Living the Reclaimed Life

Women Of The Bible: From Pain To Purpose ~ Valerie McMahon Ep. 131

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Have you ever felt alone? Wondering if you are the only one walking through life’s challenges?

The truth is that although the details of your particular story are unique, the emotions, hurt, pain, suffering, and loss in our stories are something we can all relate to. Even the women in Jesus’ day experienced what we, as women, experience today.

Over the next two episodes, we will look at Reclaimed Stories in the Bible; as we dive into their stories, let their faith encourage you in your life’s challenges.

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[00:00:00] Denisha: Have you ever felt alone, wondering if you're the only one walking [00:00:05]through life's challenges? The truth is that although the details of your [00:00:10] particular story are unique, the emotions, hurt, pain, suffering, and [00:00:15] loss in our stories are something we can all relate to. Even the women [00:00:20] in Jesus's day experienced what we as women experienced.[00:00:25]

Over the next two episodes, we're going to look at Reclaim Stories in the Bible, [00:00:30] and as we dive into their stories, we pray that their faith [00:00:35] encourages you in your life's challenges. Before we get started, our [00:00:40] passion at Reclaim Stories is to help you heal from the pain of your past so that your story [00:00:45] becomes your strength.

In a hustle culture, we tend to stuff our pain and [00:00:50] move on to the next thing that life throws at us. But what if? There was a safe [00:00:55] place to work through the pain and disappointments that life has thrown your [00:01:00] way. I want to invite you to join us for reclaimed life group. [00:01:05] These 12 week intensive online small groups are led by qualified [00:01:10] Professionals where you will be with other women healing together in community So [00:01:15] if you're ready to begin or continue your healing journey join us on our website By going to [00:01:20] our website at reclaim story.

com, click on the blue button, fill out the [00:01:25] interest form, and we'll be sure to get right back with you. We hope you'll join us on the [00:01:30] journey of healing starting this August. In the meantime, today, let's [00:01:35] talk about women of the Bible. and their reclaimed stories. [00:01:40] Welcome to living the reclaim life podcast.

I'm Denisha. We're glad you're here for [00:01:45] conversations that revive hope, inspire healing, and encourage you to live a vibrant [00:01:50] life with Christ. So grab a cup of coffee as we chat with today's guest.[00:01:55]

Last month, we talked [00:02:00] about tips for reading your Bible and we had Keith Farrin, your [00:02:05] Bible coach on the podcast. He did such an amazing job at giving us tips on [00:02:10] how to read our Bible and helping us go from I should to I want to read my [00:02:15] Bible. Well, guys, today, Valerie and I are going to pick up from that theme of how to read [00:02:20] our Bible.

And for the month of July, we're going to be talking about women of the Bible. The Bible. So [00:02:25] we're really excited about that. And today, Valerie is going to share with us about a [00:02:30] specific reclaimed story of a woman in the Bible, which happens to be one of my [00:02:35] favorites as well. Applying what we learned last month from Keith about reading the [00:02:40] Bible relationally and not just informationally.

I think we're going to be able to see how [00:02:45] Jesus interacted and related to the woman of the Bible that we're going to talk about [00:02:50] today in the same ways he wants to interact and relate to us. So Valerie, I am [00:02:55] so excited to do this. We haven't done an episode in a while together. 

[00:02:58] Valerie: I know. I was very [00:03:00] excited about this, but also it's going to be so good.

And that is so my hope. You just mentioned, [00:03:05] Danisha, about being able to relate to the stories in the Bible. And I [00:03:10] think it is so important because The Bible was written a long time ago, and [00:03:15] sometimes we can feel like, but is my story, does my story [00:03:20] matter? And we're going to see that today. And I am going to share a [00:03:25] lot about my story and why the Bleeding Woman story And I think that's what resonates with [00:03:30] me so much because Denise, there was a period of time that [00:03:35] I went through a lot of struggle and it was a long struggle.

And we're going to dig into our [00:03:40] story a little bit more, but my hope is that in reading about Jesus encounter [00:03:45] with this woman and the transformation that came after her encounter with [00:03:50] Jesus, that that's going to bring hope to the women listening because it brought [00:03:55]hope to my story. 

[00:03:56] Denisha: Valerie, why don't you walk us through the story of the bleeding woman and [00:04:00] how it encouraged you when you were going through that hard time?

[00:04:05] Sure. 

