CrimeJuicy Cocktail Hour

A Lady Doesn't Start A Cult...On Purpose

CrimeJuicy Gang Season 1 Episode 6
Meet the latest cult leader kicked out of Hawaii, Amy Carlson, aka Mother God, with over 500 reincarnations dating back 19 billion years, over 6000 social media followers and fifteen devoted cult members.  Join the gang as we peel back the curtain to reveal the deep mental and physical abuse behind the group "ascension" to her new paradigm.

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A Lady Doesn't Start a Cult...on Purpose


Carrie:  Today, we're going to be talking about the Mother God Cult, Love Has Won, and why a lady never starts a cult on purpose. Becca is here to give us a little bit of history on their timeline, which is very interesting.     

Becca:  In 2004, 44-year-old, former McDonald's manager, Amy Carlson left her kids to join followers that she had acquired in Colorado in Crestone, Colorado.  In 2004, she started removing etheric microchips and doing energy healings remotely, and started accumulating followers via social media.  She says she was called to leave her kids. She didn't want to, but she had to. So she did and left them under the care of her family who brought her to Dr. Phil, which is where we found her on: “Help! My sister is running this cult with all these  followers.”

Her philosophy started with the universe or the world, as we know it started with an Archangel named Jehovah who separated from creation. He wanted to be God without God.

Before that it was a unity consciousness and he separated from the unity consciousness.  With the separation, he began taking over planets and creating dark species and dark realms. Her teachings have like a very large range of time. It all started 19 billion years ago when Father God and Mother God, who she says, she's Mother God.  She's the Mother God, she is the planet. Her and the Earth are the same. She's also claimed to be other things which we'll get into. 

So she in Father God made a plan to save the earth from dark forces. So Father God went to the lower realms to master them as Lucifer.  So father God's Lucifer.  And she stayed, Mother God stayed in the light realms.  Then a couple thousand years ago. Atlantean - so she was a - Mother God was the queen of Lumeria at the time, her father was Donald Trump.  Atlanteans stole the crystal technology from Lumeria.  Through this, the earth was taken over by the Annunaki, which are those like, big sexy aliens, and reptilian aliens, which are probably big and not as sexy.

 Carrie: Big sexy aliens. Huh? The Annunaki are sexy, who knew?   

Becca:  And now the world is being run by an evil cabal, and there's minions of all these groups that keep a planet in a low vibration.   Now Mother God and Father God have reunited on planet earth and they’re supposed to gather 144,000 people to get together and raise the frequency of the  planet.

Again, we're seeing the 144,000 people that we've seen in some of the Jesus people that we've talked about in previous episodes and also Chad and Lori Daybell, and there were 144,000 people that they had to get together. 


Mother God and Father God, 19 billion years later are finally reunited on earth and they got to gather these people to raise the frequency of the planet.

They're guided from the other side by Robin Williams, their Archangel, and he's in contact with the group from the other side, supporting their mission. And Amy is Mother God, and this is her 534th incarnation on this earth. 

So she started doing these like energy healings remotely and attracting people to come and join her in Colorado on social media.  She does these energy healings on you remotely.  These people have these intense experiences and essentially she is a psychic vampire.  If you don't know what it feels like to be sucked off of it, it's an energetic experience. So people feel this; they're compelled by it.

One of her psychic healing victims, Jeremy Brown, says that he basically felt that he was zapped through the phone, lost control of his body, and they transmitted dark energy and entity attachments during the ceremony, which was disguised as a healing. So that's his experience of it. 

When you joined them, one of your first initiations is an ego death ceremony, which happens after you complete these spiritual healing sessions with Amy through the phone.  During this, you sign your ego over to them, which is an ego death contract and doing so you sign your ego over to Father God who, through their mythology, of Lucifer.  To join them, you sign your soul over to the person you believe is the devil.

 Carrie: I did not realize that was part of the process that you had to sign your soul over to the devil. 

Becca: That's part of the deindividuation, you know, identity dissociation process that is an entry point into this cult.

She says that she's removed 8 billion…she's done 8 billion surgeries on the collective to remove etheric microchips and through this she's discovered angel chips which are about the Ascension.  She also does live streams a lot with daily Ascension reports and they sell herbal supplements.

Some of my favorite mother, God quotes is:  “Bring me a new paradigm,  you fucking Dick whores!” I think that's actually my favorite. And then Father God, her boyfriend, Jason Castillo…

Krista: There's a new father. God. 

