Living the Reclaimed Life

When Good Intentions Keep Us Stuck ~ Maurice F. Martin Ep. 111

Season 3 Episode 111

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Life has this way of throwing a lot at us; sometimes, we sweep the hard things under the proverbial rug of life. I have done this most of my life, sweeping the painful moments under the rug and then wondering why I am tripping over it. I wonder if you can relate. We have good intentions of cleaning our house, yet we are doing it our way. How do we heal from things we don't want to look at? It takes courage to heal, courage to receive grace.

In this episode, Maurice is back to expand our thinking, examining why we feel stuck, what grace can mean in our lives, and how the things you experience in life shape the life in front of you.

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LRL Ep 111 Transcript is auto-generated

[00:00:00] Denisha: Life has this way of throwing a lot at us and [00:00:05] sometimes we sweep the hard things, the hard memories under the [00:00:10] proverbial rug of life. I have done this most of my life, sweeping the [00:00:15] painful moments under the rug and then wondering why I'm tripping over it. [00:00:20] I wonder if you can relate. We have good intentions of cleaning our house.

We put [00:00:25] away the broken things. We hide the things that are a little messy. Yet when we do [00:00:30] that, we are doing it our way. How do we heal from things we don't want to look [00:00:35]at? Well, it takes courage to heal and courage to receive grace. [00:00:40] In this episode, Maurice is back to expand our thinking, examining [00:00:45] why we feel stuck, what grace can mean in our lives, and how the things you experience in [00:00:50] life shape the life in front of you.

Before we get started, Maurice [00:00:55] and Reclaim Story are teaming up for some incredible giveaways. You don't want to miss this. [00:01:00] to enter to win one of two copies of Maurice's new book or his brand new [00:01:05] course, the authentically fulfilled life email podcast at reclaimed [00:01:10] story. com and share something that you took away from one of these two episodes with [00:01:15] Maurice.

We are going to draw winners on October 10th. So be sure that your [00:01:20] name is in the hat. Now let's kick off this episode with Maurice F. [00:01:25] Welcome to living the reclaim life podcast. I'm Denisha. [00:01:30] We're glad you're here for conversations that revive hope, inspire healing, and [00:01:35] encourage you to live a vibrant life with Christ.

So grab a cup of coffee as we [00:01:40] chat with today's guest. I have the pleasure of welcoming back to the [00:01:45] podcast, Maurice F. Martin, and I'm going to do the professional bio on [00:01:50] you, Maurice, but I feel like we just seriously cracked some ground in this last [00:01:55]podcast episode. So if you missed two weeks ago, the last podcast, [00:02:00] I really recommend jumping back on there and listening to that.

Maurice just gives us a [00:02:05] very. Very tangible, real view into what it means to walk with [00:02:10] God in intimacy and real life stuff. Maurice is a two time bestselling [00:02:15] author, the host of the Hope Rising podcast, and the former co host of the TV [00:02:20] show Getting the Word Out. He also works with churches, schools, and businesses to take [00:02:25] their culture and relationships to the next level.

And Maurice, our [00:02:30] conversation two weeks ago was amazing. It was so It's [00:02:35] just inspiring and encouraging in my own heart. Hearing your story. I could [00:02:40] feel Jesus pursuing mine. And that's what we want, right? We want our [00:02:45] victory to be a victory for other people. And one of the things that you said, I'd love to kick off [00:02:50] this episode was something that you said last time was the story that you believe [00:02:55] about your life.

Something that we believe and you came to a moment [00:03:00] in your life where you began to look back at the things you believed. And you begin to name [00:03:05] some harm that has come to your story and you begin to heal from that and allowed the Lord to work [00:03:10] in that. So tell us about that. Like the story we believe about our life.

Like, isn't [00:03:15] everything I believe about my life. Isn't it all true? 

[00:03:18] Maurice: If only it were that simple, right? [00:03:20] You know, it is interesting that we [00:03:25] think we have an accurate understanding of who we are and what is happening [00:03:30]around us. And then sometimes there are moments where we sit around with loved ones, and they point out [00:03:35] to us things that we wonder, How did we miss it?

How did we not see it? And you [00:03:40] understand that life happens in layers. Right? That lessons happen in layers that [00:03:45] sometimes you just weren't ready for what you weren't ready for. You weren't aware of what you weren't [00:03:50] aware of. And so, as you live your life, life [00:03:55]begins to have an influence on how you see the things in front of you.

I've talked about [00:04:00] it like this. Imagine that you have heartbreak. Well, you'll begin to live life where you [00:04:05] see everything through a lens of heartbreak. Let's say you're bitter. Well, everything [00:04:10] will look like the bitterness. You perceive life from, and so the things you [00:04:15] experience in life shape the life in front of you.

