00:17:20] Jenny leads in about, what would you say, eight feet by seven feet? 

[00:17:23] ??: Something like that. If you [00:17:25] open a cupboard, you're likely to have something fall on your head.

Or into your [00:17:30] hands or something, be ready to catch. 

[00:17:32] Denisha: I've never had that happen, so apparently [00:17:35] you're really good at Tetris. 

[00:17:36] ??: Well, Nancy and I went in together a while [00:17:40] back and did a little cleaning up, so it's, it's better than it was. 

[00:17:44] Denisha: [00:17:45] Poor Jenny. I think every time she comes in, we shove a ton of stuff on her desk and then she has to clean it all [00:17:50] off and put it away.

And then when she comes back and there's more, it's like dishes at home. It just keeps 

[00:17:54] ??: coming. [00:17:55] Yeah. It's never ending. 

[00:17:57] Denisha: And Jenny, you're the one that writes the [00:18:00] handwritten notes with each piece of jewelry that we ship out. And what do you [00:18:05] do with that? When you, so say someone buys a hope necklace, what would [00:18:10] you say in that handwritten note?

[00:18:12] ??: Probably just, you know, that you could. [00:18:15] Find hope in Jesus wearing this necklace. It depends on if I know the person or not or [00:18:20] why they're buying it or who they're buying it for and just Try to give [00:18:25] some, some meaning and some background behind why we have that [00:18:30] necklace so that they 

[00:18:31] Nancy: can share in 

[00:18:32] Denisha: that. I think that's such a personal touch [00:18:35] as they open the package, whether it was shipped from a family member, loved one, or [00:18:40] just they bought it personally.

We've shipped to some pretty incredible places. We've shipped out of the [00:18:45] country. We've shipped to hospitals, we've shipped to all sorts of different places. It's [00:18:50] been really, really interesting. You kind of wonder, how did God help that person to find [00:18:55] us? So it's, it's been a, been a neat experience as we confirm who [00:19:00] did we ship to this week?

[00:19:01] ??: And who knows them? Because a lot of times none of us know who it is and it's [00:19:05] just been someone that's been on our website and seen us. So it's [00:19:10] exciting. We're reaching lots of people. 

[00:19:11] Denisha: We are. It has been fun. It's been terrifying at [00:19:15] times, but it has definitely been fun. Lots of 

[00:19:17] ??: laughter and some tears too, but lots [00:19:20] of laughter for sure.

[00:19:21] Denisha: Well, we gotta laugh, right? Yeah. [00:19:25] Isn't there a passage that says, and he sits in the heavens and he laughs. Yeah. I think [00:19:30] he's laughing at my plans, but yeah. Probably. Oh, well, [00:19:35] Jenny, we appreciate you. So much. I hope you guys have enjoyed getting to know a little bit about [00:19:40] Jenny Johnson today and another gal who brings us so much [00:19:45] laughter.

To reclaim story is Lori Rogers. Lori, I am so happy to have you. [00:19:50] This is your first time on the podcast? Yes, 

[00:19:52] Nancy: it's my first time, so [00:19:55] let's have. It 

[00:19:55] Denisha: will be for sure. Lori, you are the Director of Leadership [00:20:00] Development for Reclaim Story. And tell us a little bit about your work history. Let's get to know you a [00:20:05]little bit.

[00:20:06] Nancy: So, I've had many jobs in my lifetime, but, well, [00:20:10] including owning a business for many years. And then I ended up in [00:20:15] ministry and what's interesting is that pretty much every job I've ever [00:20:20] had, especially in ministry, the Lord is the one that set that up. [00:20:25] So I went on staff at a church and worked there for 19 years, including [00:20:30] as a pastor for part of that time and ended up in many leadership 

[00:20:34] Denisha: [00:20:35] roles.

Yes, you did. I remember in 2018, [00:20:40] you decided to retire. And I had the responsibility to step [00:20:45] into your shoes in adult ministry. You said you had many leadership roles. I remember your [00:20:50] retirement party. You had all these different hats that ladies had brought you to [00:20:55]show all the different roles that you had had.

And I remember sitting in the audience and thinking. Oh my [00:21:00] goodness, do I have to wear all of these hats? How am I going to fill Lori's shoes? 

[00:21:04] Nancy: [00:21:05] Well, I couldn't even believe I wore all those hats. The interesting thing about working at [00:21:10] a church is that most people have an idea what they think that is like.