Becca: Oh, there's Father God?

Krista: Yes. It is on their Reddit, which by the way, definitely check out.  I sent it to you guys. Oh my God.  Oh, my God. There's this upload from two days ago, she looks like she's dead. She looks like she's dying. Like, go check it out. 

Becca: She has been bedridden for awhile, right? 

Krista:  Yeah. It doesn't, she, she doesn't walk around. 

Becca: She stays drunk and like in bed basically, right? 

Krista:  She says that she's paralyzed from the waist down, which I think is completely ridiculous. She looks completely and totally emaciated, but all you see is pictures of her eating and laying in bed. So I'm not sure what's going on there.  Apparently there's a new Father God, and he is not very necessarily a pleasant person.  His name is just had it - stupid computers.  Terminator’s happening, y’all! 

Becca:  And he's hiding Father God from all of us. 

Krista:  Right. 

Becca:  Lucifer. 

Krista:  His name was Walter, and I'm not going to, to try to pronounce his last name because I suck at pronunciation so y'all can look it up. It's his nickname is Riccey. R I C C E Y.  That's his nickname. 

Becca:  I wonder how she explains the whole Father God jumping bodies thing. 

Krista:  They expelled the other one into the desert. 

Becca:  Oh no. 

Carrie: Becca wasn't there another guy that got expelled into the desert last year?

Becca:  Well, one of them that got expelled into the desert there's actually…so Alex Whitten went to them in May of 2020, then he was found naked and dehydrated with cactus needles in his feet, wandering in the desert north of Crestone.  This was just three days after he left his family to be with Mother God. He said that he had to do this to remove the darkness from the then Father God, Jason Castillo.  To remove the darkness from this father God, he was given drugs and sent into the desert.  The cult said he didn't have the right energy and was sent away.  When asked about his whereabouts, the cult lied to his family.

Other instances of these coercive kinds of things.  So, people in her cult are like not allowed to rest. They're not allowed to sleep for more than four hours. If you stop moving, you are stealing energy from Mother God, from the earth and she is the planet. So if you're not like moving, you're taking energy from her. If you're sleeping too much, you're taking energy from her.

Meanwhile, she just like stays drunk in bed and like yells at you. She's very, very verbally abusive to her followers. 

Krista:  All she does is sleep and eat and yell, so what energy is she talking about? Cause like, if there's that many people following you, letting you just suck up their energy, she better rebuilding houses or some crap like that.


Carrie:  I think that's why a lot of people are being compelled to follow her because there's, let's be real, a lot of mothers that's what they do. They are on the couch all day telling everybody what else to do. And if you just vacuum something or wash the dishes, they'll leave you alone.

Becca: So they like relate to it. 

Carrie:  That's how a lot of kids were raised.  I mean, I'm not trying to be rude. 

Krista: No, it happens. It does. 

Carrie:  I think that it’s interesting that it's here in Colorado.  Fascinating to me. 

Krista: You haven't seen any emaciated weirdos walking around?

Carrie:  I see them all the time. Oh yeah. 

I guess it doesn’t necessarily have to necessarily be Love As, I mean, Love Has Won. I mean, it is Colorado. I don't know.  

Becca: When we first covered this story, they had just been kicked off – Love Has Won just been kicked off of Hawaii where they were staying, and basically they were staying in this rental property and she was saying that she was like an incarnation of the volcano Pele and all this other shit.  Their neighbors were just having none of it. They were like, no, fuck these guys fuck this cult.  They protested outside of their rental. For what? Three days until - broke the windows of her car. 

Krista: Shot fireworks at them.

Carrie: You do not mess with Pele. You do not mess with her even if you're not a believer. Or whatever.  On that Island, everyone's a believer in that, in Pele, because it's just how it is. She - that's her island.  You can't disrespect her and anybody else who disrespects her: you have to go.

Krista:  It takes forever to rebuild shit.

Carrie:   She's very protective of her energy as a unit.  She's trying to control a vortex plus a portal. I mean, she's got a lot of stuff's going on for Pele. 

Becca: This is Pele, right, right.

Carrie:  Yes, yes. Yes, she’s the boss.

Krista: Is that why all of these crazy people keep going to Hawaii because there's like a portal to hell there, and they’re just drawn there and one day the right one's going to come there and not be able to be stopped, and then even more than it already has. 

