Living the Reclaimed Life

Strength for the Heavy and Hard ~ Katie Tramonte Ep. 123

Season 4 Episode 123

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What do we do with the heavy and hard realities in our lives? In today's episode, Katie Tramonte leads us through a reflective journey of navigating life's heaviness. How do we carry the weight when it feels overwhelming? What do we do when complex realities confront us? We hope you experience Jesus's nearness in life's heavy and hard moments. 

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“Strength” Spotify Playlist by Katie Tramonte
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Denisha: What do we do with the heavy and hard realities in our lives? [00:00:05] Today's episode is particularly close to my heart. As many of you know, this [00:00:10] past year has been a journey of profound loss for me after losing my husband of 23 years. Yet amidst the heaviness and hardship, I have found [00:00:20] comfort in the unwavering presence of Jesus.

And I don't say [00:00:25] that because that's what I'm supposed to say. I say that because he has been [00:00:30] near and faithful in ways that I never imagined possible. You know, God [00:00:35] has this way of meeting us with what we need at just the right time. And for [00:00:40] me, one of those moments was this episode from [00:00:45] Tremonti. And today I want to share with you her powerful message that touched my heart [00:00:50] deeply.

You may remember Katie from episode two of this podcast. [00:00:55] Katie is out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is the lead facilitator at Original [00:01:00] Design Restored and the host of the Original Design Restored [00:01:05] podcast, also known as ODR. She has a background in education and [00:01:10] ministry, and she is passionate about the intersection of faith and mental health.

She [00:01:15] believes that the combination of the gospel, personal narrative, and experiential learning can [00:01:20] lead to profound healing and transformation. Katie's authenticity [00:01:25] as a wife, mother, and friend brings her message to life in a tangible way. [00:01:30] Well, Katie and I crossed paths a few years ago, drawn together by [00:01:35] our shared passion for the restoration of stories through ministries like ODR and [00:01:40] Reclaimed Story.

Our bond was instant, fueled by a mutual desire to [00:01:45] explore life's complexities through the lens of faith. Now, Katie has given me [00:01:50] permission to share one of her ODR episodes that deeply touched my heart. [00:01:55] So she is going to lead us through a reflective journey of navigating life's [00:02:00] heaviness. How do we carry the weight when it feels overwhelming?

And [00:02:05] what do we do with the hard realities that confront us? We hope that in this [00:02:10]episode that you experience Jesus's nearness in your heavy and hard. [00:02:15] Be sure to stay to the end for some encouraging resources. And now [00:02:20] for this episode of Katie Tremonti's ODR podcast strength for the [00:02:25] heavy and hard.

Welcome to living the reclaim life podcast. I'm Denisha. [00:02:30] We're glad you're here. For conversations that revive hope, inspire healing, and [00:02:35] encourage you to live a vibrant life with Christ. So grab a cup of coffee as we [00:02:40] chat with today's guest. 

[00:02:43] Katie: I'm Katie Tremonti and [00:02:45] i'm happy to have you here today. Today we are going to talk about strength for the heavy [00:02:50] and hard.

A few episodes ago I had talked about how to [00:02:55] throw off sin and hindrances. The things that could [00:03:00] lighten our load to run the race marked out for us. And that is significant. I've [00:03:05] definitely applied that in my own life. There have been things that I have needed to throw off, [00:03:10] take out of my pack, so to speak.

If I have a backpack for life, there are things to [00:03:15] take out so that my load would be lighter and I could run the race marked out [00:03:20] for me. The things that God has made for me to do, designed me to do on this earth [00:03:25] in my life. And then there are some things in our life [00:03:30] that we can't take out of our pack that are non negotiables that are responsibilities, callings, [00:03:35] struggles that are just real and are not going to go away.[00:03:40]

And so today I want to talk about what do we do with the heavy and [00:03:45] hard realities, the heavy and hard things in our pack, our backpack [00:03:50] of life. That we carry with us when we're running the race marked out [00:03:55] for us and this kind of came to my heart this week and as I prayed [00:04:00] through some things, I was just in touch with some of the heavy [00:04:05] and hard realities in my life that won't go away that are real that I [00:04:10] navigate in daily life.