And it's [00:21:15] probably not like that at all. You will find yourself doing. All [00:21:20] sorts of things, including many administrative things, many crafty things, but [00:21:25] you know, working with the people in the ministry, all of it together requires a lot of [00:21:30] different hats. 

[00:21:30] Denisha: With Reclaim Story, you're the Director of Leadership Development.

Tell us a little bit more about [00:21:35] what you do with Reclaim Story. 

[00:21:37] Nancy: So, that's really fun. Reclaim [00:21:40] Story is still a fairly young organization, and so [00:21:45] with the team members right now, five, I spend [00:21:50] time with them in developing the leadership roles, which you have to do [00:21:55] in a young organization. Everybody has to continue to grow and take [00:22:00] on the responsibilities that come and to learn how to handle all those things, and [00:22:05] to guide your vision, and just know where you want to go.

[00:22:10] And on top of that, then you have a, another layer of all your [00:22:15] wonderful volunteers that are leaders. And so grooming those [00:22:20] teams, which I'm hoping to do more of this next year, as they continue their [00:22:25] ministering, the things that they do, it's just super fun. 

[00:22:28] Denisha: Your passion for [00:22:30] leadership is so evident. Now, I remember you saying that out of all the things that [00:22:35] you had thrown away over the years, what did you intentionally keep?

[00:22:39] Nancy: [00:22:40] Oh, well, that's pretty funny because, yes, over the last few years, boy, I have been [00:22:45] doing one big fat cleanup. But one of the things I kept looking at, [00:22:50] as you said earlier, I retired from my job at the time, a few years [00:22:55] ago. And I have all these leadership books and ones that [00:23:00] I've read and ones that we went through as groups and one, you know, all different types from the [00:23:05] leadership conferences.

There's so many and I just couldn't part [00:23:10] with them. And I kept thinking, I'm not going to use those ever. I don't know why I need them, but I just. Put [00:23:15] them back on the shelf. And there they were just waiting for me. [00:23:20]

[00:23:20] Denisha: That to me, I'm like, I'm so glad you kept those books because God was not [00:23:25] done with you leading other leaders.

That's for sure. So I'm [00:23:30] curious as a leader of leaders, what are three qualities that you think every leader should have? [00:23:35]

[00:23:36] Nancy: Well, there's a Lencioni book called The [00:23:40] Ideal Team Player, and I think this one says it the most [00:23:45] concisely. I would like each team member, each [00:23:50] leader, to be hungry. They want to really have that drive to [00:23:55] go after what the Lord has called them to.

To be humble in our [00:24:00] spirits as the Lord has us. And as we become more like [00:24:05]him, we become that beautiful, [00:24:10] That is not there for their own satisfaction [00:24:15] or arrogance, and smart. And we want people that [00:24:20] really are great for the positions. And when I say smart, I mean in a [00:24:25] really broad term. It doesn't mean that they have to have six degrees.

It's not like that. [00:24:30] To have some wisdom and discernment and good people sense. That's what I [00:24:35] mean by smart. So 

[00:24:36] Denisha: hungry, humble, and smart. Correct. That [00:24:40] is awesome. Well, in addition to leading a lot of leaders [00:24:45] around here, you are currently leading a life group of women walking through a new song [00:24:50] course by Susan Habegger.

What have you noticed happens when you create a safe [00:24:55] place for women to share? 

[00:24:56] Nancy: Well, this has been a really [00:25:00] super group and we do have a lot of fun times in it, even though [00:25:05] the subject can be a little difficult. But one of the things that [00:25:10] I have learned leading many groups for many years, and it all has that [00:25:15] same dynamic, is that when you get in there, you get with a group, [00:25:20] one that's going to meet for five, ten weeks, maybe longer.

[00:25:25] It starts out with everybody sort of a little bit on guard, maybe testing each other [00:25:30]out and bringing themselves and really wanting to be there, but a little bit not sure. [00:25:35] But Each week as you come and that place [00:25:40] continues to be safe, then each lady gets more comfortable and [00:25:45] starts opening up and sharing and making connection with each [00:25:50]other and loving on each other and then truly just [00:25:55] can't wait to get back to the group each week to be with each other.

[00:25:59] Denisha: It's [00:26:00] so neat to watch that vulnerability. It feels like when one woman is [00:26:05] vulnerable, it gives everybody else permission in the group to do the same. Yes, it's 

[00:26:08] Nancy: very true. [00:26:10] Anytime somebody shares from their heart, it draws everybody else's heart in too. And then they [00:26:15] feel a little more courage to be able to share what they need to share because people come in [00:26:20] with things on their heart and some people are a little freer and you get in there, but I just watch [00:26:25] it.

