Living the Reclaimed Life

A Way Of Life ~ Rev. Dr. Sanghoon Yoo Ep.134

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Have you ever paused to consider your way of life? Is it defined by constant hurry, relentless hustle, and a sense of overwhelm? Do you find yourself racing from one task to the next, with to-do lists piling up faster than you can manage? 

What if there were another way—a path of rest, abiding, letting go, and recharging?

You might be thinking, "But I have responsibilities, a job, a family, bills to pay, and a purpose to fulfill. Slowing down feels like a luxury I can't afford—I need to keep my momentum to be successful."

In this episode, I want to introduce you to someone who embodies a different approach. Meet Rev. Dr. Sanghoon Yoo. Despite leading multiple organizations that he founded, holding a master’s degree and a Doctor of Ministry, having a family, paying bills, and leading a trauma-informed movement across Arizona, Rev. Dr. Yoo approaches his life in a way that is truly unique. May his approach inspire each of us today. 

Stay connected with Rev. Dr. Sanghoon Yoo, The founder of The Faithful City (TFC)

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[00:00:00] Have you ever paused to consider your way of life? Is it [00:00:05] defined by constant hurrying, relentless hustle, and a sense of overwhelm? [00:00:10] Do you find yourself racing from one task to the next with to do lists piling up [00:00:15] faster than you can manage? What if there was another way? [00:00:20] A way of rest, abiding, letting go, and [00:00:25] recharging?

You might be thinking, Danesha, I have responsibilities. A job, a [00:00:30] family, bills to pay, and a purpose to fulfill. Slowing down feels like a luxury I [00:00:35] can't afford. I need to keep my momentum to be successful. Well then [00:00:40] friends, we have something in common. But today, I want to introduce you to [00:00:45] someone who embodies a different approach.

Meet Reverend Dr. Sanghoon [00:00:50] Yoo. Despite leading multiple organizations that he founded, holding a master's [00:00:55] degree and a doctor of ministry, Having a family, paying bills, and leading a [00:01:00] trauma informed movement across Arizona, Reverend Dr. Yu approaches his [00:01:05] life in a way that is truly unique. May his approach inspire [00:01:10] each of us today.

Welcome to living the reclaim life podcast. I'm [00:01:15] Denisha. We're glad you're here for conversations that revive hope, inspire [00:01:20] healing and encourage you to live a vibrant life with Christ. So grab a cup of coffee [00:01:25] as we chat with today's guest.

[00:01:30] In today's episode, I am so excited to reintroduce you to my [00:01:35] friend, Reverend Dr. Sanghoon Yoo. He is the founder of the Faithful City. [00:01:40] He has led ministries and social services at the Arizona State University [00:01:45] and the Phoenix metropolitan area for over two decades. He holds a [00:01:50] master's degree in social work and a doctor of ministry degree.

He also founded the [00:01:55] Arizona trauma informed faith community, collaborating with the Arizona [00:02:00] ACEs, the adverse childhood experiences consortium, where he served as a [00:02:05] founding board member. I could tell you about all of the communities that he's pulled [00:02:10] together, the different departments that he's worked with, but I will tell you in a [00:02:15]sentence.

He has truly mobilized a trauma informed community [00:02:20] movement. So Sanghoon, I am so happy to have you back with us today. [00:02:25] It's been a while. I'm excited for where our conversation is going to go [00:02:30] today. Thank you, Denisha. It's my honor and blessing to get back to you [00:02:35] and your podcast. I remember, you know, what we talked about exactly [00:02:40]years ago.

It was. such a blessing to me. And as I talked with [00:02:45] you, I'm so proud of you, how you survived the difficult [00:02:50] days. And also, meanwhile, my movement has been growing [00:02:55]and I want to say more transforming the way how we work. So we started [00:03:00] Weave and Clip movement and conference and started creating communities of [00:03:05] belonging project.

So in that sense, God really blessed our movement [00:03:10] and I'm happy to be here to share my heart with you today. I am [00:03:15] so excited for you to share your heart. As we talked before we hit [00:03:20] record today, our theme this month is why do we do what we do? And [00:03:25] part of that is understanding trauma, understanding how traumas impacted our lives [00:03:30] and where a conversation was led.