And so now I [00:04:20] have to ask myself, if I really want to change, if I really want to heal, if I really want to grow, if I [00:04:25] really want to give my life to God, what is it that I believe about myself? [00:04:30] And Lord, is it all true? Lord, have I missed anything? I think about [00:04:35]Proverbs 6. It says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, [00:04:40] and lean not on your understanding.

Acknowledge him, or some versions say, submit [00:04:45] to him in all your ways, and he will make your path straight. I [00:04:50] think about the words, trust in the Lord with all. And I thought to myself, well, [00:04:55] there's a whole bunch of parts of my heart. I got some beautiful parts of my heart that I'm real proud of. [00:05:00] I have some bitter parts of my heart.

I have some shattered, broken parts of my heart. Lord, you, [00:05:05] you even want all the shattered itty bitty pieces. Submit to Him in all your ways. [00:05:10] So that means that for every part of my life, if I have to [00:05:15] surrender all of it to God, well, God will then begin to show me revelation about [00:05:20] every piece and part of who I am.

And He changes your narrative. He [00:05:25] changes your story of who you thought you were. Who you thought they were the [00:05:30] people who you were around and and even the people who are right in front of you He can show you a [00:05:35] different glimpse of them a different side of them a different perspective of them And so I [00:05:40] just think that we must be willing to let God [00:05:45] reinvent[00:05:50]

I don't want to be a finished product right now. I'm not dead. I'm young. I have breath in my [00:05:55]lungs. Like God is still doing things for me. And let's be clear. I don't say that lightly. I'm [00:06:00]39 years old. I'll be 40 in January. I have two brothers who didn't get to [00:06:05] see 30. So when I say I have breath in my lungs and God is [00:06:10] doing it, no, that's a blessing.

He's still changing me. He's still growing me. He's still [00:06:15] showing me ways I've got it wrong. Thank you, Jesus. That is an incredible [00:06:20] testimony, if there ever is one, that God loves me enough to continue to [00:06:25] change me. And I think that we have to have that kind of courage, that all of us need to have [00:06:30] that kind of courage.

[00:06:31] Denisha: You poked on something so important right there, and that's courage. [00:06:35]It is not always easy to turn around and look at the story you've been telling yourself. [00:06:40] That is not easy. And I know for me, I shoved things under the [00:06:45] rug for years and years and years. And then about your age, I started tripping over that [00:06:50] rug and falling flat on my face and I couldn't figure out like, why am I doing the same?

[00:06:55] things. Why am I in these patterns? Why is my, you know, in behavior wise, like why do I continue to be [00:07:00] a workaholic or perfectionist? Like what is driving those things? What are those coping things [00:07:05] that I began to learn young that aren't serving me well, right? Entering my [00:07:10] forties and God kind of forced me to pick up that rug.

I'm not going to lie. I was [00:07:15] terrified. I was arguing with him. I didn't want to do it. And the word he [00:07:20] gave me in that season was reclaimed. And that was where this whole [00:07:25]ministry came from. That's what you're speaking of, like reclaiming the narrative that we've told ourselves. [00:07:30] That word reclaimed means to rescue from an undesirable state, right?[00:07:35]

When I'm tripping over that rug and I've got this narrative about my life that isn't does not [00:07:40]line up with the truth of God. Right. It's not what he has to say. It's what my past has had [00:07:45] to say about me. And I'm tripping over that rug. That's an undesirable place and God [00:07:50] rescues. And he, then he restores us to a previous natural place.

He restores us into our [00:07:55] purpose. He restores us before harm was in our story. And that's a journey that we [00:08:00] talked about a lot in the previous episode of what does that look like to rescue and restore, be rescued and [00:08:05] restored by God. And as you're talking about this, that takes so much courage to pick up [00:08:10] that rug and to look underneath it.

What does that look like? I mean, we can know it's [00:08:15] there and go, yeah, I probably have some habits, probably some behavior things, probably some coping skills [00:08:20] that aren't serving me well, but I don't really want to look at that. And sometimes we end up on our knees in the pit [00:08:25] and we don't have a choice.

What does that look like, Maurice, to have courage, to [00:08:30] pick up that rug, to look at the things that keep us stuck? 

[00:08:33] Maurice: That's such a good question. [00:08:35] I'll start off by saying, I hope when people hear me talk, I often say things [00:08:40] so eloquently that it sounds like I'm like that deep and that smart. This is Holy [00:08:45] Spirit revelation, right?

And so you were speaking and I heard the [00:08:50] rug of good intention. Often the reason we're sweeping things under the rug in the [00:08:55] first place is we're trying to clean our house. We're just trying to clean it ourselves our way, [00:09:00] right? And so we already have a certain level of courage. We already have a [00:09:05] certain level of good intention.