Carrie: There's some people that say Hawaii is one of the [00:10:00] only portals and vortex units in the world. 

Krista: I could see that happening. 

Becca:  She all rolls in and she's like, I'm a goddess. And they're like, no, we actually have seen this energy at work and you're not it. 

Carrie: You're not the goddess here, dude. No, they would not do that.  And they will not allow people to disrespect her. 

Becca:  They ended up getting escorted to the airport and then they try to relocate to Maui and they get stopped at the airport and sent back to Colorado.  And what's the update that we just found out about them, Krista?

Carrie:  From that airport to the Maui airport, because then you could connect at that flight area, I think in fly back, you know what I mean?  And hit Washington or LA or Portland, you know, cause there's flights each way, which…

Becca:  Are all great places to land your cult.  What?  You want to go to LA, you want to go to LA and be a cult there? You want to go to Oregon and be at cult there? Maybe Washington. Washington's like Oregon, but cheaper. Pretty temperate.

Carrie:  So Oregon, we should choose to build a cult in Oregon or Colorado, it turns out.

Krista:  Yeah. Just to get like a bus and just be yeah, I'm just going to move.  

Carrie:  Something interesting about the Colorado terrain: it is more similar to the terrain in Afghanistan. Yes, Utah as well. That's why they have a lot of training exercises out here.  That could be conducive to the cult mentality because when you're in more of a badland type of area, you have to band together more.

Krista:  And what about South Dakota?

Becca: There's Oregon Badlands and stuff. Everything on the Oregon Trail. If they just like do the Oregon Trail and like a stop before they get anywhere good. They got this.  You're welcome, Mother God, you're welcome. We're helping your ass out here. We've got suggestions for ya.

Krista: What about the Dakota's, why aren’t people.

Becca:  Its cold! Look anywhere with hot springs, really.  Cause it could be cold, but you can use, you know.  

Krista:  There's gold.

Becca: They’d have to like put her on one of those like Pharaoh-carrying platforms and walk her ass over the whatever is.

Krista:  I don't understand why she just lays there.

Becca: Abusive coercive aspects of the cult. So through, I mean, it's crazy watching her. She collects the disability and social security checks of her members.  She's even collected their trust funds.  She rations their food. She doesn't let them sleep for more than four hours a night. You're getting in there, you're signing away your soul after having done these energetic, allegedly healings by her.  So she's already got her hooks in you, you've signed your soul away to fucking Father God, and then you're sleep deprived and working all day.  Your food's getting rationed.  Under those conditions you're very malleable.  And then it takes about two weeks or so before they actually let you interact directly with Mother God.  By the time you get there, you’re in a - in a state, you know, so then you get to meet her face to face and she's this like drunk bitch in bed, you know?

And she's screaming at you and telling you you’re a dick whore or whatever. 

Krista:  Listen, she is mean.  Even on Dr. Phil, she was mean.

Becca: I know!  She also has members publicly confess stuff on live stream videos and reveal their dark secrets.  I watched one interview with a former member where she was like, you know, I regret leaving my kids to be with her.  How all of this is like, you need to leave your family. This is part of your Ascension. This is for the universe. This is for the good of the planet, with the deprogramming.  She left her kids to  follow her path for the good of the planet.

Carrie:  CPS was like, no, we caught the last one with a towel, but we can't put that on air.  It's under, it's under HIPAA, but no. No, she didn't leave her children. They were taken, thank you very much.

Becca: Oh shit. I did not know that. 

Carrie: I am sure that's what happened. Yeah. I mean, that's her story.  I'm probably being facetious folks.  But let's be honest, how many meth heads get their kids taken away and blame it on [00:14:00] them not, you know, being able to follow the programs and some of the programs are hard and they don't let you whatever.  A lot of people can pass them, but a lot of people can’t.  Yeah. Court, all that, whatever all that...

Krista:  Custody court crap. 

Carrie: Yeah.  I’ve heard some terrible stories. 

Krista: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. But then there's also the cases where they give it back to the crack head and the meth head, and the person that did everything right doesn't get their kid back. It's messed up.  It's a funky system.

I like sleeping.  So, I don't know if someone said, Hey, get rid of your kids. I'd be like, Ooh, maybe I'll get a good nap in, and they’re like I can nap four hours a night?  I'd have been like, bitch, I would have been better off at home.

