The Goldsmith Odyssey
A chronological journey through the filmography of composer Jerry Goldsmith, with special episodes covering new releases and interviews with people who knew (or know about) him well.
The Goldsmith Odyssey
Odyssey Soundtrack Spotlight - City Hall (1996) with Tim Greiving
Better late than never, we offer a detailed Soundtrack Spotlight on Varese Sarabande's definitive presentation of Jerry Goldsmith’s memorably noir-tinged score for Harold Becker's City Hall! First, your humble hosts David and Clark are joined by liner notes writer Tim Greiving for a discussion of the film's modest virtues, the score's central ideas, the real-life experiences that informed the film's screenplay, the musical influence of Leonard Bernstein's On the Waterfront, and other topics. Afterwards, David and Clark explore the significant and subtle differences between the various film versions, album versions, and alternates this thorough score presentation has to offer. We hope you'll join us for a stroll down the corridors of power(ful film music)!
Here is your de-confusing City Hall Soundtrack Spotlight Track List!
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