[00:04:05] Valerie: Well, there was a period of several years where [00:04:10] I was so desperate for answers and maybe you all can [00:04:15] relate. Maybe you're sitting there right now waiting for a diagnosis or. [00:04:20] Waiting for a relationship to be reconciled, maybe you're waiting for your [00:04:25] financial situation to improve or for that prodigal child to come home.

[00:04:30] I was dealing, Danisha, with unexplained health issues and it [00:04:35] produced a lot of fear and weariness. I was spending so much time [00:04:40] going from doctor to doctor, spending money, trying different [00:04:45] It was so frustrating because I still had no answers. And honestly, there was not much [00:04:50] relief. And I even felt like sometimes it was getting worse.

And [00:04:55] I remember during this season of struggle, opening my [00:05:00] Bible and reading the story of the bleeding woman. And I want to take us to [00:05:05] Mark chapter five. It's also in Luke, but in the gospel of Mark chapter five, [00:05:10] we start reading her story. And you know what, Denisha, this is why I could relate. She was a [00:05:15] woman.

Desperate for answers. And this is what it says. It says a [00:05:20] woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years [00:05:25] and she had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she [00:05:30] had yet instead of getting better, she grew worse. Right there was the point of [00:05:35] connection for me.

And we talk about this even at reclaim story with our stories of transformation, which [00:05:40] are so powerful. We can read another woman's story and we may think, wow, my [00:05:45]circumstances. aren't the same, but we can relate to what's [00:05:50] behind the circumstances, what we go through in the middle of those circumstances.

We can relate to [00:05:55] desperation. We can relate to weariness. We can relate to [00:06:00]isolation. You know, this woman was isolated for 12 years [00:06:05] because in that time, Anytime a woman bleeding, they had [00:06:10] to be isolated. They were considered unclean. So imagine this [00:06:15] woman's desperation of 12 years of unexplained bleeding, feeling isolated [00:06:20] from society, from community, Denisha, from fellowship, from [00:06:25] just belonging.

And honestly, for me, it was a period of 10 years for [00:06:30] me where I just had unexplained health issues that were triggered in my third [00:06:35] pregnancy and I was triggered by noise. So imagine like going to church [00:06:40] and you know, I still get emotional about it because one of my favorite ways of connecting with God is [00:06:45] worship.

And so loud noise. I'm going [00:06:50] to go to church for like 20 minutes and then had [00:06:55] to go home and just crash. So I really relate to this woman of feeling like [00:07:00] nobody understands what I'm going through. Nobody knows what I'm going through. There's [00:07:05] so 

[00:07:05] Denisha: many things in there that you said that I can really relate to also without having 10 [00:07:10] years of health issues, but so many other things as well.

The isolation piece, the, I [00:07:15] mean, I can't imagine not being touched, not since she spent all she had. So she didn't [00:07:20] have money, but then she encounters. Jesus. 

[00:07:24] Valerie: Yes. And [00:07:25] we continue reading in the text in Mark 5, 27, it says when [00:07:30] she heard about Jesus and Denisha, you have some [00:07:35] wonderful facts to include that help us, right?

Understand the context here. [00:07:40] Jesus had been traveling for a while and preaching and doing miracles. So she heard about [00:07:45] Jesus, but she wasn't right there with him. 

[00:07:49] Denisha: She was [00:07:50] 30 miles away where she lived and where Jesus was was 30 [00:07:55] miles and that's not like Remember she had no money. Yeah, it's not she couldn't go get an uber [00:08:00] or a donkey at the time or a cart She couldn't buy [00:08:05] transportation to help her get there.

So she had 30 miles to go Just 

[00:08:08] Valerie: imagine [00:08:10] traveling that distance, being as sick as she was, but this is what I love [00:08:15] about this verse. It says, when she heard about Jesus, and of course, when she saw him, she [00:08:20] came up behind him. And this is what I love is that it is [00:08:25] such a great example. Of what it looks like to have faith, [00:08:30] even in desperation, it is so hard when you just feel like, [00:08:35] literally like I've tried everything.

What is going to make the difference? But [00:08:40] she took the risk. And I think about faith, like really [00:08:45] faith is risk, right? We are trusting in something that we [00:08:50] cannot see. I've never considered myself a person that takes a lot of risk, but [00:08:55] if you're a believer, like faith is risky. She was choosing to put her faith in [00:09:00] what she had heard about this man.

And so I love that verse that with the last remnant [00:09:05] of faith she had, she came out of where she was [00:09:10] and she pushed her way through this crowd. I mean, right. Jesus always had people [00:09:15] around him, like bumping up against him. And she. I thought if [00:09:20] I just touch his clothes, not even speak to him, but just [00:09:25] touch the hem of his garment, I will be healed.