Becca: Once you get to the commune or whatever she's like pitting members against each other. Yeah. And I guess it kind of hearkens back to the cannibal thing. You just gotta like, be really fucked up to one person in front of everyone. People were afraid to leave because they seen that guy out in the desert on drugs with cactus needles and him like near death, they were Oh no, we're got to sneak out.  Or, I can't leave this cult, and she's taken all my money. 

Krista: Dammit. My mom's going to be like, I told you so.  

Becca:  Can't go back there. 

Krista: Damn it, mom. 

Becca:  She’s going to take my phone away. YouTube. She's not going to let me do live streams, she took my fucking trust fund, just God, Mother God bought a new car with it.  She can't even drive cause she's paralyzed, shit. 

Krista: Quote, unquote, she's probably pulling like a Warren Jeffs and has all of this  awesome ass shit.

Becca:  Another question I had was: so they moved to Hawaii, they got kicked out of Hawaii.  I believe they're back in Colorado. Correct. 

Krista: Yes for now.  

Carrie:  Crestone.  Crestone. They went back. 

Becca:  So Crestone's an interesting place. It's definitely got like a, a juju to it for sure. And there's a fuck ton of ashrams there.  A lot of people are drawn there to just really delve into their spiritual path.  Through that, I think it's really interesting what we're seeing with Mother God is she poses as an energy worker to be a psychic vampire and the kinds of victims that she is poised to strike at are a hundred percent drawn to Crestone and places like that. 

Krista: I've never been there. I'll have to go visit. See what kind of vibe I get. 

Becca:  I really want to go.  It sounds beautiful.    

Carrie: It's like four hours away.  We can go from my house. You guys. 

Becca:  We got to hit the Mesa and then we got to hit Crestone and then go to Paradox Valley for funsies. 

Carrie: Okay. That's going to take like three days each time you do it. 

Becca:  That’s fine.  

Krista: I can drive.  

Becca:  Let’s do it! 

Carrie: Yeah, but Crestone, we might want to stay the night when we're down there and stay for a couple of days.  I want to go check out. I want to go see the, I want to go see what the, I hear they've got alien stuff. I hear they got, they got some cool yoga stuff that's different. That's not yoga, but yoga.  

Becca:  So the Nature Boy Cult, they got kicked out of Hawaii because they broke quarantine to play with sea turtles. One thing that was interesting - so in early September there were three days of protests before the police escorted the cult’s 15 numbers to the airport They technically weren't doing anything illegal at all. So it's interesting. Cause I'm really put off by Mother God and all her bullshit. But at the same time, it's like, they weren't doing anything illegal, but at the same time, she's rolling up in this island, saying she's a deity… 

Carrie: Dude, she was putting it out on YouTube. Shut it down. Okay. I mean the law wasn't doing anything for a reason. That's pulling down a curse - that volcano will go and whenever it wants to go and it'll go wherever it wants to go.

Becca: We got to get her the fuck out before the volcano goes. 

Carrie: This was not about as a law thing, Becca, this was not about, you know, Krista saying, Oh, let's shut it down. No, no, no, we can't. It's all the spiritual people  out there going no. 

Krista: They signed a petition and said, nah, you're not a citizen here.  Get the fuck out. 

Carrie: You have to leave. 

Krista: No, no, no, no go away. 

Carrie: Yeah, no police, you know, as long as they didn't try to kill them, which, you know, they're very nice people. They're not going to try to murder. Yes. They'll throw a rock at your window. 

Krista: They were shooting fireworks their house. 

Carrie: That’s nothing. That was fine. That was just a warning.

Krista: Just a warning. Well, I guess it's better than lava through.

Becca:  Throwing lava at the house somehow. They probably wouldn't – how would you even do it that?

Carrie: How are you even throwing lava at the house? It's Pele, bitch!

Krista: She's pissed. 

Becca:  We're just trying to get out of the way.

Krista: My homeowners insurance said no more. 

Becca:  What was that like, acts of God, isn't that covered by  some sorts of insurance? 

Krista: It depends.  Like if you live on a flood plain, don't expect them to want to give you, they'll give you like it once, maybe twice, the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth, they're like, no, you're on your own.  Or you just don't even get insurance. They'll just be like, nah, we will not cover you. 