Each week chip away and then everybody just [00:26:30] loves to come and be there and be more honest and be able to be themselves. It's [00:26:35] super fun to watch. 

[00:26:37] Denisha: What is your hope for your ladies? 

[00:26:39] Nancy: Well, [00:26:40] I always hope, and especially for this group, that as you [00:26:45] go along, And you do the work and it doesn't mean, you know, sometimes [00:26:50] we get busy and we miss some of the material each week, but you still continue [00:26:55] on, you get back into it, and by the end of it, that you are [00:27:00] further along than when you came in, that you're feeling a little safer, a [00:27:05] little more In the direction of healing, just a little more peaceful, a [00:27:10] little less anxiety that you have moved forward and that you can look [00:27:15]back and see it and say, I have moved forward from where I was [00:27:20] and now I'm here and I can see that I can continue to go forward [00:27:25] that you can really see the reality of that.


[00:27:28] Denisha: I love your heart and I thank you [00:27:30] for all of your leadership and wisdom for this ministry. It is a blessing to work [00:27:35] with you again. 

[00:27:35] Nancy: Oh, I am just enjoying it so much. What a blessing for [00:27:40] me. Thank you, Denisha. 

[00:27:41] Denisha: Well, with all of this going on and a ministry [00:27:45] that was once a blog is now this fast paced ministry.

We needed some strong [00:27:50] administrative support. So allow me to introduce you to the newest member of our [00:27:55] team. Elizabeth James. Welcome, Elizabeth. 

[00:27:59] ????: I'm glad to be [00:28:00] here, Denisha. 

[00:28:01] Nancy: This 

[00:28:01] Denisha: is your first time on the podcast. 

[00:28:03] ????: It is my first time. [00:28:05] It's my first time on a podcast. 

[00:28:08] Denisha: Yay, you. I'm very excited to [00:28:10] have you.

This is going to be fun. We're going to tell about how you saved me [00:28:15] before I even knew that I needed saving recently. But let's go back a little bit more. [00:28:20] Share a little bit about your work history before coming to Reclaim Story. 

[00:28:23] ????: Okay, [00:28:25] so I have about Well, a little over 30 years of administrative background.

[00:28:30] I started as a receptionist and moved up into [00:28:35] supporting several high level leadership in a corporate company here in [00:28:40] Tucson. And I've worked in corporate, in education, in non [00:28:45] profit. And now for the last almost four years, I've worked as a contractor for a local [00:28:50] company. And so I have a wide variety of administrative [00:28:55] experience.

[00:28:55] Denisha: Yes, you do. And we are so thankful for those experiences that you're [00:29:00]bringing here to now we met. How long has it been? Maybe 17 years. [00:29:05]

[00:29:05] ????: Yes, it would be 

[00:29:06] Nancy: 17 years. 17 

[00:29:08] Denisha: years ago, our kids attended the [00:29:10] same preschool and elementary school together. They did. Oh. They [00:29:15] did. I remember when I was in the car line this year and I was about to pick [00:29:20] up my son and I was overwhelmed with things I needed to do, like to the point of [00:29:25] almost tears just thinking I have so much to do, not enough time, and I couldn't [00:29:30] shake your name.

In my mind for like a few days, I knew you had just moved back, you know, to [00:29:35] this area and your name kept popping up in my head. So I thought I'm going to pick up the phone and just [00:29:40] call you and see, you know, what's going on with you. And are you interested in getting involved, you [00:29:45] know, jumping into this, you know, with us as an administrative assistant.

And when I called [00:29:50] you, I was very surprised at what you told me that God had put in your heart as well. 

[00:29:54] ????: [00:29:55] So I think for me, well, first, when you called, I remember your name coming up on my screen, I was in the [00:30:00] car with my daughter driving somewhere, and there was that momentary, like, okay, [00:30:05] well, I haven't heard from Denisha, and it had been quite a year for you, and so I was like, okay, what's going on?[00:30:10]

And when I picked up, you know, we chatted and you kind of told me what you were looking for, but I think for [00:30:15] me, women's ministry or women for many years, at least into my adult life, have[00:30:20] always just been my heart. And I had followed reclaim for quite a while. [00:30:25] And so I wanted to get back to being able to help in a different way than I was helping in Let's [00:30:30] say my normal job in some way to give back and be involved in something.