I just felt like it was led by the Lord was [00:03:35] why do we do what we do when we pursue success? [00:03:40] And you and I were talking about success that all or nothing, I'm [00:03:45] either a success or I'm not versus a heart of resilience and [00:03:50] discipleship. Thank you, Denisha. Well, you're surviving your traumatic [00:03:55] season and you know me that I always talk about in my own traumatic season.

And it [00:04:00] has been 10 years of a journey, which is really my motto and [00:04:05] energy of my movement. It's not about the, Oh, trauma informed care is the buzzword and [00:04:10] you know, everybody talk about it. So it's a cool science and faith come together. [00:04:15] It is great. And however, This is also part of my story, right? [00:04:20] And then my testimony is not just because about God healed me, you [00:04:25] know, yes, he did, and he does, he will continue the healing journey, [00:04:30] but actually we talk about that post traumatic growth.

The [00:04:35] Trauma is hard to overcome. It has a lifelong effect, first of [00:04:40] all. And however, with that, it can give a very unique opportunity to [00:04:45] us that looking at the life differently and really transform [00:04:50] our life, not just the healing, but really change the [00:04:55] direction and perspective. So we can move. and [00:05:00] follow Jesus more refreshing way and renewed way and different way.

So [00:05:05] with that, I'm not against the success. I think we can say, Oh, we [00:05:10] want to have a success in following Jesus. Of course we want to do. And [00:05:15] however, language is important. Some people, and many people don't like talk about trauma, [00:05:20] but everybody want to talk about success. Maybe you and I are different. We don't want to talk about [00:05:25] success much, maybe we want to talk about trauma more.

Nowadays, I'm [00:05:30] emphasizing my own distinction between resilience and success. Success is [00:05:35] more about achieving the goals. So we need to set the goals, [00:05:40] and then when we accomplish it, we call it success. For me, the [00:05:45] resilience is actually recharging the energy every day. In my [00:05:50] holistic self, my soul and mind and body.

So whatever I [00:05:55] face today or tomorrow, I'm going to be on my track, my journey, [00:06:00]whether it looks like a success or not, whether it looks like a [00:06:05] failure or not. So I can be more transcendent over my [00:06:10] emotional shock or joy when I think I feel like, or I [00:06:15] made the success. It can be the small success. It can be a big success.

[00:06:20] Well, we need to enjoy the success. But what if we feel like we failed? We didn't do a good job, [00:06:25] right? At least to enjoy our life. That's kind of where I am [00:06:30] to point that success can be a part of a life, but I hope though we can [00:06:35] change our focus from pursuing success, productivity, [00:06:40] performance, and to more of abiding in [00:06:45] God and following Jesus.

If we really [00:06:50] believe. That we receive the eternal life, right? [00:06:55] And so, it's more about the really journey. It's not really [00:07:00] about making a difference. I always say, don't try to impress God. [00:07:05] How can you impress God by what? You know? I think what God wants us to do is [00:07:10] abide in Him. And then just follow Him.

Actually, that was a main [00:07:15] failure we did in, you know, you know, I mean, I was talking about Genesis chapter 3, right? This is [00:07:20] the original sin. But it's really because of the brokenness [00:07:25] between God and us in our relationship. What happened was, it's [00:07:30] not just about eating the fruit of knowledge, and then we got kicked out of the garden, eating all the [00:07:35] things.

But the thing is that the shalom, the wholeness of [00:07:40] my life. is totally disrupted. So my peace, my [00:07:45] shalom is gone and it can only be fulfilled back [00:07:50] when I am in Jesus. Why I say that? Because when Jesus came out of death, [00:07:55] And then resurrected and came to the disciples, the first word he said was what? [00:08:00] Shalom.

He's been with you. I connect directly that to the [00:08:05] moment that we lost it from the Genesis chapter three, that we [00:08:10] lost the shalom, but because of Jesus, we are here to the [00:08:15]restoration of the shalom. If we have the restoration of the shalom, [00:08:20] and what do you think? And then after this, because what you just [00:08:25] told us.

is not, hey, Sang eun, be [00:08:30] successful and be powerful, you know, be amazing minister, be [00:08:35] great healer. But he told Peter from the beginning to the end, [00:08:40] only one thing, follow me, follow me [00:08:45] because you're going to be a fisherman of the soul, right? But also [00:08:50] follow me, you may die because you follow me. Maybe you might be [00:08:55] crucified.