Becca:  We cover the first act of God, but not the second act of God.  I did have – Carrie Anne touched on it a bit earlier, but what draws people to this cult? Cause she's fucking terrible. 

Krista: She's not nice.

Carrie: She's gross too, you guys. She's really gross.  She’s terrible, She's horrible. She sounds like Screeching Mimi Deluxe.  Oh, you sound what? No, go listen to this girl's videos. I, I don't. 

Becca:  And then take one of those showers where you sit down in the shower.  Cause you gonna need to do that after like her videos. 

Carrie: Yeah. And cry. If you can get through five minutes.

Krista: And then watch a follower. 

Becca:  I haven't been able to get through more than like a minute. It's rough. 

Krista:  It is rough. 

Carrie: How many followers does she have on YouTube?

Krista:  Let's look, let's [00:20:00] take a gander.

Carrie: And I hear she's got channels.  It's not just the one. Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph. 

Becca:  Christ came down from the cross. Let's see, so she has 6.29 thousand subscribers and over 2000 videos. Yep. So she's got like energy updates. There's 12 people watching that one currently. 

Carrie: No. 

Becca:  Daily Ascension reports - that was 10 hours ago.

Krista:  Like daily.  Hourly.  It's different people.  There's the Dr. Phil.  Watch the Dr. Phil, guys.  It's hilarious. 

Becca:  Oh my gosh. Yeah.

Carrie: Does she have hers connected to the Dr. Phil episode. 

Becca:  No. She…basically her family brought her on to fucking Dr. Phil, like help my sister's running a call, somebody stop her.  And then there were former cult numbers, current cult members, those two women that came on to  defend Mother and that sort of thing. And then the wife of the guy that was found naked and almost dead in the desert. 

Carrie: What's the wife say?

Becca:  Oh my husband's left our family to go be part of this cult.  Three days later he was found naked and almost dying, tripping balls in the desert with cactus needles on his feet.

Carrie:  What a dumb ass.

Becca:  But it's ridiculous, but again, I mean we're all at, I mean, not we're all, but there's, there's points of vulnerability and the whole suck-you-in thing - it's a very measured step by step thing. It attracts a certain kind of person.  She definitely targets a certain kind of person, like someone that's very vulnerable and performs these psychic surgeries on them over the phone.  And then like, it requires several like online psychic surgeries before they can join her. So it's already programming you to be a certain way.  Then you got there, and you signed your soul away or your ego away. And it's interesting because it's very much, you know, they're, they're being talked to like, Oh, you're in a low-frequency or, Oh, you're an ego, and using…Cause basically she's repackaged concepts of Don Miguel Ruiz, which are awesome. The Four Agreements is a fucking phenomenal book and y'all should read it. It will make your life better. And Carlos Casteneda and all of that, like Toltec wisdom and she just repackages it and says it's from her.

 It's really compelling stuff because there's like so much awesome truth to it. 

Krista: Sounds like Scientology. 

Becca:  Oh like the featon levels or whatever.

Krista: Yeah. 

Carrie:  That really sounds Scientology. That part.  She’s stolen from several different…

Krista:  Jehovah's Witness, Catholicism.

Becca:  144,000 from the Jehovah's witnesses.  And, well, the featon's plus the confessionals that are recorded also from Scientology.  She lures you in over the internet. She liked performs the psychic surgeries on you. You get there, you got to sign your fucking ego away over to someone who you're told is Lucifer of the lower realms.  And then you're  starved and sleep deprived for two weeks and then you get to see fucking Amy.  And if it doesn't work, you get drugged and cast out into the desert. 

Krista:   A lot of her followers are women, you know, and a lot of people say a lot of men have mommy issues or whatever, but so do women.  Women commit matricide all the time. 

Carrie: You know, like, I’m not kicking my mom down the stairs. 

Krista:   Like who, like Gypsy Rose.

Carrie: Do you guys think that Gypsy Rose should be let out?

Krista: No, she's a manipulative sneaky person and she learned that from her mom. I do believe that her mom did abuse her and her mom did use her for gain monetary gain.  But because of the way that she was raised and how she was told to do things, she can get over on anybody. 

Carrie: The mother reminds me of the Mother God woman.  Do you want to do Gypsy Rose real quick? Krista, give us two or three minutes on her.  