And I just [00:30:35] love that reclaim was a women's focused ministry. Not that there's not men, but just that there's a [00:30:40] component there to helping women. 

[00:30:42] Denisha: And what is your role with reclaim story? 

[00:30:44] ????: [00:30:45] So I am the administrative assistant right now to Denisha. I've been tagged to [00:30:50] help her. And it was just to bring in, to take things off your plate, [00:30:55] that I could help you so that you could focus on the bigger picture in the ministry [00:31:00] going forward and to grow the ministry so that we can help more women.

[00:31:03] Denisha: feel like I've given you some [00:31:05] crazy projects since you started. What's the craziest thing you've done so far? 

[00:31:08] ????: So two [00:31:10] of the projects, I actually just remember another one, were two things that I don't really have a lot of experience in [00:31:15] either one. So one is making updates to the website, which thankfully I did not have to do there.[00:31:20]

We have somebody that does that, but just coordinating that. But probably the craziest has [00:31:25]been launching our jewelry onto Facebook and [00:31:30] Instagram. And I had no prior experience to that. Not a lot of social media prior [00:31:35] experience. So it's taken a little bit of time. But I've figured it out and [00:31:40] we're getting there.

And we are launched at least on Facebook as of this week. [00:31:45] And it's that thing of not knowing something and not being willing to give it up. So there were a lot of [00:31:50] nights that we joke about, about Googling things and learning how to do things via Google. [00:31:55] As my daughter says, what did you do before Google?

[00:31:58] Valerie: Right. 

[00:31:59] Denisha: Well, and [00:32:00] welcome to this ministry because none of us have a tech background. Right. So Googling it [00:32:05] is exactly what we do to figure out how to do things. But you've done an amazing job [00:32:10] and have taken a ton off of my plate, which I really appreciate. But it is also really [00:32:15] fun just working with you and getting to touch base.

And I kind of throw a pile at you and then [00:32:20] you take off for a month. And then we come back together a couple of weeks or a week or, and then we come [00:32:25] back together to talk about how everything went. And then you get another, another pile of stuff on your desk. [00:32:30] So super appreciate you and just the willingness to jump into this [00:32:35] adventure.

Well, as you say, you're passionate about women's ministry. What are you passionate about when it comes to women [00:32:40] experiencing at reclaim story? 

[00:32:42] ????: I think my biggest thing, I guess, in just a [00:32:45] personal sense and some stuff I've experienced in the last few years is just [00:32:50] wanting women to be free from past trauma and that can look different [00:32:55] for all of us, free from hurts and just being able to live life to the fullest and [00:33:00] not where I've struggled not living in the past, being able to just move forward.

And [00:33:05] yes, we always have bumps in life, but just being able to just Live life [00:33:10] and, and not, not be hung up on so much of the things or, [00:33:15] or heal from those things, I should say, you know, to just heal from things that have happened to us [00:33:20] from childhood through adulthood.

[00:33:22] Denisha: And that is the reason that [00:33:25] Reclaim Story.

comes in every day is to help women do exactly that. [00:33:30] Elizabeth, welcome to the team. You are our newest addition and we are so thankful for you. Thank you 

[00:33:34] Nancy: so 

[00:33:34] ????: much. [00:33:35] I'm excited. I'm excited to be more involved. 

[00:33:37] Nancy: This 

[00:33:37] Denisha: is going to be a fun year. [00:33:40] Well, this wraps up our anniversary episode, our Fifth year anniversary.

[00:33:45] So thank you so much for joining us. We hope you got to know our team a little bit better and a little [00:33:50] bit more of the heart behind this ministry and how we can serve you and those that you [00:33:55] love. So thank you so much for joining us and we will see you same time, same place [00:34:00] in two weeks. Thanks for listening.

I pray you found hope in today's [00:34:05] conversation and maybe even feel a little less alone in your story. Stay [00:34:10] connected with us on Facebook and Instagram at Reclaimed Story. Want to [00:34:15] learn more about living a reclaimed life and how you can be a part of our growing community of [00:34:20] reclaimers? Check out our website at reclaimedstory.

com. All of those [00:34:25] links and more will be in the show notes. And if you enjoyed this inspirational podcast, [00:34:30] be sure to subscribe, rate, and review. Not only will you be the first [00:34:35] one to know when new content comes out, but it is also a huge help in helping us [00:34:40] reach more people to live the reclaimed life.