But still, you follow me. So that's the [00:09:00] thing. I think as a disciple, well, we got to Jesus, so we're going to overcome Roman [00:09:05] government. We finally, there's a liberation come, but I'm sorry, Jesus didn't [00:09:10] do that. Actually, the one thing is that, you know, I always say [00:09:15]this, what Jesus promised in the great commission of Matthew [00:09:20] 28, we all remembered about that, you know, do the Bible study and then [00:09:25] do the discipleship and baptism and go to the world.

But one thing he promised is [00:09:30] that what, I will be with you until the end of the age. Only [00:09:35] one promise is his presence, not [00:09:40] power, success in all the things. So if I heard it right, I [00:09:45] go and I just do what I saw, what I observed, what I learned from Jesus, [00:09:50]but there's no guarantee of a success or failure. My thing is that I need [00:09:55] to learn how to enjoy Emmanuel, Jesus.

God is with me, [00:10:00] whether I succeed or fail, whether I yield or not yield, whether I feel like I [00:10:05] move forward or I step back. I don't deny those things, but we have a [00:10:10] Jesus. So I think that's my main thing is that after chapter three of [00:10:15] Genesis, our life is all about survivor. And now we talk about survivor [00:10:20] and thriving, but you know, I think when Jesus said it's finished, [00:10:25] then we are whole after Jesus.

So we don't have to [00:10:30] strive to my life better. We need to see when we [00:10:35] embrace Jesus. We are fulfilled. We need to have that [00:10:40] shalom and peace, just overcoming all concerns and worries and [00:10:45] triggers, reactions, fight and flight and freeze, you know, you name it, [00:10:50] or lack of attachment or distorted attachment, you name it, whatever, [00:10:55] that I can be really be with Jesus who brought me the [00:11:00] eternal life that gives me eternal security and safety.

[00:11:05] That regulate my soul as well as my body and mind. [00:11:10] So we talk about Dr. Bruce Parrott, regulates, relate, reason. But [00:11:15] it's not just only for the my body part, but also my soul part. [00:11:20] So I can have a more power to really being with [00:11:25] Jesus is enough because Jesus told us Abide in me. And then Jesus [00:11:30] told disciples, trust me, believe in me.

When disciples ask, give me the work, what [00:11:35] can I do? So I see that the core connection with Jesus [00:11:40] is not about doing, it's about being and belonging. [00:11:45] And so I can become like Jesus [00:11:50] because we follow Jesus, we are close to him. That is so powerful. And yet [00:11:55]so simple, but so hard to walk out. I think sometimes in our [00:12:00] day to day, because those pressures of success [00:12:05] of hurry, Of busyness saying, when you fascinate me [00:12:10] because you have so much [00:12:15] education, right?

You've got your master's degree. You've got your doctor. You've got all of [00:12:20] these things behind you that you could pull apart any part of human [00:12:25] behavior and make it make sense. Yet what your heart is so focused on is how [00:12:30] do I follow Jesus in my day? How do I abide in [00:12:35]him? We often overlook that peace, that shalom, that [00:12:40] simplicity of just, I get up in my day and success is walking with [00:12:45] Jesus.

And when life throws something at me, maybe resilience is turning back [00:12:50] to Christ. What does this look like in your everyday practically? [00:12:55] So, a lot of times, we are in a very linear thought or paradigm, [00:13:00] which means if I work more harder, my life is going to be better. If I'm going to be the [00:13:05] good, and my life is going to be very blessed, right?

But I don't see that [00:13:10] the kind of only way how Bible describes the life of people of God. [00:13:15] I see a lot of paradox, like Job's life, I mean, he was a righteous man, but he [00:13:20] got in trouble. Nothing to do with what, you know, he did for God. [00:13:25] And we know that Joe's friends kind of accused him, and it sounds like the right [00:13:30] theology because you did something wrong, you know, you got in trouble.