Krista: Gypsy Rose was a young woman whose mother supposedly suffered from Munchhausen disease. And you'd have to look up and see her childhood, which is probably a good prediction as to why she ended up the way that she did.  She lied to her daughter and told her that she was much younger than she was by years. By years. And then also convinced people around her and her daughter, herself that she had. What was it? Leukemia, MS.  She had to use a wheelchair and all sorts of other elements to the point that they took her to the doctor and pulled her teeth out, which was because of the Tegretol that she was taking, that she should not have been taking.

Carrie:  But that was also not allowed to have sugar also sneak up in the middle of the night and have it.

Krista:  Right. When she started to think… 

Becca:  She was like wheelchair bound, but she could walk?

Krista: Well, when she started figuring out that her mom was really lying to her she was like, I'm going to drink some sugar and see what happens. So she started, I mean, these are only like, I don't know exactly her thoughts on this, but she started supposedly figuring out that her mom was lying to her.  And then she found this online boyfriend who was from Wisconsin, another psycho from Wisconsin…

Becca:  Just psychos from Wisconsin.

Krista: Just weirdos from Wisconsin. It's just a thing it's just happens. 

Carrie:  We should do a 50 States special. 

Becca:  We could just go through them really fast, like a psycho per state.  Wisconsin's great though. Wisconsin's got some like…

Krista: Well, yeah, so she convinced this guy to come to where they lived. I forget which state they lived in. Wasn't it like Missouri or something like that? Cause they were in Katrina, which was perfect for her mom to lie about everything. 

Becca:  Just say medical records, everything got lost on a hurricane.

Krista: All gone, just poof!  You know? So that worked in her advantage. She, which, I don't know if her father knew how old she was.  I mean, I know she kept her away from her father, but her father knew.

Carrie:  Yeah, the dad would call all the time and the mom would say, it's her birthday, but she's on pills and she thinks she's 14, things like that to cover.  The mom, had an answer for everything.

Becca:  Yeah, I think it's a different thing than Mother God, because she like had that shit on lockdown and Mother God's just like, what the fuck ever.  You come at her, she just screams at you.  You ask her to make sense of anything. She comes up with something else she's the reincarnation of.  It's kind of weird.  There's been said, one of the women that was on Dr. Phil was like, I feel bad for her because the Father Gods, I think there were several father gods that point, like anyone that was fucking her was Father God, that they were controlling her.  And, not really controlling her, but kind of exploiting her to keep control of the followers that she'd acquired.  They were kind of using her to get followers and once they got there the people that came, found themselves under the thumb of the Father Gods, really doing a bunch of work for them and just being berated by them and that sort of thing.  

Krista:  If she's drunk and in bed all the time, who else is going to give the orders?  I mean, I know that they carry around sometimes.  Watch the videos. It's hilarious. It's like really, woman? Are you like…

Becca:  I guess that's another one of those things where someone claims to be a power figure, the Messiah or something, and there's something within us that's programmed to follow that. 

Carrie: There's people that know how to program and that's the alignment I was trying to get at is not so much that they were alike on their whatever or abilities or whatever, but more in the fact that she programmed Gypsy Rose so well.  That kid really, for the longest time did not believe it could walk, you know?  I mean, yeah…

Krista:  She believed she was sugar. She believed, she believed that she was 13 when she was really like 16. 

Carrie: She spoke like it. Oh yeah. 

Krista:  It's creepy because she had a normal voice too. But then at one point, I really do believe that at some point in Gypsy Rose figured out what was going on and she called her mom on it.  She manipulated the situation into, if you tell everybody, it's going to be bad on you too. And you're going to be in trouble too. So I think that part happened. And then she was like, well, fuck it. I'll just kill my mom and then go do something else because no one would ever know.

Carrie:  Right. And another thing is the drugs. Okay. So Gypsy Rose’s mom is giving her drugs and these people at Mother God are taking drugs.

Becca:  It's interesting because the Mother God house was actually tangentially on this other podcast called Up and Vanished about this girl that disappeared from Crestone. And she ran in the same circles as them. And there was the whole like, you know, buying meth and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  And you know, you look at them and it's like, Oh man, they're sleeping four hours a night and not eating anything. She's upset, like psychotically upset. It's like, ah, fuck. They're tweakin. Yeah. Well at least some of them are, you know, I think like the leadership is that we use maybe not all the followers, but like.

Carrie:  You just, you're just not that skinny for no reason, you know? 

Becca:  Well and she looks like she's wasting away, they’re all taking care of her.  