[00:09:30] The faith she had of believing that she will be healed. But you know, [00:09:35] Denisha, I know that I've sat with these questions and maybe our [00:09:40] listeners are having the same question, but what if I'm struggling to [00:09:45] even reach out to even have, like, Even that little bit of faith [00:09:50] to even try again. Like what if I have that faith [00:09:55] and my situation still doesn't change.

Sometimes I ask yourself, like, what is keeping me [00:10:00] from reaching out? And maybe you guys have had these [00:10:05] questions sitting in your desperate situations. I know I have those 10 years. I [00:10:10] asked, okay, I've tried everything. How will this be different? [00:10:15] What if nothing changes? Or how about this? Everybody else in my [00:10:20] life has let me down.

How is Jesus going to be different? And does [00:10:25] God even care about me? Right? Does God even see me? I don't know about you, [00:10:30] Denisha, but I know I have had those questions. I still have those questions even now sometimes. [00:10:35]

[00:10:35] Denisha: I think that's so true. And in the isolation, in the lies that [00:10:40] can creep in, in isolation also, those things can keep us from reaching [00:10:45] out to Jesus.

And one of the things I think about in that is shame. Yes. [00:10:50] Right. The voice of shame says there's something wrong with me. Like I [00:10:55] am unclean. I am unwanted. That's what shame says to us where [00:11:00] really it's, here's our situation, but shame turns it on. This is who you are. [00:11:05] Yeah. And we start to think, well, what did I do to deserve this?

And perhaps this woman was [00:11:10] thinking the same things. Yeah. But there's a scripture in Hebrews. I love that shatters [00:11:15] shame and gives us the courage to reach out to him. Just like we'll see this woman [00:11:20] do. And it's Hebrews four 16. It says, let us then approach God's throne of grace [00:11:25] with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us [00:11:30] in our time of need.

That's what she did. She approached Jesus himself [00:11:35] and she had confidence. If I just do this. I will be healed. 

[00:11:39] Valerie: Yeah. [00:11:40] I have come to that verse so many times in my life and not only [00:11:45] in desperate situations of wanting an answer, but in my sin, right? Like [00:11:50] sin can make us feel so ashamed, but God is saying, come, come to [00:11:55] my throne of grace.

and forgiveness and mercy, and you will [00:12:00] find what you need. And if we look at the verse right above that Hebrews four [00:12:05] 15, it says this, we do not have a high priest. And that's [00:12:10] referring to Jesus who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we [00:12:15] have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are yet did not sin.[00:12:20]

What I love about. Reading those verses together is that we can take [00:12:25] comfort in knowing that Jesus understands. [00:12:30] Denise, I just recently have been watching The Chosen and then my daughter and I just saw the [00:12:35] first ever Jesus movie completely in ASL for the deaf [00:12:40] community. And I was just reminded again of watching Jesus suffer, [00:12:45] right?

And being in the garden and asking, God, father, take this cup of [00:12:50] suffering from me and watching him be whipped and beaten and taken to the cross. [00:12:55] Jesus knows suffering like this woman, even in [00:13:00] isolation and desperation. We know we have. A God that [00:13:05]understands. Mark 5, 27 through 29, when she heard about Jesus, she [00:13:10] came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak because she thought, here's that faith [00:13:15] again, if I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.

And [00:13:20] immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that [00:13:25] she was freed from her suffering. Can you imagine how she felt [00:13:30] after 12 years. 

[00:13:32] Denisha: Well, it's the definition of reclaimed, [00:13:35] right? She was rescued and restored, rescued from an undesirable state, [00:13:40] which was the state of bleeding for 12 years and restored to health.

So [00:13:45] this was the moment that her story was 

[00:13:46] Valerie: reclaimed. Yeah. Amen. Yes. [00:13:50] And her healing was the beginning of a new story. But I [00:13:55] love this part of the story that she could have just slipped away, right? You know how [00:14:00] many times, right? We just want the results. Okay. Thank you. I'm good. She could have just slipped [00:14:05] away.

I'm healed. She noticed something completely different and like go about her life. But you [00:14:10]guys, Jesus wanted more. to give her a new [00:14:15] identity. You see the scripture, right? We call her the bleeding woman for a [00:14:20] reason. Scripture does not mention her name. You know, in your Bible, if you read the headings before [00:14:25] different paragraphs, it says story of the bleeding woman.