But again, [00:13:35] Interestingly, when God showed up and he showed how much he was graced, there [00:13:40] is nothing to do with the Job's physical disease. And, you know, he gets the [00:13:45]poverty he lost, you know, everybody, he lost life almost, but he's not talking about the [00:13:50]restoration of Job's life. That's the main thing, right?

Main issue right now. But God just showed [00:13:55] that, did you see this? Were you there? I was making this, you know, and so it's [00:14:00] interesting because In that chapter, in the last chapter, that Job says, I [00:14:05] repent. And I thought about it. What do you repent? Because to [00:14:10] us, repent is more about just the guilt, what I did.

But trauma [00:14:15] actually is more deeply involved with the shame, who I am. And I think, because the [00:14:20] Job said, I repent because I heard about you, but now I see you. So what I [00:14:25]repent is that actually, what I thought, who you are, and what I thought, [00:14:30] What I am, who I am, so what I should do, right? So [00:14:35] when we said, why you do what you do, first of all, it starts with that kind of, [00:14:40] but that amazing encounter with our big God, who has [00:14:45]unlimited compassion, unconditional love, no matter what, are [00:14:50] saved by his work, not my work.

So there's a huge relief there. [00:14:55] And then instead of just, you're all paid off, you're fine, [00:15:00] just be there and be with me. You know, that experience, it brings [00:15:05] a lot of a relief, but also repentance on my [00:15:10] own self sufficiency. I try to earn the grace, I try to earn the [00:15:15] eternal life, I just try to earn what I think I want to get from God.[00:15:20]

But there's a huge paradigm change, and which [00:15:25] means that also All our own goodwill, [00:15:30] badwill, whatever we have in my life, we need to die daily with Jesus [00:15:35] so we can rise with Jesus and that's [00:15:40] Interestingly, very paradoxical that, you know, a lot of people in [00:15:45] America don't like the Bible verse where Jesus says, if you love your life, you're going to [00:15:50] lose it.

But if you hate your life, you're going to, you know, earn the life, like gain the life. What [00:15:55] is that? How can he talk about hatred, right? But the thing is that actually, [00:16:00] I don't think Jesus really want us to hate our life, but Jesus want [00:16:05] us to depart from our own self reliance, which is American [00:16:10] virtue, to be honest.

And so we can really, really humble ourselves. [00:16:15] Look at Job, and look at King David, and Moses, and Apostle Paul. And God [00:16:20] didn't answer his prayer. Oh my gosh, can you imagine that? What a shame. [00:16:25] But he said, it'd be better for you to stay humble instead of achieving [00:16:30] all kind of the prayers answered. So think about it, that, [00:16:35] wow, it's so devastating for my own humanistic desire and passion.[00:16:40]

However, it needs to die with Jesus. Jesus died not only for [00:16:45] my sins so I can go to heaven, Jesus died and showing me that I [00:16:50] need to die with Jesus so I can live a totally [00:16:55]different, resurrected life. That's the resiliency. So Jesus [00:17:00] was a total humanist failure on the cross. But ironically, that [00:17:05] was the moment God just exalted himself with glory.

[00:17:10] God's glory came not because of Jesus success. God's glory came because of [00:17:15] Jesus humanistic failure. That's why everybody left him. But [00:17:20] the game was not over. After three days, God came [00:17:25] and he resurrected Jesus. And then because of that Jesus, [00:17:30] because we have a faith in that death and resurrection, [00:17:35] we can die with Jesus.

So like a spiritual formation, we always say, [00:17:40] let go, let go. That's what I try to practice every day. [00:17:45] Well, let me be honest. If I do a good job, great, to be honest. And if [00:17:50] I don't do a good job in my work each day, yeah, I feel so bad, [00:17:55] but I need to separate moment. Yeah. really doing the [00:18:00] deep breathing to breathe in his holy spirit, not gain more power, [00:18:05]actually to empty myself, to lose my power.

Let go, let [00:18:10] God. I do practice this. Let go, let God, and [00:18:15] let God, and let go, and let God, and let God. In my [00:18:20] first let go, let God, I just try to Kind of a diary that [00:18:25] she just whether it was a great or so bad or devastating. I [00:18:30] just let all go and then let God's unconditional loving [00:18:35] coming. And that's to me very radical humility.