Doing this workaholic thing because I think I'm supposed to work [00:09:10] hard and I'm building a legacy and I'm trying to provide for my family, right? We do many [00:09:15] things in our lives out of good intention, wanting to do good. Wanting to be good. And [00:09:20] so I think that one of the reasons many people find it so hard to then look under the rug [00:09:25] is because they feel so defeated that they put so much work in and they find out now they have to work [00:09:30] differently.

I was already trying to clean my house. I was already trying to clean up this [00:09:35] room. What do you mean? Now I have to go look at the place where I swept all the stuff too. I thought the [00:09:40]whole point was to sweep the stuff. It was, it was to sweep it out of your house, not under your feet. [00:09:45] And so the real lesson is.

I'm going to have [00:09:50] to acknowledge that this is going to be scary and that it may never [00:09:55] stop being scary for me to face what's under my rug. What's [00:10:00] under my rug is some things some people said to me, some things that people did to me, some [00:10:05] things that I've said to people, some things that I've done to people.

It's such a wide variety [00:10:10] of things that are under that rug. And each of those things will require different [00:10:15] Types of courage. I think that we have to understand is that it [00:10:20]takes evolving courage And evolving maturity to handle what's [00:10:25] under your rug. I almost look at it like this way I hope this makes sense You have to almost think of it [00:10:30] like you go up to your rug and you say, okay god Okay, god If you're with me, [00:10:35] and you're gonna do this with me, I'll do it.

And maybe your therapist is beside you, maybe your spouse [00:10:40] is beside you, maybe a life coach is beside you, maybe your pastor is beside you, right? Maybe a small group is beside [00:10:45]you, and you're all holding hands, but you say, I will pull up the rug, and you pull up the rug, and you look at the [00:10:50] rug, and you face what you can see, and you get to the other side of that thing, and you go, Oh [00:10:55] my God, thank you Jesus, I grew, I evolved, I matured, this is amazing, and [00:11:00] then you go walking across your house, and you trip over the rug.

And [00:11:05] you're like, how am I tripping over the rug? I cleaned up everything under the rug. [00:11:10] And God says, oh, sweetheart, you [00:11:15] faced what you were mature enough to handle under the rug. But now you've [00:11:20] grown. You've stretched. You've evolved. So now [00:11:25] I need you to trust me and go back under the rug again. [00:11:30] And so I see that as being the real miracle.

Sometimes we [00:11:35] just are looking for God to just lay hands on us and for the lame to walk and the blind to [00:11:40] see. But now that you have sight, are you willing to have your sight refined? [00:11:45] Now that you can walk, are you willing to go through the physical therapy of learning how to [00:11:50] walk the right way? The journey's not done just because God has his hands on you.[00:11:55]

And so I think that it's continually looking under the rug. Not being [00:12:00] obsessive about trying to just brutalize yourself, right? But we all [00:12:05] have these moments in time where you get stuck. And it seems like you can't [00:12:10] move any farther. And it's usually those moments when God is calling you back to the rug.

No, there's [00:12:15] some other growth I need you to have some other healing that I need you to have some other dealing with these things [00:12:20] that I need you to have. And to me, to give Christ the authority over [00:12:25] those things. That's really the journey. So 

[00:12:28] Denisha: true. It's funny as you're [00:12:30] saying these. Very profound truths. I think of Shrek [00:12:35] and he goes, you know, we're like onions.

We have layers [00:12:40] layers, right? God, we've already dealt with this part of my past, but then, [00:12:45] you know, he begins to peel and you go, but we're here again. He goes, we're not here again. It's come on. [00:12:50] Place in your yes. Right? Yes. Spiral up the [00:12:55] mountain. You may be in a different place on the mountain. The surroundings may look familiar.

You're never in that [00:13:00] same place as you let him navigate and rewrite that story. That's it. [00:13:05] It's so true. What you said to rescue and restore. We want that to be like [00:13:10] a, you know, one second difference. We want to be rescued one second and restored the next. [00:13:15] But in reality, that space between rescue and restore can be a [00:13:20] journey in itself.

And then you go back to him rescuing you again and restoring something we may [00:13:25] not even known, had known was in our story. You experience that, that it's kind of a [00:13:30] repetitive rescue and restore motion. 

[00:13:32] Maurice: A million percent. Because think [00:13:35] about if someone was restoring a home, or if they were [00:13:40] restoring something that was ancient, something that was valuable, right?

The [00:13:45] restoration process is such a time consuming, [00:13:50] gentle process when you restore a thing. To restore something to its original [00:13:55] intent requires such an immaculate attention to detail. I just, in my [00:14:00] head, I'm seeing a person polishing grains, right? I'm seeing somebody just [00:14:05] doing that refining work when they restore a thing.