And I've just been connecting [00:04:15] with some of my friends and some of the people in my life that are close to me. [00:04:20] Who also have heavy and hard realities, and I'm just aware [00:04:25]of some of the heavy and hard things that those close to me are [00:04:30] carrying in their lives. And so, on the ODR podcast, we talk a [00:04:35] lot about tools and strategies and supports and transformation and [00:04:40] growth and healing, and all of those things are so valuable, and those pieces have been [00:04:45] such a significant part of my journey.

And I, I celebrate and am amazed at the way [00:04:50] that God has changed me, and God has changed lives around me, as I and others [00:04:55] have pursued growth and healing and transformation, but sometimes there are things [00:05:00] in our life that are not sin, that are not hindrances, that just are heavy and [00:05:05] hard, that are part of our story, that are part of our reality, that we carry that are [00:05:10] not going to go away, that we can't take out of our pack.

And so today, rather than talk about [00:05:15] tools and strategies and supports, I want to talk about Jesus meeting [00:05:20] with us. Jesus meeting with me. Jesus meeting with you in [00:05:25] the hard moments, in the quiet thoughts, [00:05:30] in the deepest places that we navigate in our own souls. [00:05:35] Jesus meeting us in the hardest struggles we carry.[00:05:40]

Back in February. I went to a [00:05:45] retreat place, it's a kind of a house, but it's been turned into a retreat center and it's [00:05:50] down the street from me, just a couple blocks over. And while I was there, and I'm going to [00:05:55] actually put a link to this place because it's amazing, so if you're a Tulsa local, you'll want to check the show notes [00:06:00] for this retreat center.

They have prayer stations, you can book a half day retreat, a [00:06:05] full day retreat, an overnight retreat, a multi day retreat, there are many, many options. [00:06:10] For me, back in February, I went to the prayer stations for an afternoon [00:06:15] and was just coming to God with some of the heavy things in my, [00:06:20] my life and my story, the things that I carry that cannot come out of my [00:06:25] backpack of life.

And so I was sitting at the prayer station, just praying and journaling and, [00:06:30] and the image that I got was, that I have [00:06:35] this backpack and there are these rocks in my backpack, and they seem like pretty [00:06:40] significant rocks, kind of heavy. And so I expected, when I had that image and I was praying, I expected that [00:06:45] Jesus would take that pack from me and tell me that I, he can carry it and I don't have to carry it.

[00:06:50] Or, I, even as I was looking at that image, I sensed, you know, not Jesus, but [00:06:55] like outside voices, maybe telling me that I was carrying it wrong [00:07:00] and expecting kind of that perspective. I'm carrying the pack wrong or Jesus will take it. [00:07:05] And, and instead in that moment of prayer, what I sensed from [00:07:10] God, as I was praying and kind of praying through that image of I have this backpack and it has these [00:07:15] rocks and those rocks representing some Heavy and hard realities that are mine to carry in [00:07:20] life.

What I sensed from Jesus in that prayer time was that [00:07:25] He has made me strong enough to carry [00:07:30] those rocks in my pack. The heavy and hard things that I've been entrusted [00:07:35]with or navigated or walked through. The [00:07:40] hard things that are ongoing life realities [00:07:45] that are in my pack. That aren't simple, that aren't sin, that aren't hindrances.

Like, [00:07:50] his message to me was, you are strong enough to carry those rocks in your [00:07:55]pack. And so, this week, as I wrestled again with some of the heavy and hard realities [00:08:00] that are mine to carry, that, that image came up, reminding me that he's made me [00:08:05] strong enough to carry those things. And then he just [00:08:10] brought a ton of passages of scripture to mind.

And so, as I'm [00:08:15] sharing, and maybe you're touching into some of the heavy and hard realities that are yours, that are not [00:08:20] sin, that are not hindrances, maybe they're struggles, maybe they're parts of your story, maybe they're [00:08:25] responsibilities, relationships that are not [00:08:30] simple, that are not necessarily changeable, that are just heavy and hard realities, [00:08:35]may this episode connect with you, and may you experience the closeness of Jesus as I [00:08:40]share the verses that He brought to me.