And [00:18:40] then Let God let go. I embrace God's unconditional [00:18:45] love, radical acceptance. So that's to be very radical [00:18:50] restoration. Because I don't feel I'm deserved for that. Jesus [00:18:55] wants me to humble myself, die with him, but at the same time, he [00:19:00] wants me to rise with him. And after that, [00:19:05] finish out, I spent much of time for that, you know, with God every day.

And when I have a time with the guy in [00:19:10] the morning, and then the third thing is that let God let God, [00:19:15] which means to me, only Shalom and Agape should be stay in [00:19:20] my life. To me, that's a radical assumption. Whether I [00:19:25] see life or death, whether I see success or failure, I'm gonna be with [00:19:30] you because you are in me, living in me with [00:19:35] the shalom.

And what I do from now on as your beloved [00:19:40] child is love God and love others as [00:19:45]myself. Agape love. That's sacrificial. [00:19:50] Powerful love with a courageous cross, a truly that [00:19:55] it's not transactional. It's not give and take. I just was given [00:20:00] that unconditional love. So I'm gonna leave somebody today [00:20:05] unconditionally.

And whenever I got into that moment, I don't know, there was a [00:20:10] huge power over me, you know, like, Oh, I have a training today. I have a class today. [00:20:15] You know, I have a preaching today. We are very worried about right. How are you going to go well or [00:20:20] not, but all things gone. And then just what in my heart [00:20:25] is that we don't know people you see today.

Why are you preaching wire teaching wire [00:20:30] train, whatever, even. You know me. I love to do to your show because I love [00:20:35] you. And I want to be really full of love for you. And by their love, I want to [00:20:40] be motivated to this recording with you instead of, oh, here you go. There's my [00:20:45] teaching. Phenomenal. Isn't it?

Yeah, I'm honest. I tried to do that. I tried to prove [00:20:50] myself, you know, but. The trauma actually crushed everything. [00:20:55] I say it in a joking way. Drama was my chemotherapy to my soul. It just killed [00:21:00] everything. And after that, man, I don't have [00:21:05] anything. You know, I lost all my strengths. I was really wanted to lose my life.[00:21:10]

But God show up like he showed up to Joe, you know, and [00:21:15] then saying, it doesn't matter whatever you did. What matters is what I [00:21:20] did for you. Receive it. So you can restore [00:21:25] eternal destiny and abiding in life with me. And that's what I [00:21:30] pursue every day. I love what you do in the morning to empty [00:21:35] yourself.

We'll definitely put that in the show notes. So let go, let [00:21:40] God, let go, let God twice, right? And really let go, let God, [00:21:45] let God, let go. And let God let God. I [00:21:50] love that. That's a beautiful way. If you see that emptying through that process also, [00:21:55] Oh, saying who, and there's so many, so many thoughts and so many questions that I have for [00:22:00] you.

I love your perspective. Thank you for sharing just a Christ [00:22:05] centered perspective on life, on success, on [00:22:10] how we lead our day. And even as you were saying, you know, if something [00:22:15] happens in your day, you just go back to that. If you're stressed out, I am a [00:22:20]recovering perfectionist and probably will be for the rest of my life.

Not that I ever got anything [00:22:25] perfect, but perfectionism drives me a lot to stress. But what I'm hearing [00:22:30] you say is none of that matters. If you're just, your sole [00:22:35] intention is to follow Jesus, love God, love others. I talk about that too [00:22:40] because I say nowadays trauma informed care is in a cultural setting because I'm [00:22:45] doing the work to change the culture of the community, culture of the church, culture of [00:22:50] the organization.

In that sense, our fight is not about trauma pain. [00:22:55] Our fight is actually about fighting against perfectionism. Because that's [00:23:00] culture, our culture, and our culture is a full of perfectionism, [00:23:05] overthinking, which is actually trauma response, survival response, and [00:23:10]authoritarianism, you know, just like, um, all kind of a punitive system, power driven, [00:23:15] and those are toxic, you know, in trauma informed care, we're talking about toxic stress, but [00:23:20] the problem we have now is that we are in very toxic culture.