And so, yes, I have [00:14:10] seen God, well, first of all, I need to be rescued often, um, right? Because, you know, your mind [00:14:15] goes astray and your heart begins to falter sometimes. And your positivity leaves you in [00:14:20] moments. And so God is always rescuing.[00:14:25]

And then there's this constant restoration of God just [00:14:30] polishing off the dust, polishing off the dirt, polishing off things [00:14:35] about me. Sometimes even the refining process requires heat. [00:14:40] Sometimes it requires other substances to interact with me, to make me as shiny as I'm meant to [00:14:45] be, right? To bring me back to the polish and splendor I'm supposed to have.

I just [00:14:50] see it as God. He speaks some things, He shows you some things in the Word, He [00:14:55] loves on you through other people, He does so many things in community, and it's all [00:15:00] these little things that He does where I realize, I look back and go, How much have I [00:15:05] grown in a year? How much have I grown in five years, 10 years?

And I think [00:15:10] that we just need to be okay with this being, in my book, I talk about the [00:15:15] marathon mindset. This is a marathon, not a sprint. This is a [00:15:20] long walk. It's not a short one. And that's okay, right? Because [00:15:25] he wants to take his time so that we get it right. Oh, I don't, 

[00:15:28] Denisha: we want it to be just a [00:15:30] sprint though.

I know I 

[00:15:30] Maurice: do. If we could just get on with this [00:15:35]

[00:15:35] Denisha: real fast, real hard. Just let me do it for a short time. That's it. That's that [00:15:40] endurance to last. That's it. So much through your story, Maurice. I [00:15:45] hear grace. I hear grace so much through your story. [00:15:50] What does grace mean to you? 

[00:15:52] Maurice: Oh, such a good question. To [00:15:55] me, grace is what comes to me [00:16:00] undeserved.

Simply because of God's love. Grace is how [00:16:05] He makes room for me. Grace is how He removes things from me. [00:16:10] How He restores things for me. Not because I've been so good or become so [00:16:15] wise or because I've earned anything. Grace is [00:16:20] this gift that God gives where He says, Because I love you. [00:16:25] I will position you.

I will propel you. I will [00:16:30] restore you. Hey, just so we're clear, you need my grace and my [00:16:35] mercy because some of your decisions deserved my judgment, deserved my [00:16:40]wrath, deserved my disappointment. And yet I will give you forgiveness. [00:16:45] I will give you understanding. I will give you opportunity. [00:16:50] Because I love you that much.

To me, grace is at the heart of everything God [00:16:55] does. And I think that sometimes I hear people, and I think it's dangerous, [00:17:00] I sometimes hear people talk about grace and mercy like it's not a big deal. [00:17:05] It's something that we can gloss over real fast. Well, you know, because of the grace of God. Do [00:17:10] you really let yourself think about how much grace you're getting in your life?

Because grace will [00:17:15] make you break down and cry. It will make you sob in prayer. It will, [00:17:20] it will bring you another, another onion skin, another onion layer of hallelujah, thank you [00:17:25] Jesus. When you realize, I'm only on this podcast because of God's [00:17:30] grace. I only have words to speak because of God's grace. The [00:17:35] electricity's on because of God's grace.

I know people who have worked harder than me, people who have [00:17:40] been smarter than me, people who have been more wise than me that don't get opportunities, that don't get [00:17:45]chances, that don't have revelation and insight. This stuff's not happening just because [00:17:50] I'm so perfect. It's because of the perfection of Christ.

[00:17:55] And so to me, grace is this, it's this [00:18:00] moment, the moment that you can cherish, the moment that absorbs [00:18:05] you, the moment that transcends you, that is the grace of God. [00:18:10]

[00:18:10] Denisha: You have such a bold faith. In such a humble heart, [00:18:15] it's really, it's a beautiful combination. Your bold faith. You're [00:18:20] just the honesty of sharing where you've come from, what God is doing, [00:18:25] what God is still doing in your life.

I think that's encouragement to us that [00:18:30] it's about the journey and not the destination. 

[00:18:32] Maurice: Yes, well, I'll share this because somebody needs to [00:18:35] hear it. I don't actually like sharing all this information about [00:18:40] myself, okay? That's the truth, okay? And I remember a [00:18:45] year, it was about a year and a half ago, I was on an early morning prayer call.[00:18:50]

And we were all praying and we were on zoom and my camera was [00:18:55] off and I was crying. I was having a, a deep moment where I just felt, [00:19:00] thank you God, right? I'm a guy. Okay. I don't always have the, I'm a guy guy. Okay. Sometimes [00:19:05] people see me and they go, Oh, see, I've never been around one of those kinds of men.

No, I'm just like, I'm just like all the other [00:19:10] ones. Okay. I can go periods of time where my wife says, how are you doing? And I go, right. And [00:19:15] like, I have those. Those moments. I was having a moment of true [00:19:20] emotion and I heard Holy Spirit whisper, turn on [00:19:25]your camera. And I thought, there's nobody with their camera on during this [00:19:30] meeting.

