
Own It! (with Yaa Foda Attobrah)

Aba Cato Andah Season 2 Episode 9

Season 2 Episode 9: “OWN IT!” (with Yaa Foda Attobrah)

“I am a straight shooter; what you see is what you get. I believe in being your authentic self. A lot of times we put on these masks, and we don't have to; people need to know who you really are.”

“…A lot of us women, with the script we have been fed, we give so much away to our families, and we forget about ourselves…” 

“There is a finite amount of time that we have on this earth… what are you doing with yourself? A lot of women don’t think about it… and are completely lost”

- Yaa Foda Attobrah

Author Yaa Foda Attobrah discusses personal accountability and responsibility as vital components for our life’s journey. In this conversation, Yaa talks about her new book “Own It”, and shares several strategies and mindsets from her book, that will prompt us to be intentional in owning our choices so that we can become our best selves and live our best lives.

(Yaa Foda Attobrah is a woman of deep faith whose passion is the word of God and writing. She has always had a love of reading and a way with words which was nurtured in her from childhood. She has authored three books: "The Beauty of A Woman's Heart”, "Reflections For A Thirsty Soul", and "Refreshing for My Weary Soul". Her new book "Own It!", a book of precious nuggets for daily living, is available for pre-order on March 24th, 2022.)


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 Purpose-driven, Impact-focused, Legacy-minded Women Over 40 - https://mailchi.mp/3cba658d11d7/reboot-workshop-with-aba-cato-andah

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