So we're [00:23:25] not just changing my body from sick body to the healed body, but we need [00:23:30] to change how I live. Because culture, in a very simple [00:23:35] definition, is a way of life, how you live. So this is a countercultural movement. We need [00:23:40] to live different way. That's my Lord. I see. I see Jesus there. [00:23:45] And so that's why, for me to following Jesus, I say these days, [00:23:50] trauma informed care is not just about the healing.

[00:23:55] And in addition to that, for us, it's really [00:24:00] discipleship, how to follow Jesus. Because Jesus was so counter cultural [00:24:05] at the time, that's why he was persecuted. And it's hard to get over the [00:24:10] pain of trauma, but now even we need to have courage to go [00:24:15]against the culture. It is a superpower. That's why we need to totally empty ourselves.[00:24:20]

We need to be filled by the power of God, not my manufactured [00:24:25] humanistic power. But by power of God, the more I empty [00:24:30] myself, the more I feel by the God's power, I have a real courage. [00:24:35] to go against. My God is my Lord. Whom shall I fear? And [00:24:40] again, Psalm 62 is my life's psalm that for God alone, I wait in silence because the [00:24:45] salvation comes from Him.

But next verse is really that because God is my [00:24:50] salvation, I will not be shaken. And that's unshaken, [00:24:55] unmoved, the life and soul and mind, the body is possible [00:25:00] because I follow Jesus, not because I make a success [00:25:05] in the name of Jesus. If I want to make a success in the name of Jesus, I'm [00:25:10] going to be perfectionism driven, anxiety driven, more [00:25:15]fear driven.

But if I follow Jesus who unconditionally, perfectly [00:25:20] loves me no matter what. Then I'm gonna be more freedom driven, [00:25:25] and I'm gonna be more shalom, the peace driven, and I'm gonna be [00:25:30] more compassion driven, because I don't have to prove myself. [00:25:35] I just receive love, and I give away that love. And that's [00:25:40] how I follow Jesus.

And honestly, it's hard to love your enemy, [00:25:45] right? I do that because I follow Jesus. And then I don't look at the [00:25:50] enemy, but I look at Jesus because he loves me anyway. And it gives me that [00:25:55] perfect love to cast out the fear. And Jesus told us to [00:26:00] be perfect. Yes. But I found that perfection, not perfectionism, [00:26:05] but perfection comes when I die with Jesus.

So, [00:26:10] let God, let God, when the shalom and agape is filled with me, and I can [00:26:15]practice the shalom and agape to my soul, and to euthanasia, and [00:26:20] to people who I meet and see today. And I believe that's the discipleship, [00:26:25] the following Jesus. And that's evangelism. That's a mission. That's a missiological [00:26:30] advancing kingdom of God.

We are here to love each other, one another, and to love [00:26:35] others as Jesus loved us. Because God wanted to see [00:26:40] perfected love among us, not perfectionism or perfect [00:26:45] product to make our glory high. Ironically, paradoxically, His [00:26:50] glory comes when we die with Jesus, and we're just gonna be the [00:26:55] empty bowl that filled with His shalom and agape.

And He can just [00:27:00] transparently, totally, just, Delivered and passed on [00:27:05] to others. So you're recovering from the perfectionism [00:27:10] I'm recovering from all the religiosity You know, we talk about it connection [00:27:15] before correction But as a pastor, I was trained to love somebody by [00:27:20] correction because we know the truth.

We learn the truth We know the what is right thing. [00:27:25] We do the right thing. Our job is correct everybody who don't do right That's my [00:27:30] religion. But You After I met Jesus different way [00:27:35] because about my traumatic season, I found he didn't come to correct me. He [00:27:40]came to connect me and my father is the Malachi or John three [00:27:45] 16, but the 17, he didn't come to condemn us.

He came [00:27:50] to save us and to connect us to the eternal destiny. [00:27:55] And so it totally interestingly, 180 degree of the paradigm change. [00:28:00] And so I need to overcome that because overcome from all my religious passion [00:28:05] and religiosity, which sometimes can be more harmful for people than [00:28:10] healing power. I see the practice that you have in place as [00:28:15]truly a way of life for you.