There's about 30 people on the call. Why would I embarrass myself like that? I don't [00:19:35] need anybody to see me crying. And I heard it again, gentle whisper, [00:19:40] turn on your camera. And I said, Lord, why would I turn on my camera? [00:19:45] And I heard this is what your leadership [00:19:50] must look like. And so what I'm learning in my journey [00:19:55] is that God has me here and he is constantly challenging me to [00:20:00] do the things I don't want to do so that he can use me in the ways that he wants to [00:20:05] use me.

I would like for just for people to just think that I'm amazing. Okay. [00:20:10] My pride in my ego. I just want people to just go, wow, that guy, [00:20:15] I want to be like it, right? That's what I want. What God wants is [00:20:20] for me to say, it's not me, but by the grace of God, [00:20:25] that's the only reason I'm here. And so. I need somebody to hear that [00:20:30] because sometimes we look at our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and we think that they have something [00:20:35] that we can't possibly have.

Well, the question is simply, is it something that God wants [00:20:40] you to have? Because if He does, not only will He give it to you, [00:20:45] but there's another side of this lesson. This costs me something. Many [00:20:50] people, when they hear a preacher, teacher, prophetic type of prophet, right? When they see a person like [00:20:55] me walk into a space, they hear a guy like me talk.

And they say, [00:21:00] I mean, do we really have to share these stories in front of everybody? I [00:21:05] mean, does everybody really need to know your business? I mean, does it really have to be like all that [00:21:10] emotional? Do we have to get that involved? Because it's counter cultural. [00:21:15] What God is calling me to do. And so, there's times when I have spoken, [00:21:20] and I see the stares, or I see the awkward glances, or even in my close community, some [00:21:25] of the people who have questioned, Maurice, you know, sometimes you, you come to this space, and you [00:21:30] share your thoughts, and you share your feelings, like, we don't really need to know when you struggle.

Or, what did [00:21:35] you say, sometimes you go around the mountain, and so you share around the mountain, you know, I'm struggling with so and so. [00:21:40] And then six months later you go, this is frustrating because I'm struggling with so and so. [00:21:45] And they go, well Maurice, can't you just give it to God? Oh no, no, see I gave it to God when I told [00:21:50] you about it six months ago.

I've been yet and still giving it to God. And I'm on [00:21:55] another trip around the mountain, part of the reason I'm sharing is I'm discouraged that I still feel this way. [00:22:00] I don't feel this way because I haven't been giving it to God. I feel this way because I have. [00:22:05] And I think that people need to understand that is the price of [00:22:10] your obedience to God.

Obedience is greater than sacrifice, but obedience often [00:22:15] requires sacrifice. And that's a lesson people need to learn. 

[00:22:18] Denisha: Oh, so good. That's [00:22:20] so good. I remember hearing a pastor say one time, if you live for the approval of [00:22:25] man, you'll also die by his criticism. Come on. And isn't that true? Like, you [00:22:30] know, as you're saying, I get up and I share my story.

That's not an easy [00:22:35] call, but we need to hear that. We need to know that we're not alone because [00:22:40] that's the one thing the enemy tries to convince you if they only knew Well, you get up [00:22:45] and so eloquently and just boldly declare what God has done What God is doing what God [00:22:50] has yet to do and then we see that and go, okay Maybe he's not done with me [00:22:55] either.

And so though encouraging to hear real It's refreshing. Yes. 

[00:22:59] Maurice: I [00:23:00] even remember, and this is a real story and a tough lesson, the whole reason I was able to join you on this [00:23:05] podcast, I have a company who books me and, and who arranges some of my speaking opportunities. [00:23:10] And I remember talking to a coach Tam and she says to me, she says, we need to change your [00:23:15] biography.

And I said, okay, and so my biography at that time, it said, you [00:23:20] know, Maurice Martin has done all these amazing things and Maurice Martin is really cool and you should [00:23:25] get to know him. That's pretty much my bio, right? And she says, we need to talk about how you've had suffering [00:23:30] and pain. And I said, I'm sorry, what?

And she said, and she said, well, [00:23:35] like in your one sheet and all these things like we need to present. You've been through some [00:23:40] stuff. You've hurt. You've been scarred. You've gone through pain, but God, and I [00:23:45] said, I don't really think that I want to do that. Can't I just present myself [00:23:50] as Maurice Martin as amazing?

Like I want to present myself like some of these preachers and teachers that I see that [00:23:55] walk. You know what I'm saying? And she goes, no, that's not what God is calling you to. And you know, there's [00:24:00] been so many moments where I have had to swallow my pride. Right? Because I [00:24:05] don't want people to know that I've had trauma.