Krista:  Click on it. I'm serious. And then, like it says, it's a picture from two days ago.  Holy - she looks, she looks like, you remember the movie Seven? And when they walk into a compartment and it's covered in like the little trees that you'd put in your car and they walk in and it's this guy on a bed and he's like just hooked up to a bunch of drugs going in and out of him and he's still alive. Like, she looks like he's…she looks like one of the phases of that. 

Carrie: I’ve thought about her like that with the little Christmas trees hanging, you know.  I have, I have, I don't know why.

Krista:  It doesn't, she kind of looked like she'd be in one of those Polaroids. 

Becca:  Oh God, she looks terrible. She doesn't look long for this world. 

Krista:  No it looks like she is about to die. It's not okay. And these people are just like, Oh yeah, no, everything's totally fine.  [00:30:00] Let's keep doing some meth and getting drunk and sleeping and eating. What rice is that? What they're eating right now? Rice. 

Becca:  They're just trying to raise the frequency of the planet. 

Krista:  Energies do work in weird ways and I mean, you can't have good without the bad, so maybe in some way their energy is doing something.

Becca:  It's spiritual bypassing, where we've got this mission beyond this realm. So therefore we can give up all of our obligations to this realm because we have a higher purpose - it's intangible - to raise the frequency of the planet.  Raising the frequency of the planet or whatever is important, but I think you do that through , keeping your commitments to  your children, to your families, finding ways of  fulfilling your responsibilities, or gracefully exiting them and not just using it as an excuse to check out and stay in bed.

Krista: Right. Like shit, some days it is nice. Absolutely. 

Becca:  If you're on it, you can stay in bed some days and yeah, I dunno. Yeah. Energy does work in weird fucking ways.  But not that way. I don't know. 

Krista: No, but like I said, you can't have good without the bad, and you can't have input without the output and it's maybe, there's somebody there that's meant to fix it.  Who knows? I'm just going to believe that I'm just going to believe that there's somebody there that for a reason it's happening for something, something bigger and hopefully nothing like awful, you know? Everyone always like, Oh God, a cult. And they make jokes. I get it. You don't want anything to happen like the Heaven's Gate or the Jonestown and stuff, I don't necessarily know. Well, actually, I don't know. I was just going to say, I don't actually know if that would happen again, but nowadays who knows and Oh God. Oh, God, just think with all the isolation that's been going on. Can you imagine how many funky ass houses are around with some weird shit in there?

Carrie: Oh, it's getting bad. You should look at the picture.

Becca:  Whatever draws you to your spiritual path. I mean, there's like the saying that I’ve got to credit this one to Annie and Revolva, but: “You're my other butt cheek. It took an asshole to bring us together.”  And I think that is kind of the role that cults like this play or  leaders like her play.  You meet the person that you're supposed to connect with, or you get exposed to the ideas or the lifestyle, or even the location that you're supposed to get exposed to through these experiences that aren't necessarily positive, but they lead you to the right places. 

Krista:  But then you end up with trauma bonding, which could turn into something really strange as well.  That's okay. So no, I hate to bring up heaven's Gates again, but I watched, this documentary the other day and it was called The Millennial Cults.  It was made in 1999 or 2000.  They did a good job, but it was about Heaven's Gate and, you know, the Applewhites and everything.  And, she worked in a mental hospital back in, I think he was in the mental hospital, in the sixties when they weren't that great, you know, and the nurses saw some pretty interesting things.  So I'm sure there's some trauma there. 

Carrie: They met at a mental hospital where she was the nurse he was the patient.

Krista: Then they bonded over weird alien shit and transcending to pretty much that, you know, this plane of existence means nothing.  We're waiting to be taken to the next one. So there's that ideology again.  

Becca: That's a Christian thought process where - that started with Constantine where things are really shitty. We need to focus on the next thing where this world's a test.  This world's not real. This world, just like the preliminary world to get into the perma-world or whatever. 

Krista:  Yeah.  But you have to do X, Y, and Z on this world to be able to go to that world.  I thought nothing on this world mattered. He made me give all this away, but now you're telling me I need to go work for, you know, 48 hours straight before I can take a four hour nap and have my rice bar?

Carrie: No, I think they’re getting a bowl of beans. You're getting a bowl of beans too, Krista. 

Krista:  I still need rice for it to be a complete protein, man. Okay. Give me some rice. 