What would you say to someone [00:28:20] listening? That is overwhelmed. That is in life. That's overwhelmed. That's caught [00:28:25] up in doing in seeking success and trying to do everything right, trying [00:28:30] to please everybody. How do you go from that pace, right, [00:28:35] that strikes me as a freeway just going 90 miles an hour in [00:28:40] life.

To the way of life that you're describing is so beautiful [00:28:45] and so calm. I see you like sitting on the beach, just watching the waves, [00:28:50] just as beautiful ways, just you and God, where so many of us are on that freeway, that [00:28:55] rush of life. What would you say to someone listening on the freeway, [00:29:00] overwhelmed by life, but hearing your message of Shalom, of what it means to [00:29:05] follow Jesus, and thinks, how do I get there?

I wish I know that [00:29:10] too, Denisha. But the more and more, I think, [00:29:15] nowadays, the call to Jesus is not just a making [00:29:20] job and job description and achieve it. He called us, and It's [00:29:25] saying, hey, I have an invitation for you. Come to me and I'm gonna [00:29:30] make you rest. I love Ecclesiastes. When I was kind of digging into the [00:29:35] Bible, actually, the first book I was digging into is Ecclesiastes, actually.

So when I [00:29:40] was in, you know, middle school, high school, one verse. Most important to me in [00:29:45] Ecclesiastes is chapter 12 and verse 1 is remember, remember the [00:29:50] creed. You're young, but before you get old, remember the creed. I just [00:29:55] want to say one thing that. You know what? When I came out of an [00:30:00] accident, maybe some people feel that way because their parents even said that, [00:30:05] but we are here because of the purpose, right?

But who gonna give their purpose to [00:30:10] me? A lot of times we try to make our own purpose. That's why we are very success oriented. [00:30:15] But what if, no, I'm not here by my own strengths, by [00:30:20] my own design, by my own manufacture. I'm here because somebody made me. [00:30:25] Right? Yeah, my parents. But more, deeper [00:30:30] way, where is my origin?

That's my father. The privilege of becoming [00:30:35] the Christian and following Jesus is that everybody call him the God, but we [00:30:40] call him as a father. I acknowledge there are many people who didn't have a good father and [00:30:45] abused by a father. Of course we are trauma informed, but that doesn't mean our [00:30:50] father has to change, you know, his title and something.

Our father is a father. We didn't have a [00:30:55] many good marvel of a fathers. I understand that, but this is the time to [00:31:00] rediscover. What is my origin? Who is my [00:31:05] father? Who made me? Who made the whole the world? Who is the [00:31:10] creator? And I think maybe they can give me some, the answer [00:31:15] because, okay, if there is a father of everything including myself, [00:31:20] maybe I want to ask a question.

Why am I here? What kind of life do you want me to live? [00:31:25] Why you created me, right? And then hopefully that we [00:31:30] can think about, because I think God's gonna tell me, hey, you need to get this [00:31:35] degree, you need to get this certificate, and you, then you need to be a minister, you need to be a [00:31:40] bishop, you need to be a businessman, so you can, it's all about doing [00:31:45]when the incarnated God invited us, say what, [00:31:50] repent, which means turning around, stop, stop, stop, make a pause.[00:31:55]

And I'm here, just come to me. I invite you for [00:32:00] rest and light yoke. It doesn't sound like American, you know what I'm [00:32:05] saying? Just, uh, I'm glad Jesus was not American, you know? You come here, follow me, working so [00:32:10] hard, we're gonna make life, you know, change. We're gonna conquer the world. He didn't say that.

[00:32:15] He just said, hey. I know you're tired. I know you're striving. I know [00:32:20] life is tough. There's a Father who created the whole [00:32:25] world and you and me today. And come and let's abide and listen. [00:32:30] We can open our, the door of our heart and mind and [00:32:35] soul a little bit for that. And then have some expectancy that God's [00:32:40] gonna speak to me when I abide in Him.

I don't want to say it's an easy journey. Because, [00:32:45] again, we have all trauma brain triggers and all the life struggles and challenges. [00:32:50] However, just to think about who was Alpha [00:32:55]and who is Omega. Where I come from and where I go. [00:33:00] If it is from the Father in Heaven and through Jesus to go back to Father in [00:33:05] Heaven.