I don't want people to know I've battled depression. [00:24:10] I put it in my book. I talk about it. I speak about it. I preach about it. I coach about it. Not [00:24:15] because I want to. Because it is part of my purpose in life. Tied to my purpose in life. [00:24:20] And so yeah, it's because God says. And there might be somebody listening today, and they [00:24:25] say, Maurice, how do you know what God says?

Right? Like, how do you really know God is saying that? [00:24:30] Well, I ask myself that question every day, right? I go back to the throne of grace. [00:24:35] That's what, the throne of grace. And I say, Lord, Am I missing it? [00:24:40] Lord, did I get this part right or wrong? Can you show me revelation in your word? Can [00:24:45] somebody call me on the phone and give me a confirmation?

Can, Lord, can you, and some of it is just [00:24:50] walking it out, walking on water, and seeing where, no, that wasn't it, I missed [00:24:55] that part. Oh my God, every time I walk in this direction, the favor of God is there. [00:25:00] Every time I walk in this direction, God's hand is on it. Every time I walk in that direction, the [00:25:05] anointing comes forth.

Right? Everybody who's listening to this podcast, I say this with [00:25:10] full humility, you're hearing my anointing. Right? If you were my [00:25:15] friend, you would learn that sometimes you say, Maurice, how are you? And I say, I'm not sure. [00:25:20] I don't know. I don't have the words for this. I'm actually an introvert. [00:25:25] Okay? If you brought my wife on camera with me, on the microphone with me, and you said, what is [00:25:30] Maurice like?

She'd say, Maurice is usually quiet. So imagine a person who is [00:25:35] often quiet. who has been tasked with opening up his mouth and pouring out his [00:25:40] heart. It's hard. It's painstaking. And yet God gets glory from it. [00:25:45] And that's the 

[00:25:45] Denisha: point. Yes. And when you're vulnerable, when you're [00:25:50] honest, really honest. You give us permission to do so, too.

That's it. [00:25:55] That's that prayer call. And you turn on your camera and other men get to see [00:26:00] you and really the state of where God has you in that moment. They have permission [00:26:05] to let themselves go there, 

[00:26:06] Maurice: too. Yes. And that's something we all have the [00:26:10] power to do. I heard something one day in a session, and I think it's worth [00:26:15] repeating.

You know, in scripture, there's so much talk about seeds. And Whether we're talking [00:26:20] about just the faith, the size of a mustard seed, or we talk about where seeds have [00:26:25] been dropped on the earth and, and how those things can be picked up or how they can settle into [00:26:30] the soil. And there was one day I was on a call, I was talking to someone and I heard on [00:26:35] the inside, Sometimes, Maurice, you focus too much on signs [00:26:40] and you miss the power of seeds.

Sometimes, Maurice, you [00:26:45] focus too much on signs and you miss the power of seeds. [00:26:50] When we are authentic in our walk with Christ, when we're authentic in who we are and we're [00:26:55] honest, some things you'll have immediate signs, okay? You [00:27:00] say it with authenticity, with bravery, with courage, and somebody goes, Oh my God, I needed that.

Thank [00:27:05] you so much. See, that's a sign. That's a miracle. That's a wonder of the Lord. [00:27:10] But sometimes. You have been called to a moment to [00:27:15] simply deliver something in seed form. Somebody sees you and they're [00:27:20] uncomfortable because you have taken this bit of truth and you've buried it deep [00:27:25] into the soil of their heart or into the soil of their mind.

Well, it's kind of like [00:27:30] Paul says one person plants the seed, another person waters it, right? And so it is over [00:27:35] time in their journey, if they're open, if they continue to surrender to God, they may get that [00:27:40] lesson to continue to flourish. And they may never even look back and say, thank God for [00:27:45] Maurice's transparency.

Thank God for Maurice's honesty. It's not really always about [00:27:50] us, right? It's about that person. And God. And so I have [00:27:55] learned from that moment. Sometimes my job is just to plant seeds in a dark place [00:28:00] in someone's life. I may not get a chance to see the other side of it, and maybe that's not even my [00:28:05] business.

I just have to be thankful that God gives me the courage to be transparent and open. [00:28:10]

[00:28:10] Denisha: Well, I can tell you that on behalf of our listeners and here at [00:28:15] reclaim story, thank you for your courage. Thank you for stepping out and being willing to go there [00:28:20]for writing your book. Thank you for the title because it just brings me so much joy.[00:28:25]

If you didn't hear last episode, his title of his book that took [00:28:30] courage to write is your butt is too big. Your butt is too big. And I just [00:28:35] love that. It just, it made me laugh so hard. I'm like, why have to get to know Maurice? That's just awesome right [00:28:40] there. But you do go, you go over your story in your book and you talk about [00:28:45] how to get through it.