And I don't know about you, Daneisha. I don't think I [00:14:30] would want to be known by that. And you know, that speaks to how we can [00:14:35] relate, right? That sometimes we allow Our past to define us. [00:14:40] It is so true. And to think about how, you know, she was defined all those years [00:14:45] by that. And isn't that true ladies that we can feel like sometimes [00:14:50] our past defines us.

So this is what I love. Jesus felt [00:14:55] power. Go from him. And he started asking, well, who touched me? [00:15:00] I love his disciples. Lord, everybody's touching you. You're in a crowd, [00:15:05] Jesus. Come on. What do you mean? Who touched you? But he asked, he said, no, [00:15:10] somebody touched me. He is such a relational God. He wanted [00:15:15] relationship with this woman.

He wanted her to know. That she belonged [00:15:20] and she came out trembling. I mean, I could imagine here. Jesus says who [00:15:25] touched me and she's like, uh, what, you know what now? And so [00:15:30] she came trembling at his feet and fear and told him who she [00:15:35] was. And this is what he says to her. He says, daughter, your [00:15:40] faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from [00:15:45] suffering.

Did you guys catch that? He called her daughter. [00:15:50] He gives her a new name. She goes from From being [00:15:55] alone to being seen and loved and [00:16:00] known, Denisha. She went from a woman isolated to a woman belonging [00:16:05] to the family of God. 

[00:16:07] Denisha: I love that. I love that identity [00:16:10] change in daughter. That's just so much. That's so [00:16:15] beautiful.

In those moments to her story became her [00:16:20] strength. Now she could testify of what he's done in her life. Her story [00:16:25] became her strength. That's so good. Yeah. Valerie circling back to your story, as you [00:16:30] mentioned, like all those years of health challenges. Yeah. How did you experience God's [00:16:35] healing and reclaiming work in your life?

How did your story become your strength? 

[00:16:39] Valerie: Yeah. [00:16:40] Well, sometimes I think we can maybe get a little discouraged, right? Reading these stories. It's like, [00:16:45] wow, her healing was immediate. And I'm sure she continued to [00:16:50] heal just even joining back into society. But. [00:16:55] Healing's not always immediate. And it wasn't for me.

My physical healing wasn't instantaneous. [00:17:00] This is a lesson in itself. There was such a journey for me of learning to trust [00:17:05] God in the waiting. And, you know, my health did improve. I'm [00:17:10] so much different and better than I was during those 10 years. But you know, what happened in that [00:17:15] waiting is that God exposed areas of healing that [00:17:20] I wasn't even aware of that I needed.

You know, I was so focused on the [00:17:25] physical symptoms, but honestly, what ended up happening is a lot of those [00:17:30] physical symptoms were related to emotional wounds and spiritual wounds. [00:17:35] I needed emotional and spiritual healing. And I experienced a [00:17:40]closeness with God and dependence on God that I would have [00:17:45] never experienced if it wasn't for those challenges.

And so, you know, just like [00:17:50] we've talked about that, our stories are unique. You know, our path to healing is unique and that's what [00:17:55] God showed me. And now how my story has become my strength [00:18:00] is that I am able to connect with so many more women [00:18:05]now. in desperate places and desperate stories and say, [00:18:10] I know what that's like.

I know what it's like to sit and wait for God to [00:18:15] answer, to sit and wait for God to heal, to sit and wait for God to show [00:18:20] you Himself and to show you that He is with you. And so that's [00:18:25] many ways how my story has become my strength, is that I now am able to help other women [00:18:30] turn their pain into purpose and help them see that their story can [00:18:35]become their strength.

So it's pretty amazing. 

[00:18:37] Denisha: And I think that's so rewarding. [00:18:40] I love the work that we get to do here and all because of [00:18:45] Jesus that just like this daughter of the King, right? She gets to share her [00:18:50] story and she went through the hard times. Her waiting was 12 years and 30 miles. [00:18:55] That's pretty intense. You know, last month we talked about reading our [00:19:00] Bibles.

And we talked about kind of discerning, like, what do we learn about God and ourselves from the [00:19:05] story that we've just read? And how can we learn about faith and how God sees [00:19:10]us? And how can that encourage us in our stories? It was kind of part of the seven questions that [00:19:15] Keith taught us last month. So let's break this down.

What are three [00:19:20] significant things that we can take away from this story? 