So, some of the verses, [00:08:45] I'm going to just read through these, and a few I'll explain, but just kind of, these [00:08:50] are the words that he brought to mind as I was touching into the things that are heavy and hard, that are [00:08:55] mine to carry, that I can't throw off. These are the words that came to [00:09:00] mind. Psalm 34, 18, The Lord is close to the broken [00:09:05] hearted and saves those who are crushed in the spirit.

Part [00:09:10] of Isaiah 53. 3 reminds me of who Jesus is. It says he is a man [00:09:15] of suffering and familiar with pain. And actually, the ESV version, I think, resonates [00:09:20] even deeper. Jesus, as a man of sorrows and acquainted with [00:09:25] grief. He knows. Matthew 11, [00:09:30] 28 30 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you [00:09:35] rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and [00:09:40] humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is [00:09:45] easy, and my burden is light. And I have to pause on this one because [00:09:50] that has kind of always felt like a Confusing statement, when I look at [00:09:55] heavy and hard realities, and I'm like, well, it's still heavy and hard.

How is your yoke [00:10:00] easy and your burden light? And as I was praying through it today, the picture that comes to mind is those [00:10:05] heavy and hard things may still be heavy and hard. [00:10:10] But Jesus's way is not heavy and hard. So as we carry those [00:10:15] things in life, He has rest for our souls in the midst of it, by [00:10:20] being near to him, he provides comfort and rest.

He is gentle and humble, [00:10:25] so he does not heap extra burdens on what is already heavy and hard. He meets us [00:10:30] in them and gives us rest, comfort, [00:10:35] gentleness, which is contrasted with this next verse. And actually I won't read [00:10:40] the whole thing, but Matthew 23, one through 12 is really this idea that. And actually I won't read the whole thing, but Matthew 23, one [00:10:45] through 12 is really this The religious leaders of the day do not practice [00:10:50] what they preach.

It says verse three and four, so you have to be careful to do everything they tell you, but [00:10:55] do not do what they do for, they do not practice what they preach. They tie up [00:11:00] heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders, but they [00:11:05] themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

And then later in this passage, [00:11:10] 23, Matthew 23, 1 through 12, there's this contrast between [00:11:15] religious leaders. And who Jesus is and who Jesus came to be at that time in [00:11:20]history and who he is now that once Jesus was on the earth, he became [00:11:25] our teacher, our leader, our instructor, the Messiah. And he says no longer call [00:11:30] people rabbi or teacher.

Other passages say father. There is only [00:11:35] one now who is the Messiah. The teacher, the instructor, and that is Jesus. [00:11:40] And it's so fascinating to me as I was praying and feeling these heavy and hard [00:11:45] realities in my own life and thinking about those heavy and hard realities in the lives of those [00:11:50] close to me, and thinking of the contrast from Matthew 11 and Matthew like [00:11:55] Jesus in Matthew 11 and religious leaders in Matthew 23, when we have heavy and[00:12:00] hard realities, Jesus's way is not to add [00:12:05] burdens.

And those religious leaders at that time in Matthew 23, there were [00:12:10] additional weights and then the religious leaders wouldn't even lift a finger to move the [00:12:15] weights. And this contrast is significant because when you're carrying heavy and hard [00:12:20] realities in life, To add additional burdens and weights and then not [00:12:25] have anyone lift a finger to help is extra painful, right?

And whether that's religious [00:12:30] leaders, culture, society, whatever, that is not helpful. [00:12:35] And it causes more strain and stress. And the contrast between [00:12:40] that reality of heavy burdens being added on with who Jesus is. [00:12:45] In Matthew 11 where he says, My yoke is easy and my burden is light. You will find rest for your [00:12:50] souls.

I will give you rest. That is His way for those of us who are [00:12:55] weary and burdened. So when you're feeling heavy and hard [00:13:00] and if you've had spiritual, religious, religious Church or [00:13:05] societal messages of weighty loads that you have to [00:13:10] add on to what's already heavy and what's already hard. I would say that [00:13:15] rather than feeling the weight of those, turn to Jesus, actual [00:13:20] Jesus, meet with Him and He will meet with you.[00:13:25]

And His way is rest and gentleness. [00:13:30] His load is easy and light. And then finally, I want to really [00:13:35] read Philippians 4, 11 through 13. [00:13:40] It says, I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the [00:13:45] circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.