I need to think about my life. From my father's perspective, [00:33:10] what should be my Alpha and Omega of my life, and hopefully it [00:33:15] can rearrange who God is, who I am, what is more [00:33:20] important, rather than what is more urgent, and what is the real true [00:33:25] priority in my life, and what is the purpose of my life, [00:33:30] because You know, Westminster Shorter, uh, Catholicism, the first question was that [00:33:35] what is the goal of humankind, right?

And it says what? To glorify God and enjoy [00:33:40] him forever. Oh man, what a wisdom. I heard that America is one of the [00:33:45] worst depressed country among the developed countries in the world. Isn't it [00:33:50] interesting? We have a lot of affluence, but we are still not happy. We are very depressed [00:33:55] and we are very anxious.

Look at the all painkillers, you know, we are selling and buying. [00:34:00] Wow, and then still we believe America is a Christian country or [00:34:05] nation and leading, you know, in Christianity. Really, I'm not [00:34:10] here to criticize America. Don't get me wrong. I'm American too. It's time [00:34:15] to really reflect and truly repent. Not just the sin [00:34:20] or doing, but really who I am and turning around my direction of my [00:34:25] life, right?

So, hey father. I have so many great things [00:34:30] to show you. I did a great work or father. I don't have [00:34:35] anything. I ruined your property like a prodigal son. But what did the father [00:34:40]do? What does the father do? And what will the father do? According to [00:34:45] Jesus and his parable, the father gonna run to me and [00:34:50] hold me a jump with me and bring the party for [00:34:55] me.

Thank you for me that father. Wow. [00:35:00] And we need to experience the Father so I can be [00:35:05] relieved and I can be relaxed and I can release all life [00:35:10] burden and I can have that perfect rest and win the shalom of [00:35:15] Jesus. And so I can really get into Sabbath, which God [00:35:20] did after six days of creation, including humankind.

The first thing he [00:35:25] did is. Hey, let's just lie down on the beach like Sanghoon [00:35:30] and Dinesha and just, uh, we enjoy the day. We enjoy the night. We don't really live [00:35:35] in a culture of rest that, that prioritizes rest. That's for sure. [00:35:40] Yeah. And it's not far away. And I always say, [00:35:45] don't try to make a great vacation plan in [00:35:50] October or November.

I'm going to go Hawaii until that time. I'm going to have a double job [00:35:55] and working hard, even for my vacation. I need to work more harder. [00:36:00] You're describing my life. That's not to remind from the way of how we live. I [00:36:05] always ask that, try to have a more. Short break, frequently, daily [00:36:10] basis, rather than trying to make a magnificent kind of a vacation plan, [00:36:15] you know, for the whole year.

Not one time, you know, two weeks, because God is [00:36:20] always available to Nisha, right? And He's with us. Enjoying God each [00:36:25] moment. I was more depressed. I didn't have much sleep. I had a nightmare. Maybe I needed more [00:36:30] time with God. You know, five minutes or three minutes. Frequently, you know, four or five [00:36:35] times.

During my work or while I'm driving. Or while I try to engage certain [00:36:40] things. Just put me aside a little bit. And then just calm down and let go. [00:36:45] Let God. And let God. Let go. With my breathing. [00:36:50] Finally, that God and that God in my life. Thank you. Thank you for [00:36:55]sharing your heart with us. Thank you for sharing ways to abide.

That's [00:37:00] really what I think, just a new way of living a way of life to abide at him, to [00:37:05]follow him, to seek refuge in him before we seek. [00:37:10] Success on earth to sit in that, to live in that. And thank you for sharing [00:37:15] your journey. I'm sure it wasn't overnight, but you've really, you're in a beautiful [00:37:20] place. And I think just so such a refreshing way to [00:37:25] see being a disciple of Jesus.

So thank you.[00:37:30]

Oh, well, I'm saying, how can we find you outside of this [00:37:35] podcast? I found it of Facebook city. So you can connect at [00:37:40] [00:37:45] or that one word, the Facebook [00:37:50] Yeah. Please connect with me to enjoy the rest in Jesus together. [00:37:55] Amen. Amen. Thank you, hun. Thanks for listening. [00:38:00] I pray you found hope in today's conversation, and maybe even feel a little [00:38:05] less alone in your story.

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