How do you walk with the Lord through those hard things? How do we [00:28:50] transform our, I think you say seven principles that empower you to heal past hurts [00:28:55] and get motivated to find your purpose. That took courage to write and that [00:29:00] is empowering other people. Through that, the call of God on your life. And [00:29:05] so if you want to share a little bit more about your book, about how to find you, because [00:29:10] I know that this is podcast number two, so you're definitely going to be like, yes, [00:29:15] we're going to need a little bit more of Maurice's story in our lives.

So tell us about that. [00:29:20]

[00:29:20] Maurice: Absolutely. So there's two things I thought of. The first thing is, you know, just the understanding of what, Maurice, [00:29:25] what on earth made you write, your butt is too big, right? It's that I realized how [00:29:30] biblical it was that I've said, but God, don't you understand all of my [00:29:35] disqualifications, right?

And in scripture, that was often how God was met by people. Think [00:29:40] about Moses. He has had to run away from Egypt and [00:29:45] shame because of murder. I don't know what you've done in your life. I don't know about. The worst [00:29:50] moments you've had, but I'd say murder in your past is pretty awful and horrible. And [00:29:55] so Moses, many, many years later is walking by a bush and he notices the [00:30:00] bush is burning and the bread, it's not going out.

And God begins to speak to, Hey Moses, [00:30:05] I got something for you. And Moses says, but God. Don't you know that [00:30:10] I'm slow of speech? Then he says, but God, don't you understand that? Then he says, but God, can't [00:30:15] you just get somebody else? Literally go back and read it. That's what he says, okay? [00:30:20] And one of the things that I love about that scripture is that God says, Now listen, [00:30:25] you're going to go and you're going to deliver this word to Pharaoh.

But I'm going to harden Pharaoh's [00:30:30] heart. You ever think about that? That sometimes when you say, Okay [00:30:35] God, I'll do what you want. Sometimes, God will harden [00:30:40]Pharaoh's heart. You say, finally I'll have the courage to go get a new job and you'll try to get the new job [00:30:45] and you won't get the job. You'll say, finally I'm ready to fix this marriage.

I'm ready to [00:30:50] fix this relationship with my kid. I'm ready to do... And the person won't be ready and you'll [00:30:55] think, well, God, did I miss it? What's going on? Why hasn't this instant [00:31:00] gratification come? And God will say, because I'm working on you. Because I'm building [00:31:05] you. Because by the time Moses has the courage to take that staff [00:31:10] and hold it over the Red Sea and the sea parts, Moses is a new man.[00:31:15]

He's not even recognizable as the man at the burning bush. And the [00:31:20] same is true of us. That by the time I have sat in front of somebody's [00:31:25] podcast microphone, I'm not even a man who's recognizable as who I used to be. [00:31:30] And ten years from now, my prayer is, God, don't let them recognize [00:31:35] this guy. If God willing, I'm here ten years, twenty years, thirty years, forty years from [00:31:40] now, let me be ever changing in how unable to see me they are.

[00:31:45] Because if they can't see me, They'll see him. They'll see his handprint. They'll see his [00:31:50] thumbprint. And I think that really, in the end, is why I wrote Your Butt is Too Big. [00:31:55] Because if you've been through some things in your life, if you will let God heal [00:32:00]those things, He can then take all of the lessons and walk [00:32:05] you into the best part of your life with fresh revelation, fresh wisdom, [00:32:10] and fresh motivation to be used by Him.

And so the [00:32:15] other thing that I want to say is simply, I have a chapter in my book, and I sometimes like to talk about it. [00:32:20] And I like to talk about this chapter called the hope disease. Okay. I like to talk [00:32:25] about hope. I want you to imagine, excuse me, the actual chapter is called the balance of hope, but [00:32:30] in it, I talk about the hope disease.

So many of us have gotten used to saying someday [00:32:35] God is going to rescue me. Someday, God is going to fix things. Someday, God is going to change [00:32:40] things. I sometimes say, Oh, some one day God will. I just know. And so what we do is [00:32:45] we take our hope and our faith in God, and we root those things in the [00:32:50] future of someday.

And I think that there's something dangerous in that, because [00:32:55] in the same way that we say, Well, once I get that promotion, I'll be happy. Once I get more money in [00:33:00] the bank, then I'll have peace. Once my kids are out of school, then I'll finally, right? We [00:33:05] are always looking to the future for what God is trying to provide for us today.

[00:33:10] And so I am learning, even now. That will create a [00:33:15] dis ease in me that spreads. Because I'm not comfortable and content [00:33:20] in this moment, the people around me feel anxious, too. But when I settle [00:33:25] into this moment, and I say, well, hold on a second. If God is the same God yesterday, today, and forevermore, [00:33:30] God just is.

He's here now. God is present [00:33:35] now. God is trying to love me, change me, mature me now. Everything I [00:33:40] need, I have right now. And so when I realize that, I [00:33:45] can place my hope in In God, in this moment, that if you're listening [00:33:50] to this podcast, God is speaking to you now. God is changing you now. [00:33:55] God is healing you now.