I have learned the [00:13:50] secret of being content in any and every situation. Whether well fed or [00:13:55] hungry, whether living in plenty or in want, I can do all this through him who gives me [00:14:00] strength and other versions saved through Christ who strengthens [00:14:05] me. And so as I close these passages of scripture, that's the one I wanna land on at the [00:14:10] end and really anchor onto.

Once you have thrown off the sin, thrown off the [00:14:15] hindrances, you have fixed your eyes on Jesus, you see the race marked out for you, and then you look at your pack and there's some heavy [00:14:20] and hard realities that you will navigate in life. These [00:14:25] verses, and then as we end with Philippians 4, Jesus strengthens you.[00:14:30]

He will give you the strength to carry what is yours to [00:14:35] carry. And I don't know what you're carrying. I don't know what's in your [00:14:40] story. I don't know what your daily reality is like. But I do know that there are [00:14:45] heavy and hard realities in life, and so I assume there may be something heavy and hard in [00:14:50] your life today, just like there are in mine.

And rather than share [00:14:55] tools and resources and point you in multiple directions of things you could read or, [00:15:00] or exercises you could do, Today, I want to simply offer [00:15:05] the comfort and compassion of Jesus. [00:15:10] I want to point to Jesus and encourage you to meet [00:15:15] with Him because He will meet with you. So whether today finds [00:15:20] you grappling with loneliness, depression, [00:15:25] anxiety, disconnection in your marriage.

I [00:15:30] Miscarriage, loss of an opportunity, loss of a [00:15:35] friendship, loss of a sense of security, loss of a loved one, [00:15:40] grappling with mental health struggles, marriage struggles, [00:15:45] parenting struggles, health struggles, [00:15:50] overwhelmed by grief, feeling the weight of responsibilities, [00:15:55] battling a chronic illness, In the midst of a major life transition, [00:16:00] learning of a new diagnosis, infertility, [00:16:05] loss of a dream, whatever you're holding that's heavy and [00:16:10] hard, may Jesus meet you in it today, [00:16:15] in this moment, and may you feel his nearness in an almost [00:16:20] tangible way.

What I want to leave you with today. is a [00:16:25] simple playlist of songs that I put together for you [00:16:30] to offer comfort, compassion, and [00:16:35] encouragement as you carry the heavy and hard that is yours to carry, [00:16:40] that you may be strengthened for the race marked out with you with the heavy and [00:16:45] hard that is in your pack of life.

You can find this playlist [00:16:50] in the show notes. There'll be a little highlighted [00:16:55] link that will say, click here, and you can find that playlist through the show notes. [00:17:00] Wow. 

[00:17:00] Denisha: Friends. I would love for you to stay connected with Katie to find [00:17:05] her playlist that she mentioned on Spotify. We have the link to all of these in the show notes, [00:17:10]but you can also look up a playlist called strength by Katie Tremonti on Spotify.[00:17:15]

And you can stay connected with Katie and her incredible ODR podcast [00:17:20] anywhere you listen to your podcasts and it's Original Design Restored podcast. [00:17:25] You can also find her at originaldesignrestored. org or on [00:17:30] Instagram at originaldesignrestored. We hope that you enjoyed this episode [00:17:35] and that you find strength in your heavy and hard in life.[00:17:40]

Thanks for listening. I pray you found hope in [00:17:45] today's conversation and maybe even feel a little less alone in your story. [00:17:50] Stay connected with us on Facebook and Instagram at Reclaimed Story. [00:17:55] Want to learn more about living a reclaimed life and how you can be a part of our growing community of [00:18:00] reclaimers?

Check out our website at reclaimedstory. com. All of [00:18:05] those links and more will be in the show notes. And if you enjoyed this inspirational [00:18:10] podcast, be sure to subscribe, rate, and review. Not only will you be the [00:18:15] first one to know when new content comes out, but it is also a huge help in helping us [00:18:20] reach more people to live the