Shielding & JCB's
Parenting in a Pandemic
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Parenting in a Pandemic
Shielding & JCB's
May 18, 2021 Season 2 Episode 1
Becoming Mums

For many of us, 2020 was a year of bubbles, zoom & online food shopping, but what about those who weren't able or didn't want to open up the doors any more than was possible. 

Government guidelines strongly advised that clinically extremely vulnerable people should have stayed at home at all times, apart from going out to exercise or attend a medical appointment - but what was the reality of that for a young family?

We talk to Lucy, who shielded for most of 2020 to protect her family, especially her partner, who was clinically vulnerable. We discuss how she managed with her two young children with her partner working from home and no childcare; what implications there were financially for her family and how she is today.