Becca: Like just a thing on Hawaii. If they'd have stayed there, they could’ve snuck off and got an avocado and taken a nap. Now they're back in Colorado.  So there's not avocados there. No, it's a rock. 

Carrie: Way tougher here to gather and hunt. I'll tell ya. 

Krista:  Well, Minnesota is not that great. Oh, did you know that the Jeffs - Jeffs brothers bought 600 acres up by Fargo, but on the Minnesota side.

Becca: Oh interesting. 

Krista:  Yeah, we got, we got some Mormons!

Becca: Crawling all over the place.  Yeah, it's interesting. I feel like a lot of the topics that we cover have a this-is-the-moral-of-the-story, but this one's just, it's kind of fucked.  Beware of psychic vampires.  If you get into a situation with someone who's telling you they're going to perform psychic surgery on you, be fucking careful.

 Carrie: You spend time with someone and you feel exhausted for no apparent reason, they're sucking from you.

Becca:  Or if someone calls you, when you see their name on your call ID and you immediately get this feeling of dread, even though there's no specific cause for it, that’s a sign - it's an Amy Carlson or something.

Krista: Everybody has one. 

Carrie: They do. And they try to come at you and you gotta be very careful.  

Krista:  We all have one, everybody does, in one way and it could be a family member.  It doesn't have to be some - it could be anybody and there they suck. They sneak up on you. 

Becca:  Literally suck. 

Krista:  Yeah. And they it's exhausting. 

Becca:  And I think that's another reason why there's a draw to her because that sucking feels like home because we all do have those familiar feelings with people that we've been with that it's, oh, the sucking thing, that feels like home or that feels familiar, that feels like a security blanket. And it's almost like if you don't feel a sucking from someone they feel less real.

Carrie:  That's how they're programmed. Exactly. 

Krista: It's just a weird way to have a relationship with them. 

Carrie:  It looks horrible.

Krista: I would be like, I'm not listening to her. That does not look healthy. 

Becca: And she wouldn’t be able to catch you. 

Carrie: They only make you wait two weeks. They should make you wait a month at least to just get ready. 

Becca: Prepare yourself. Don't sleep. Do meth. Don't eat.  They're all so skinny too.  Oh my goodness. 

Carrie: That's a good point. When you look at the pictures of the followers, they all need to eat something.  

Krista: They need a sandwich and a damn nap.

Carrie: They do all look like they need a nap. You're correct. Krista, they need sleep. 

Becca:  What do you think is next for the Mother God cult?  I mean, she's got 6,000 followers. They just got back to Crestone or Colorado or wherever they're at.  What do you think we're going to see from them? 

Carrie: I think she's going to die.  She looks like she's going to die. 

Becca: Do you think the Father Gods are gonna take over?  Or that her movement is going to continue? 

Carrie:  Have we heard anything about anybody? I mean, Krista said that there was other people doing videos and there was some girls doing it. 

Krista:  It's all on Reddit, go to Reddit.  They just have a whole bunch of videos and there's just videos of their updates and just their YouTube, just tons of stuff and information. And sometimes if you actually dive into it, cause it's a whole Reddit page. It's not just a subreddit. It is a whole page dedicated to…

Carrie:  Maybe we shouldn't have to go up because I don't like people getting accidentally sucked into anything and any kind accidentally in any way. 

Krista:  Well, yeah, don't take this as, look at it as comedic value, but also know that these people need help. And maybe send them sandwiches. There's some, there's some really good ones and there's a lot of videos of what's going on with these people. And then there's some people that are just insane. And then there's also family members on there talking about these people and things like that and sharing messages and screenshots. So like, it's, it's a very real thing and people are very worried about their family.

It's hard because everybody's an adult and there's no children involved in this, nobody has children. So I think people don't necessarily care as much because there are no children, so nobody can play the, oh you're pedophile card, which I, I'm not saying that lightly, but I do feel like in any cult where it's like a family-based cult, even if there is not, they go there.

They're grown adults, pay the bills. Who cares?  Because there's no kids people are just overlooking it because it's grown adults doing adult things. They're not necessarily breaking any laws. 

Carrie:  I liked that you bring that up. That's actually really smart to not have children there. 

 Krista:  Thank god.  Fortunately, because we're all vulnerable and I hate that people take advantage but that's another topic.

 ©CrimeJuicy 2021

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