[00:19:23] Valerie: Yeah, I think [00:19:25] one, is reach out to Jesus. You know, I [00:19:30] think when we are in those desperate places, it's so easy to just [00:19:35] stay in isolation, right? And to not have that courage [00:19:40] just to reach out to Jesus. You know, Denise, he is our source of healing.[00:19:45]

He is. And I'm not saying that, you know, God uses doctors and medicines and all [00:19:50] sorts of things to help us. But ultimately Jesus is our source of [00:19:55] healing, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, he is our [00:20:00] source. And so you see that in the story that this woman [00:20:05] reached out to Jesus. And that's where she found transformation.

[00:20:10] That's where she found healing. So I think we can take that out of that story that in our most [00:20:15] desperate times to remember, like our Hebrews verse talks about, we [00:20:20] can approach God with confidence because he is not going to meet us with [00:20:25] judgment. He's not going to meet us with, I told you so. He's not going to meet us with, where [00:20:30] have you been?

I've been waiting. He meets us with compassion. And [00:20:35] he responds to us. He's a relational God. And what I [00:20:40] love, right? He just didn't heal the woman and let her walk away. He called [00:20:45] her forward. He called her to himself and he gave her a new [00:20:50] identity. So reach out to Jesus. What I love is that Jesus can [00:20:55] do a lot.

And I think that [00:21:00] leads us to the second thing is that God responds [00:21:05] to faith, whether it is a little or a lot, whether you're just [00:21:10] able to touch the hem of his robe, he responds [00:21:15] to our faith. And I think just kind of piggybacking on [00:21:20] how Jesus doesn't just heal her. He calls her to himself. [00:21:25] Be reminded that you are not your struggle.

[00:21:28] Denisha: Amen. 

[00:21:29] Valerie: It does not [00:21:30] define you. Don't let it cause shame because [00:21:35]Jesus is the one that defines us. You are already his daughter, his son, you [00:21:40] are his child and your struggle. Does not define you. [00:21:45] And I think thirdly, just knowing that, that our [00:21:50] identity is secure in Christ. So again, like reaching out to Jesus, [00:21:55] knowing that you don't need to be afraid that he is your source of healing.[00:22:00]

And that he responds to your faith and that part of [00:22:05] that response is him telling you and assuring you [00:22:10] that you are his, that you are his daughter, that you are his child and that your [00:22:15] identity is secure. And I think, you know, with every passage we read in the [00:22:20]Bible, with every story we can respond to it.

And your response may look [00:22:25] different than mine, but when you're struggling with whatever it may be. [00:22:30] Ask yourself, what would it look like in this moment to reach out to Jesus? And you [00:22:35] know, Denisha, part of the beauty of being a body of Christ is that [00:22:40] reaching out to Jesus may just mean like connecting with a healing group, right?

Connecting with a [00:22:45] life group, you know, connecting with the body of Christ in some way. And [00:22:50] to say, I need help. Can you help me with this? Can you help me walk through [00:22:55] this? So responding by reaching out to [00:23:00] Jesus, taking that risk, having that courage, knowing that even if [00:23:05] you're struggling with doubt, right, I've always loved that scripture that like [00:23:10] Jesus, we have little faith, increase our faith, right?

You know, like Jesus [00:23:15] will, like, I don't think we always think to ask for that, but Jesus will give us more faith. [00:23:20] You know, the loaves and fishes, right? He takes that little bit of faith and he can multiply it. [00:23:25]

[00:23:25] Denisha: You know, sometimes we come to the end of ourselves and there's nothing left but [00:23:30] faith. And that's kind of a beautiful place to be because Jesus came to [00:23:35] rescue and restore.

So just like the circumstances of your story, [00:23:40] right, is unique, the path of healing that God has you on to reclaim your [00:23:45] story is unique as well, friends. And you can trust that the plans and purpose that he has [00:23:50] for you is good. And for his glory, you are in a good [00:23:55]story. So we want to leave you with a question today.

What part of your [00:24:00] story has Jesus reclaimed or what part of your story is he in [00:24:05]the process of reclaiming? Thanks for listening. I pray you found hope [00:24:10] in today's conversation and maybe even feel a little less alone in your story. [00:24:15] Stay connected with us on Facebook and Instagram at Reclaimed Story. [00:24:20] Want to learn more about living a reclaimed life and how you can be a part of our growing [00:24:25] community of reclaimers?

Check out our website at reclaimedstory. com. [00:24:30] All of those links and more will be in the show notes. And if you enjoyed this [00:24:35] inspirational podcast, be sure to subscribe, rate, and review. Not only will you be [00:24:40] the first one to know when new content comes out, but it is also a huge help in helping [00:24:45] us reach more people to live the reclaimed life.