And if you're always giving God your hope and your faith [00:34:00] moment to moment, then God will always be revealing himself to you moment to [00:34:05] moment. And I don't know about you, but I'm okay with learning more and more about God and [00:34:10] about who I am in Jesus. Those are lessons that we can all afford to learn more [00:34:15] of.

[00:34:15] Denisha: Amen. Amen. I can't wait for people to get their hands on [00:34:20] your book. Maurice, thank you so much. Thank you so much for coming on the [00:34:25] podcast and for just sharing, sharing your heart and all of this. I would love to [00:34:30] give another giveaway of your books. We're going to do two giveaways of your book email. Give us [00:34:35] an email at podcast at reclaimed story.

com and what we'll [00:34:40] do. And all you have to do in that email is tell us one thing. That Marisa said that you're [00:34:45] taking away, whether it's hope could be the word hope. It could be courage. It could [00:34:50] be something deeper. What do you think in worries? 

[00:34:52] Maurice: Here's what I'm thinking. If anybody's interested in [00:34:55] this, I kind of was thinking this when we filmed the first episode and I didn't say anything, but it's still on my [00:35:00]heart.

I recently filmed a course called the authentically fulfilled life. [00:35:05] And in the lesson, I actually teach the principles from the book. I am in the editing process, [00:35:10] but it's about seven hours of training. It's going to cost about 300. [00:35:15] And I sense that I'm also supposed to give away access to the course for someone.

And [00:35:20] so I don't know if that's one person who gets the course and the book, but I sense if somebody [00:35:25] has maybe struggled with some hard times, some hard moments, maybe somebody is searching [00:35:30] for the belief that God can really change them and Give them a life that [00:35:35] means something. I want to give somebody access to that course.

Um, and I want to do [00:35:40] that for free just to bless somebody's life. 

[00:35:42] Denisha: Oh, thank you so much. What a gift. So [00:35:45] you guys were going to be giving away then. Thank you, Maurice. One course of Maurice's and [00:35:50] also two books. So. Email us at podcast at reclaim [00:35:55] story. com and just say, tell us what you're looking for. If you're saying, man, I really want that [00:36:00] course.

Would you let us know if you say, when he talked about hope or when he talked about [00:36:05]courage or when he shared a story, I can relate. Will you just give us a little snippet? And really, we [00:36:10] just want to be able to connect with you and say, Hey, we're here. We're here. Maurice would love to connect with you [00:36:15] as well.

So we'll give away two books. So you enter by just emailing that podcast. You could say, [00:36:20]hi, podcast at reclaim story. com. You could say, hi, we'll be like, that's [00:36:25] an entry. And then we'll do a raffle and maybe we'll even do it live on social or something for fun. [00:36:30] Yeah. Wouldn't that be awesome. So, yeah, so let's do that.

Maurice, thank you for that [00:36:35] generous gift. And how can we find more of you? How do we stay in contact with you after this podcast? [00:36:40]

[00:36:40] Maurice: Good question. You know, the easy way. Social media at Maurice f Martin, [00:36:45] I'm on Instagram, basically all social media. I'm, I'm everywhere. I'm on YouTube. And [00:36:50] then of course, you can find me on my website.

I have two websites, Maurice f or [00:36:55] your butt is to And so I'd love for you to go look me up, [00:37:00] find me. Maybe something inspired you as I was speaking and you thought, how do I get you to speak at my [00:37:05] church? Or I want somebody to come and speak to my school, speak to the teachers, speak to the [00:37:10] students.

Whatever it might be, I would love to hear from you, set something up with you, or maybe you just [00:37:15] say, Hey, Maurice, could you and your wife pray for us? You know, we're going through some tough times or, Hey, we're going through [00:37:20] some beautiful times. We just need more courage. Whatever that might be. I'd love to hear 

[00:37:23] Denisha: from you.

[00:37:25] Awesome. Maurice. Thank you so much. Thank you for pouring into us. And we just pray blessings [00:37:30] on you as well. 

[00:37:31] Maurice: Thank you for your prayers and for your time. This has been great. 

[00:37:34] Denisha: Well, we will see you [00:37:35] guys same time, same place in two weeks. Thanks [00:37:40] for listening. I pray you found hope in today's conversation and maybe [00:37:45]even feel a little less alone in your story.

Stay connected with us on Facebook and [00:37:50] Instagram at Reclaimed Stories. Want to learn more about living a reclaimed [00:37:55] life and how you can be a part of our growing community of reclaimers? Check out our website [00:38:00] at reclaimedstory. com. All of those links and more will be in the show notes. [00:38:05] And if you enjoyed this inspirational podcast, be sure to subscribe, [00:38:10] rate, and review.

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